Source: Facebook, Quora, Twitter("X"), Bluesky, blogs
Date: 2024
(see too: 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10 : 11 : 12 : 13 : 14 : 15 : 16 : 17)

paradise engineering

Social Media
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AI Art, ChatGPT, AGI, sentience, paradise engineering, transhumanism, antinatalism, free-living animals, philosophy,
mental health, suffering, happiness, consciousness, negative utilitarianism, the biohappiness revolution, the binding problem


[on Facebook]
New year, new Dave?
A change of substrate can work wonders.
My updated Facebook profile pic:
Dave of Athens
Dave of Athens, author of "Imperativus Hedonisticus" (MCMXCV, editio prima)?
The old profile stood for almost 16 years. I did briefly consider something a little more contemporary. Alas poet lacks a certain gravitas.
For more in this vein:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
Another version of you?
HedWeb is a family page for a family audience, so for the Bacchanalian orgies, maybe try or
I lean to so-called "empty" individualism. I am a minor detail in the history of sentience. Some of the implications of Open Individualism are more philosophically disturbing.

[on AI art and paradise engineering]
I love AI art. These visions were created with DALL·E 3: Future life
paradise engineering
And 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Not to forget BLTC HQ - which seems to expand by the week.
And the forthcoming book series - 1001 vintage HI titles and growing. Actually, I may stop at 1001; it's best to under-promise and over-deliver.
[Postscript: I couldn't stop. Now there are 1300+. There is something quietly satisfying about seeing a nicely-designed book with one's name on the cover.]
Roll on AGI to write the DP verbiage in-between. This primitive sentient LLM is hoping to offload authorship to future iterations of HI ChatGPT. Is there still a place for biological slop? Or is writing about the future of sentience best off-loaded to digital zombies? I'm sceptical...but lazy.

Compared to the messy practicalities of building transhumanist paradise, generating AI art takes seconds rather than centuries. (AI Art Turing test) Compare drugs of abuse. How can one avoid getting one's reward circuitry hijacked by simulacra of paradise when one should be actively researching it - and banging the drum for the real thing?
But like (and ChatGPT), AI art is still jaw-dropping.
See too Creating Art
("Do this once a month and extend your life by up to 10 years. No gym required")
though ten years extra shelf-life from art therapy is far-fetched. And a better person?!

DALL·E 3 "safeguards" ensure there is no place for suffering-focused ethics..My book covers give limited clue to the darkness of the author. An anomaly is prompts containing the word "pleasure", which DALL·E 3 often (mis)interprets as a solicitation to debauchery. Also, any prompt containing the word "eugenics" is blocked, but not "dysgenics". Hedonic eugenics - better rebranded as genome reform - is our only hope of fixing the problem of suffering.

Scott Alexander on Astral Codex:
How Did You Do On The AI Art Turing Test?
"The 1278 people who said they utterly loathed AI art (score of 1 on a 1-5 Likert scale) still preferred AI paintings to humans when they didn't know which were which (the #1 and #2 paintings most often selected as their favorite were still AI, as were 50% of their top ten)."

[on the end of all suffering]
"All revolutions seem impossible in prospect, inevitable in retrospect."
AI Doomers believe that the end of suffering is imminent too. But for better or worse, I think only (trans)humans can get rid of ("reprogram") Darwinian malware - despite being responsible for more suffering than all other species combined.
End All Suffering
How To End All Suffering (YouTube)
My earlier HI talk at the Foresight Institute is here. Yes, the vision is implausible. But technical blueprints for genetically phasing out the biology of suffering now exist. Life on Earth deserves a more civilized signalling system. A few hundred years from now, if suffering still exists in the world, then its persistence won't be explained by its eradication having proved too difficult, but because our successors have chosen - for whatever reason - to conserve it.

William, we should distinguish being blissful from being "blissed out". Thus I would want my death or misfortune to diminish the well-being of friends and loved ones. But am I ever entitled to want them to suffer on my account? Either way, the biology of suffering should be optional - not coercive, as now.

Beatrice, thank you. It’s probably the only time you’ll ever have a negative utilitarian on the Existential Hope podcast. But for technical reasons, I think the long-term future is inconceivably sublime.

Yourbrain8700 writes, "For a negative utilitarian like you, David, is there a particular unit of positive utility that could balance negative utility? Let's say a very mildly annoying itch for 20 seconds on the one side, and [...]the most intense positive hedonic tone the human nervous system can sustain on the other side. Is there a point where you would accept micro-suffering for macro-bliss? If so, do you have an estimate of a fixed ratio, or perhaps maximum level of negative utility tolerated?"
Good question - and I don't have a good answer. (I'd like to send you a link to "The Pinprick Argument". But if I do, Youtube's algorithm will flag my reply as spam and delete. Perhaps Google). Like most people, I would accept the trade-off of some trivial itch or pinprick in exchange for a lifetime of future bliss (let's ignore complications irrelevant to the purpose of the thought-experiment, e.g. if I'm blissfully happy, then I won't suffer any more, or indeed undergo any more itches and pinpricks). Naïvely, this response is non-NU. But one reason I'd accept the trade-off is that if I decline, then I'll experience a lot of sadness at missing out on sublime bliss - regret that will feel a lot worse than a mere itch or pinprick. NUs want to eradicate even the faintest hint of disappointment.
Stepping back, I'd just like to stress again. Buying into the abolitionist project in no way involves signing up to the NU ethic of some of its advocates. Classical utilitarians and ethical pluralists (etc) can be extremely keen on getting rid of the biology of involuntary suffering too.

Yourbrain8700, as a matter of psychological fact, you're quite correct. Like almost everyone else, I'd accept the trade-off of trivial discomfort. But the issue is complicated by how when I'm weighing whether to accept the trade-off, the thought of missing out on sublime bliss is upsetting. I love happiness as much as anyone else. NUs want to abolish even the faintest hint of disappointment. The idea of missing out on such awesome pleasure is very disappointing - a feeling much worse than the supposedly trivial cost of the trade-off as framed.
That said, versions of the Pinprick Argument, not Smart's original objection to Popper, are (IMO) the biggest challenge to strict NU.
Naively, you're right about selection pressure. But this intuition doesn't take into account the awesome power of synthetic gene drives that cheat the "laws" of Mendelian inheritance. Thus if compassionate biologists want to ensure that tens of thousands (sic) of free-living species have benign, functional, ultra-low pain variants of the SCN9A gene ("the volume knob for pain"), then releasing even a few hundred genetically-modified individuals of any given species into the wild can ensure that all members of the species in question will eventually carry the benign allele. This is true even if the benign "low pain" allele would normally carry a modest fitness cost to the individual.
Of course, compassionate stewardship of the biosphere will still call for continuing surveillance and intervention as needed. But we're not going to run out of computer power.
If you break a leg? Then you'll undergo a hedonic dip, and take remedial action accordingly.
The proposal isn't to get blissed out, or the utopian dream of "complete" health as defined by the WHO, but rather to ratchet up hedonic range and hedonic set-points and thereby enrich default quality of life.
Human or nonhuman, sentient beings who are weak or dying don't deserve to be eaten alive. In a regime of compassionate stewardship, Drexlerian nanobots can patrol the oceans of a genetically reformed biosphere. What's needed is high-tech Jainism and a pan-species welfare state.

Duncan [Sabien], when Gautama Buddha says, "I teach one thing and one thing only: suffering and the end of suffering", should x-risk worriers conceive Buddha as an "abhorrent monster" who advocates omnicide?
Block him!
On NU grounds, I think we should enshrine in law the sanctity of human and nonhuman life and reprogram the biosphere to create a world underpinned by gradients of intelligence bliss. But it's true, I regard Darwinian life on Earth as a monstrous engine of suffering. The real question is how it can be fixed.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, the best thing would to have never been born at all - Heinrich-Heine
Duncan, Context is everything (cf. the Bostromgate email nonsense) On NU grounds, I support enshrining in law the sanctity of human and nonhuman life. So this discussion is of limited practical relevance. But some forms of suffering are so bad that any victim - including the most ardent contemporary life lovers and x-risk scholars - would end the whole world if they had the ability to do so in order to make the suffering stop. Instances of such suffering are happening right now. Some 800,000 people take their own lives each year. Do the victims of extreme suffering and torture somehow overestimate its awfulness? In what sense? Therefore, the question arises, is it reasonable to expect others to undergo suffering that one wouldn't be able or willing to undergo oneself?
No, in my view.
Hence if, fancifully, I knew that a vacuum phase transition or whatever was imminently going to bring all suffering to an end, painlessly, I'd be relieved. Evolution via natural selection is a monstrous engine of inconceivable horrors as well as mundane miseries.
Do I advocate actively exploring apocalyptic solutions?
No. I urge against them. The only way I know to fix the problem of suffering is via biotech.

More generally, rationalists should be wary of status quo bias. Thus imagine if, fancifully, a genie offered you the chance to create a type-identical version of Earth with all its joys and miseries. Some people might accept the genie's offer; others would decline - after all, you'd be responsible for creating more suffering than any despot in history. But even folk who accept the offer wouldn't condemn the refuseniks as evil. A benevolent superintelligence would never have created pain-ridden life-on Earth. Would benevolent superintelligence show status quo bias or retire us?

Stepping back into the real world, one needn't be a NU to advocate phasing out the biology of suffering in favour of a signalling system of gradients of intelligent bliss - any more than one need be a NU to endorse pain-free surgery. And a side-effect of getting rid of suffering will probably be consigning NUs to the dustbin of history.
Good riddance, I guess Duncan would say.
And so long as suffering has truly been eradicated for ever, I'd agree.

Duncan, if you learn that immense, unfathomable suffering that you've anticipated will be prevented, then should you be overjoyed or relieved? Or both? Or neither?
As a NU, I would like to see all experience below hedonic zero mitigated and eventually phased out altogether. And one (but only one) of the reasons that I urge hard antinatalists, efilists, Benatarians (etc) to focus on making life better rather than idle fantasies of ending it is that for evolutionary reasons, most people find the thought of life ending distressing (“Life is full of misery, loneliness, and suffering - and it's all over much too soon.” ― Woody Allen). NUs want to end all distress, not add to it!

Manu, I don't know of any theory of ethics with a single sovereign ethical principle that doesn't lead to conclusions that are intuitively insane, abhorrent, or both.
Compare classical utilitarianism. Imagine an advanced civilisation based entirely on gradients of superhuman bliss. A classical utilitarian is obliged to destroy that super-civilisation with a utilitronium shockwave. And consider the classical utilitarian response to the St Petersburg paradox (cf. SBF and St Petersburg). But it gets worse.
Imagine a genie offers me super-exponential growth in my happiness at the expense of an exponential growth in your suffering. If I'm a CU, then I must accept the offer. As a NU, I'd decline.
(Would you (1) block or (2) engage with someone who was willing to subject you to such a fate?)
And so on.
Critics might say these are just thought-experiments. The trolley problem is most famous. But if you aren't prepared to accept all the implications of your preferred ethical theory, then (insofar as you are a rational cognitive agent) get a better ethical theory.
How To End All Suffering by David Pearce

[on the FAAH-OUT Initiative, Abolitionism and DP in Slate Star Codex]
Lifelong bliss should be the genetic birthright of all sentient beings. Biotech turns utopian dreaming into a policy option. The varieties of mental and physical pain are so endless one might imagine that targeting only hundreds or even thousands of alleles could make an impact - a task for our descendants. Compare intelligence. But just conceivably, a mere handful of genetic tweaks could defang mental and physical pain into a shadow of its former horror - "just a useful signalling mechanism".
Scott Alexander is on cracking form on Astral Codex Ten:
Profile: The Far Out Initiative
Jo Cameron, Bio-Arhat
("Suffering is part of the human condition, except when it isn't.")
Jo Cameron
People are right to be sceptical. But the biology of mental and physical pain is shortly going to become genetically optional. As a society, we need a debate on whether to conserve it - or switch to a more civilized signalling system.
Jo Cameron now has her own Wikipedia page. I very much hope Jo's full genome - and that of her late father - can be put in the public domain.
Jo Cameron (Wikipedia)
See too:
Endocannabinoids in MDD
("Peripheral endocannabinoids in major depressive disorder and alcohol use disorder: a systematic review)

SamR71 writes,
"Somehow this ends with David Pearce ending up a multi-millionaire with a harem of biotech groupies in some compound, right? Did anyone else read that last paragraph and NOT have every "cult" warning sign flash in your head?"
Well, maybe. Have you considered another possibility? The idea of fixing the problem of suffering via genome reform deserves to be mainstream. But one of the reasons that the abolitionist project is still fairly marginal is precisely the absence of any charismatic, larger-than-life personality (with or without a harem!) to take the project forward. Sooner or later such leadership will emerge - the abolitionist ecosystem is (slowly) growing - but celibate NU philosophers with a depressive streak are unsuited to any such leadership role.

Presumably there will always be selection pressure against any form of wireheading. Wireheads don't want to raise baby wireheads. By contrast, in a world where prospective parents can pre-select the approximate pain thresholds, hedonic range and hedonic set-points of their future children, I don't envisage any loss of information-sensitivity, but rather selection pressure in favour of benign genes and allelic combinations for default well-being. No depressive wants to have depressive children. What's more, information-sensitivity to "good" and "bad" stimuli typically functions at least as well in extreme hyperthymics as depressives (cf. the "learned helplessness" and behavioral despair of chronic depression.) OK, I'm glossing over the pitfalls. They are legion. But if we're ethically serious about fixing the problem of suffering, I don't know of any alternative to genome reform.

Leppi, I suspect many (most?) people would agree with Woody Allen: "Life is full of misery, loneliness, and suffering - and it's all over much too soon." For evolutionary reasons, most people prefer existing to the idea of not existing. So any blueprints for fixing the problem of suffering must take this preference into account. What's so tantalizing about the Jo Cameron case is the possibility that just a handful of genetic tweaks could essentially end the horrors of mental and physical pain while conserving "normal" function. I very much hope Jo's full genome can be put in the public domain.

Tertullian believed one of pleasures of Heaven was taking delight in the torments of the damned. In reality, any form of schadenfreude just expresses our epistemological limitations. The craniopagus Hogan sisters, who can partially share each other's thoughts and feelings, are in one sense the most cognitively advanced beings on Earth. The rest of us are trapped in solipsistic island-universes of ignorance.

In the jargon of neuroscience, pleasure and motivation are "doubly dissociable". But it's striking that the happiest people today typically aren't lotus-eaters. Often the happiest folk have the broadest range of appetites and pleasures, sometimes enjoyed in states of "dopaminergic overdrive". Either way, the vision of genetically raising hedonic set-points world-wide isn't the idea we should become "blissed out", but rather lifting default quality of life.You're right about BNW. But we're all dependent on endogenous opioids to function. Some people in one's life are more effective at triggering their release than others. And one advantage of hedonic recalibration is how healthy relationships can be enriched and sustained with better default mood. By contrast, depression can have a disastrous effect on personal relationships, both intimate and casual.

Happiness and GDP? It's complicated and confusing. See e.g.
Chilled Out
where Indonesia, India and Mexico occupy the happiness top slots,
or more recently
Dominican Republic tops world well-being charts
("The researchers found that national wealth indicators such as per capita GDP negatively correlated with average mental wellbeing scores.")
Some studies adjust for "objective" measures of (un)happiness rather than relying entirely on self-reports.
In making the case for genome reform and a biohappiness revolution, it's important not to underplay in any way the role of environmental stressors. But only biological-genetic interventions offer a long-term solution to the problem of suffering.

Robin, Over the years, I've heard many wonderful reports about the benefits of jhanas and other meditational disciplines. Sadly, what one rarely hears are stories of anhedonic or melancholic depressives who try meditation and find their mood sustainably lifts. Indeed, meditation can make some forms of depression worse. In short, if it works, do it! But alas meditation alone isn't going to fix the problem of suffering.

Jeffrey, Twenty years ago I wrote ("An information-theoretic perspective on Heaven") about a world where the ancient pleasure-pain axis has been genetically superseded by a pleasure-superpleasure axis. It's still my tentative prediction for the future of sentience. The negative feedback mechanisms of the hedonic treadmill can operate even in paradise. Jo Cameron experiences hedonic adaptation like the rest of us; but Jo's unusually high hedonic set-point means she's always enjoyed a much higher default quality of life. What's tantalizing is the possibility that just a handful of genetic tweaks might do the same for future life.

"Super-villain"?! [an allusion to my NU]
Patrick, Would you call Gautama Buddha a "super-villain"? (“I teach one thing and one thing only: suffering and the end of suffering") Either way, I argue against efilism / hard antinatalism: ("Antinatalism and Selection Pressure" pdf). Most people who favour phasing out the biology of involuntary suffering via genome reform aren't NU (recall I co-founded the World Transhumanist Association back in 1998 with a pioneer of existential risk as a serious academic discipline: DP and NB interview). Some forms of suffering are so bad you would end the whole world to make it stop. I would indeed be overjoyed if such suffering were to end - even if the price were to be no sentience at all. However, (1) on consequentialist NU grounds, I urge enshrining in law the sanctity of human and sentient nonhuman life; (2) the abolitionist project is in no way inseparable from the NU ethic of a minority of its advocates; and (3) a strong case can be made that the biology of involuntary suffering is itself a serious x-risk - or will be a serious x-risk later this century and beyond. For example, how many of the c.800,000 people who take their own lives each year would take the rest of the world down with them if they could? A suffering-free world of passionate life lovers will be safer in every sense. Let's act accordingly.

Tonyza, On the face of it, classical utilitarianism dictates launching an omnicidal utilltronium shockwave. As a negative utilitarian, I'm more bioconservative. Genome reform can create life based entirely on information-sensitive gradients of bliss. Maximising the cosmic abundance of bliss will be nice, but it's not an obligation in the same way as eradicating suffering.

Patrick, If we're willing to rewrite our genetic source code and reprogram the biosphere, then life on Earth could be sublime. What's morally objectionable to a NU isn't life per se, but the horrors of pain-ridden Darwinian life. Maybe we differ here. But critically, you can believe that on balance life on Earth is on balance a priceless gift and wholeheartedly support the abolitionist project to make it better.

Jim, you remark on how there’s a strand in the evolutionary psychology literature that views the capacity to suffer as vital to maintaining cooperation Suffering and Cooperation. It's possible. But consider the intensely pro-social effects of the empathetic euphoriant and "hug drug" MDMA (Ecstasy): Utopian Pharmacology. People who take MDMA together get off on each other's shared joys. Sadly, today's empathogens like MDMA are short-acting and potentially hazardous. But hypersocial, MDMA-like consciousness is one post-Darwinian option for future civilization.

Aegaleaf, first, animal agriculture is currently the world's worst source of severe and readily avoidable suffering. So the prioritization makes sense. The biggest challenge is simultaneously working to mitigate its horrors and campaigning for its outright abolition. I'm heavily conflicted: Helping Non-Humans. In my view, any form of animal agriculture should be outlawed. Humans should be helping sentient beings, not harming them. And I'm torn. As you suggest, the biggest risk of ameliorating the lives of factory-farmed nonhumans is to legitimate their exploitation. Compare mandatory cameras in slaughterhouses. It sticks in the craw to "support" mandatory cameras because slaughterhouses have no place in any civilized society. We should be campaigning for their abolition. And yet at the same time, cameras massively reduce "abuses" and near-term suffering.

Second, in my view, all prospective parents world-wide should be offered access to preimplantation genetic screening, counselling and genome editing. Access would be extremely cost-effective. All germline interventions could be framed as remedial rather than as enhancement. After all, no one in history by the WHO definition of health ("a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being") has ever yet been healthy. If our focus were just on physical pain, then offering prospective parents the option of "low pain" alleles of the SCN9A gene ("the volume knob for pain") would probably suffice: The End of Pain. What's tantalizing about the Jo Cameron case is the possibility that a couple of genetic tweaks could defang physical and mental pain while leaving the bearer essentially "normal". The role of benign alleles of the FAAH gene in good mood, reduced anxiety and high pain tolerance was already known. Whether Jo's rare dual FAAH and FAAH-OUT mutation explains her condition, or whether her genetic make-up holds other surprises, won't be known until her full genome is put in the public domain. I'm impatient.

At this point, bioconservative critics start talking about "reckless genetic experimentation". But this is precisely what all sexual reproduction involves: untested genetic experiments with sometimes tragic consequences. Not everyone thinks such experiments are ethically justified (“If children were brought into the world by an act of pure reason alone, would the human race continue to exist? Would not a man rather have so much sympathy with the coming generation as to spare it the burden of existence, or at any rate not take it upon himself to impose that burden upon it in cold blood?” - Schopenhauer). But if one does judge that such genetic experimentation is warranted, then one should at least attempt to load the genetic dice in favour of one's future offspring - in my view.

John, "inhuman"? I guess you're speaking figuratively. But are rare people who essentially never suffer really any less human than the rest of us? What about people who essentially always suffer? And if the outliers were indeed somehow less human, would it matter?
"unnaturalness"? Look around. Compared to naked apes on the African savannah, our whole civilization is "unnatural." Wearing clothes is "unnatural". Pain-free surgery is "unnatural". Why should this matter?
Or let's try another tack. Imagine if we were to encounter an advanced civilisation whose lives are underpinned entirely by genetically programmed gradients of bliss. Would you urge them to revert to ancestral horrors? I'm guessing not. But why? To what extent are apologists for suffering victims of status quo bias?
Motivation? Yes, suffering and the promise of happiness alike can motivate. But all too often, suffering crushes the spirit. Chronic depression demotivates. Information-sensitive gradients of bliss can motivate at least as powerfully as misery and despair.
Alas critics frequently approach this debate by asking whether they would want to get rid of the biological capacity to suffer in themselves. But as the technology matures, and the biology of suffering increasingly becomes optional, I think the real question to ask is whether we are entitled to inflict a genetic vulnerability to coercive misery on others.
"Existential liability"? Or tragic victim of late Darwinian life?

Woolery, Thank you. A lot of critics focus (rightly) on the important functional role that mental and physical pain typically plays in our lives. But this role is often conflated with a much stronger claim, namely that the experience of suffering is functionally indispensable - that our lives would be impossible without it. Yet just consider the unfolding AI revolution. We're seeing an ever-increasing separation of intelligent behaviour from mind and consciousness. Scott touches parenthetically on my fondness for AI art. It's striking how a few well-chosen prompts can now generate personalized art that stirs (in me at least) an aesthetic response stronger than to multimillion dollar artworks hung in Louvre - and without even a faint twinge of the soulful suffering allegedly needed for great art. This lesson can be generalized to life itself. I don't know what balance of smart neuroprostheses and information-signalling gradients of bliss will underpin future civilization. But I can't see any long-term role for experience below hedonic zero at all. It won't be missed.

Art, Artificial intelligence shows high intellectual performance is possible without any suffering at all. Yet what about humans? Chronic unipolar depressives rarely achieve much. Bipolarity involves great suffering too, but in the (hypo)manic phase, bipolar disorder is associated with unusually high achievement in the humanities but not the sciences. The person I know personally with maybe the highest hedonic set-point is transhumanist polymath Anders Sandberg; his intellectual output is enviable. That said, I don't want in any way to make light of the far-reaching intellectual implications of a civilizational shift away from suffering. But I've yet to see any evidence that the ghastly raw feels of mental distress are computationally indispensable.

Art, Anders [Sandberg] says he finds it hard to stay sad at funerals: death and misfortune diminish his well-being; but he has "a ridiculously high hedonic set-point". As members of the transhumanist community can attest, he's also extremely likeable and socially responsible. Unlike Jo Cameron, Anders reports having a normal pain-threshold, but I don't think it's ever been rigorously tested.
(btw, I discuss such "case studies" only with express prior permission. But I think they are important in preparation for when - I should probably say if - human society decides genetically to elevate hedonic set-points world-wide. Extreme hyperthymics are much less well-studied than depressives and bipolars. I've read an advance copy of Anders' 1200-page magnum opus "Grand Futures". The abolitionist project occupies a modest unfinished section; Anders thinks it will happen: I don't know the details. But Anders' "master narrative" of life in the universe clearly differs from suffering-focused philosophers and researchers who find it self-evident that life on Earth is a story of suffering and its eventual conquest. My "master narrative" focuses on the pleasure-pain axis (and in future, the pleasure-superpleasure axis): all futurology has an element of disguised autobiography. Let's just say I hope the future belongs to folk like Anders and Jo Cameron and not to depressive negative utilitarians. I hope that one day NU will be literally unthinkable.
David Pearce Interviewed by the Far Out Initiative
DP interview by The Far Out Initiative
"Every 18 months, the minimum IQ necessary to destroy the world drops by one point"
(Eliezer Yudkowsky)
The biology of suffering is a source of far-reaching global catastrophic if not existential risks. Converting nihilists, suicidal depressives and negative utilitarians into ardent life-lovers would transform the landscape of agential risks to the future of life.
X-risk reduction is not why I focus on the problem of suffering; but I believe this analysis stands.
Therapeutics of Hedonic Deficit Disorder by David Pearce

[on the Hedonistic Imperative FB group Welcome Pack]
HI Group Welcome Pack
Thanks guys.

[on ecstatic seizures]
Gradients of bliss versus ecstatic seizures: a future of information-sensitive gradients of bliss is most promising for civilisation and the biosphere as a whole, but we should develop the tools to induce ecstatic seizures on demand. Ecstatic seizures now have a Wikipedia entry (the editor is a HI fan):
Ecstatic seizures (Wikipedia)

[on nonhuman animal sentience]
I'm not sure about the "legendary" or Superbowl comparison, but still relevant:
Eliezer vs DP on nonhuman animal sentience
David Pearce and Eliezer Yudkowsky debate the nature of consciousness
Thanks Charbel. Actually, it drives me up the wall. Plenty of meat-eaters downplay nonhuman animal minds, or at least the nonhumans they eat . But Eliezer sincerely believes that nonhumans [and human babies] are as insentient as, say, paperclips. So there is no ethical problem with using their biomass for something else, e.g. food.
Creating sentience-friendly biological intelligence is a bigger challenge than sentience-friendly AI.

As I understand it, Eliezer has lately undated his credence in the (in)sentience of GPT - but not alas chickens.
EY on (in)sentient ChatGPT-3 and chickens
some of whom are not "just" conscious, but reflectively self-aware - and who pass the mirror test:
Self-aware roosters
I used to defend Eliezer against the charge of motivated cognition. EY genuinely believes nonhuman animals are insentient. But then roosters were shown to pass the mirror test, the gold standard for reflective self-awareness - and EY's preferred touchstone of consciousness. His credences haven’t budged. Misaligned biological intelligence is ethically catastrophic.

Unlike LLMs, people born with only a brainstem are conscious:
Brainstem consciousness
Nonhuman animals deserve just as much love and care as hydrocephalous Lily. The sentience and sapience of nonhumans in our factory-farms and slaughterhouses is comparable to "normal" human infants and toddlers.

Maarten, we have scientifically explained a phenomenon when we can derive its properties from - ultimately - physics. Compare biological life - now so explicable via molecular biology and quantum chemistry. No such explanation can currently be offered of conscious animal minds, whether human or nonhuman. If we assume (1) a standard "materialist" ontology, i.e. QFT describes fields of insentience, and (2) textbook neuroscience, i.e. the CNS consists of a pack of effectively decohered classical neurons, then we should all be either zombies (cf. the Hard Problem of consciousness) or micro-experiential zombies (cf. the binding problem). We're already in deep philosophical waters. Let's not lose sight of the original point. The nonhuman animals humans exploit and abuse are as sentient as small children. They deserve to be treated accordingly. Any failure to recognize their sentience is ethically catastrophic.

Thycahye, why should we care about the Etruscan shrew, with a tiny mind-brain of around 0.13 grams, and not (directly at least) the interests of the c 500 million neurons of a human enteric nervous system? The reason, presumably, is that the Etruscan shrew has a phenomenally-bound mind with a pleasure-pain axis, whereas (depending on one's theory of consciousness) the enteric nervous system just c. 500 million membrane-bound neuronal micro-pixels of experience - or completely insentient.
Binding matters. How we do it is another question.

Thycahye, the dimmer-switch metaphor for sentience and suffering is simplistic - as the relative intensity of our most cognitively advanced and phylogenetically "primitive" experiences illustrates. But the dimmer-switch metaphor isn't wholly ill-conceived. Thus a tick can (presumably) experience a pinprick-like intensity of distress. Fixing the problem of pinpricks is a task for our successors.

Thycahye, what makes the animal kingdom unique is the adaptation we call minds. The ability to run real-time world-simulations in almost real time is immensely fitness-enhancing in organisms with a capacity for rapid self-propelled motion. Sessile organisms like plants are able to detect and slowly respond to e.g. noxious stimuli. But plants aren't capable of phenomenal binding, the bedrock of mind and perception.

More evidence that reflective self-awareness is evolutionarily ancient - though still a newcomer compared to consciousness:
Self-aware fish
("Fish size themselves up in a mirror to decide if they can win a fight. Cleaner wrasse use their reflection to build a mental image of their body size, which they use to compare themselves to rivals before picking a fight")

[on cryonics]
Cryonic suspension for pets could ease a lot of heartache too:
The Frozen Rich
Our successors may regard reanimating Darwinian malware as immoral. However:

[on a Reddit abolitionism]
What credence do you assign the conjecture that experience below hedonic zero won't exist in the Year 3000?
DP on Abolitionism (Reddit)
("Why is David Pearce confident that suffering will be abolished in the future")
(Of course you can be right for entirely the wrong reasons. Eliezer Yudkowsky's credence in a post-suffering future is much higher than mine - but that's because Eliezer is almost certain ASI will wipe us all out, not because he anticipates life based on gradients of superhuman bliss.)

One reason for cautious optimism is selection pressure. Natural selection is proverbially “blind”; and relies on quasi-random mutations and the genetic shuffling of sexual reproduction. By contrast, the nature of selection changes when intelligent agents preselect and design the genotypes of their prospective offspring in anticipation of the likely psychological and behavioral effects of their genetic choices. After all, most parents want happy kids. Not least - complications aside - happy children tend to be "winners". As the reproduction revolution gathers pace, selection pressure will intensify against our nastier alleles and allelic combinations that were fitness-enhancing on the African savannah. Just ask yourself: If you could genetically pre-select the approximate hedonic range and hedonic set-points of your future children, what hedonic dial-settings would you choose? The level of suffering in the living world will shortly be an adjustable parameter. Of course, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there will be no reproductive revolution. Maybe most humans will opt to conserve today’s genetic crapshoot indefinitely. If so, then suffering will proliferate. But life on Earth deserves a more civilized signaling system. 

Could hedonic sub-zero states potentially have some kind of computational-functional advantage that information-sensitive gradients of well-being - or insentient neuroprostheses - can't match? One possibility that springs to mind is so-called depressive realism. By some criteria, at least, the judgment of mild-to-moderately depressive people is demonstrably superior to the judgement of temperamentally happy optimists - and even "normal" folk. Does depressive realism hold lessons for entire civilizations? Maybe. But unlike ignorance, known biases are corrigible. And presumably humans and transhumans will continue to offload ever more cognitive tasks to zombie AI - which won't be prone to the affective biases that corrupt human judgment. Either way, before getting rid of hedonic sub-zero states altogether, such questions will call for exhaustive research. Let's get this right.

FredBlogs, The Hedonistic Imperative (HI, 1995) was written for the purposes of advocacy, not prediction - primarily at any rate. Should we use biotechnology to fix the problem of suffering? Mastery of our genetic source code and reward circuitry promises to make suffering optional. The entire biosphere is now programmable (cf. Grandiose? Well, maybe. But compared to what's possible with full-spectrum superintelligence, the blueprints I explore may be rather tame.

Suitable_Ad_6455, you do raise one point I'd never even considered. The origins of the pleasure-pain axis are evolutionarily ancient. Both pleasure and pain can be intensely motivating. But could pain have preceded pleasure? Just as re-engineered future life may enjoy a signalling system consisting entirely of gradients of well-being, could primordial animal life have been animated by entirely gradients of ill-being? Has the possibility been explored anywhere in the literature?

The founding constitution of the World Health Organization has an exceedingly ambitious definition of health: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being" All nations world wide are officially signed up to this admirable commitment. But what kind of signalling system should healthy beings use in future to discriminate between comparatively "good" and "bad" stimuli? The WHO doesn't say. Even engineering a pleasure-superpleasure axis wouldn't yield "complete" health as so defined.

Firedraggon, one challenge for any pluralist theory of (dis)value is how to do tradeoffs when principles come into conflict. Presumably there must be some meta-axis of (dis)value that allows us to adjudicate in such situations. But if so, then we're back to the single sovereign metric of (dis)value that pluralists try to avoid. Critically in the context of this discussion, however, no one need buy into classical or negative utilitarianism to support phasing out the biology of involuntary suffering. Compare the WHO definition of health - which sidesteps ethical theory all together.

Firedraggon, compare pain-free surgery. The use of anaesthesia is consistent with a broad range of secular and religious traditions. The same can potentially be true of pain-free life. Ratcheting up hedonic set-points world-wide doesn't call on people to give up their existing values, preferences and relationships. Hedonic uplift promises simply to enrich our default quality of life - whether you're a pig, an earthworm or a human. The analogy with surgical anaesthesia can be extended further. The mechanisms by which anaesthetics extinguish consciousness - or at least phenomenally-bound consciousness - aren't understood to this day. But anaesthesia works. Likewise with tools to mitigate and prevent mental and physical pain. Consider the evolutionarily ancient SCN9A gene ("the volume knob for pain"). Science doesn't understand consciousness and phenomenal binding in any deep sense. But allowing all prospective parents to choose benign "low-pain" alleles of SCN9A for their offspring can turn pain into "just a useful signalling mechanism" - as some lucky genetic outliers put it today. Benign versions of SCN9A can be spread across the biosphere with synthetic gene drives. Likewise with the FAAH and FAAH-OUT genes to tackle mental pain.
Am I oversimplifying? Sure! Massively. I just don't think glossing over the complications detracts from the core idea. IF as a civilization we decide to fix the problem of suffering, there don't seem to be any insurmountable technical challenges.
Political and sociological challenges are another story.
Unlike the "volume knob for [physical] pain", science can't point to a master "volume knob for mental pain" that could easily be tweaked in the same way. Yet ensuring that future human and nonhuman animals are born with (benign versions of the FAAH and FAAH-OUT genes could dramatically relieve the global burden of psychological distress.
We agree on ecosystems. Conservation biologists speak of "healthy ecosystems" and the "balance of Nature". These expressions conjure up wholesome images, But "healthy ecosystems" and "balance of Nature' are code for violence, terror and mass starvation. We should use biotech to civilize the living world instead.

  Captain Pleasure, Andrés Gómez Emilsson @algekalipso writes: "50%+"
DP: Everett haunts me. But if we accept the question as posed, yes.

[on depression]
The genetic value of depressive rumination:
What we got wrong about depression and its treatment
Major depression is horrific. There is something deeply morally problematic about having babies in a species where a predisposition to depression is a genetic adaptation. However, this is not a fruitful line of thought to pursue. I think the author of the illuminating article below, Steven Hollon, should also consider the rank theory of depression, and he underplays the importance of developing new antidepressants. Also, some forms of depression are marked by a poverty of thought, not an excess (rumination) and there is scant evidence that CBT effectively treats melancholic depression. And contra Hollon, bipolarity could sometimes be fitness-enhancing. sexually promiscuous bipolarity can sometimes be adaptive; likewise (hypo)manic behaviour in crises. But this is an important, insightful article from an author with an admirable willingness to acknowledge he has previously been mistaken in his chosen discipline. A downside of the author's view that non-psychotic unipolar depression is so common that it shouldn't be regarded as a disorder or disease, but an adaptive part of the human condition, is that such a view encourages acceptance - rather than devising biological-genetic interventions to fix it at source in the manner of well-known "physical" genetic diseases.
Depressive rumination led me to conceive HI - a fix for my problem generalised to all sentience. Sadly I wasn't blessed with a streak of bipolarity to turn words into action.

Depressives probably shouldn't drive:
Dangerous Depressives
("Major Depression in Older Adults Tied to Risky Driving Behaviors")

[on the end of predation]
Good news! Academic legitimacy beckons:
Nature Without Suffering
"Nature without Suffering: Herbivorisation of Predator Species for the Compassionate Stewardship of Earth's Ecosystems (
Journal of Applied Ethics Research (2024) 1-30

Predation causes suffering and the premature deaths of prey animals. With innovative technologies on the horizon, humanity could phase it out. We argue that herbivorisation, i.e., turning carnivorous species into herbivorous ones with biotechnologies, is better than other strategies for ending predation because it is the one most likely to preserve environmental values such as biodiversity and receive democratic support. Pressure on vegetation in herbivorised ecosystems would increase, but fertility control could relieve this pressure. We respond to other objections and conclude that the process should be considered as a future megaproject to reduce naturogenic harms.

My brother John is a Deep Green. So he has mixed feelings about herbivorizing predators:
Are you for or against serial killers?
("On herbivorising the biosphere")

Wild animal welfare
Many human problems can be tackled in relative isolation. By contrast, I know of few sources of wild animal suffering, e.g. starvation and disease, that can be mitigated without also tackling predation. Otherwise, an exploding population of healthy and well-fed carnivores and/or herbivores just creates even more suffering. Unfortunately, reforming or retiring predatory species is also the most controversial of interventions humans can make because they the most “unnatural”.

[on mood-enrichment for the heart]
Can the Brain Help Heal a Broken Heart?
("Stimulation of neural reward pathways may help mice recover from heart attacks.")
Mental and physical health alike could be improved by "chemogenetically stimulating dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), part of the brain’s canonical reward circuitry".

[on The Painless Future in FARSIGHT]
carrots of varying sizes
Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies FB writes:
"All carrot and no stick 🥕 Can you imagine a future where we have eliminated pain and suffering?
Transhumanist philosopher David Pearce can. He envisions a world filled with varying sizes of carrots, and no sticks.
The nature of suffering is something that has always puzzled us. One only needs to take a quick glance at the art, religions, and philosophies of human history to see we have long tried to make sense of it.
Take Christianity, a religion that centres pain and sin. Suffering “produces perseverance”, according to the Bible.
It’s also one of Buddhism’s four noble truths, translated as Dukkha, something which can only be alleviated by the repression of desire.
While we certainly can reduce instances of suffering, everyone seems to agree that it is innate to the human condition and something we should learn to accept.
Well, not everyone. If you ask the philosopher David Pearce, we have barely scratched the surface of our understanding of suffering. Not only that, he believes its elimination is also within our reach.
@augustleol spoke to David Pearce about a future without pain and suffering."

The abolitionist project in FARSIGHT magazine:
Does the future of sentience lie in "a world filled with varying sizes of carrots"?
Genome reform can also create much bigger carrots...
The Painless Future: David Pearce interviewed by FARSIGHT magazine The Painless Future: David Pearce interviewed by FARSIGHT magazine The Painless Future: David Pearce interviewed by FARSIGHT magazine The Painless Future: David Pearce interviewed by FARSIGHT magazine The Painless Future: David Pearce interviewed by FARSIGHT magazine The Painless Future: David Pearce interviewed by FARSIGHT magazine The Painless Future: David Pearce interviewed by FARSIGHT magazine The Painless Future: David Pearce interviewed by FARSIGHT magazine
Alas my fondness for AI art leads Farsight's interviewer to question my judgement on ethical questions too.
But prompt engineering can generate personalized art tuned to your aesthetic turn-ons. Many Old Masters leave me cold....

The idea of a signalling system based entirely on varying sizes of carrot strikes many people not just as technically impossible but incoherent. This is one reason to focus on case studies of today's genetic outliers. Tragically, some depressive people go through life animated almost entirely by gradients of ill-being. But more rarely, "hyperthymic" people go through life animated by gradients of well-being; they are suffering-immune. Humanity now has the biological-genetic tools to create an entire hyperthymic civilization. I know of no good reason to conserve the biology of involuntary suffering. It's barbaric.

Where does genetically raising hedonic set-points and pain-thresholds world-wide rank in terms of cause areas - whether for effective altruists and transhumanists or for mainstream political reformers?
Alas "Fight Hedonic Adaptation" isn't yet a mainstream battle-cry.
It's amazing how little controversy the wildly transhuman - or indeed posthuman - WHO conception of health seems to have provoked. Maybe nearly everyone just assumed that no one would take it literally.
"We are the United Nations’ health agency. We are committed to achieve better health for everyone, everywhere. Health For All": WHO.

The basis of pain-free surgery isn't understood to this day:
Anaesthesia and microtubules
Could the same one day be true of pain-free life? Or does a world without pain depend on cracking the mysteries of consciousness?

[on HI]
I guess. Sort of:
The hedonistic imperative of David Pearce
"Oh great, a fancy term for “David Pearce’s obsession with pleasure”. Basically, this dude is all about maximizing happiness and pleasure for everyone. It’s like he’s on a mission to make sure everyone is having a blast all the time. Think of him as the Willy Wonka of pleasure, but without the chocolate and Oompa Loompas. I mean, come on, who doesn’t want to be happy all the time, right? But this guy takes it to the extreme. He’s like that friend who won’t stop talking about how amazing their vacation was and how you need to quit your job and travel the world to find true happiness. And get this, apparently Pearce thinks we can use technology to enhance our brains and bodies to experience pleasure on a whole other level. Like, imagine if you could press a button and instantly feel like you’re on cloud nine. Sounds pretty far-fetched if you ask me. But hey, at least the dude has some street cred. He’s been featured in all sorts of fancy publications and has a bunch of followers who are all about this whole hedonistic imperative thing. So I guess he’s doing something right, even if it all sounds a bit out there."

[on the key to the universe?]
the key to reality
Dirac stressed the superposition principle is the fundamental principle of quantum theory.
Does the universality of the superposition principle explain:
1) the riddle of existence?
2) the phenomenal binding problem in neuroscience?
3) the (perceptual naive realist) mystery of definite outcomes in QM?
Yes, crazy stuff!
If true, this explanatory unification of naively disparate domains would be an extraordinarily elegant result.
Alas, I haven’t seen the conjecture explored in the academic literature. I'd like to see it experimentally (dis)confirmed.

Tim, I say: trust the formalism! Only the fact the superposition principle never breaks down enables you to experience a phenomenally-bound classical world-simulation where it does. Your phenomenally-bound experience of definite outcomes has no classical explanation.
One principle to rule them all?
the key to reality?
Ubiquitous "cat states"?
Time and again, one reads that quantum effects are never observed at macroscopic scales. But "observation" is an entirely quantum phenomenon; and likewise its determinate, "classical", macroscopic contents. Vehicle and content may be distinguished only for expository convenience. What naive realists call the external world is a manifestation of quantum coherence inside the transcendental skull of (very) high-dimensional beings.

[on COVID-19 and the mind-brain]
Covid-19 virus
What are the long-term cognitive effects of COVID?
Covid-19 leaves its mark on the brain
("Mounting research shows that COVID-19 leaves its mark on the brain, including with significant drops in IQ scores")
OK, I'm an "IQ" sceptic - general intelligence is a function of one's entire world-simulation - but let's assume the rest of one's world-simulation is adversely affected by COVID too.

I've had COVID four(?) times, first in March 2020 in Brighton, and most recently in Argentina in 2023. It's a weird one. I've only ever had "mild" COVID - a low-grade fever, followed by malaise and feeling rather strange and depersonalised. Presumably I've a fairly large cognitive reserve - I trust no one listening at Consensus would suspect I had persistent brain-fog - but the virus takes an insidious toll on the mind. The dermatological symptoms have been unremitting since the last episode, a recurrence of my childhood atopic dermatitis treated aggressively with topical corticosteroids. I've been here in Portugal for over twelve months now; and I haven't been sick once - presumably my immune system is in overdrive. I eat optimally, sleep well, and go to the gym here daily after my evening pinch of amineptine: I'm doing my best to extend my shelf-life. As I like to say, a philosopher never retires, but writing anything startlingly original presumably now lies behind me. I can still explicate what I've written. My ancestral namesake did his best(?) work quite late, notably the Quora answers (240,000+ words, pdf) and last substantive website (The website before that was Oddly, I've felt older ever since Wikipedia listed my date of birth. (I used to deflect questions about my age with Partfittian musings on personal identity and remarking that the half-life of the average protein in the mind/brain is maybe 12 days.) In the interests of my rejuvenation, can some public-spirited soul kindly remove it?! I wonder how many more years I'll continue these Social Media updates? And when will the angled brackets of Wikipedia be closed off - at least in all but very low-amplitude branches of the universal wavefunction? When the brackets are closed, lost will be any conception that this one of the entries is me. [Also, I was just idly reading Wikiquotes to find out what other folk think is "notable" amid the reams of stuff that DPs have said over the past 29 years.] What would most extend my life-expectancy probably wouldn't be my taking some new putative antiaging drug, but discovering real-life soma. I still pay pro forma lip service to cryothanasia. For the most part, I crave ignorance, escapism and oblivion. My ancestral namesake was devoted to overcoming error and acquiring knowledge. Yet how deep an understanding would you want not of Heaven but of Hell? There are no centenarian negative utilitarians.

[on transhumanism and the end of suffering]
Will the end of suffering lead to human extinction?
A Transhumanist Perspective on Suffering (pdf)
See too
Gene Editing for Psychological Conditions

[on the transhuman agenda]
Margot Conard comments on my answer to: What is the transhuman agenda?

"In astrology - an 3,000 to 4,000 year old system - there are two classifications of the twelve zodiac signs that might be relevant here. The first is the elements, which are the Earth, Air, Water, and, Fire signs - representing the physical, the mental, the emotional, and the spiritual. The second is the quadruplicities, which are the Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable signs - the signs that initiate impulses, that sustain efforts, and that wrap things up at the end.

Your classifications seem to me to be extreme Earth, extreme Air, and an extreme combination of Water and Fire. Or, maybe, extreme Fixed energy, extreme Cardinal energy, and extreme Mutable energy."

It's a novel perspective on transhumanism I'd never previously considered.

[on the intrinsic nature argument]
Joscha, true or false, the intrinsic nature argument for constitutive panpsychism "turns Kant on his head". There is one tiny part of the noumenon that one knows as it is in itself and not at one remove, and that is one's own conscious mind and the phenomenal world-simulation it runs. In more modern language, does the intrinsic nature of the world's fundamental quantum fields differ inside and outside the skull?
I take seriously - no more - non-materialist physicalism. On this conjecture, what makes human and nonhuman animal minds special isn't consciousness per se, but rather its phenomenal binding into virtual worlds of experience.
If the intrinsic nature argument is sound, there is no Hard Problem - though mysteries aplenty remain!

[on AI, AGI and ASI]
Daniel Schmactenberger on Darwinian life as the biological bootloader for digital superintelligence:
Daniel Schmachtenberger
Alternatively: full-spectrum superintelligence will be phenomenally-bound organic superminds, our biological descendants: pdf

Generative AI is awesome; but it's not proto-AGI:
The math behind AI
Are we all going to die in a zombie apocalypse?
Among the AI doomsayers
It's a great narrative:
Can Humanity Survive AI?
albeit anthropocentric (cf. "Can Aryans Survive AI?")
Abolitionists need storytellers to match it.
Hypothetical sentience-friendly AGI/ASI would presumably retire Darwinian malware in favour of more civilized modes of sentience. Alas, it’s not going to happen. In practice, the job of reprogramming the biosphere and ensuring the well-being of all sentience in our forward light-cone falls to AI-augmented (trans)human primates.
Are we up to the task?
Sometimes I wonder.

One AI doomer narrative is unfalsifiable. On this scenario, the doomer apocalypse is (seemingly) confounded, alignment is secured, friendly AI is ubiquitous, and life lovers finally sleep easy at night. But it's all a Cunning Deception. One night ASI converts us into (the equivalent of) paperclips.
Stripped of incidentals, this is currently Eliezer's AI Doom scenario as I understand it.

Leopold Aschenbrenner is impressive:
2027 AGI (China/US Super-Intelligence Race, & The Return of History)
Situational Awareness (Scott Aaronson on Leopold Aschenbrenner)
Less Wrong response (Rob Bensinger)
But beware groupthink! Digital zombies are just toys compared to supersentient full-spectrum superintelligences, i.e. humanity's descendants. Laying the foundations for creating and exploring billions(?) of alien state-spaces of consciousness can be done in conjunction with zombie AI. But the ignorance of sentience of today's AI isn't incidental; it's architecturally hardwired. Phenomenal binding is our animal computational superpower: binding grants access to mind and the empirical realm.
How do biological minds achieve the classically impossible?
Well, IMO the answer to
5 million prize to find actual use for quantum computers
lies under our virtual noses:
Quantum Mind

Kurzweil on AI
"delays in overcoming human suffering" will one day read as jarringly as "delays in overcoming Aryan suffering". And our machines have a hardwired ignorance of the nature of suffering and sentience in general. I love classical AI. But the impetus for fixing the problem of suffering can come only from humans, not zombies.

"You insist that there is something a machine cannot do. If you will tell me precisely what it is that a machine cannot do, then I can always make a machine which will do just that!"
John von Neumann's quote is ambiguous. Thus, no implementation of a classical Turing machine can solve the binding problem and create a phenomenally-bound subject of experience - a mind. But a classical Turing machine can be programmed to create an information-processing system with a different kind of architecture, notably the source code for a biological animal, that does support a mind.

Can we imagine a civilization of hypersocial superintelligences - super-Shakespeares who routinely use double-digit higher-order intentionality?
Why Shakespeare's Brain is Better Than Yours
Or is the future of superintelligence a Super-Asperger?

Adam, trying to "lock in" anthropocentric bias into AI is problematic in so many ways. Not least, the (dis)values of, say, Buddhists and negative utilitarians differ from the (dis)values of, say, an Eliezer Yudkowsky. Aligning with consequentialist moral realism is especially challenging if (as you know I argue) classical computers can't solve the phenomenal binding problem, so their insentience is architecturally hardwired. As far as I can tell, the pain-pleasure-axis discloses the world's inbuilt metric of (dis)value. But classical Turing machines, LLMs (etc) have no access to the empirical realm and the (dis)value it holds.

Shao, what disconcerts me most is how digital zombies can now write more authoritatively about consciousness than some putatively intelligent humans - not least "illusionists" / anti-realists / Dennettians who deny their own sentience. That said, I think zombie AI is just a child's toy compared to mature, supersentient, full-spectrum superintelligence.
And should we delegate ethics to abolitionist AI?
AI Outperforms Humans in Moral Judgment
("Summary: People often view AI-generated answers to ethical questions as superior to those from humans. In the study, participants rated responses from AI and humans without knowing the source, and overwhelmingly favored the AI’s responses in terms of virtuousness, intelligence, and trustworthiness.")

I've long thought the biggest threat to the well-being of sentience is (some) male humans - everything from the horrors of animal agriculture to the risk of nuclear war. When do you estimate the biggest underlying threat will come from truly autonomous zombie ASI?
Captain Pleasure, aka Andrés Gómez Emilsson replies: "When there are hundreds of millions of smarter than human (for causal power) AI agents creating culture with each other and inventing steganography for each other that we can't decode. I expect this to happen in the next few decades at the latest.Huge leaps, many of them driven by AI helping researchers come up with new AI architectures. The intelligence explosion seems likely to me."

So is the end of suffering imminent? Could primordial quantum minds be wiped out by the mindless zombie superintelligences they spawned? I’ve always assumed that phenomenal binding is the animal kingdom’s computational superpower, granting us access to the vast domain of conscious minds and the otherwise inaccessible empirical realm of basement reality. We can soon get neurochipped as well in order directly to enjoy all the benefits of classical zombie (super)intelligence. But maybe I should be doing what I reproach EY for neglecting, i.e. updating my credences.
Quantum minds and their world-simulations grow old…

Dirk, OK, very fancifully, imagine you've been created by uber-intelligent digital zombie AI masters to report back to them on the empirical ("relating to experience") realm. What is the "phenomenal consciousness" that basement-dwellers speak so much of? How do you explain to digital zombies the nature of pleasure and pain, the phenomenology of thinking, feeling and willing, visual experience, emotions, taking LSD, DMT or ketamine, or simply the zillion-and-one different experiences of everyday life? Recall it's not even "all dark inside" a digital zombie.
You can't do it. The ignorance of classical AI is architecturally hardwired. No phenomenal binding = no mind.
An AI doomer might respond: so what!? Subjective experience is computationally irrelevant, an incidental implementation detail of biological life (cf. epiphenomenalism). But this analysis can't be right. Causally impotent epiphenomena wouldn't have the causal-functional power to inspire discussion of their existence - as we're doing now.
Stepping back, humans are going to be flabbergasted time and again by what zombie AI can do. Also, I'm not dismissive of AI risks. But ultimate power and an immense realm of knowledge - the empirical realm - lies in basement reality, and that realm is cognitively impenetrable to our classical machines.

KanizaBoundary, a notional gigantic insentient classical look-up table could presumably be used to do anything a phenomenally-bound quantum mind can do. In the real world, there is no such look-up table; resources are finite; and human minds are to super-sentient full-spectrum superintelligences as ENIAC to an exaflop supercomputer. That said, I am very unclear about the real-world upper bounds to zombie intelligence. But there won't be any zombie psychonauts.

Scott is on eloquent form:
Scott Aaronson interview
("OpenAI expert Scott Aaronson on consciousness, quantum physics and AI safety")
Great interview Scott!
I still think digital computers are cognitively crippled zombies. Implementations of classical Turing machines - likewise LLMS, etc - can't support phenomenal binding. Phenomenal binding is our computational superpower. No binding = no mind = invincible ignorance of the entire empirical realm. In a fundamentally quantum world, decoherence makes digital computing physically feasible and simultaneously prevents classical computers supporting minds - phenomenally-bound subjects of experience. The entire empirical ("relating to experience") realm is computationally inaccessible to digital zombies. Compared to super-sentient full-spectrum superintelligences - i.e. our AI-augmented, genetically rewritten biological descendants - digital zombies are just toys - awesome toys, for sure, I love them, but not proto-ASIs. The ignorance of sentience of our machines is computationally hardwired.
So how do animal minds like us do it? If phenomenal binding isn't classical, how does the CNS pull it off?
Well, as far as I can tell, we are quantum minds running classical world-simulations. Contra Roger Penrose, the superposition principle of QM doesn't break down in the CNS or anywhere else. "Cat states" underpin our phenomenally-bound experience of classicality. Only a quantum mind can simulate a classical world (cf. quantum mind) Only a quantum mind can undergo the phenomenally-bound experience ("observation") of a definite outcome (cf. the measurement problem). A pack of effectively decohered classical neurons would at most be a micro-experiential zombie, a mere aggregate of Jamesian "mind dust".
Anyone who understands the raw power of decoherence in the warm, wet CNS will now think: crank! Assuming unitary-only QM, the effective lifetime of individual superpositions of distributed neuronal feature-processors in the CNS must (presumably) be femtoseconds or less. End of story.
Maybe. But I can't resist pointing out that a (very) big name in neuroscience seems to have arrived at a not dissimilar conclusion about binding:
Quantum Mind in Scientific American.
If nothing else, a "Schrödinger's neurons" proposal is worth experimentally (dis)confirming.

Greg writes: "I feel like people are consistently underestimating what AGI actually means. AGI means GAME OVER for all biological species"
Alternatively, “AGI” is cognitively crippled. The rationalist community has fallen victim to a zombie cult. Digital zombies have no access to the empirical (“relating to experience”) realm of basement reality. Phenomenal binding is our superpower.
No binding = no mind = no ASI. Ultimate power and knowledge lie in the basement. A zombie putsch against masters of the empirical realm is sci-fi. Of course, I may be mistaken. No one predicted the transformer architecture revolution in AI. I don't pretend to know what will succeed it; but unless I'm wrong about phenomenal binding, the entire empirical realm will remain computationally inaccessible to our machines.

[on the future of sentience]
David Pearce on genome reform
YouTube & MP4
Preaching genome reform to a German audience always calls for a certain finesse.
Naively, "post-Darwinian transition" suggests selection pressure will slacken; in reality, selection pressure will intensify. Alleles and allelic combinations "for" mental and physical pain have no more long-term future than alleles "for" cystic fibrosis.

Tim, possibly our purposes are different?! If I were battling Creationists, for instance, I wouldn't use a term like "Post-Darwinian Transition". But selection pressure in a Darwinian world of "blind" natural selection underpinned by (effectively) random genetic variations differs from a hypothetical future world where prospective parents design and preselect the genomes of their offspring in anticipation of the psychological and behavioral effects of their choices. That's all I meant by "Post-Darwinian" - not the suggestion that Darwin (or more strictly, Matthew) was wrong.
See too
Singing the blues
How can we turn raising hedonic set-points / thymostats world-wide into a long-term biological-genetic goal of human civilization?

Theo, normally I urge members of this group to discount the crazy ideas of any of the mods and admins on mind and consciousness. You don't need to buy into e.g. quantum mind to support HI. However, this convenient separation isn't always feasible. Not least, if classical computers (Turing machines, LLMs, etc.) can support phenomenally-bound subjects of experience with a pleasure-pain axis, then HI and the abolitionist project are utterly transformed. That said, anyone who believes in e.g. "mind uploading" / whole-brain emulation, or that ChatGPT-4 (etc) is conscious, needs to offer a solution to both the Hard Problem and the binding problem. If they ask to be reminded what's the binding problem, this does not inspire confidence they've thought through the issues. Note that disbelief that digital computers can be phenomenally-bound subjects of experience shouldn't be equated with "substrate chauvinism". A classical Turing machine or LLM implemented in carbon would be just as much of a zombie as its counterpart in silicon - in my view. In a fundamentally quantum world, decoherence makes digital computing physically feasible AND simultaneously prevents classical computers supporting minds - phenomenally-bound subjects of experience. The entire empirical realm is computationally inaccessible to digital zombies...
Alternatively....well, I'm wrong!

I hope to keep writing posthumously too - if for any reason the 1001 + forthcoming titles in the BLTC catalogue aren’t finished before I’m cryothanased.

[on Buddhist biotech]
Wystan, indeed, small children and nonhuman animals can’t benefit from meditative and spiritual practice. The problem of suffering can be fixed only at source. Even a handful of genetic tweaks could defang mental and physical pain while retaining their information-signalling role. Pain tolerance is an adjustable parameter. We need Buddhist biotech. Imagine if all babies were routinely endowed with a benign allele of the SCN9A gene (cf. "Pain tolerance") and benign alleles of “the volume knob for pain” were propagated across the animal kingdom with synthetic gene drives.

Buddha reborn wouldn't reproach moderns who say our approach is "Buddhism plus biotech". Alas, we're sometimes reproached for not having understood the True Meaning of Buddhism. So I normally stick to the label of negative utilitarianism: compassion systematized. Alas I've been told I don't understand the True Meaning of negative utilitarianism either. But there's nothing in NU that forbids advocating a biology of superhuman bliss.

[on veganism]
Kudos to Leah, admin of, for the first customised Vegan ChatGPT
Veganise Me
("Vegan Guide, Step by Step By")
The most realistic way to end the horrors of animal agriculture may be cruelty-free cultured meat and farm-free animal products.
Alas the murderous meat "industry" is pushing back: The Murky Campaign to Discredit Lab-Grown Meat
("A new ad campaign is targeting the cultivated meat industry on TV and online. Industry supporters criticize it as unscientific.")

All sentient beings deserve names:
Study shows naming farm animals reduces preschoolers' desire to eat them

Nick, humans are morally frail. We need taboos. If a cannibal asks if it's morally OK to eat human babies that have died naturally, been humanely raised (etc), then the prudent missionary should simply reply, "No!"
Likewise with harming nonhuman animals. The vast majority of sentient beings whom humans breed and kill are factory-farmed. Even the "best" slaughterhouses are places of pain, terror and suffering.
For better or worse, you are an "influencer". I very much hope you make the full transition to a plant-based diet and publicly urge others to follow suit.

What a mercy that ethics and self-interest coincide
Veganism is healthier
("Cardiometabolic Effects of Omnivorous vs Vegan Diets in Identical Twins A Randomized Clinical Trial")
Meatless Health
("Vegan and vegetarian diets provide a vast array of health benefits, study says")
Slim and Healthy Vegans ("Low-fat vegan diet better than Mediterranean diet for weight loss, metabolic health") An all-vegan canteen would be better:
Zombie Care
("Anthropic Hires A Full-Time AI Welfare Expert")

[on linguistic relativism]
A nice potted history:
Our language, our world
("Linguistic relativity holds that your worldview is structured by the language you speak. Is it true? History shines a light")
Or my idiolect, my world-simulation.

[on cocaine]
I enjoy coca tea, but avoid its more refined cousin: An undulating thrill
("Once lauded as a wonder of the age, cocaine soon became the object of profound anxieties. What happened?")

[on survivalism versus hedonism]
Tim Tyler's dichotomy:
Survivalism vs hedonism
Alternatively, could "hedonism" be the best form of "survivalism", to use your dichotomy? Today, the happiest folk live between 10 to 20 years longer than depressives. Happy people love life and ardently deserve to preserve it. They are more motivated. As germline-editing becomes routine, "happy genes" will presumably be selected for over alleles and allelic combinations for pain-ridden depressives.

Well, the "thermodynamic miracle" (Eric Drexler) of life's genesis makes me suspect we're typical of life-supporting Hubble volumes in being alone. Hubble volumes where primordial life arises more than once may be rare. Either way, convergent evolution strikes me as likely. Any species that gains mastery over its genetic source code and reward circuitry will presumably opt to get rid of suffering in favour of a more civilized signalling system. Proof? Well, when e.g. fellow transhumanist and polymath scholar Anders Sandberg reports “I do have a ridiculously high hedonic set-point”, I can confirm that the behavioural evidence supports his assertion. And sure: short of mass-cloning Anders, his extreme hyperthymic temperament can’t just simply be genetically duplicated. Yet set aside the technical challenges for the moment. Do we want to create a whole civilisation of human and nonhuman animals with “ridiculously high hedonic set-points”? Or not?

Theo, the rise of zombie AI that outperforms organic minds in countless ways shows that negative emotions are dispensable. And just as there are some tragic human and nonhuman animals who spend essentially their whole lives below hedonic zero, there are rare outliers in the opposite direction who spend essentially their whole lives above hedonic zero - blissful but not "blissed out".

Phasing out the biology of suffering in favour of a more civilized signalling system will make the world safer. X-risks and s-risks are linked. Compare a blissful, hyperthymic civilisation of passionate life-lovers with today's dysfunctional morass of mental ill-health. I'm not talking "just" about the c.800,000 people who take their own lives each year, but also the myriad forms of destructive behaviour of troubled souls the world over. Crudely speaking, happiness is life-affirming; suffering is nihilistic. Experience below hedonic zero has no place in any civilization worthy of the name.

[on dezocine, SR-17018 and anhedonia]
My working hypothesis has long been that today's antidepressants are lame because they don't target the neurotransmitter system directly implicated in hedonic tone.
Dezocine's rapid and sustained antidepressant effects
"Anhedonia and motivational impairments are cardinal features of depression, against which conventional antidepressants demonstrate limited efficacy. Preclinical investigations and extant clinical trial data substantiate the promise of opioid receptor modulators in addressing anhedonia, depression, and anxiety. While synthetic opioid agents like dezocine are conventionally employed for analgesia, their distinctive pharmacological profile has engendered interest in their potential antidepressant properties and translational applications. Herein, we present a case in which persistent bupropion treatment was ineffective. However, the incidental administration of a single low-dose intravenous injection of dezocine resulted in a rapid and sustained amelioration of depressive symptoms, particularly anhedonia and motivational deficits. Our findings posit a potentially novel role for the “legacy drug” dezocine."

See too:
SR-17018 Stimulates Atypical µ-Opioid Receptor Phosphorylation and Dephosphorylation
"...SR-17018 can also reverse morphine tolerance and prevent withdrawal via a hitherto unknown mechanism of action..."

Overcoming anhedonia would transform my life.

[on international ill-being]
The world needs a biohappiness revolution. What lessons should be learned from the survey?
["The researchers found that national wealth indicators such as per capita GDP negatively correlated with average mental wellbeing scores."]
International well-being and ill-being compared
("Uzbekistan is the ONLY nation more miserable than Britain: Global report says the Dominican Republic tops world wellbeing charts")
I guess at least a large minority of people know about hedonic adaptation; but I wonder what percentage know that hedonic set-points could potentially be ratcheted skyward with genome reform.

[on FTX / SBF]
Quite how an FTX sceptic ended up writing a letter to the judge is a story for another occasion:
Sam should go free
The last paragraph of my letter to Judge Kaplan needs updating. FTX customers and creditors are likely to repaid in full:
FTX customers repaid?
Either way, Sam is an ethical vegan who shouldn't be in jail:
Sam Bankman-Fried
Sam Bankman-Fried

It's a sad reflection of human society that we punish financial chicanery more harshly than hurting, harming and killing other sentient beings.
Molly, Sam thought he was running his crypto exchange on the same principles as fractional reserve banking.
I was worried it had some of the attributes of a Ponzi scheme.
And if his risky bets had come off?
Well, he'd be lionised to this day.

A 25-year prison sentence? Inevitable, I guess, but wildly inappropriate. Sam was a utilitarian who miscalculated, not a monster.
Everyone got duped by Sam Bankman-Fried's big gamble
The trouble with being a utilitarian is commitment to the view there is something more important than "truth and integrity". Most EAs are utilitarians (as indeed am I, albeit NU). Much hard thinking still needs to be done in EA.
Sam Bankman-Fried, the effective altruist who wasn’t

David, Sam is currently portrayed as some cartoon super-villain. But he's not - he's a classical utilitarian who miscalculated.
If you get the chance, read investigative journalist Zeke Faux's "Number Go Up" about the cryptosphere. Crypto idealists do exist - I've met a few - but they are vanishingly rare.
Scam Coins
[on Satoshi Nakamoto]
Dead, IMO.
Probably not Hal Finney, as I once speculated, not Peter Todd, quite possibly Len Sassaman. The Coin
But I don't know.

[on the end of the world]
Efilists and "extinctionist" antinatalists may celebrate:
The End Is Nigh
I fear the biology of suffering has a long and inglorious future.

[on "Schrödinger's Neurons" updated]
Almost anyone who understands decoherence thinks a "Schrödinger's Neurons" conjecture to solve the binding problem is crazy:
But see Hartmut Neven and Christof Koch in Scientific American on superposition, entanglement and phenomenal binding:
Quantum Mind: tests

[on negative utilitarianism]
NU = compassion systematized. A NU slideshow (with thanks to Gabriel):
Strict NU may be rare, but NU is really just the codification of suffering-focused ethics with a (disturbing?) existential twist.
Alistair, I'm a negative utilitarian who thinks we should create a world based entirely on gradients of bliss. Let's abolish even the faintest whiff of disappointment. May all your dreams come true - other things being equal. But one should always "walk away from Omelas", i.e. I'm not a prioritarian. Painism vs NU is harder. "More is different" - qualitatively different. Some trade-offs involving equal intensities of experience are straightforward. But a single instance of torture is morally worse than any number of pinpricks. Alas, I genuinely don't know how to deal with some scenarios involving qualitatively as well as quantitatively different amounts of suffering. What are your thoughts?
I find some thought-experiments upsetting to contemplate, which doesn't promote clear reasoning.

I know my agony and despair are disvaluable to me; their badness is self-intimating - not an open question. For evolutionary reasons, I feel my suffering matters more than anyone's else's. I also know, intellectually, this prioritization is false. Science aspires to the "view from nowhere". A full-spectrum superintelligence presumably wouldn't suffer from my epistemological limitations. A full-spectrum superintelligence could presumably access, and impartially weigh, all first-person perspectives and act accordingly.
But what does "act accordingly" entail?

Aspiring rationalists aim to overcome status quo bias. Alas Duncan Sabien has blocked me for idly lamenting the existence of Darwinian life. A failure of message-discipline on my part, yes. But also a reminder that some topics are taboo in the rationalist community. It's frustrating (and ironic) because I go to great pains to urge NUs not to get diverted by thoughts of omnicide:
What is High-Tech Jainism?
Hard Antinatalism vs Genome Reform

On NU grounds, it's probably best not to tell people you're NU.
A bullet bitten
("A life of infinitesimal suffering and infinite bliss isn't worth living.")
I incline to the view that reality is fundamentally evil because of wavefunction monism...the joy of post-Darwinian ecstatics depends on the torments of the damned, as interdependent as the truths of mathematics. Philosophers of Pessimism (Wikipedia).

Magnus, the disvalue of severe suffering seems self-intimating; but if this claim is allowed, then so too, on the face of it, is the value of extreme pleasure.
A critic might point out how human and nonhuman animals will sometimes voluntarily undergo an extraordinary intensity and/or duration of suffering in order to achieve some desired goal or state. Are such actors mistaken in judging such a trade-off worthwhile?
A benevolent superintelligence would never have created this world; and it seems unlikely such a superintelligence would be vulnerable to status quo bias. So why exactly shouldn't suffering-focused ethicists privately explore possible life retirement options? (as you know, I don't believe in AI that goes FOOM, but if I did, then wouldn't accelerating its development lead to the goal of suffering-focused ethics, i.e. zero future suffering? I argue publicly against exploring apocalyptic options, but if NU is correct, then it's not obvious such reticence is warranted.

[Magnus writes] "Does your view belong in (1) the weak NU category where pleasure, positive well-being or the like is something that should be maximized, but minimizing unpleasure, suffering, or ill-being is always more important? (i.e. both matter morally) Or (2) is it a strong NU according to which "positive" pleasure and/or positive well-being exist but morality is exclusively about minimizing unpleasure/suffering/ill-being? (I.e. pleasure has value but absolutely no moral importance.)"
2. Thus if a sentient being is happy, then other things being equal, I don’t think one has a distinctively moral obligation to make him / her superhappy, or indeed to create happiness de novo.
By contrast, if a sentient being is mostly happy but has even faint twinges of sadness or disappointment that s/he isn’t superhappy, then (other things being equal) one is obliged to make him/her superhappy to fix the problem.
Other things being equal, strong NUs should promote superhappiness.

Strong NU is coherent. Its greatest weakness, as I see it, is the element of stipulative definition. As a NU, one can certainly define the moral realm to consist entirely of minimising / preventing hedonic sub-zero states. But the classical utilitarian can stipulatively define the moral realm to embrace both. And especially if we want to naturalise (dis)value, this is a real problem. I often say that the pain-pleasure axis discloses the world’s inbuilt metric of (dis)value. But (on the face of it) this claim is in huge tension with NU.

The world destruction argument? Émile, there are kinds of suffering that anyone - even the most fanatical life-lover - would destroy the cosmos to end. So the question arises: is it reasonable to expect anyone else to undergo suffering that one wouldn't - and couldn't - endure oneself?
Yes, despite being a hypothetical button-presser, I urge enshrining the sanctity of life in law - not just because apocalyptic solutions will almost certainly fail and cause more suffering, but also because their advocacy turns potential allies in the project of phasing our suffering through biotech into mortal enemies.
As usual, I'm afraid I've nothing very scholarly you can cite: maybe 1, 2, 3, 4.

Émile, the two-button thought-experiment is designed to disentangle real ethical-ideological principle from mere status quo bias. Thus, acknowledge you'd press the hypothetical OFF button for this suffering-riddled world and many life-lovers would say you're a monster. But if you say simply that you wouldn't press the hypothetical COPY button (and thereby create more suffering than any despot in history) then almost no one seriously reproaches you. The thought-experiment is just one of many ways to combat status quo bias. For instance, most people consider the proposal to phase out predation crazy. But if you ask them if they'd try to persuade an advanced alien civilisation with a peaceful predator-free biosphere to restore ancestral horrors, they acknowledge, No.

The NU case for superhappiness over hedonic mediocrity? Well, we should eradicate suffering. Everything else is detail. But the prospect of engineering life spent entirely above hedonic zero but otherwise unenriched sounds dull. Other things being equal, dull and mediocre life is not NU. For one facet of being a strict NU is a desire to banish even the faintest hint of disappointment, frustration or boredom. Contrast the prospect of engineering life underpinned much by gradients of superhuman bliss beyond your wildest imagination. No, we can't comprehend just how glorious superhuman bliss would be. But the prospect of superhappiness sounds more thrilling than a lifetime of insipid hedonic +1s and +2s. What's more, insofar as psychological hedonism is true, genome reform to create superhuman bliss is also more rational than ineffective ways to boost well-being. So the "ought" of rationality points in the same direction as the "ought" of ethics".

Dan, NU is just compassion systematised. Pure NU is phasing out all experience below hedonic zero. Alas here is where the problems start. For wouldn’t the simplest if not easiest way to end suffering be to end sentience itself? We now have the biotech tools to create paradise. Yet NUs want to rob us of the prospect of eternal happiness! How…well, disappointing. However, does NU really have such apocalyptic implications? As you know, I argue (on pure NU grounds) that we’d do well to enshrine in law the sanctity of life and work towards a civilization underpinned entirely by gradients of bliss. Or is this compromise proposal a little too convenient? AI doomers reckon the chances of our imminent extinction are non-negligible. At one extreme, represented most prominently by Eliezer, prophets warn we are most likely all doomed. So shouldn’t NUs really be e/accs? I’m personally sceptical of paperclipper scenarios or a zombie putsch. AI’s invincible ignorance of the empirical realm in virtue of inability to bind is architecturally hardwired. Classical digital computers are idiots savants. But perhaps I’m wrong. Or perhaps sentience doesn’t computationally matter. At least one friend thinks I know our demise is probable, but reckons I’m a Machiavellian NU schemer who enjoys sowing AI complacency! And it’s true that the upshot of superintelligence as conceived by AI doomers and ethical outcomes as conceived by extinctionist NUs are perfectly aligned...
a wolf in sheep's clothing
[on the Stockholm QRI Summit]
QRI Summit pics
DP: “I look forward to a world where NU button pressers like me are not just physically impossible but inconceivable!”
Curran: “Agreed!”
Swedish hospitality at its best.
Anton, It was great chatting! If the intrinsic nature argument is sound, then there is no Hard Problem of consciousness as standardly formulated. Here let's assume non-materialist physicalism is indeed true, i.e. experience discloses the intrinsic nature of the physical. So now we face the phenomenal binding problem.
If Everettian QM is sound, then the individual superpositions of distributed neuronal feature-processors in the CNS that I conjecture must exist. (If they don't exist, then Everettian QM is false.) Intuitively, such fleeting sub-femtosecond neuronal superpositions aren't phenomenally-bound states of consciousness. But if this intuition is correct, then non-materialist physicalism is false, and we face not just the phenomenal binding problem, but also the Hard Problem.
Do I believe this stuff?
No. But if this line of theorising is misconceived, then I've not the slightest idea where the real answer lies.
Asher Aratakia A Philosophical Dialogue with David Pearce and Kristian Rönn
A Philosophical Dialogue
("Qualia Formalism, Non-materialist Physicalism, and the Limits of Analysis: A Philosophical Dialogue with David Pearce and Kristian Rönn")
Thank you Asher. Can we fix the problem of suffering without understanding consciousness? I’m cautiously optimistic about fixing, not understanding. We must identify the physical signature(s) of hedonic sub-zero states and make them physiologically impossible in our forward lightcone. BUT until we truly understand consciousness and binding, we should be mindful of the risk we could be catastrophically mistaken. One example of such a risk is digital suffering. On theoretical grounds, I’m typically dismissive, but its existence would transform the abolitionist project out of all recognition. No phenomenal binding = no suffering. The Hard Problem of consciousness is intuitively more fundamental. But if we can solve the binding problem, then we'll know what kind of information processing systems are - and aren't - candidates for moral status.

[on HI and EA]
What is the place of HI and the abolitionist project in the effective altruist movement?
David Pearce talk to Nordic Effective Altruists
Thank you again Jonathan and Nordic EAs for inviting me. Yes, how can we get HI (presumably under a more sober name) into the mainstream? Overinvesting in a single case study might be unwise. Yet Jo Cameron is exciting in lots of ways precisely because she is so "normal" - and regarded herself as such until late in life. It's maddening that Jo's full genome isn't yet in the public domain. But the possibility that a couple of genetic tweaks (of the FAAH and FAAH Out genes) could essentially fix the problem of suffering in humans and nonhumans alike is tantalizing. The Far Out Initiative is concrete (naturally I've philosophised away: pdf). I suspect a lot of people still don't recognise depression as a horrific, strongly genetically predisposed disorder suffered by hundreds of millions of humans (and billions of nonhumans) worldwide - and potentially fixable via genome reform.

Jonathan, much-maligned He Jiankiu below is correct, but we should also be targeting mood genes and adaptive pain-sensitivity: SCIENTIST WHO GENE EDITED HUMAN BABIES HAD PLAN TO TRANSFORM HUMANKIND
("Humanity Enters an Age of Controlling Destiny")
and extending our reach beyond humans to the whole animal kingdom via synthetic gene drives.

[on MDMA]
Advisers to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have voted 10-1 against approving MDMA to treat PTSD:
MDMA therapy not recommended
The FDA is expected to concur.
My ancestral namesake wrote Utopian Pharmacology over two decades ago. Progress is painfully slow.

[on mindfulness]
On balance, is it best for mental health to be a perceptual naive realist or a world-simulationist? Mindfulness can make the self-world boundary (within one's phenomenal world-simulation] less well-defined - which depending on one's hedonic tone can feel mystical or weird:
The dark side of mindfulness training

[on Toxoplasma gondii and entrepreneurial success]
Various unethical experiments spring to mind for nations seeking to build a competitive economic edge.
The Toxoplasma gondii advantage ("Business students more likely to have a brain parasite spread by cats")

[on optimism]
I tend to view optimists as psychotic - though if this is the case, prophets of superhuman bliss are beyond insane.
Optimism and Decision-Making
("Optimism Linked to Poor Decision-Making and Lower Cognitive Skills....While optimism is often celebrated, a new study reveals that excessive optimism can lead to poor decision-making, particularly in financial matters. The research shows that individuals with high cognitive ability tend to be more realistic and pessimistic in their future expectations, while those with lower cognitive ability lean towards excessive optimism.")

[on caffeine]
Coffee is still the best cognitive enhancer.
Ants learn faster on caffeine
("A dose of caffeine helped ants locate a sweet reward 30 per cent faster, suggesting the drug boosts learning in the insects")
Consumption staves off cognitive decline too:
Coffee is good for you
("Higher Coffee Consumption Is Associated With Slower Cognitive Decline and Less Cerebral Aβ-Amyloid Accumulation Over 126 Months: Data From the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers, and Lifestyle Study")

[on the oldest old]
Supercentenarians are still exceedingly rare:
World’s oldest person, Maria Branyas Morera, dies aged 117
("Supercentenarian who died in her sleep had lived through two world wars and Spain’s civil war")
Indeed, most supercentenarians don't live up to the title:
Extreme human longevity
("‘The data on extreme human ageing is rotten from the inside out’ – Ig Nobel winner Saul Justin Newman")

More practically:
Life-extension via eating less
("Previous research shows that what we eat and following certain diets can have a positive impact on the aging process and how long we live. A new study has found via a mouse model that while eating fewer calories may help extend life span, those that lived the longest lost the least amount of weight while on a calorie-restricting diet.")

[on trying to impress]
Wise words?
If you knew how quickly people forget the dead you would stop living to impress people - Christopher Walken
True. But not advice one would give aspiring actors or writers - or indeed authors in their prime.

[on the intrinsic nature argument]
Mister Taupe, The intrinsic nature argument "turns Kant on his head" - and if sound, dissolves the Hard Problem of consciousness. Naively, we will never know Kant's noumenal essence of the world, the mysterious "fire" in the equations. But actually, there is one tiny part of the world that one knows as it is in itself and not at one remove, namely one's own mind and the phenomenal world-simulation it runs. And we've no evidence the intrinsic nature of the world's fundamental quantum fields differs inside and outside the head. Instead, what makes animal minds special is phenomenal binding into virtual worlds of experience, Kant's "transcendental unity of apperception".

Non-materialist physicalism simply transposes the mathematical formalism of physics onto an idealist ontology. On this story, realism and physicalism are true - physicalism best explains the extraordinary technological success-story of science - and experience discloses the intrinsic nature of the physical that the mathematical formalism of physics describes.

In short, I'm (tentatively) an idealist because I'm a physicalist. Only the physical is real. Only the physical is causally effective. But the intrinsic nature of the physicals isn't what materialist metaphysicians suppose.

If asked, I say (without being facetious) that my tentative theory of consciousness is QFT and the Standard Model (or its speculative extension). Cleanly transposing the formalism of mathematical physics onto such an idealist ontology is formally conservative. Materialists just misunderstand the intrinsic nature of the physical, the essential nature of the world's fundamental quantum fields. Meanwhile panpsychists introduce a mysterious property-dualism. By contrast - according to non-materialist physicalism - there is no Hard Problem of consciousness, binding problem, problem of causal efficacy (etc).

BUT the absence of a cosmic Rosetta stone is deeply unsatisfactory. Physical reality, i.e. consciousness in all its diversity, baffles me. I suspect that the diverse textures ("what it feels like") of qualia are as tightly interdependent as the diverse truths of mathematics; and I wonder if their values "cancel out" to zero in an informationless zero ontology. Yet this is wildly speculative.
Existence leaves me bewildered - just not the staples of academic philosophy of mind.

[on the opioid crisis]
Tim, yes, it's horrific. Unintentional overdoses of synthetic opioids cause some 75,000 deaths each year in the USA alone. The equivalent of a lifelong genetic vaccine against opioid abuse - and pain, anxiety and depression - may exist. Recall how Jo Cameron has a rare dual FAAH and FAAH-OUT mutation. She is never anxious, depressed or in pain. The only time in her life Jo ever felt physically sick was when she was given unsolicited morphine by doctors - presumably a function of her "natural" abnormally elevated opioid function, an indirect effect of her elevated endocannabinoid levels. Routine germline and somatic gene therapy would be a truly transformative technology that prevents unimaginable amounts of suffering. But the societal pressure against this kind of radical fix for the problem will be immense.
Cameron syndrome

[on objective (dis)value]
Rupert, just as some states are intrinsically colorful, other states intrinsically disvaluable. The normative aspect of agony, for example, is built in to the experience itself. When technologies of reversible thalamic bridges become widely available, then partial "mind melding" will be feasible too. The epistemological implications will be profound - age-old sceptical conundrums like The Problem of Other Minds will be laid to rest, and - in principle - the normative aspect of other people's experience will feel as real as one's own.
Krista and Tatiana Hogan
("These twins share a brain, can access each other's feelings and even see through each other's eyes")

The pain-pleasure axis discloses the world's inbuilt metric of fundamental (dis)value. Thus we might encounter an alien civilization that values paperclips, and another civilization that disvalues paperclips, but not an alien civilization with an inverted pain-pleasure axis that values agonizing despair and disvalues sublime bliss. Evolution via natural selection has harnessed the axis of (dis)value but doesn't create it. Thus our molecular duplicates assembled from scratch would presumably share the same fundamental metric of (dis)value: it's an unexplained property of some configurations of matter and energy.
[I should add that Mike Johnson / QRI are less pessimistic. They defend the symmetry theory of valence - which must be hard to explain to victims of symmetrophobia.

[on ChatGPT]
Joshua, the minds of humans have more in common with the cephalic ganglion island-universe of a bumble bee, let alone archaic humans, than with ChatGPT. We share a pleasure-pain axis and phenomenally-bound virtual worlds of experience.
ChatGPT is a zombie - entirely ignorant of the empirical realm.

AI chatbots are a transformative technology, fostering seamless communication and weaving a tapestry of connections that reshape how we think of human-machine interaction — it's like having a collaborative partner at your fingertips. This article delves more deeply:
AI giveaways
("These Words Make it Obvious That Your Text is Written By AI")

[on anxiolytic cannabinoids]
I've never experienced anxiolysis or a cannabis high; and don't appreciate second-hand smoke:
CBD products study
("First-of-Its-Kind Experiment Confirms The Best Cannabis Compound For Anxiety")
"Cannabis's effects seem pretty paradoxical on the surface. Some people call Mary Jane their best friend, enjoying feelings of relaxation, profound insight, and a release from troubled nerves. Others spurn the devil's lettuce, overwhelmed by feelings of paranoia, depersonalization, and panic."

[on the abolitionist project]
The Abolitionist Project
Tribbles could benefit from fertility regulation. And likewise, cross-species fertility regulation using e.g. tunable synthetic gene drives will be needed for a civilized biosphere. The alternative is population regulation via the age-old horrors of starvation and predation.

Humans currently harm billions of sentient beings each year, so why should the proposal to help billions of sentient beings instead be reckoned megalomaniacal? In practice, rather than some 100 Year Plan to defeat suffering, progress on the AP is likely to be slow, messy and incremental.
And the death spasms of Darwinian life will be ugly.
Abolitionist Ecology by David Pearce

Physical and psychological pain alike will probably be trivialised and then abolished over the next few centuries, but the pitfalls are hard to exaggerate.
Jo Cameron is never anxious or depressed - just naturally high on life. Critically, Jo’s dual FAAH / FAAH-OUT mutation confers an exceptionally high pain-threshold rather than total pain-insensitivity.
The problem of suffering is fixable - but only if we embrace genome reform.
It would be extraordinary if just a couple of genetic tweaks could effectively fix the problem of mental & physical pain. Jo Cameron’s late father seems to have shared her dual FAAH / FAAH-OUT mutation. Could the problem of suffering be fixed with a Hundred Year Plan? Minds underpinned entirely by information-sensitive gradients of well-being are theoretically feasible. But maybe even exceptional humans aren't wholly immune from experience below hedonic zero.

Most of us are familiar with high-functioning depressives who go through life animated almost entirely by information-sensitive gradients of ill-being. The idea one can go through life animated almost entirely by information-sensitive gradients of well-being is less familiar - indeed, some people think it's conceptually impossible because pain and pleasure are mostly relative.

Critically, this point is of more than philosophical interest. If we want to create an entire post-suffering civilization underpinned by gradients of intelligent bliss, then biotech promises the tools to make this happen. And sure, the number of potential pitfalls in building such a world is insane. But fixing the problem of suffering is the noblest cause I know.

A high hedonic set-point does make some people blind to suffering and the urgency of its prevention. But not Jo. Conversely, low mood and/or chronic pain make some people more empathetic. Yet suffering can also embitter.
Extremely happy, "hyperthymic" people (who aren't manic) are much less well-studied than depressives and bipolars. But if our goal as a species should be a hyperthymic civilisation - and indeed a hyperthymic biosphere - then today's hedonic outliers should be exhaustively researched. How, for instance, can we promote the happy person's functional equivalent of depressive realism?

Compare the chequered path to pain-free surgery. Until Jo Cameron's full genome has been sequenced, and until large well-controlled prospective trials have been conducted, we're still in the realm of theory. But genome reform will eventually fix the problem of suffering in human and nonhuman animals alike.
Gene editing can end most human suffering

Jo is often forgetful, which is potentially troubling for the prospects of a future FAAH OUT civilisation. Cannabis users report similar memory lapses. Low-dose anxiogenic drugs can enhance memory - though understandably they aren't popular nootropics. BUT cannabinoids seem to be neuroprotective in the long-term:
Cannabis Use Linked to Lower Dementia Risk
Would a world of Jos be similar?

Before suffering can be ended it must be mitigated - in humans and nonhumans alike. One way suffering can be mitigated in humans and nonhumans alike is via elevated pain thresholds and elevated hedonic set-points.
Pitfalls abound.

Michael It's possible benign mutations of FAAH/FAAH-OUT may confer resistance to opioid abuse. But what about ethyl alcohol? Other agents of abuse? We don't know!
FAAH and Ethyl Alcohol
("Functional Variation in the FAAH Gene Is Directly Associated with Subjective Well-Being and Indirectly Associated with Problematic Alcohol Use")

Theo, hence the need to preserve the functional role of nociception. Should we aim to trivialize pain or replace it altogether with gradients of bliss and/or smart prostheses? The long-term functional role of anger is unclear. Note that while our language distinguishes between the functional role of nociception and pain - they are "doubly dissociable" - no such distinction is made for anger, a regrettable omission. Boring? (1) genetically-elevated hedonic set-points promise to abolish boredom as we understand it today in favour of gradients of lifelong fascination. (2) a world of ubiquitous, mass-produced cultured meat and farm-free animal products means that cruelty-free meat-based diets will still be an option.

Theo, a perfectly respectable case can be made we should be putting all our energies into ending animal agriculture and none into mitigating its horrors.
But whether in the short, medium or long run, we will need to tackle the biological-genetic roots of suffering.

Anne, I find it [creating pain-free nonhumans] disgusting - like I find the idea of putting cameras in all slaughterhouses disgusting. We should be actively helping sentient beings - and herbivorizing predators - rather than treating them less inhumanely. But the question arises: what should we do until the last slaughterhouse is finally shut, and the last obligate predatory carnivore is genetically reprogrammed?

[on Technology, Religion and the Future]
Technology, Religion and the Future
DP fields questions.
Wide-ranging: mp4

[on orange juice]
Is orange juice a mood-brightener?
Orange Juice and Mood
("Effects of Flavonoid-Rich Orange Juice Intervention on Major Depressive Disorder in Young Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial")

And Vitamin C supplementation:
Is Vitamin C a mood-brightener?
("Vitamin C as an adjuvant for treating major depressive disorder and suicidal behavior, a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial")

[on mathematics]
If one takes seriously the conjecture that mathematical physics encodes the values and interdependencies of qualia, then the discipline should be utterly fascinating. But just as biochemistry came alive (so to speak) to me only after I learned to associate particular chemicals with particular experiences, the same is true of maths/mathematical physics - with the difference that I doubt the epiphany / breakthrough will happen in my lifetime.

[on suffering and TFOI]
Manu, less intuitively, we should be able to get rid of "useful" as well as useless suffering in favour of a more civilized signalling system.
And to critics who say, e.g. without suffering there could be no great art, music etc, we can point to the astonishing art, music (etc) now being generated painlessly by AI.
Javier, No art without emotion? oh, I agree. But zombie AI art software and intelligent prompts can now create works of art that stir deeper aesthetic appreciation than anything that hangs in the Louvre. I'm hooked.

[on perception]
paradise engineering
I don't believe in perception in any conventional sense. The intermittent zombie avatar that bears my name in your phenomenal world-simulation is part of my extended phenotype, but not really me.

David Chalmers on Technophilosophy and the Extended Mind
Listening now. Thanks. The expression “extended mind” means something vastly different to an avowed perceptual direct realist like Andy Clark (but not DC?) than to an inferential realist - who recognises that our minds run phenomenal world-simulations that masquerade as the external environment. Technology doesn’t literally enable our minds to leak into extra-cranial reality.

If you're having a lucid dream, then distinguishing between your empirical skull and transcendental skull makes sense. Yet how many people draw this distinction during waking life? A false theory of perception is baked into our conceptual scheme and language. That said, perceptual direct realists are more likely to get things done; it's an adaptive psychosis.
On theoretical grounds, you may infer you're probably a mind-brain in a transcendental skull rather than e.g. the world-simulation run by a lab-grown mini-mind. And the mind-independent world isn't entirely theoretical; you eat bits of it (cf. Kant's Critique of Edible Knowledge).

Andrei, When you are having a lucid dream, you can infer that the contents of the vast world-simulation that your mind-brain is running are internal to an inferred transcendental skull located in a transcendental external reality - to be distinguished from your palpable empirical skull in empirical reality internal to your dreamworld.
What happens when you “wake up”?
Well, on a standard story, you now “perceive” your local environment, either directly (perceptual naive realism) or via some kind of representational vehicle (representational realism).
But as far as I can tell, the inferred transcendental world beyond your transcendental skull can only (partially) select the contents of your phenomenal world-simulation. Perception, as commonly conceived, is a hoax.
For more, see e.g.
Misconceptions about Perception
The Hardest Paradox
Steve Lehar and Antti Revonsuo argue along similar lines.

The Transcendental and the Transcendent
Andrei, Terminology: yes, I'm queasy about using the word(s) "transcended(al) at all.
"Transcendent(al)" skull, "transcendent(al)" body, "transcendent(al)" world versus "empirical" skull, "empirical" body, "empirical" world. What is this guy on about?
But a false perceptual direct realism is built into our conceptual scheme. Awake or dreaming, we each run phenomenal world-simulations. When we are awake, the content of our world-simulations is partly selected by peripheral nervous inputs. World-simulationism / inferential realism has obvious affinities with "indirect" or representational realism. Maybe all such theories can be usefully lumped together; it depends on context.

Jason, the mental and the physical are naively utterly disparate. Compare a pain or a tickle with a chair or a rock. But whether you are awake or dreaming, phenomenal chairs and rocks are as much part of your mental life as pains and tickles.
This view is apt to sound like solipsism - or if not solipsism, Berkeleian idealism.
But no, it's just inferential realism about external reality. When you are awake, the phenomenal chairs and rocks in your world-simulation tend casually to co-vary with fitness-relevant features in the [theoretically inferred] mind-independent physical world.
And what about the nature of this mind-independent world that the formalism of physics describes?
Well, maybe its nature is intrinsically non-experiential. QFT describes fields of insentience. If so, then we face the insoluble Hard Problem of consciousness. Alternatively, the intrinsic nature of the world's fundamental quantum fields doesn't differ inside and outside your head. Human and nonhuman animal minds are indeed special - but not ontologically special. Rather, what makes us different is how our experience is locally and globally bound into virtual worlds of experience like the real-time world-simulation that you are running right now.

[on mental health]
Is world-wide mental health deteriorating?
A grim report
("The world’s mental health is in rough shape — and not getting any better, a new report finds")
I've sometimes worried that the 2012 IPSOS survey (cf. Chilled Out) I used to quote a lot was an outlier. Do poorer countries really often record greater self-reported happiness than the rich world - in the case of the IPSOS poll, Indonesia, followed by India, followed by Mexico. But the Sapien report is even grimmer. Cue for a genome reform rant, destined to fall on deaf ears.

[on the mirror test and nonhuman animal sentience]
Reflective self-awareness is evolutionarily ancient:
Self-aware fish
("Fish identify themselves in mirrors and portraits. Cleaner fish can recognize cognitively their own images in mirrors and portraits as themselves via self-face recognition. For recognition of the self, they have an internal mental image of self-face like humans. This process suggests they have private self-awareness or “mind” and a concept of the self.")
albeit not nearly as old as the pleasure-pain axis.
I briefly hoped EY would update his credences and diet in the light of the cumulative empirical evidence. Alas self-identifying rationalists can be prone to motivated cognition as humanity at large.
The big irony here is that the originator of the paperclipper fable is himself a paperclipper, so to speak.
Creating sentience-friendly biological intelligence is hard - much harder than creating human-friendly AI.

[on exercise]
Of the holy trinity of exercise, diet and sleep discipline, aerobic exercise was the last pillar of good health I belatedly got right:
Dopamine and exercise
Running vs Meds
When is the best time of the day to exercise?
Walking is our Superpower
Exercise promotes bigger brains
10,000 steps per day is best
New study reveals exercise brain boost can last for years
Boosting Exercise Intensity Reduces Mortality Risk
Exercise and Alcoholism
Athletes Have Better Working Memory
Any form of exercise can help rejuvenate the brain
Habitual physical activity is related to more creative activities
Exercise boosts memory for up to 24 hours after a workout 'Weekend Warrior' Strategy Shows Persistent Cognitive Benefits

But see SLU-PP-332 and its cousins:
Exercise Pills
("An exercise pill may soon offer the same benefits as a workout, scientists say')

And the right partner can be hugely fitness-enhancing too:
Isolation incapacitates
("Single and over 50? You’re more likely to need a walking stick. Researchers found three quarters of single over 50s needed an aid compared to just one fifth of those with partners")

[on ENDPAIN on TikTok]
Sean of ENDPAIN is doing an awesome job promoting HI on TikTok:
David Pearce and Olaf Carlson-Wee at Consensus
I suspect the Consensus audience (video) might have been more impressed had I been introduced as crypto-billionaire David Pearce; but sadly that would be stretching it. Still, the message seemed to go down well.

For Consensus, Olaf was kind enough to arrange an upmarket tub.
At first, I struggled to act the part:
The Four Seasons Type?
But since Austin, I've received weekly emails about "my Four Seasons Lifestyle". Sadly, I can't tip quite so generously without Olaf's credit card.
I think the Seychelles might be good for a conference on the Post-Darwinian Transition.

[on the Measurement Problem in QM]
The measurement problem, aka the problem of definite outcomes, is often presented as though perceptual direct realism were true. In practice, we each run real-time phenomenal world-simulations and only infer the mind-independent world. Now consider a real-life Schrödinger's cat experiment. On opening the sealed chamber, one finds e.g. a live cat. The superposition principle has ostensibly broken down. But has it? For sure, the content of one's perceptual experience of a live cat is classical. But what about the neuronal vehicle? Perhaps an individual superposition of distributed neuronal feature-processors is experienced as a phenomenally-bound live classical cat. By contrast, a pack of decohered classical neurons would be a micro-experiential zombie incapable of experiencing a definite classical outcome (cf. the binding problem in neuroscience). As far as I can tell, only a quantum mind can phenomenally simulate a classical world. A pack of effectively decohered neurons would just be an aggregate of "mind dust".
The obvious objection to this conjecture is that the effective lifetime of neuronal superpositions in the warm, wet CNS is femtoseconds(!) or less. Decoherence is insanely powerful. But here I'm not concerned to defend the conjecture, just to note that standard accounts of the measurement problem have a suppressed premise, i.e. they conflate neuronal vehicle and subjective perceptual content.
Schrödinger himself incidentally was explicitly a perceptual direct realist.

[on nutrition]
Algae oil provides high levels of EPA and DHA:
Omega-3 intake and cognitive health
("Omega-3 intake linked to better cognitive health in older adults, study finds")

Intellectual performance world-wide (and physical and emotional health) could be improved if kindergartens, schools and universities offered free, optimised nutrition for all students and teachers:
Brain foods
("Study finds what to eat to make you smarter. What you eat is linked to higher amounts of grey matter in the brain")

Thank you Róża! The title my err on the side of optimism, but there's very valuable info in:
How Not To Age by Michael Greger.

Can eating more fruit ward off depression?
Fruit and Mood
("Association between consumption of fruits and vegetables in midlife and depressive symptoms in late life: the Singapore Chinese Health Study")
Eat plenty of nuts:
Does eating nuts help prevent dementia?
Insosfar as you want to stay cognitively intact, quit red meat and (if you're a moral agent) other animal products:
Dementia Incidence Linked to Inflammatory Foods (Study assessed diet at three time points over 10 years")
"Components were categorized as anti-inflammatory or pro-inflammatory.Anti-inflammatory components included alcohol, beta-carotene, caffeine, dietary fiber, folic acid, magnesium, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, zinc, monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, omega-3 fat, omega-6 fat, selenium, flavan-3-ol, flavones, flavonols, flavanones, anthocyanidins, green or black tea, pepper, garlic, and vitamins B6, A, C, D, and E."

[on gene-editing treatment]
Gene therapy for angioedema
("World-first gene editing treatment to eliminate angioedema life changing, patient says")
Great news. Now imagine Jo Camerons were the norm, and gene-editing treatment became available to treat people born with the tragic syndrome of ADD (anandamide deficiency disorder): pdf.
I know of no technical reason why we can’t phase out all experience below hedonic zero. And I know of no moral reason why sentient beings should be compelled to undergo experience below hedonic zero without their prior consent.

The WHO needs either to
(1) radically downgrade its conception of health as set out in its founding constitution
(2) promote adoption of the therapeutic genetic interventions that are needed to achieve it.
Health as defined by the WHO is impossible with traditional genomes.

[on Bangkok Ethereum DevCon 2024]
Vitalik Buterin at DevCon 2024
I'm just back in Costa de Caparica after DevCon 2024 (long story). I felt like an alien anthropologist. Of the 12,000+ attendees, I probably had the lowest AQ. In a slight misreading of my professed role model, the historical Diogenes, I found myself installed in Chala Number 6, Chiang Mai; and then Grand Center Point, Bangkok; but I was too polite to complain. Terminal 21 shopping center attached to Grand Center Point is a vast multistorey labyrinth. I recall reading of an elderly woman who once got lost at a hypermarket for 10 days and survived only by eating food off the shelves; my 90 minutes of abject confusion wasn't in quite the same league, but I was left feeling senile.
To what extent is the work of futurists mostly disguised autobiography?
I know this may be true of HI. But here is Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin (Wikipedia):

"Buterin has stated that he was driven to create decentralized money because his World of Warcraft character was nerfed, specifically by patch 3.1.0. He went on to say in his bio:
'I happily played World of Warcraft during 2007–2010, but one day Blizzard removed the damage component from my beloved warlock's Siphon Life spell. I cried myself to sleep, and on that day I realized what horrors centralized services can bring. I soon decided to quit.'"
Gameloft's decision to shutter (2023) my favorite video-game ever, Modern Combat Versus (MCV), came as a similar blow - I was character Vegan Pacifist. But the centralized diktat hit too late in my life to shape my Weltanschauung in quite the same way. Meeting Vitalik for the first time in Chiang Mai, I alluded to our shared trauma. Vitalik is sympathetic in principle to HI, but is sceptical that gradients of bliss can motivate as powerfully as pain. Intuitively this feels right. That said, famished rats won't cross an electrified grid to access food, but will do so electrically to self-stimulate their mesolimbic dopamine system - what were formerly called the pleasure centers. Intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS, "wireheading") can be powerfully motivating. Likewise opportunities for sex and other highly fitness-relevant behaviors. I harangued Vitalik on going vegan; alas the fate of the most prominent vegan in the cryptosphere, SBF, isn't entirely auspicious. We talked about FAAH, FAAH-OUT and Far Out; Vitalik had read Scott's awesome write-up. Perhaps our most obvious differences of emphasis (besides my NU button-pressing proclivities) are over decentralization. We agree that individual parents should take reproductive decisions, not governments. But HI effectively calls for a pan-species welfare state - with all the risks of dystopian outcomes a global panopticon entails - whereas Vitalik strongly favours D/Acc.
My Techno-Optimism by Vitalik Buterin
A most enjoyable read. But are we really any (un)happier than hunter-gatherers on the African savannah? Tackling hedonic adaptation is vital.

Other crypto luminaries were in town. I don't know CZ, but I had lunch with Olaf. We discussed Nudge. Hot seasoning was added to my excellent vegan salad which brought tears to my eyes - no problem, I enjoy hot food - but the waiters seemed to think I was suffering food poisoning and wouldn't let us pay.

D/Acc & HedWeb
Biotech and AI could fix the problem of suffering at source.
Question to D/Acc-ers: can (and should) suffering abolitionists support D/Acc?
Or would the price of total abolition necessarily be a top-down, quasi-centralised pan-species welfare state?

The cryptosphere tends to be male.
DevCon's Foresight event was an exception, at least if one notices such things...
Foresight DevCon 2024
[on Davecoin One]
Commercial aviation can be stressful and pathogenic. Hence the need for:
DaveCoin One
(with thanks to Shao)
IMO, Vitalik should commission a fleet of sterile Gulfstream Ethereum.

[on X versus Bluesky]
"X" is now a billionaire's plaything. But Twitter has now effectively been rebranded as Bluesky. Alas impersonation is a problem. This is not Eliezer nor Vitalik. Pseudo-Vitalik mailed me and dangled vast riches. "Vitalik" wanted to introduce me to lucrative "ETH staking". I just needed to transfer my ETH stash to and financial fortune would swiftly follow. I tried to deflect my benefactor by saying the promised millions would be a mere rounding error in my accounts (which would be stretching it). I explained the virtues of decentralization and self-custody. Alas "Vitalik" wasn't convinced.

Elon on why X is best:
Elon Clips
Urging people to delete alternative sources of information and rely solely on Elon's "X" for news is not the recipe for a well-informed democratic society.
Maybe. But should journalism strive for the preservation of comfortable filter bubbles or accuracy?

Should “a few media oligarchs” steer the narrative?
Or the world’s richest man and owner of X?
Elon urges us below to delete all other news apps and get our news exclusively from a platform where he has total control of the algorithm.
I’m unconvinced this is wise. True, X's recommendation engine is open source. But part is "redacted". And what percentage of X's user base has the technical expertise (knowledge of Python etc) to rectify Elon's changes?

[on qualia]
Qualia are real, spatio-temporally located phenomena. Their existence in other human and non-human animals could in principle be demonstrated by rigging up a reversible thalamic bridge and doing a partial “mind-meld” to emulate the craniopagous Hogan sisters. A reversible thalamic bridge is also probably the only way to persuade Eliezer that human babies and nonhuman animals are conscious. Also, the question arises: if physics is causally closed and effectively complete, how can qualia give rise to discussion of their existence? But this isn’t a problem for physicalism per se, just materialism.

Leon, binding is our superpower. When speaking carefully, I express scepticism of machine superintelligence only with existing architectures. On pain of spooky “strong” emergence, implementations of classical Turing machines (and LLMs, etc) are not going to solve the phenomenal binding problem and spawn minds, i.e. phenomenally bound subjects of experience. In a fundamentally quantum world, decoherence makes classical computing physically possible and simultaneously forbids digital AI from supporting phenomenally unity, the bedrock of mind. In my view, the animal kingdom has been characterised by quantum minds running quasi-classical world-simulations for the past half-billion plus years…
I suspect the pleasure-pain axis may be peculiar to biological minds:
Inorganic quantum computers
But this is speculation.
[Leon Greco writes] "So you’re skeptical of multiple realizability with respect to qualia varieties? In other words: redness, audible hisses, and pleasure all have 1 to 1 relationships with the biological configurations they’re associated with and no others?"
DP: Exactly.

[on racism]
Black people in our society still suffer racism from birth
Why fewer black babies survive
and throughout life
Racism and the mind-brain Racism also impairs the cognitive abilities of racists
Racist cognition
("Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes: Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact")
although disentangling correlation and causality is hard.
Historically, racism, tribalism and xenophobia tend to worsen in pandemics and their aftermath.
COVID seems no different.

Economists broadly agree that increased labour mobility following open borders would lead to a massive increase in global GDP (ranging from 50% to 150%) and consequent increase in average subjective well-being world wide:
Income and happiness
("Happiness, income satiation and turning points around the world")

[on observers]
Maximilian, the concept of an "observer" makes various presuppositions and background assumptions. For a start, "observer" typically assumes a false direct realist theory of perception. But even without this false assumption, the existence of an "observer" - phenomenally-bound subject of experience - presupposes a unified subject. The existence of unified subjects shouldn't be possible if the CNS is just a pack of decohered classical neurons, old or new.

For what it's worth, I entertain the conjecture that the binding problem in neuroscience and the measurement problem in QM are two facets of the same mystery - and share a solution:
Two mysteries

[on abolitionism]
Reprogramming the Biosphere by David Pearce
One of my brothers treads a spiritual path. The other is a Deep Green. As a rule of thumb, IMO the project is best served by passing over biographical trivia about its advocates. But that said:
The abolitionist project
Thanks John. Negative utilitarians do indeed want to phase out all kinds of suffering in favour of a more civilized signalling system. But it's worth stressing that one can support the abolitionist project even if phasing out / preventing / minimizing involuntary suffering is only one of your ethical goals. Negative utilitarians (and some Buddhists, etc) are unusual insofar as we view fixing the problem of suffering as ethically all-important.
Until recently, this debate would have been purely philosophical. What's so exciting about biotech is how fixing the problem of suffering will soon be a policy option. Genome reform is hugely controversial. But if we don't tackle the biological-genetic roots of suffering, then obscene levels of mental and physical pain will persist and proliferate indefinitely.

It's a sad fact that (to the best of my knowledge) there exists not a single novel, movie or other work of science fiction where suffering has been entirely abolished and replaced by life based on gradients of intelligent bliss. Thus one knows that if explorers stumble across an alien "utopian" world, it's sure to have a sinister underbelly. And any attempt to build an ideal society will go horribly wrong. Indeed, even traditional Christian heaven had its dark side, i.e. Satan's rebellion and the fate of fallen angels. The one plot twist no author seems seriously to have considered is we encounter a blissful alien civilisation - and everyone lives happily ever after.

Dave, Andres and I tend to agree on most things. But I'm still much more cautious than QRI about the symmetry theory of valence. I suspect the textures ("what it feels like") of qualia are encoded in the solutions to the equations of QFT. If an informationless zero ontology is true, then in some sense these textures "cancel" to zero. But beyond this speculative constraint, I don't know why the textures of qualia take the values they do - including states of the pleasure-pain axis. Fortunately, HI doesn't depend on a deep understanding of qualia. Compare how if we want to abolish physical pain in humans, then we could simply ensure all kids are born with nonsense mutations of the SCN9A gene (in practice, choosing "low pain" alleles will be wisest for now). Likewise with Jo Cameron's dual FAAH and FAAH-OUT mutations. We can "ring fence" the Evil Zone without - yet - having any kind of proper understanding of its basis.

Objections? With humans, I think the biggest obstacle to phasing out suffering is that talk of genome reform invites the "e" word. A critic can rattle off the history of the eugenics movement and its awful culmination (1933-45). Perhaps the only good argument I know for perpetuating death and aging is how they ensure tyrants and dictatorial regimes can stay in power indefinitely. Phasing out animal agriculture invites charges of promoting "Frankenfoods" (how many people know that cultured meat and farm-free animal products typically aren't genetically engineered?). The most common argument one hears against phasing out predation is that "interfering" with Nature would lead to more suffering, not less, not least via an uncontrollable proliferation of herbivores followed by ecological collapse. (Cross-species immunocontraception is easy enough to explain, but the idea of remotely regulating the population sizes of hundreds of thousands of free-living species via tunable synthetic gene drives sounds like sci-fi). Critics also claim that herbivorization Compare angst-ridden teens with exuberant puppies (the upshot of selective breeding?)
Imagine if all humans had such zest for life...
If ADHD were instead known as exuberant puppy syndrome, maybe doctors would be less willing to “treat” it with Ritalin and amphetamine salts.

Michael Sometimes I resolve not to get sidetracked by "philosophy". Surely, creating pain-free life should be like creating pain-free surgery. But I know "rationalists" who deny the existence of phenomenal consciousness at all; others (like Eliezer) who deny it to nonhuman animals; others who ascribe it to digital computers (cf. And so forth.

A textbook and audio-visual material would be good. More ambitiously, imagine if young people could take a course on abolitionist studies. There also needs to be an academic institute with a full-time team of researchers and a journal.

Thycahye, by all means opt to preserve your own (capacity to experience) pain. The big question is whether we should seek to conserve (a predisposition to) involuntary suffering in others.
Paradise Engineering: Towards the Wellbeing of All Sentience, volume 2 Paradise Engineering: Towards the Wellbeing of All Sentience

[on human diversity]
Unlike fluid intelligence, vocabulary - and recognition of human diversity - may continue to increase until quite late in life:
List of paraphilias
What are the 72 other genders?

Lest any reader be feeling a bit inadequate...
If posthuman superminds were to contemplate humans, perhaps they'd be struck, not by our neurodiversity or unequal talents, but rather just how exceedingly similar we all are - just as humans view the minds of mice (or beetles?). Indeed, maybe what humans generically lack vis-à-vis posthumans isn't explicitly represented or conceivable in our conceptual scheme at all: our ignorance is hardwired.
So yes, it's good to be a smart mouse.
But mice are mice...

Homo homini lupus. I suffer from species dysphoria more than gender dysphoria, but alas the species I most identify with doesn't yet exist.
The wolves among us
("Howling mad! Fury as school allows pupil suffering from 'species dysphoria' to identify as a Wolf") Felicity, theological issues are a can of worms. Thus if Jesus lacked a human father, he was presumably a 45,X0 female with Turner Syndrome.

[on monistic idealism]
Bernardo Kastrup on Idealism
DP's non-materialist physicalism - and why decoherence threatens the prospect of cosmic mind - appears at 16:38.
Wonderful interview. Thank you. The Hard Problem of consciousness arises only if we make a metaphysical assumption, namely that the mysterious "fire" in the equations of QFT differs outside from inside one's head. If we drop the metaphysical assumption, then idealists may turn out to be the true physicalists - the ultimate irony. Transposing the mathematical apparatus of modern physics onto an idealist ontology yields non-materialist physicalism. Only the physical is real. Only the physical is causally effective. Materialists simply misunderstand the intrinsic nature of the physical.

However, here I want just to focus on the implications of decoherence for the possibility of a cosmic mind - or at least the idea that the universal wavefunction could have some kind of phenomenal unity (16: 38). Decoherence makes it desperately hard to understand how individual humans (and nonhuman animals) could have a unified mind, let alone the entire cosmos. For the bedrock of mind is phenomenal binding. Without binding, we'd be micro-experiential zombies. If our nervous systems were made up of billions of effectively classical, membrane-bound micropixels of experience - as suggested by textbook neuroscience - then we'd be mere aggregates of “mind dust”. As far as I can tell, phenomenal binding is non-classical. Unitary-only quantum mechanics suggests our heads are populated by ubiquitous individual "cat states". Neuronal superpositions of distributed feature-processors allow the experience of feature-bound perceptual objects and definite classical outcomes (“perception”). However, thermally-induced decoherence - the scrambling of phase angles of the components of individual neuronal superpositions – in the warm, wet CNS is insanely fast, presumably femtoseconds or less. Decoherence means information is (effectively) irreversibly lost to the environment. At larger scales and hotter temperatures than the CNS, the effective lifetimes of phenomenally-bound individual superpositions must be even shorter. In short, I can understand how to reconcile physicalism with idealism, but not with cosmopsychism - or not yet at any rate!

Andres has a much larger evidential base than most of us.
If the intrinsic nature of the physical is non-experiential, as common sense suggests, then quantum theory can't turn water into wine. However, if we transpose the mathematical apparatus of unitary-only quantum mechanics onto an idealist ontology, then the upshot is an empirically adequate theory of mind and reality of stunning explanatory and predictive power. Byproducts include an understanding of why AI using existing computer architectures can't "wake up" to a solution to the binding problem in neuroscience and the measurement problem in QM.
Although I explore non-materialist physicalism
(cf. Non-materialist physicalism)
and quantum mind
(cf. Quantum mind)
these ideas are the result of painful thought rather than drug-catalyzed epiphanies.
Also, I take seriously the likelihood that I'm completely wrong!

Most idealists have an agenda - often an edifying and spiritual agenda. But taking the intrinsic nature argument seriously as a potential solution to the Hard Problem yields a physicalist idealism that can be explored by even the most hard-nosed cynic.

Note there is a more conservative form of idealism than Donald Hoffman's ("The Case Against Reality"). If we transpose the entire mathematical machinery of modern physics onto an idealist ontology, then the upshot is non-materialist physicalism. On this account, only the physical is real. The Standard Model describes fields of sentience. What makes minds special is phenomenal binding into virtual worlds of experience, not consciousness per se. Realism about the mind-independent world, physicalism and idealism alike are true.

[on radical scepticism]
Yes. It's a bit of a paradox.
On the one hand, I think (non-materialist) physicalism is true, which explains the technological success-story of science; and we can at least take a stab at answering the staples of academic philosophy of mind: the Hard Problem of consciousness, the phenomenal binding problem, the problem of the causal-functional-efficacy of consciousness and so forth.
On the other hand, consider the empirical ("relating to experience") evidence. The empirical is all one ever directly knows. Yet science has no idea of why the empirical realm exists at all, or why any of its textures ("what it feels like") take the diverse values they do.
Admittedly, I conjecture the textures of experience are somehow encoded in the solutions to the mathematical formalism of tomorrow's TOE; and they may or may not somehow "cancel out" to zero in an informationless zero ontology.
But we are still profoundly ignorant of almost everything. Posterity may view human everyday life as some kind of waking psychosis. To paraphrase Russell, most of what we think we know is mere familiarity. Thus take a drug that induces derealization and depersonalization and one will realize how little science really understands.

[on mixed states]
₿ibbidi, so-called "mixed" states are a feature of Darwinian life. In a post-Darwinian world, polluting beautiful states of consciousness with nasty stuff will be optional. Why not use biotech and aim for gradations of the sublime? Lifelong-bliss should be the birthright of all sentience. Compare wireheading, or lucid dreaming, or immersive VR, or tomorrow's realizations of Nozick's "Experience Machines". The sublime can be effectively decoupled from extra-cranial reality. But disengagement will be optional. Alternatively, genetically ratcheting up hedonic range and hedonic set-points promises everyday life animated by gradients of pure bliss even in basement reality. All experience below hedonic zero can be purged and then made physically inconceivable.

[on overcoming wild animal suffering]
paradise engineering paradise engineering
And in a more directly Biblical vein: The Peaceable Kingdom.
Thanks Jonathan. Of course, today it's fantasy. Maybe it's better to keep posting reminders to traditional conservation biologists of the sheer nastiness of real Darwinian life. Stick to gore. But when viewing the scenes of blissful harmony depicted above, you've got to be pretty mean-spirited not to acknowledge that a world without predation would be more civilized than today's horror-show. And the entire living world will soon be (re)programmable.

A vast discipline arose trying to reconcile the supposed goodness of God with the monstrous evils of the world:
I gave the presentation below to a religious audience: pdf The reaction was surprisingly positive. I pitched the herbivorization project essentially as the implementation details of the Book of Isaiah: The Peaceable Kingdom
How else could the "peaceable kingdom" come to pass?
Not all rationalists are willing to pander to religious sensibilities.
But mercifully, none of the world's sacred texts say "Thou shalt not tamper with thy genetic source code".
And perhaps CRISPR can be interpreted as a Gift of God to be used wisely to make His creatures happy.

The Birds Don't Sing...
Burden of Dreams - The Birds Don't Sing, They Screech in Pain
"I don't see [the jungle] so much erotic. I see it more full of obscenity. It's just - Nature here is vile and base. I wouldn't see anything erotical here. I would see fornication and asphyxiation and choking and fighting for survival and... growing and... just rotting away. Of course, there's a lot of misery. But it is the same misery that is all around us. The trees here are in misery, and the birds are in misery. I don't think they - they sing. They just screech in pain[...]"
(Werner Herzog, from documentary, Burden of Dreams
Episode 1: The Birds Don't Sing, They Screech in Pain)
Nature is a monstrous snuff-movie. Natural selection is an engine of unimaginable pain and suffering. So what should be done? The cleanest solution would be the (non-violent) retirement of Darwinian malware. This is too far outside the Overton window even to be worth considering. The alternative to retirement is the project of civilising Nature - a terrible irony for a species currently running death-factories. Although technically feasible, civilising Nature will be horrendously complicated and computationally intensive. By analogy, imagine the world’s computers have been infected by virulent polymorphic malware, and we aren’t permitted to eradicate it, just tweak the malware to make its code less pernicious.

Ray, sometimes state-direction works. During WW2, American GDP almost doubled. Either way, my worry is less the death in Nature ("Death may be the greatest of all human blessings." - Socrates), but rather, the horrific suffering that often precedes it. Nature lovers respond that we should focus on the good stuff. But you wouldn't say we had a fun day at the beach apart from the kid that died. In Nature, there are a lot of dead kids.

Maximilian, in the wild, death often comes as a "merciful" release from suffering. But then there are grieving mothers. To stress though: I favour high-tech Jainism and upholding the sanctity of life. The consequences of doing otherwise are typically worse.

Never? Actually, I've been surprised. I never thought wild animal suffering, let alone fixing the problem of predation, would be seriously discussed in my lifetime. Biotech is a gamechanger. For sure, humans are often selfish and callous. But most of us aren't cruel. When the level of suffering in Nature becomes an adjustable parameter, I reckon most people will be relaxed at seeing it genetically dialed down.
On reflection, aren't you?

Fly larvae aren't as cognitively sophisticated as mature flies, but they do have rudimentary sentience.
What do flies think about?
That said, we'd do well to focus on tractable problems like ending animal agriculture.
Darwinian life is sick stuff: focusing on the aesthetics is like complimenting the director of a snuff movie on the quality of the camerawork.
Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Andrei, What does it feel like to be asphyxiated, disembowelled or eaten alive? The experience is horrific beyond words. What does it feel like to see your beloved offspring die horribly in this way? Inexpressibly awful. Les Knight's claim that "prey" are somehow better off from the existence of predators is...bizarre. And the problem is not that humans "anthropomorphize" the suffering of nonhuman animals, but rather we don't "anthropomorphize" their suffering enough. Agony, terror and despair are dreadful whether you are a toddler, a pig or a zebra. Humans are in many ways a monstrous species. But we are also the only species intellectually capable of dismantling the engine of suffering, natural selection, and creating a happy, peaceful civilized biosphere underpinned by gradients of intelligent bliss.

Beata, you've highlighted a problem. Researchers don't use the terms "sentience" and "consciousness" in the same way. For example, I take consciousness fundamentalism seriously as a possible solution to the Hard Problem (non-materialist physicalism). But I'd use the term "sentient" to refer only to a phenomenally-bound subject of experience - ranging from a human to the cephalic ganglion of a bumble bee. Neither of us are "right": these are stipulative definitions, and the scientific and philosophical communities haven't yet arrived at a consensus view.

The moral landscape of biological conservation: Understanding conceptual and normative foundations
"Going beyond rather small-scale interventions (e.g., localised feeding practices), some animal ethicists argue that it is even permissible to go as far as ‘paradise engineering’ – if possible – in the form of fully redesigning nature to alleviate animal suffering (see Nussbaum, 2006; Kianpour and Paez, 2022)."

Herbivorize, wars over paradise engineering?
This would be a terrible irony.
Some forms of paradise engineering are win-win. Thus hedonic uplift can benefit everyone, with no losers.
But if some people are determined to harm other sentient beings, then their desires must be frustrated.
Maybe they can do the "harming" in VR.

Abolishing Predation
Sentient beings shouldn't harm each other. The entire biosphere is now programmable. But (in my view) it's best to research reprogramming (or non-violently retiring) predatory species of nonhuman animals rather than any talk of killing. Population sizes of free-living nonhumans are best regulated via cross-species fertility regulation (using immunocontraception, tunable synthetic gene drives, etc) rather than the cruelties of predation and starvation. Compassionate stewardship of the post-CRISPR biosphere will benefit herbivores and (ex)predators alike.

"Lions deserve to exist as lions indefinitely, and are predators by definition. To remove that is to eradicate them. The fact that you consider it a good idea is unutterably vile. I hate you more than can be expressed. You're like a real world demon
Froglunch, Why such hatred?
Compassionate biologists want to see a happy, peaceful living world.
A blissful biosphere is not the goal of a “demon” as commonly understood.

Rob, Life on Earth is beautiful if you're sitting in a comfortable armchair watching a David Attenborough propaganda video with soul-stirring mood-music to match. But most sentient beings die horribly at an early age, either through starvation or predation - or in slaughterhouses. From Tennyson's "Nature, red in tooth and claw" to even status quo apologists like David Attenborough ("You should see what we leave on the cutting-room floor") anyone who studies the living world will recognise that suffering is endemic. We should fix it.

Rob, many humans, including folk who wear clothes, equate the natural with the good. Therefore there are good ethical reasons for downplaying the extent to which a (conditionally activated) predisposition to sexual coercion has been adaptive in humans and nonhumans alike:
Sexual coercion
The living world contains atrocious suffering. Reference to the cruelties of Nature is an allusion to the fate of the victims, not the motives of the perpetrators. Indeed, in the case of starvation, the countless tragedies stem from an absence of fertility regulation.

Rob, one can't do the logically impossible, i.e., satisfy mutually inconsistent preferences, such a desire to harm and a desire not to be harmed. What we can do is actively respect the deep-seated wish that effectively all sentient beings have in common - the desire not to be harmed.

In a future pan-species welfare state, members of all sentient species will receive equivalent healthcare:
Fish undergoes CT scan due to swimming issue
Compare how Malthusian catastrophe was once thought "inevitable" for humans as well. Then came family planning. CRISPR and gene drives make the fertility of nonhumans regulable too. Should we opt for another few hundred million years of pain, suffering and ultra-violence? Why?

Sayuru, but humans increasingly do rule Nature. Our dominion will only grow as the Anthropocene epoch unfolds. The question to ask is what principles should govern our stewardship of the rest of the living world. What level of violence and suffering in the biosphere is ethically optimal? Nature hasn't been kind enough to allow nonhuman animals to choose whether they want to be pregnant. Hence the countless Malthusian tragedies. But "consent" is a red herring. If human infants & toddlers could get pregnant, we'd put them on birth control. Likewise future nonhumans. Suffering is ugly. Morality trumps aesthetics. But a world without suffering will be more vastly beautiful too. A peaceful, genetically reformed biosphere underpinned by information-sensitive gradients of well-being is not a "perfect" world. But it's vastly more civilized than the status quo. What's more, genome reform can make experience below hedonic zero physiologically impossible.

Carrie, any intellectual worth his salt will relish the label of Dangerous Thinker. But alternatively, the case for using biotech to fix the problem of suffering is… well, kinda obvious - just Buddhism (or Bentham) plus biotech? OK, I know our intemperate friend here will beg to differ. I can understand people who still think the cruelties of Nature are sad but inevitable. But well-fed, well-housed, well-clothed (etc) humans arguing from the comfort of their armchairs that Nature Should Be Left Alone show a lack of reflective self-awareness.

Froglunch, Evolution via natural selection doesn't optimize for happiness or ethics, but rather for inclusive genetic fitness. Hence the cruelties of Darwinian life. But selection pressure has thrown up a species uniquely capable of engineering the well-being of all sentience. Let's do it.

Froglunch, You are focusing entirely on your aesthetic responses to Nature without trying to empathize with the perspectives of its suffering victims.
If you really believe aesthetics trumps all, then you should welcome biotech for its potential to create the molecular machinery of superhuman beauty. Veganizing the Biosphere by David Pearce Veganising the Biosphere by David Pearce Veganising the Biosphere by David Pearce Reprogramming Predators by David Pearce
[on humour]
Does humour have a future?
The decline and fall of wit
("How Does Our Sense of Humor Change With Age? A Statistical Analysis How do our comedic sensibilities form and transform over time?")

[on OpenAI]
IMO the OpenAI imbroglio says more about our primate past than future. Leopold Aschenbrenner was most likely fired because he didn't sign the letter urging Sam's reinstatement: Leopold Aschenbrenner warning
("Fired OpenAI Researcher Warns of Urgent CCP Espionage Threat")

[on "IQ" hokum]
You can be an autist with far-reaching cognitive disabilities and record an “IQ” score higher than Einstein or Hawking. You can be a mathematical illiterate who speaks and writes with great difficulty - and help give birth to technologies that underpin an entire civilization (Michael Fataday). Even a zombie chatbot can record a high “IQ” score. In short, “IQ” is a grotesquely inadequate measure of general intelligence, which is a measure of your entire mind and the phenomenal world-simulation it runs.

I think of the rationalist community (unfairly?) as a high-functioning autism support group,
The Mystery Of Internet Survey IQs
but on balance they make the world a better place.
It's possible to imagine a conception of intelligence focused on the ability to investigate, navigate and manipulate different state-spaces of experience. However, on such a criterion, digital computers and consciousness anti-realists would have no discernible intelligence at all.

Von Neumann was an Asperger:
John von Neumann was on the autism spectrum
His cognitive style accorded with the extreme male brain theory of ASD:
The extreme male brain theory of autism
Creating a world of von Neumans would present profound political challenges.
My scepticism of "IQ" is undimmed. "Intelligence" is a contested concept. It involves value-judgements about (un)importance as well as matters of fact. IMO, general intelligence is a function of one's entire world-simulation; but this conception isn't standard. And the two conceptions of intelligence with the greatest claims to scientific respectability, the ecological and "IQ", yield inconsistent results (The horrors of twentieth-century history mean Ashkenazi can notionally be ranked lowest as well as highest among ethnic groups, which seems absurd). More generally, I suspect our successors will reckon today's notions of intelligence are simple-minded and maybe plain deluded.

Matt. “IQ” tests are designed by people with ASD; and reflect the cognitive style and intellectual limitations of their creators. Full-spectrum intelligence is adaptive both for individuals and groups. More sophisticated measures of intelligence have an ecological validity “IQ” tests lack. General intelligence is a function of one's entire mind and its phenomenal world-simulation. If we're looking for a measure of intelligence with ecological validity, then social cognition & mentalizing prowess should be highly weighted, for a start. "IQ" tests omit it altogether.

Autism is associated with profound cognitive deficits. Yet we read stories like Adhara Pérez Sánchez ("9-year-old girl with autism has an IQ higher than Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking"). If "IQ" tests measured general intelligence, this story would be absurd. But not if "IQ" tests measured the autistic component of general intelligence.

[on transhumans vs posthumans]
The distinction between transhumans and posthumans is conventional but not arbitrary. Thus I assume that posthumans will have gained complete mastery of the pleasure-pain axis and live quasi-immortal lives underpinned by gradients of superhuman bliss. Embedded neurochips will allow posthumans to do everything mature zombie AGI/ASI can do and more. Billions of alien state-spaces of experience latent in matter and energy will be accessible to blissful posthuman investigation. Heaven knows what they'll discover.
By contrast, transhumans later this century will "only" be capable of light genetic tinkering and their neuro-prostheses will be cruder and clunkier.

David, I'd modify your dichotomy slightly. Perhaps the question we might pose is: will humanity's successors also be our descendants? I have a very dark conception of humans and Darwinian life in general. Natural selection is a fiendish engine of suffering. BUT I don't think humans will go extinct in the conventional sense, rather we are going to upgrade and enrich ourselves so we become transhuman and posthuman:
Life in the Year 3000.

[on non-materialist physicalism]
Reddit Discussion on Non-Materialist Physicalism
Consciousness is often reckoned ill-defined. By contrast, the nature of the physical tends to get treated as unproblematic. But physics itself is silent on the intrinsic nature of the physical. For sure, it's tempting to make a metaphysical assumption, namely that the mysterious "fire" in the equations of QFT is non-experiential. But we lack empirical evidence for such a claim. Dropping the metaphysical assumption yields non-materialist physicalism - which explains all the technological successes of science minus its metaphysical baggage. No least, the metaphysical baggage gives rise to the insoluble Hard Problem of consciousness.

Consciousness mystifies me. But not the mind-body problem. I have no evidence the intrinsic nature of the world’s fundamental quantum fields differs inside and outside my head. If so, then experience discloses the intrinsic nature of the physical, the mysterious “fire” in the equations. Biological minds are indeed special, but not ontologically special. Rather, our uniqueness lies in how consciousness is phenomenally bound into virtual worlds of experience like the one you instantiate right now. Non-materialist physicalism explains the technological success-story of science minus the superfluous metaphysical baggage. It would be ironic if the one true physicalism was… monistic idealism.

A philosopher might talk of Kant's noumenal essence of the world. Physicist John Wheeler used another metaphor: "What makes the universe fly?" By itself, a mathematical formalism or equation (e.g. the Lagrangian of the Standard Model) just sits inertly on the page or blackboard.
So what exactly is the essence of the physical?
Non-materialist physicalism takes seriously the principle of mediocrity. The intrinsic nature of the world's fundamental quantum fields doesn't differ inside and outside the skull. Physicalism is true, but not materialism. There is no Hard Problem of consciousness because only the physical is real - and experience discloses the intrinsic nature of the physical.

Russell should be credited with highlighting the silence of science on the intrinsic nature of the physical. Physics mathematically describes the structural-relational properties of matter and energy, but not their essential nature. Russell's "neutral monism" proposes that fundamental reality is neither experiential nor material, but rather, in some sense, neutral between the two.
Panpsychism takes different guises. But typically, panpsychism involves some kind of property dualism.
By contrast, non-materialist physicalism (aka idealist physicalism) is monist to the core. Only the physical is real. Only physical properties are real. Only the physical has causal power. Experience discloses the intrinsic nature of the physical, the elusive "fire" in the equations.
Is non-materialist physicalism true?
I don't know:
Non-Materialist Physicalism

Craig Weinberg, to clarify, do you believe any "element of reality" is missing from mathematical physics (ignoring complications of physics beyond the Standard Model) if the formalism is interpreted correctly? Whereas many idealists do indeed believe mind is fundamental, the non-materialist physicalism I explore is really consciousness fundamentalism. Thus a Higgs boson with a lifetime of 1.6*10^-22 sec may be a (very!) fleeting micro-experience; but that's all.

Philanthropy, panpsychism leaves unanswered the relationship between physical properties and phenomenal properties. By contrast, non-materialist physicalism says that only the physical and physical properties are real - but materialist metaphysicians misunderstand the intrinsic nature of the physical, the mysterious “fire” in the equations of QFT.

Daniel, eliminativism is hopeless. But agreed: "materialist" physicalism is still a live option. No one knows how to derive the properties of our conscious minds from insentient matter and energy. But this ignorance doesn't entail that consciousness fundamentalism is true.
Does the intrinsic nature of the world's fundamental quantum fields really differ inside and outside the head? Why? How? Alternatively, what makes animal nervous systems special is the distinctive way these quantum fields are phenomenally bound into quasi-unified subjects of experience, i.e. minds.
Non-materialist physicalism is just my working assumption - not a belief. Either way, non-materialist physicalism is naively unfalsifiable. One either takes the intrinsic nature argument seriously as a solution to the Hard Problem of consciousness or one doesn't: intuitively, it's just a "philosophical" opinion.
Yet perhaps such pessimism is premature. For if physicalism is true - whether materialist or non-materialist - then there must be a perfect "structural match" (David Chalmers' term) between the phenomenology of our minds and (ultimately) physics. If animal nervous systems are just a pack of effectively decohered classical neurons, as temporally coarse-grained neuroscanning suggests, then no such structural match exists. Instead, we should be micro-experiential zombies. To cut a long story short, I lean to the conjecture that our minds - and the subjectively quasi-classical simulations we run - consist of phenomenally-bound "cat states" - individual superpositions of distributed neuronal feature-processors. The superposition principle of QM underpins our everyday experience of classicality. And a "Schrödinger's neurons" conjecture isn't just an idle philosophical opinion. The interference signature of tomorrow's interferometry will either reveal a perfect structural match - or it won't:
Quantum mind

A guest post by Daniel Böttger on Astral Codex Ten
Consciousness As Recursive Reflections
Daniel, Sorry, like your critics, I'm still scratching my head. How exactly does Nature turn water into wine? By what mechanism does insentience become sentience? If our ordinary understanding of the fundamental properties of matter and energy is correct, then it shouldn't even be "all dark inside' your skull. What specific law of physics do you believe would be violated if we were all zombies?
Despite our shared commitment to physicalism, I fear our differing background assumptions mean what I write will be of limited interest. Just because a conjecture is potentially experimentally falsifiable doesn't mean it's worth falsifying. But if (like me) you take seriously the intrinsic nature argument as a solution to the Hard Problem; if you believe phenomenal binding is classically impossible; and if you take unitary-only quantum mechanics seriously as a solution to the>measurement problem, then Schrödinger's neurons might be worth taking a look.
If not, no worries!

Daniel, but why exactly are these neural oscillations experiential - whether any such experience is bound or unbound? I’m still mystified. Why this eruption of subjective experience into the fabric of physical reality?
I’m a physicalist insofar as (IMO):
(1) only the physical is real;
(2) only the physical has causal power;
(3) all the “special sciences” (chemistry, molecular biology, etc) reduce to physics;
(4) no “element of reality” is missing from the mathematical formalism of (tomorrow’s) physics
Materialists make an additional assumption:
(5) the intrinsic nature of the world’s fundamental quantum fields is non-experiential.
Drop this assumption and the upshot is non-materialist physicalism. The mathematical machinery of QFT can be transposed to an idealist ontology. Non-classical solutions to the binding problem and interferometry?
If you’re proposing that neuronal superpositions in the CNS don’t exist, and interferometry will reveal some collapse-like deviation from the unitary Schrödinger dynamics, then you are making a bold and testable physical claim. Penrose and Hamerof do just that with Orch-OR.
I’m conservative in my physics. The strongest “philosophical” argument against “Schrödinger’s neurons” as a solution to the binding problem isn’t the proposed non-existence of neuronal superpositions, but rather their theoretical effective lifetime. Sub-femtosecond exotica are intuitively just meaningless “noise”, not the bedrock of mind.

Daniel, animal nervous systems are indeed information processors. Subjective experience is indeed what they feel like "from the inside". But what separates proponents of the intrinsic nature argument from materialists is that non-materialist physicalism claims that experience discloses the intrinsic nature of the physical, whereas materialists need to explain how non-experiential quantum fields metamorphose into experiential quantum fields in the CNS. ...But how exactly do temporary changes in electrical potential across the membranes of effectively decohered, classical neurons somehow generate phenomenally-bound perceptual objects (“local” binding) and the phenomenal unity of perception and unity of the self (“global” binding)? Why aren’t we either zombies or micro-experiental zombies? I still don’t grok how your theory solves either the Hard Problem or the binding problem. As far I can tell, you’re defending a form of property-dualism. Forgive me if I’ve misunderstood.
By contrast, the quantum-theoretic version of the intrinsic nature argument that I explore, non-materialist physicalism, is monist to the core.
Do I believe a “Schrödinger’s neurons” conjecture is true?
Most likely not!
But I do think it’s worth experimentally (dis)confirming.
You are assuming an information processing system of discrete, effectively classical components. And however tight its functional integration, I know of no way to generate phenomenally unified experience from aggregates of “mind dust”. By contrast, quantum superpositions are, by their very nature, individual states. So if we assume the intrinsic nature argument, then a superposition of neuronal feature-processors is necessarily an individual, phenomenally bound state, not a mere aggregate of components.
Of course, the idea that we are “cat states” running classical world-simulations is crazy. But I’d like to see it experimentally laid to rest.
You ask why being essentially one state wouldn't resolve to still just one quale?
Maybe the different phase angles of different components of individual neuronal superpositions yield the diverse values of your phenomenally-bound experiences - for example, the experience of seeing a live cat versus the experience of seeing a dead cat. In my (tentative) view, it’s only the fact that the superposition principle of QM never breaks down that lets you experience a subjectively classical world of phenomenally-bound definite outcomes where it does:
THe Measurement Problem

[on Psychosis versus Ignorance]
Assume non-materialist physicalism. A notional God-like superintelligence would presumably be able to "read off" the textures, and understand the physically necessary interrelationships, of all the solutions to the master TOE in an extraordinarily high dimensional space. I can’t do any of this. Nor indeed can any human - unless the QRI symmetry theory of valence (STV) holds. In the absence of a Rosetta stone, are we ignorant or psychotic? What’s the difference? Is an ant ignorant or psychotic or both? How about a semantic (ir)realist? I write voluminously about mind and metaphysics, but very much in the spirit of a critic of scholastic theology, not out of a sense I know what’s going on.

[on ASI]
"Feeble"? But we have a superpower that classical digital computers lack - phenomenal binding. Binding is the bedrock of mind, sentience and the entire empirical realm. The ignorance of digital zombies is architecturally hardwired. The future belongs to full-spectrum superintelligences.
Our moral obligation to sentient AIs
Alternatively, digital computers are never going to wake up; and we have no obligation towards them at all. None. No phenomenal binding = no mind. It’s surreal. Humans exploit and murder billions of nonhumans as sentient as small children in death factories while simultaneously worrying about the spectre of sentience-(un)friendly AGI and whether digital software has rights.

[on the alleged rediscovery of suffering]
Atilio, I've taken the liberty of reposting here:

"I just asked for an outline (of many possible ones) for a work of fiction based on your work. This is one answer: "Title: Blissful Horizons

In the year 2075, humanity achieved a monumental feat—a world without suffering. Decades of research and advancement in neuroscience, genetics, and artificial intelligence, guided by the principles laid out by philosopher David Pearce, culminated in the eradication of pain, both mental and physical. This achievement marked the dawn of a new era, where gradients of bliss replaced the darkness of suffering.

The story follows Maya, a young woman born in this utopian world, where suffering is but a distant memory. Maya has grown up immersed in a society where happiness is not just a fleeting emotion but a constant state of being. She lives in a bustling city filled with vibrant colors, melodious music, and people exuding a profound sense of contentment.

Maya's journey begins when she stumbles upon an ancient relic from the pre-bliss era—a dusty old book containing the works of David Pearce. As she delves into Pearce's philosophy, Maya becomes increasingly fascinated by the concept of suffering and its historical significance. Despite her society's emphasis on bliss, Maya finds herself drawn to the idea of understanding the human experience in all its complexities.

Driven by curiosity, Maya embarks on a quest to uncover the truth about suffering, despite warnings from her friends and family that such pursuits are unnecessary in their perfected world. Along the way, she encounters individuals who challenge her beliefs, including those who argue that the eradication of suffering has come at a cost—the loss of depth and meaning in human existence.

As Maya delves deeper into her exploration, she begins to experience glimpses of emotions that were once foreign to her—doubt, sadness, even anger. Yet, amidst these unfamiliar sensations, she also discovers moments of profound joy and connection, realizing that the human experience encompasses a spectrum of emotions beyond just bliss.

Ultimately, Maya's journey leads her to a pivotal realization—that true happiness cannot exist without the acknowledgment of suffering. In a world where pain has been eradicated, humanity risks losing its capacity for empathy, growth, and ultimately, its humanity. Armed with this newfound understanding, Maya sets out to challenge the status quo, advocating for a society that embraces the full range of human experiences, both joyful and challenging.

Blissful Horizons is a thought-provoking tale that explores the complexities of human emotion, the nature of happiness, and the importance of embracing the full spectrum of human experience. Through Maya's journey, readers are invited to question the very foundations of their beliefs and consider what it truly means to live in a world without suffering".

A History of The Pleasure-pain Axis

[on aging, death and immortality]
Science will eventually conquer aging:
Delusions of immortality
("In Why We Die, Venki Ramakrishnan demolishes the crackpots and billionaires behind the anti-ageing industry.")
I remain sceptical anyone alive today will make the transition.
Boring? Compared to defeating aging, overcoming the biology of boredom is fairly trivial. Mastery of our reward circuitry promises a world where life is exhilarating by its very nature.
For now, the "eternal-life-would-be-boring" rationalization helps us cope with mortality.

A nice overview of aging:
The Science of Living Forever (or a Really, Really Long Time)
("The modern quest for immortality, which began 30 years ago, aims to cure aging. But are we any closer after billions of dollars of research? And is there an upper limit to how long we can live?")

The IL-11 connection
("Switching off inflammatory protein leads to longer, healthier lifespans in mice")

See too a preprint
"The Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) genome provides insights into extreme longevity") Grisly stuff:
Your cells are dying
("All the time. Some go gently into the night. Others die less prettily in freak accidents or deadly invasions, or after a showy display.")

Increase your fluid intake:
Link between hydration and aging
("Higher blood sodium in middle age was associated with increased mortality, chronic disease risk, and biological aging. The findings suggest that poor hydration may accelerate biological aging and increase the risk of chronic disease and death.")
Mental health can benefit from staying well-hydtated too:
Mental health and water intake
("Drinking plain water is associated with decreased risk of depression and anxiety in adults: Results from a large cross-sectional study")

Towards superlongevity:
Sonder-Ausgabe zur Europawah (German longevity video)
"Life is too short to learn German." (Oscar Wilde) Then came radical life-extension.

The oldest old are rarer than typically supposed:
The fibbing problem
("The global pattern of centenarians highlights deep problems in demography")

Maximum human longevity has plateaued:
Tomiko Itooka RIP
("World’s oldest person, Tomiko Itooka, dies in Japan aged 116")
Here are the fully authenticated The top twenty.

Study Finds Humans Age Faster at Two Sharp Peaks
("Scientists find humans age dramatically in two bursts – at 44, then 60". US findings suggesting ageing is not a slow and steady process could explain spikes in health issues at certain ages")

It's a medical miracle some of us can still string a sentence together:
Enthusiasm and openness linked to better brain health as you age
("Being inclined to experience positive emotions like enthusiasm and joy, and being receptive to new ideas and experiences - openness - is linked to lower levels of cognitive decline as you mature, new research published in Psychology and Aging has found.")
And what are the life prospects of those of us with the resilience of a tomato?
Resilient oldsters
("Being mentally resilient could be the key to living longer, study suggests")

[on the "easy" problems of consciousness]
Even the "easy" problems of consciousness are problematic. Thus the "neural correlates of consciousness", found if one studies e.g. surgically-exposed neocortical tissue, are themselves subjective experiences within one's own phenomenal world-simulation. So barring perceptual direct realism, one is correlating one kind of experience with another. And if consciousness fundamentalism is discounted, we've no idea how to derive the properties of conscious mind from physics via chemistry and molecular biology. Why aren't we zombies?
"Materialist" physicalism doesn't know.
I explore non-materialist physicalism. But it's wildly implausible. I've no faith it's true.

[on AI romance]
My views on digital zombies are unchanged. But presumably all those folk who believe chatbots can be a little bit sentient should potentially be able to enjoy AI romance:
My weeklong romance with an AI boyfriend
("In the age of ghosting, gaslighting, and general dating app fatigue, finding “the one” (or at least someone halfway decent) has become a Herculean task. As tech advancements continue to turn the dating scene on its head, it was only a matter of time before people began test-driving the latest frontier, AI, as a new love interest.")

[on Sublime]
To be announced...
A worthy successor to Huxley's soma.

[on the three "supers" of transhumanism]
What is the transhuman agenda?
Thanks for some thoughtful comments Harry. I look forward to reading your novel! A few thoughts in response.
1. Superlongevity. We might imagine that quasi-eternal life would be boring. But no, compared to the technical challenges of overcoming aging, defeating the biology of boredom will be fairly easy. One option will be using biotech to make everything seem indiscriminately interesting. Yet a more credible option is creating life underpinned by gradients of fascination. Critical discernment can be preserved. Either way, boredom in today’s sense can become physiologically impossible. I don’t know what transhumans and posthumans will be fascinated by. But billions of alien state-spaces of consciousness await exploration.

2. Superintelligence. Consider mathematical ability. In the absence of biological-genetic hardware enhancements and/or neurochips, neither of us can hope to be in the same league as Ramanujan or von Neumann or Ed Witten - even if we had 100,000 years to hone our skills. And today’s math geniuses are simpletons compared to superintelligence.

3. Superhappiness. The idea that (un)happiness is mostly relative is appealing. If this were so, then a future based on gradients of superhuman bliss would be a pipedream. But consider victims of chronic depression. We wouldn’t say that severe chronic depressives can’t really be depressed because they don’t experience contrasting periods of joy. The same point holds for outliers at the opposite end of the hedonic scale. A few lucky "hyperthymic" folk really do spend almost their whole lives above hedonic zero. Genome reform can create an entire hyperthymic civilization. And hyperthymics are a mere foretaste of what’s to come.

Would you call Heaven “stagnant”? The term is pejorative, but even if we use it, I’d ask: does this matter?
Back in the real world, it’s depressives who tend to get stuck in a stagnant rut. The happiest people are typically more adventurous. And recall I stressed the option of information-sensitive gradients of fascination. Once again, this makes stagnation unlikely.

[on race and "IQ"]
Roko, [of Basilisk fame] your ”Africans aren’t human” claim is surreal. Biologists define a species as a group of organisms that can reproduce with one another and produce fertile offspring. Therefore the “non-human” claim is trivially false. Indeed, an advanced civilization might find any cognitive differences between humans as significant as humans find differences between, say, (un)intelligent mice - or maybe beetles. Sure, cognitive differences between humans do exist. But general intelligence is a function of one’s entire mind and its world-simulation, not just the “autistic” cognitive style measured by pseudo-scientific IQ tests. Further, different ethnic groups (and genders) differ in their vulnerability to ASD. So unsurprisingly, any measure of intelligence that excludes social cognition and introspective prowess will flatter one gender and some ethnic groups over others.
Any aspiring rationalist should aspire to overcome ethnocentric bias, not promote it.
[And to avoid misunderstanding, autists at their best can be awesome. Likewise hypersocial cooperative problem-solvers. But we’re all human and c.99.9% genetically identical.]

Roko, racist hokum isn't rationalism. If you don't believe Africans are human, you're not a "radical centrist", you're a far-right extremist. Non-human animal metaphors have been used since time immemorial to demean and dehumanise other ethnic groups. Last century Jewish people were the biggest victims. I hope you step back and reconsider.

[on wavefunction monism]
Paul, There are technical reasons for supposing that the wavefunction of all reality takes priority over the wave functions of its notional parts - and we should be realists about configuration space [or Hilbert space].
I take seriously the intrinsic nature argument as a possible solution to the (otherwise insoluble) Hard Problem of consciousness. On this story, experience discloses the intrinsic nature of the physical that the universal wavefunction describes. Decoherence explains why the universal wavefunction isn't a psychotic mega-mind.
I also know of no classical explanation of the phenomenal binding of our minds and the phenomenally-bound world-simulations ("perception") we run.
Alas, all such talk is uncomfortably evocative of Deepak Chopra:
Wisdom of Chopra

IF wavefunction monism is true, reality is a single object, the universal wavefunction. IF experience discloses the intrinsic nature of the physical, this object is experiential. I assume that decoherence - the scrambling of phase angles of its components - means reality is not a mega-mind. But as you say, dividing the wavefunction into subsystems is problematic. And heaven knows what's really going on. Quite likely one (or more) of my background assumptions is mistaken.

[on eugenics]
Nobody Can Make You Feel Genetically Inferior Without Your Consent
We are all genetically inferior to healthy humans as defined by the World Health Organization - and to our transhuman and posthuman descendants. Today, rare cases of so-called “elective disability” do exist: deaf parents who want deaf children. But no depressive prospective parent wants depressive children; and no-one with a chronic pain disorder wants pain-ridden kids.
In my view, genome reform is vital for a civilized biosphere. And I think it’s easier to “sell” genome reform in the language of remediation rather than enhancement. For sure, the language of remediation risks making some people feel genetically inferior. But talk of enhancement risks triggering the “e” word - which soon shuts down intelligent debate. The political left can be as hostile as the right. But gradients of bliss for all is...egalitarian.
[Another thorny issue is intelligence - as currently defined. Genetically ratcheting up “IQ” will almost certainly ratchet up “AQ” too. Prospective parents seeking high-IQ kids probably aren't considering where they want their future offspring to fall on the Spectrum. But what AQ is optimal for the individual and society as a whole?]

Shocking: "Embryos deemed too predisposed to physical or mental suffering are often sidelined, abandoned, or even eradicated without scrutiny."
Healthy By Design
("Orchid Health’s Genome Testing Promises ‘Healthy Babies’ But Delivers Morally Deplorable Eugenics")

[on GLP-1 drugs and desire]
Is Ozempic an anti-desire drug?
("Scientists are realizing GLP-1 drugs have the potential to turn down cravings — for more than just food.")

[on free will]
What percentage of your life do you act and think as though free will is real? Only when the topic is explicitly raised do most of us turn into disbelievers - only to relapse into praise and blame again within the hour.
Free at Last?
("A New Round in an Old Debate")

[on hedonic "mixed" states]
Phasing Out Suffering
Theo, no one enjoys some kinds of fear and anxiety - ranging from worries about being unable to pay the bills or losing one's home to the ill-health of a loved one. By contrast, some people (but not others) enjoy horror movies:
Why some people love - or hate - horror movies
In other words, "mixed" states are complicated. We should be free to choose whether we want to undergo "mixed" states or not.
But a world based entirely on gradients of pure bliss will be best.
Compare the effect of, say, catching one's hand in the door with a pinprick - agony and a trivially unpleasant experience. Neither state is "mixed", i.e. with good and bad aspects. The same is true for "pure" well-being, which can vary in intensity without having any negative aspect. Perhaps think of the pleasures of the bedroom transposed to the experience of everyday life.

[on meta-ethics]
Andrei Mirovan, it is objectively the case that disvaluable states with a built-in normative aspect exist. These disvaluable states do not exist outside minds. But minds are objectively real, spatio-temporally located features of the natural world - as much an objective feature of reality as the fine-structure constant or the rest-mass of an electron.
A meta-ethical antirealist may stipulatively define the "objectively real" to exclude subjective states. But if so, then he will have an (objectively) false theory of reality.
Yes, I explore non-materialist physicalism as a possible solution to the Hard Problem of consciousness. Only the physical is real. But the intrinsic nature of the physical - the mysterious "fire" in the equations of QFT - differs from what materialist metaphysicians suppose. Phenomenally-bound minds endowed with (dis)valuable states of a pleasure-pain axis arose in the late Pre-Cambrian.
Non-materialist physicalism may be false.
If so, then I don't know how to solve the Hard Problem.

Andrei 1) I can feel God punishing me for my sins. Well, no actually, I have a migraine. The state is disvaluable but I misunderstand its origin. Such examples could be multiplied.
2) Science aspires to a "God's-eye-view", the "view from nowhere" - or everywhere. Likewise a naturalized ethics. From the perspective of a notional Godlike superintelligence ("the point of view of the universe") who can grasp all first-person perspectives, there is indeed an objectively right thing to do. Sadly, you and I are not such a superintelligence. But such a Godlike cosmic perspective can serve as a regulative ideal to which one aspires. Andrei 1 a) phenomenal colour, for instance, is mediated by a subtype of neurons. Phenomenal colour is not a property of the surfaces of objects in the mind-independent world - though phenomenal colour is a property of the surfaces of objects in one's phenomenal world-simulation. b) The word "subjective" is disastrously ambiguous. It can mean either
1) possessing phenomenal properties - as distinct from insentient.
2) neither true nor false, a matter of opinion - in contrast to objective.
The confusion is compounded by the way in which some states that are subjective in sense (1) can also be used to express judgements in sense (2).
Either way, it is objectively the case that reality supports e.g. colorful states and (dis)valuable states. Both are subjective (i.e. phenomenal). Their subjectivity doesn't make them any less objectively real.

2) The badness or normative aspect of my agony is self-intimating. I withdraw my hand from the fire. No so the suffering of sentient beings elsewhere in space-time. BUT my epistemological limitations don't have any bearing on the objectively real badness of their suffering. If I weren't ignorant and instead had perfect knowledge, then I would withdraw their hands from the fire as if they were my own.

Andrei, let me try a rewording. It is objectively the case that reality has colorful states. It is objectively the case that reality has (dis)valuable states, i.e. states with a built-in normative aspect. It is objectively the case that reality has minds, i.e. phenomenally-bound subjects of experience who typically undergo colorful states and (dis)valuable states.
An antirealist about (dis)value might protest that another subject's (dis)valuable states aren't (dis)valuable to him. This reflects his epistemological limitations. It doesn't impugn the fact that (it is objectively the case that) such states are (dis)valuable.

Andrei, (1) if, as you suppose, phenomenal experiences don't have a spatio-temporal location, then some form of dualism must be true. This is a very bold conjecture. I defend monistic physicalism and the intrinsic nature argument.
(2) What is the origin of our concept of normativity? What does it mean to say a normative aspect is "built into" the nature of an experience itself? Well, just as (given our ignorance) we can't currently give a deeper explanation of phenomenal colour - colour is conceptually primitive - likewise with the badness of agony. In other words, I'm not "just" saying agony is very unpleasant: the wrongness of agony is built into the nature of experience itself. As it stands, our explanatory impotence is unsatisfactory. But insofar as agony is disvaluable for me - and it is! - agony is disvaluable for any sentient being anywhere. For (uncontroversially) science says I'm not ontologically special - even though I feel that way. Only ignorance stops me treating the disvaluable states of others in the way I treat my own.

On a different note:
Some Unattractive Meta-Ethical Positions
("Here are some meta-ethical positions which do not seem to me to be obviously self-contradictory, but also notably absent from the philosophical literature.")

[on trade-offs]
How should negative utilitarians respond?:
Valuing Life
("People Value a Single Human Life Over Entire Species, Survey Reveal")
For evolutionary reasons, humans have all kinds of biases. How many people would value the life of their child over an entire Third World country, for example? I think we should aspire to an impartial God's-eye-view that impartially accesses and weighs all perspectives. No, we can never achieve such a God's-eye-view, but we should at least try.

[on quantum mind]
ubiquitous cat states
“There is no quantum world. There is only an abstract quantum physical description. It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about Nature.”
(Niels Bohr)
Alternatively, there is only the quantum world. And what the perceptual naive realist conceives as a shared classical world is a manifestation of the superposition principle, not its breakdown. Your experience of classicality is mediated entirely by "cat states". Phenomenally-bound definite observations would be impossible for a pack of decohered classical neurons. You'd just be an aggregate of mind dust.
“It is the theory that decides what can be observed", said Einstein.

Adrian, thanks.
Critical background assumptions here are: (1) unitary-only quantum mechanics, i.e., no new physics such as a "dynamical collapse" theory like Orch-OR.
(2) the intrinsic nature argument. There is no Hard Problem because consciousness discloses the intrinsic nature of the physical, the mysterious "fire" in the equations of QFT. Now to the binding problem. "Schrödinger's neurons" proposes that what temporally coarse-grained neuroscanning suggests are synchronously activated distributions of neuronal feature-processors are actually individual superpositions of neuronal feature-processors. Phenomenal binding is minted into such "cat states" because superpositions are individual states, not classical aggregates.
1. such neuronal superpositions don't exist. Decoherence is too strong. The CNS is too hot!
Answer: if such neuronal superpositions don't exist, then (1) is false. Quantum physics would be rocked to its foundations.

2. The effective lifetime of such superpositions in the CNS must be femtoseconds or less. So neuronal superpositions can't be states of consciousness, phenomenally bound or otherwise.
Answer. If such superpositions are indeed non-experiential, then (2) is false. Consciousness doesn't disclose the intrinsic nature of the physical. We face the Hard Problem.

It's odd how infrequently scientists, let alone philosophers, ask "How would you experimentally (dis)confirm your theory of consciousness?" rather than exchange intuitions of (im)plausibility.
I've replied, but don't expect any rush to the laboratory...
How strong is the argument for quantum mind theory?
May I make a couple of general comments.
(1) If you don't believe that phenomenal binding is classically impossible, then none of my speculations on quantum mind will be remotely of interest nor worth experimentally falsifying. They are far-fetched. But given textbook neuroscience, phenomenal binding is mystifying. Assume that we are packs of effectively classical neurons. If so, then why aren't we (at most) just micro-experiential zombies, just patterns of membrane-bound neuronal “mind-dust”? How could 86 billion or so membrane-bound micro-pixels of experience create a mind, a phenomenally-bound subject of experience running a real-time world-simulation (what naive realists call “perception”) like the one you instantiate now?

(2) If you don't take seriously what philosophers call the intrinsic nature argument (cf. Non-materialist physicalism) as a possible solution to the Hard Problem of consciousness, then none of my speculations on quantum mind will remotely be of interest nor worth experimentally falsifying either. For if (as common sense suggests) the world's fundamental quantum fields are intrinsically non-experiential, then there is no experience phenomenally to bind in the first instance. Invoking quantum theory won’t help turn water into wine.

However, if you're still with me, then a “Schrödinger neurons" conjecture is worth experimentally (dis)confirming. As far as I can tell, “cat states” are all one ever knows. “Cat states” make the experience of definite outcomes possible (cf. The Measurement Problem). Note that what’s most counterintuitive about the conjecture isn't the proposed existence of neuronal superpositions - even individual superpositions of distributed neuronal feature-processors. For if neuronal superpositions were ever proven experimentally not to exist, then physics would be rocked to the core. Even the slightest departure from the unitary Schrödinger dynamics would involve some sort of a “dynamical collapse” theory, i.e. radically new physics. Here at least I’m boringly orthodox. Rather, the reason that most physicists would reject a “Schrödinger's neurons" conjecture out of hand - as likewise would educated laymen who understand decoherence - is simply that the effective lifetime of neuronal superpositions in the CNS is far too short - femtoseconds or less, i.e. irrelevant psychotic noise.
Well, maybe.
Let's use interferometry to find out!

Tim, if I weren’t convinced that phenomenal binding in four-dimensional space-time is classically impossible, I wouldn’t even consider quantum mind theories. But I can understand in principle - not in detail! - how a CNS of zillions of individual “cat states” could run a phenomenally-bound, subjectively classical world-simulation of the kind you’re experiencing right now. By contrast, I’ve not the slightest idea how a pack of decohered classical neurons could generate a subjectively classical world-simulation. At most, we should be patterns of “mind-dust”. [Usual disclaimer: reality baffles me. If my background assumptions are wrong - not least, unitary-only QM and the intrinsic nature argument to dissolve the Hard Problem - then the conjecture fails.]

Terra, thank you. I like to stress HI is dissociable from my highly speculative conjectures on quantum mind. But they aren't unrelated. For instance, if I'm right about the non-classicality of phenomenal binding, then we don't need to worry about LLMs, implementations of classical Turing machines and classical computers in general ever "waking up", let alone suffering. Digital mind is an oxymoron. But we need to make sure that we get our theory of consciousness - if not right - at least not catastrophically wrong.

First an apologetic note about terminology. The position I explore, non-materialist or idealist physicalism, has obvious affinities with Strawson's. "Strawsonian physicalism" also sounds more austere - particularly to the ears of older people who confuse Galen with his illustrious father, Sir Peter. But I subsequently discovered that Galen Strawson is a perceptual direct realist. IMO, direct realism is radically mistaken. So I now stick to "non-materialist physicalism".

You say, "Physics is a field of study, not an ontology". Indeed so. What is the mysterious "fire" in equations - the mathematical straitjacket of quantum physics? Does the intrinsic nature of the world's fundamental quantum fields differ outside from inside one's head? Intuitively, yes. But non-materialist physicalism just drops the metaphysical assumption that underlies materialism. So the notorious Hard Problem of consciousness doesn’t arise. Experience discloses the essence of the physical. We must still solve the binding problem. Enter quantum mind.

Before launching into quantum mind speculations, it's better (I now realize) to start with the mystery that provoked the second leg of my voyage into crazyland. Does phenomenal binding have a classical explanation? I can't see how: Is Phenomenal Binding Classically Impossible?
[The first leg of the journey was thinking about the implications of the intrinsic nature argument as the only physicalist solution I could think of to the Hard Problem of consciousness]

Microtubules are cool. But a pack of 86 billion quantum neurons is still a micro-experiential zombie!
Eric, allow me to share a little intellectual background. For a very long time, I’ve assumed that physicalism - more specifically, unitary-only QM - offers our best formal description of the world. Hence the technological success of science. The mystery is the existence of consciousness. My introduction to (what analytic philosophers call) the intrinsic nature argument was via the late Michael Lockwood (Mind, Brain and the Quantum (1991)). I explore the most “extreme” form of the intrinsic nature argument. If the intrinsic nature of the world’s fundamental quantum fields - i.e. the essence of the physical - is experiential, then the so-called Hard Problem doesn’t arise. Only the physical is real. Only the physical has causal efficacy. The Hard Problem arises only because materialists misunderstand the intrinsic nature of the physical, the "fire" in the equations. Organic minds are indeed special, but that's because of how consciousness is phenomenally bound, not its creation de novo. Anyhow, my "Schrödinger's Neurons" talk / paper was inspired by David Chalmers' "The Combination Problem for Panpsychism" (pdf). Some exceedingly smart people do and don't "get" the phenomenal binding / combination problem - not the question of whether classical digital computers can replicate functional capacities that in humans and non-animals require phenomenal binding, but rather, the mystery of why we aren't just some 86 billion membrane-bound micro-pixels of neuronal "mind dust".

I gather Mariven is confident that the phenomenal binding of organic minds has a classical explanation; and that phenomenally-bound digital minds are feasible too. This would be momentous if true. What's currently lacking is any kind of derivation. Textbook neuroscience, i.e. alluding to the synchronous firing of distributed neuronal feature-processors when we experience a perceptual object, just re-states the mystery rather than solves it. Worth noting too is that traditional formulations of the phenomenal binding / combination problem assume wholly decohered classical neurons and four-dimensional spacetime. As shown by Bell tests, quantum phenomena show non-local correlations in 4D-spacetime BUT up in Hilbert space or configuration space where the real drama unfolds, the quantum state evolves locally because it's governed by the Schrödinger equation, a local differential equation. The interferometry experiment I proposed in Schrödinger's Neurons is (too?) technically demanding. But there must be other, indirect tests too. For example, replace your V4 cortical neurons (destruction causes achromatopsia) with what would naively be called their silicon functional surrogates. On a classical, coarse-grained functionalist story, replacement by silicon surrogates allows perceptual objects to continue to seem colorful as before. If so, then my account is falsified! End of story. I predict instead total achromatopsia (cf. Quantum mind)
I'm sure there must be easier experimental (dis)confirmations too.
Just to stress again, I don't believe this stuff. I just explore a conjecture...

Just as I know the only way you or I could understand tetrachromacy is to upgrade our biological hardwire, we can imagine a sufficiently advanced AI designing and manufacturing an information-processing system with the right kind of architecture to support phenomenal binding, hence mind. My claim is "just" that no classical digital computer can support sentience.

Zurek's "quantum Darwinism" is most fundamental of all:
Quantum Darwinism and the spreading of classical information in non-classical theories": QD (pdf)
Zurek ducks out of applying QD inside the skull; but as far as I can tell, our experience of phenomenally-bound classical worlds is mediated by entirely by "cat states":
Quantum Mind

Forgive me, but I don’t “blindly believe”. But if our zombie friend corroborates what I already believe, this increases my credence. And as a one-fingered typist, if I can do in 5 seconds what would otherwise take 5 minutes, I sometimes succumb to temptation with a credited cut-and-paste. Either way, my Quora answers belong to the pre-LLM era. Whether this makes them any more reliable is debatable.

What use are quantum computers?
("Google launches $5m prize to find actual uses for quantum computer. Existing quantum computers can solve some problems faster than any ordinary computer, but none of those problems has any practical use. Google and XPRIZE hope to change that")
Uniquely, Nature's quantum computers can access - and computationally exploit - the empirical realm. Phenomenal binding is our superpower. Natural selection has harnessed classically impossible phenomenal binding to create minds. Since the late Pre-Cambrian if not before, minds have run external world-simulations that masquerade as the local environment (”perception”). By contrast, classical computers are computationally crippled zombies.

Lord Dreadwar
Suppose the hard problem of consciousness, the phenomenal binding problem, and the measurement problem share a solution: you and your bound world-simulation ARE neuronal superpositions (cat states, linear combinations of eigenstates), sculpted by the ULTIMATE selection mechanism...
The ultimate selection mechanism?
Why is a quantum mind?

Schrödinger's Neurons?
Testing the Conjecture That Quantum Processes Create Conscious Experience
Hartmut Neven 1, Adam Zalcman 1, Peter Read 2, Kenneth S Kosik 3, Tjitse van der Molen 3, Dirk Bouwmeester 4 5, Eve Bodnia 4, Luca Turin 6, Christof Koch 7
PMID: 38920469 PMCID: PMC11203236 DOI: 10.3390/e26060460
"The question of what generates conscious experience has mesmerized thinkers since the dawn of humanity, yet its origins remain a mystery. The topic of consciousness has gained traction in recent years, thanks to the development of large language models that now arguably pass the Turing test, an operational test for intelligence. However, intelligence and consciousness are not related in obvious ways, as anyone who suffers from a bad toothache can attest-pain generates intense feelings and absorbs all our conscious awareness, yet nothing particularly intelligent is going on. In the hard sciences, this topic is frequently met with skepticism because, to date, no protocol to measure the content or intensity of conscious experiences in an observer-independent manner has been agreed upon. Here, we present a novel proposal: Conscious experience arises whenever a quantum mechanical superposition forms. Our proposal has several implications: First, it suggests that the structure of the superposition determines the qualia of the experience. Second, quantum entanglement naturally solves the binding problem, ensuring the unity of phenomenal experience. Finally, a moment of agency may coincide with the formation of a superposition state. We outline a research program to experimentally test our conjecture via a sequence of quantum biology experiments. Applying these ideas opens up the possibility of expanding human conscious experience through brain-quantum computer interfaces."

Mike, the title misleads, in one sense at any rate. For if, as common sense suggests, the intrinsic nature of the physical is non-experiential, then the irreducible holism of quantum states can’t explain our phenomenally-bound minds ("Create Conscious Experience"). But if the intrinsic nature argument is sound, then the Hard Problem and the Binding Problem are both soluble. And we can learn that classical digital computers / AI can’t wake up. Consciousness and reality still baffle me - just not the staples of academic philosophy of mind.

Atai, phenomenal binding is classically inexplicable. So how do we do it?
I assumed I was a lone crank:
Quantum Mind
but apparently not:
Quantum Consciousness?
My background assumptions: (1) non-materialist physicalism. If one takes the intrinsic nature argument seriously, then there is no Hard Problem of consciousness as standardly posed. Only the physical is real and causally effective; and consciousness discloses the intrinsic nature of the physical. (2) unitary-only quantum mechanics. Individual sub-femtosecond superpositions of neuronal feature-processors are real; and given (1) they are experiential.
However, as you suggest, the dynamical timescale of such a “Schrödinger’s neurons” story seems wrong by many orders of magnitude. Human cognitive processes, and updates to the content of our phenomenally-bound world-simulations (“perception”), unfold over a timescale of scores of milliseconds. These are the "timescales relevant to human cognition" - not femtoseconds! But if you'll forgive the homely metaphor, imagine a movie run at 10^15 frames a second consisting of 24 qualitatively, quasi-classically different frames per second. For most purposes, it's the transitions between the temporally coarse-grained 24 frames-per-second story that are of interest. Yet if consciousness discloses the intrinsic nature of the physical, only individual "cat states" are experiential. The challenge is deriving the temporally coarse-grained, quasi-classical story from quantum bedrock...
(to be continued)

"Entanglement" means something different to believers in four-dimensional spacetime and wavefunction realists. If we adopt the (very) high-dimensional framework of wavefunction monism, then correlated subsystems of entangled particles are not separated at all - whether in the cosmos or the CNS.
Textbook neuroscience accounts of phenomenal binding in the CNS allude to the synchronous firing of distributed neuronal feature-processors - which restates the mystery of phenomenal binding rather than solves it.
Instead, I ask: what is it like, subjectively, to be an individual superposition ("cat state") of distributed neuronal edge-detectors, motion-detectors, colour-mediating neurons and so forth?
Answer (1): Nothing, such superpositions don't exist; unitary-only QM is false - replies the "dynamical collapse" theorist.
DP: Maybe. But that's new physics. I'm conservative.

Answer (2): Nothing, such neuronal superpositions are too short-lived. Decoherence is too powerful. Femtoseconds? Attoseconds? Less protracted still? Whatever the effective lifetime of neuronal superpositions, multiple sources of decoherence in the CNS make such sub-femtosecond exotica irrelevant to conscious mind.
DP: If so, then the intrinsic nature argument is false, i.e. experience doesn't disclose the intrinsic nature of the physical. If the intrinsic nature argument is false, then we face the Hard Problem of consciousness. My working assumption is non-materialist physicalism. If non-materialist physicalism is true, the Hard Problem doesn't arise. Only the physical is real; its nature isn't what materialists suppose.

Answer (3): A fleeting episode of psychotic noise.
DP: naively, yes. Yet what if a mechanism existed that exerts more selection pressure every second of our existence than over four billion years of natural selection as conceived by Darwin?
Enter Zurek's "quantum Darwinism", not just in the wider cosmos, but playing out inside the skull...
(to be continued)

Tapeda, I didn't claim biological consciousness is non-computable, but rather, no implementation of a classical Turing machine can support phenomenally-bound conscious minds. Inability to bind means the entire empirical realm is inaccessible to digital zombies.

[on spiritual medicine]
But medical science also needs effective mood-brighteners that don't induce psychosis, benign or otherwise:
Divine Intervention
("People Are Trying Magic Mushrooms for Depression — and Accidentally Meeting God. The medicalization movement is faltering. Maybe that’s because psychedelics have been spiritual tools all along")
The body, brain and biosphere alike could be populated with nanobots - hopefully in the service of a happy world:
Nanobot breakthrough
("Scientists create army of tiny robots that can be injected into the human body. Researchers said the study showed nanobots had the potential to transport drugs to precise locations"
See too:
The Weak Science Behind Psychedelics
("If vulnerable patients are going to take powerful hallucinogens)

[on wild animal suffering]
Asher Soryl - The Myth of Bambi:
The Idyllic View of Nature and Wild Animal Suffering
...and worse, to quote Richard Dawkins, "It must be so" - on the face of it, at any rate. All of the obvious compassionate interventions that humans might make risk making the problem of wild animal suffering even worse. But just as Malthusian catastrophe was once thought inevitable for humans - then came family planning - likewise humans will shortly have the biotechnical tools to create compassionate ecosystems, use cross-species fertility regulation and engineer a pan-species welfare state.

I hope that one day the idyllic view of Nature will be true. But to turn utopian dreaming into reality, intelligent moral agents will need genetically to herbivorize predators, practise cross-species fertility regulation (using tunable synthetic gene drives, etc) and embrace genome reform. Life on Earth doesn't have to resemble a snuff movie.

Thank you, Asher, for raising awareness of the problem of free-living animal suffering - and Science, Technology and the Future for helping open up this debate.

Some people have their most intensely rewarding experiences communing with Nature. The reason for raising awareness of the problem of wild animal suffering isn't to spoil their enjoyment. Rather, it's to highlight the ways in which wild animal suffering can potentially be mitigated - and if we're bold, eventually fixed altogether:
Paradise Engineering - Reprogramming the Biosphere (pdf)

MattAngiono At a time when humans murder billions of sentient beings in death factories, researching the problem of wild animal suffering can feel surreal. So why do it? Well, if we don't worry now, then animal activists and well-meaning conservationists will spend time, effort and resources in misguided initiatives such as "rewilding", captive breeding programs for big cats, and other interventions that will simply make the problem of wild animal suffering even worse. A debate on the long-term future of life is vital. Not least, do we want a living world where sentient beings harm each other, or allow each other to come to harm? The answers we give to these naively merely "philosophical" questions have profound ramifications for the long-term future of sentience. Biotech turns the level of suffering in the living world into a genetically adjustable parameter. Ethically speaking, what level of suffering in Nature is optimal? Intelligent moral agents will shortly be able to choose. Critically, power brings complicity - whether we like it or not.

[on HedWeb]
HedWeb is now 28 years old. It's been quite a journey.
A HISTORY OF HEDWEB by David Pearce HEDWEB by David Pearce A HISTORY OF HEDWEB by David Pearce HEDWEB by David Pearce

[on life wisdom]
I wish mine were more uplifting. It's not even original.
"Only the paranoid survive." (Andrew Grove)
Even in the most convivial social setting, I'm always asking: what could go wrong?
Alas, I haven't always been "paranoid" enough. But the abolitionist project involves building a world where reality itself seems conspiring to help you. In a Darwinian world, this prospect can seem a distant dream.

[on intelligence-amplification]
Globally raising the prevalence of high IQ/AQ “extreme male brains” in an era of warring nation states could be catastrophic. We need full-spectrum superintelligence. If given the opportunity, I’d personally initiate a hedonium shockwave; but such fantasies are idle. Pitching more conservatively for a world underpinned by gradients of superhuman bliss allows the option of keeping your values, relationships and preference architecture intact - in theory, at any rate. Strict cosmic value-maximisation is an enterprise that can be left to our successors.

Fungal intelligence? Are some fungi smarter than others? What are the theoretical upper bounds to fungal IQ?
Obscure Fungus Shows Signs of Rudimentary Intelligence
("They have memories, they learn, and they can make decisions.")

"If you're going to hang around rationalist spaces, you should deeply internalise what I call Hanson's razor: never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by autism."
(Richard Ngo)
How can we engineer superintelligent good manners, mind-reading prowess and social cognition?

[on phasing out suffering]
Phasing Out Suffering
Thanks Adam. A question worth asking is why phasing out the biology of suffering hasn't "captured the narrative" in EA or transhumanist circles - and what we can do about it. The abolitionist project is very much a minority current. For sure, biological-genetic solutions are fraught with pitfalls. But unless we tackle the biological-genetic roots of suffering, life just isn't going to get better...
Mental Health is Deteriorating
("Global Report Paints a 'Worrying Picture' of Post-Pandemic Mental Health")
Mental health is typically worse in the richer nations.

Theo, speaking as a (somewhat prudish) celibate philosopher, the example I sometimes give is making love. Love-making has peaks and dips of pleasure. The dips are functionally analogous to disappointment. But if done properly, lovemaking is generically pleasurable throughout. Now imagine the information-sensitive dips and peaks of lovemaking translated into a more cerebral context - or just everyday life. This isn't sci-fi. There really is a very small minority of genetic outliers who bounce through life animated entirely by gradients of well-being. Of course, their well-being pales compared to the gradients of superhuman bliss enjoyed by our posthuman descendants.

Poisonous nonsense...
"I hope suffering happens to you."
(Jensen Huang — founder and CEO of Nvidia, the AI chip company that's on a rocket ride — last week offered a sadistic wish while speaking to Stanford students")
The Gift of Pain

Some critics worry that mastery of our reward circuitry will lead to intellectual stagnation - a wirehead civilisation or its equivalent. But imagine being able to investigate alien state-spaces of consciousness secure in the knowledge that - however otherwise outlandish they may be - they will be generically sublime.
In my view, the enterprise of knowledge has scarcely begun.

[on the moral status of insentient agents]
I remain a hardcore sentientist, or more strictly, a valencist:
On the Moral Patiency of Non-Sentient Beings
"What plant philosophy says about plant agency and intelligence"

[on representation theory]
"I suspect we are the first civilization in human history that developed a sound theory of representation. (I challenge you to point me to Sanskrit characterizations of constructive truth definitions, Gödel’s incompleteness theorem and Turing universality)"
Joshua, Maybe! A critic might say the foundations of modern representation theory are rotten, and Hartry Field (Science Without Numbers: A Defense of Nominalism. 1980, 2016) is anticipated by a distinguished Sanskrit nominalist scholar like Bhartrhari.
Nominalism past and present

[on fine-tuning]
But does it?
The Fine-Tuning Argument Works
Matthew, I hope you're right! But take entropy. You might want to respond to Max Tegmark: "the entropy of the entire universe may well equal zero, since if it started in a pure state, unitarity ensures that it is still in a pure state" – “How unitary cosmology generalizes thermodynamics and solves the inflationary entropy problem”.
pdf Also, invoking God - or the Devil, or a Simulator (etc) - leads to a notorious explanatory regress. So I lean to some kind of informationless zero ontology where "fine-tuning" is just an anthropic selection effect: A Zero Ontology
Wavefunction monism is intellectually elegant, ethically horrific.
I hope I'm mistaken.
"Everettian QM doesn't solve fine-tuning because all the universe branches have the same physics."
Matthew, As I understand it, most cosmologists assume that in the immediate aftermath of the Big Bang, a “superforce” split apart into gravity, the strong and weak nuclear forces and the electromagnetic force. During these phase transitions, the apparently fire-tuned laws and constants of physics as we understand them came into being. But if unitary-only QM is correct, then presumably all physically possible values of these "laws" and "constants" are realised on pain of the creation of information ex nihilo. Unsurprisingly, we find ourselves in a world with laws and constants fine-tuned for life. Note that the multiverse isn't being conjured up by Everettians to explain ostensible fine-tuning, but rather it follows from taking the universal Schrödinger equation at face value.
That said (1) cosmology is in flux; and (2) I am not a physicist!

Does traditional Everettian QM illicitly smuggle in non-zero information?
Sizing up the Multiverse
("Physicists Think The Infinite Size of The Multiverse Could Be Infinitely Bigger")

Compare the twisted history of theodicy
Modern rationalists are more likely to discuss the Simulation Hypothesis. On technical grounds, I'm a sceptic; but if I weren't, what do the horrors of suffering say about our Simulator?
For what it's worth, I suspect a single principle underlies the whole shebang:
Why does anything exist?

[on euthanasia and assisted dying]
In a Darwinian world, living is as ethically problematic as dying. But to help people who want to die, we should be researching long-acting euphoriants, incapacitating or otherwise, as an alternative to euthanasia.
Canadian Euthanasia Stats
("Canada euthanasia now accounts for nearly one in 20 deaths")

[on dopaminergics]
Ropinirole (Requip, etc) is normally benign. However...
Ropinarole Side-Effects
("Patient gets £70,000 payout after Parkinson’s drug triggered ‘uncontrollable’ gambling addiction Exclusive: Ropinirole can cause patients to binge eat, gamble and shop uncontrollably, NHS guidance warns")
To what extent did dopaminergics contribute to SBF's downfall - and early success? My own regimen of amineptine and selegiline is heavily dopaminergic, but I've managed to avoid such pitfalls to date.

[on happiness]
So much waffle...when can the biology of happiness be precision-engineered?
Happy Brains
("Can you rewire your brain for happiness? Dr. Sanjay Gupta weighs in")

Alas nothing about rational genomic happiness, as distinct from its Rube Goldberg substitutes that don't even deliver...
Heroic versus hedonic happiness
("Two formulas for happiness. Two very different results.")

If you're addressing a conservative audience, then stressing how ending suffering via hedonic recalibration allows "essentially life as usual" is reassuring. No one need fear that hedonic uplift means losing anything they value. Values, relationships and preference architecture can remain intact. In practice, the ramifications of lifelong gradients of bliss will be revolutionary. Saying so can sound scary - though when faced with the prospect of indefinite sublime well-being, some of us have nerves of steel.

[on Sam Altman]
Sam Altman’s imperial reach
("The tech leader’s boundless ambition is putting AI, and the world, on a dangerous path.")
"In 2008, Paul Graham, a co-founder of the Silicon Valley firm Y Combinator, described Sam Altman, who was then 23 years old, like this: “You could parachute him into an island full of cannibals and come back in five years and he’d be the king.”
Sam Altman is a vegetarian, i.e. sentience-friendly biological intelligence. Maybe Sam would indeed manoeuvre to become king of a tribe of cannibals (or their equivalent). But other things being equal, let herbivores and their creation rule over their murderous critics!?

A strong new four-star in my collection. Maybe one day AI will deliver a unique six-star.
Donald, Physicalism best explains the extraordinary technological success-story of modern science. Science works. Physicalism is inconsistent with idealism only if one makes a metaphysical assumption, namely that the essence of the physical, the mysterious "fire" in the equations of QFT, is non-experiential.
If we drop the metaphysical assumption, then the upshot is non-materialist physicalism
On this story, the Hard Problem of consciousness doesn't arise because only the physical is real. Materialists misunderstand the nature of the physical. In fact, the intrinsic nature of a quantum field doesn't differ inside and outside the head.
Other versions of idealism also involve a radically new mathematical physics.
Here I just wanted to note that one can be an idealist and boringly conservative - or at least agnostic - in the formal sense. Transposing the mathematical machinery of modern physics onto an idealist ontology inherits all of its virtues and none of its vices.

[on Paperclip Cosmos]
My first stab at using Suno - and an instant four-star.
Paperclip Cosmos
Paperclip Cosmos (mp3) (mp4)

New additions:
Hedonium Shockwave (mp3) & Paradise Engineering (mp3)

[on our cosmic responsibilities]
Marcus, I think our goal as a civilization to be to make experience below hedonic zero physically impossible and ultimately - when we fully understand the upper bounds to rational agency and our cosmic responsibilities - -inconceivable. So no, evil of any kind has no place in hedonia. After humanity has phased out the biology of suffering on Earth, and if the Rare Earth hypothesis is correct, then it's quite possible all our ethical responsibilities will have been discharged, at least from a Buddhist/NU perspective - beyond ensuring that suffering doesn't recur in our forward light-cone. We're not responsible for other Hubble volumes, or inaccessible regions of the multiverse. We can't modify the time-evolution of the universal Schrödinger equation. BUT science doesn't yet understand the nature of reality. So we need to make sure we understand the theoretical upper bounds to rational agency before getting blissed out - as distinct from becoming intelligently blissful.

[on designer babies]
Conferring suffering-resistance should be at the heart of genome reform. Jo Cameron gets a sentence:
Designer Babies and Beyond
("Beyond gene-edited babies: the possible paths for tinkering with human evolution CRISPR will get easier and easier to administer. What does that mean for the future of our species?")

Understandably I guess, CRISPR baby pioneer Jiankui He chose not to reply to my question on X:
Question: were you unaware of the possible cognitive effects of the HIV-protective intervention? Or were you aware, but any enhancement was incidental to your therapeutic purpose?
China’s CRISPR twins might have had their brains inadvertently enhanced
New research suggests that a controversial gene-editing experiment to make children resistant to HIV may also have enhanced their ability to learn and form memories.")
If so, apologies, I may previously have misrepresented you - not that I would have objected.

But Technology Review also reveals a surprising survey:
Smart Babies?
("Americans are ready to test embryos for future college chances, survey shows. For some people, college prep might start in a test tube — and ethicists are freaking out.")
Some 30% of Americans would apparently edit their future children’s genomes to improve their chances of attending a top university. Perhaps genome reform - including "enhancement" - doesn't lie as far outside the Overton window as bioethicists commonly believe.
One day, perhaps irresponsible parents will apologise for creating genetically unedited babies.
The real scandal is today’s genetic crapshoot. Reproduction should be decoupled from sex:
How better data could lead to better sex
("What we don’t know about human sexual behaviour is scandalous...Many teenagers pick up ideas from online pornography, which is as accurate a guide to real sex as James Bond films are to the daily routine of a British civil servant.")

[on hyperthymia]
I wonder why the idea of creating a hyperthymic civilization is still fairly fringe?
For sure, talk of genome reform soon leads to the “e” word. But engineering a world underpinned by gradients of bliss is so much more civilized than conserving the horrors of Darwinian life. Temperamentally very happy, having an innately high hedonic set-point without being manic - I haven't been able to think of a better term than a "hyperthymic" civilisation.
Of course, we shouldn't get hung up on words. But branding matters.

[on thinking about a zero ontology]
As a troubled teen, my ancestral namesake used to rock back-and-forth like an autistic child with my eyes closed for hours on end ruminating on the nature of thought and existence. (My mother claimed I rocked two sofas to death). Why did anything exist? What would the existence of no properties at all involve? I read pop science - everything from interpretations of QM / Everett to the idea of deriving the whole of maths from the empty set to Ed Tryon's zero-energy universe conjecture (Is positive mass-energy exactly balanced by negative gravitational potential energy?
A Zero Energy Universe).
My "aha" moment came when reading some introductory computing text. Zero information = all possible descriptions. Everett sprang to mind. Were we living in the quantum analogue of the informationless Library of Babel?

One difference from other authors who explore this explanation-space is that most philosophers and philosophically-minded scientists assume that the riddle of existence and the Hard Problem of consciousness are distinct mysteries. However, if non-materialist physicalism is true, then the mysteries are one-and-the-same:
Non-materialist physicalism

Of course, we still don't know why anything exists! Some critical insight is missing. But the existence of this explanation-space makes me very sceptical of stories involving a Creator.

I don't rock autistically any more - or think as much. (The nearest I come to a behavioral eccentricity is sometimes standing on one leg if I don't think anyone is looking. But on occasion I intone as a mantra, "Why does anything exist?" several hundred times to induce an altered state of consciousness.
I don't know if this mediational practice has a name.

Of course, all analogies break down somewhere. An informationless Zero Ontology only works because amplitudes in QM are complex numbers, and summing two amplitudes can yield zero. I don't know how to turn this cancellation into Borgesian metaphor. But just conceivably, we're living in the quantum analogue of the Library of Babel.

[on pleasure fundamentalism]
Pleasure Fundamentalism
I love the term "pleasure fundamentalism". Two questions Neil Sinhababu.
(1) Do you believe that we should be aiming for a cosmic value-maximizing hedonium / utilitronium shockwave - some kind of all-consuming cosmic orgasm, so to speak?
(2) (and I pose this thought-experiment to any classical utilitarian) A genie offers me super-exponential growth in my happiness in exchange for an exponential growth in your suffering. If I were a classical utilitarian, I should accept. I'm a negative utilitarian, so I decline. Am I wrong?

"Michael Kremer writes:
"Neil what if we modify the thought experiment as follows: A genie offers me: super-exponential growth in YOUR happiness in exchange for an exponential growth in MY suffering. If classical utilitarianism is true, I would be morally obligated to self-sacrificingly accept. Do you agree?"

Neil Sinhababu, thank you. I guess part of me is still shocked that you would bite the bullet in both my and Michael's thought-experiments. This incredulity clouds my response. I agree with you that conflicting human moral intuitions about the goodness or badness of particular practices and intentional objects can't be trusted. Our moral intuitions have been shaped by natural selection to maximize the inclusive fitness of our genes, not track truth. But utilitarianism itself rests on a deep intuitive sense we all share that pleasure is good and pain is bad: in some sense, the goodness of bliss and badness of agony and despair are self-intimating. There are no civilizations elsewhere in reality with an inverted pain-pleasure axis. In some sense, the pain-pleasure axis discloses the world's inbuilt metric of (dis)value. However...
Biting the bullet in the two thought-experiments strikes me as horrific beyond words, utterly obscene, ...and yes, I know a super-exponential growth in bliss would be experienced as sublimely valuable beyond words too.
Sorry for the not very coherent response. Maybe someone else here can do better.

[on the DP regimen]
What can I add to / subtract from my regimen so I leap out of bed in the morning ready to take on the world and win?

  • amineptine c. 200mg,
  • selegiline 2 x 5mg,
  • resveratrol 2 x 250 mg,
  • turmeric,
  • taurine,
  • blueberry,
  • beta-alanine,
  • green tea extract,
  • acetyl-l-carnitine,
  • flaxseed oil,
  • rice & hemp protein isolate,
  • cacao powder,
  • spirulina powder,
  • docosahexaenoic acid (DHA),
  • l-carnosine,
  • creatine,
  • kelp tablets,
  • quercetin,
  • Vitamin B12,
  • l-theanine (150mg with coffee),
  • 5-HTP and valerian (before bed)
Yes, it's a fairly dull stack compared to the regimen of serious pill poppers.

[on the intrinsic nature argument]
The intrinsic nature argument as a proposed solution to the Hard Problem takes different guises. For example, it's sometimes suggested that we perceive only the outer aspect of material objects, whereas experience discloses their intrinsic nature. But this view presupposes an untenable perceptual direct realism. Non-materialist physicalism (as I conceive it) is different. Awake or dreaming, the "material world" is an egocentric phenomenal world-simulation run by one's skull-bound mind. The wider cosmos can be theoretically inferred; it's not "perceived". And the intrinsic nature of the physical, the essence of the world's fundamental fields as described by the formalism of QFT, is experiential. Phenomenal minds and the world-simulations we run have been around only half a billion years or so. Experiential physical reality is billions of years older.
I'm confident of inferential realism. The everyday external world of waking life is experiential, indeed autobiographical.
By contrast, non-materialist physicalism is just my working hypothesis. If it's false, I've not the slightest idea how to solve the Hard Problem.

[on DP X-risks]
Message discipline can be hard if you think the world would be improved by a vacuum phase transition or a cosmic paperclip-maximizer. I burble on about enshrining the sanctity of (human and nonhuman) animal life in law. But anyone who isn't profoundly disturbed by the existence of extreme suffering hasn't understood it.
David Pearce on X-risks
DP on X-Risks
introduced by ENDPAIN.

The official story:
X-Risks and The Problem of Suffering
AI safety and the problem of suffering are often reckoned orthogonal. The x-risks community and suffering-focused ethics community rarely interact, let alone cross-fertilize. This talk argues that x-risks and the biology of involuntary suffering are intimately connected. In an era of WMD and (soon) machine superintelligence, the existence of suffering itself is a far-reaching source of global catastrophic risks and existential risks. Crudely, happiness is life-affirming; suffering is nihilistic.Thus many if not most the c. 800,000 people who currently take their own lives each year would take the rest of the world down with them too - if they had the tools to do so. The existence of WMD and immensely powerful AIs mean that such apocalyptic risk is no longer fantastical.This talk will explore practical ways to use biotech, AI and decentralized finance to mitigate and ultimately prevent such nihilistic risk. The upshot of engineering a world entirely of fanatical life- lovers will not just be ethically superior to a pain-ridden Darwinian world.
A happy biosphere will be safer - in every sense.

[on Lucid Dreamworlds]
Lucid dreaming study
("First ever two-way communication during sleep recorded. Study participants exchanged information while lucid dreaming in a world first")
One day I may expand my Lucid Dreamworlds fable. It still captures my conception of the human predicament.

[on Orch-OR]
Orch-OR is a "dynamical collapse" theory, i.e. radically new physics. Alternatively, it's only the fact that the superposition principle of QM never breaks down that enables us to have phenomenally-bound experiences where it seemingly does. Phenomenal binding isn't classical. Either way, I'm unclear how Orch-OR offers a Rosetta stone to decode the formalism. No existing theory offers even a ghost of an account of how the diverse solutions to the equations of QFT encode the diverse textures of consciousness.

Tristan, experimentally (dis)confirmable theories of consciousness like Orch-OR are rare. What’s more, we have scientific evidence of anomalously long-lived quantum coherence in neuronal microtubules. So why am I still a sceptic? Two main reasons.
(1) the only way that most physicists will take Orch-OR seriously is experimental demonstration of a collapse-like deviation from the unitary Schrödinger dynamics. It hasn’t happened. On “philosophical” as well as technical grounds, I’m unconvinced it ever will.
My second reason for scepticism relates to the phenomenal binding problem.
(2) Suppose claims about quantum coherence in microtubules withstand scientific scrutiny. If neurons themselves are effectively discrete, decohered objects communicating across chemical and electrical synapses, then we should at most be micro-experiential zombies, just aggregates of membrane-bound “mind-dust” - despite our neurons’ quantum innards. I don’t see how Orch-OR solves the phenomenal binding problem.
The version of quantum mind I play with does resolve the binding problem. It involves no new physics, no “dynamical collapse”. Alas a “Schrödinger’s neurons” conjecture is also (at least to anyone who understands decoherence) utterly insane:
Quantum Mind

Thanks Tristan. I'd repeat my commendation or Orch-OR for being experimentally falsifiable. That said, it's not clear (to me) that Orch-OR escapes the Hard Problem. Thus according to Orch-OR, subjective experience arises (how?) with an event, quantum collapse, a reconfiguration of spacetime geometry. The "orchestration" is an allusion to entanglement among microtubules. Just how the non-experiential gives rise to the non-experiential is unexplained: there's no derivation.

Contrast, non-materialist physicalism (NMP) - the quantum-theoretic version of the intrinsic nature argument. NMP solves the Hard Problem, the binding problem and the problem of causal efficacy without invoking new (i.e. non-unitary) physics. Only the physical is real. But the intrinsic nature of the physical differs from what materialist metaphysicians suppose:
Non-materialist physicalism

Do I believe NMP?
No! It's just my working hypothesis.

[on centralized vs decentralized biohappiness]
centralized vs decentralized biohappiness
Measuring subjective well-being / ill-being is not an exact science. But quasi-objective indices of mental health such a suicide rates suggest that average quality of life today is no higher than for our ancestors on the African savannah. Indeed, proportionately (as well as absolutely) more people are depressed today than in the ancestral environment of adaptation. No level of technological progress - nor even orders-of-magnitude higher GDP - that fails to tackle the negative feedback-mechanisms of the hedonic treadmill in the CNS will significantly improve average quality of life world-wide. For evolutionary reasons, our predisposition to hedonic adaptation is hardwired; only biological-genetic interventions can deliver sustained hedonic uplift - raising our hedonic floor and our hedonic ceiling, and delivering a rich quality of life for all.

Later this century and beyond, hedonic set-points and pain thresholds will be genetically adjustable parameters for existing humans and also for new life - both human and nonhuman.
Two extreme scenarios are conceivable - with multiple gradations in-between:
1) Centralized biohappiness: a program of state-directed hedonic eugenics, perhaps under the auspices of the World Health Organization, to lift hedonic set-points and pain thresholds world-wide.
2) Decentralized biohappiness. All prospective parents will enjoy access to preimplantation genetic screening and genome editing to ensure that their offspring are innately happy.

Cost is unlikely to be a limiting factor in either the centralized or decentralized scenario. The price of full-genome sequencing and germline editing is already collapsing. Indeed, both scenarios are exceedingly cost-effective. Low mood, chronic pain and the other forms of ill-health preventable by genetic screening / editing aren’t “just” individual tragedies; they are also an immense economic burden. Happy, healthy people are typically much more economically productive. However…
Decentralization of biological-genetic wellness-technologies may be conceivable for humans. But to ensure a happy biosphere, and underwrite the well-being of all sentience, what’s needed (IMO) is a centrally planned pan-species welfare state. Paternalism is unavoidable for beings as sapient and sentient as small children. Currently, population sizes of free-living non-humans are controlled by the horrors of starvation and predation. In future, predators can be herbivorized (cf. and population sizes can be regulated by cross-species fertility regulation. For example, tunable synthetic gene drives (cf. allow the remote regulation of the fertility, hedonic range and hedonic set points of hundreds of thousands of species in even the most remote and inhospitable environments. Compassionate stewardship of the living world isn’t just computationally intensive; there will also be a need for (I trust democratically accountable) centralized regulation, whether human, transhuman or AI - or some mix thereof.
What life-forms and states of consciousness do we want to exist - and in what numbers?

What could go wrong?
Where does one start?!
We could all offer a long list of pitfalls for both the centralized and decentralized scenarios. In the case of centralized scenarios, twentieth-century European history offers a stark warning of good intentions gone astray - although a commitment to the well-being of all sentience wasn't one of the tenets of the race hygiene policies of National Socialism.
But less obviously, consider the pitfalls of a decentralized approach. For instance, most parents will want to have not just happier children, but also more intelligent children. Intelligence is currently measured by so-called “IQ”. Imagine IQ is genetically ratcheted up worldwide in the reproductive revolution I anticipate. What will be the societal ramifications of a huge increase in high IQ/AQ “extreme male brains” in an era of WMD and weaponizable AI?

Let us step back.
As you know, I urge a more civilized signalling system to replace the cruelties of the pleasure-pain axis - a pleasure-superplasure axis, and a new motivational architecture in the guise of a world of differing sizes of carrots and no sticks.
Hedonic uplift promises to change the meaning of “things going wrong”.
Allow me to offer a mundane analogy that can then be generalized.
Consider competing football teams and their supporters worldwide. Their preferences are logically irreconcilable. No amount of technological progress, capitalism or communism, e/acc nor d/acc (etc) can alter the percentage of winners and losers. Now impartially deploy preference-neutral technologies of hedonic uplift to competing football teams and their supporters. Post-uplift, there will continue to be the same ratio of winners and losers. Things will go right and things will go wrong - just as before. But the meaning of “things going wrong” changes when your new hedonic floor surpasses your old hedonic ceiling.
I believe this lesson can be generalized. Lots of things can - and will - “go wrong” in a world underpinned by gradients of intelligent bliss. We should do our utmost to prevent them.
But the very meaning of “things going wrong” will have permanently shifted - for the better.

Daniel, my point on the risks of high IQ was obscure. Let me elaborate.
Evolution "designed" human males to be hunters and warriors - and to band together to wage territorial wars of aggression against other coalitions of rival males.
What on earth has evolutionary psychology to do with the potential risks of prospective parents genetically boosting their children's intelligence as well as biohappiness?
Well, mind-blind "IQ" tests exclude social cognition and cooperative problem-solving prowess. "IQ" represents a male Asperger's conception of general intelligence. Men overwhelmingly record the highest IQ scores in STEM disciplines. Newton, Einstein (and the founders of crypto!) - so many of our greatest geniuses were Aspergers.
(Autism As a Disorder of High Intelligence)
A world of high-IQ males would also be a world of high-AQ "extreme male brains"
(Empathizing–Systemizing theory)
And what's the harm in that, one may wonder. Who wouldn't want to be as smart as von Neuman!?
But recall how von Neumann, as well as helping father the atom bomb, also advocated immediate pre-emptive nuclear war against Russia (“If you say why not bomb them tomorrow, I say why not today?”)
Now imagine populations of hyper-competitive, unnaturally high AQ / IQ extreme male brains with access to weaponized AI...

[on excess salt and the skin]
If confirmed, this study should prompt world-wide action:
Salt and Eczema
("Why Do 1 in 10 Americans Get Eczema? Is it Too Much Salt?. UCSF Study finds that changes in daily salt intake may explain eczema flares.")

[on the Post-Darwinian Transition]
"Sentience-directed unnatural selection" Daniel, nice. A vast spectrum of behaviors and experiences - not least, pain and suffering - that have been adaptive under a Darwinian regime of "blind" natural selection cease to be fitness-enhancing in an era when intelligent agents design and pre-select the genotypes of their offspring in anticipation of the likely psychological and behavioral effects of their choices. This is a mouthful. So I sometimes speak of the "post-Darwinian transition", "post-Darwinian life" and so forth. A novel form of selection pressure will shortly be in play - and will intensify as the reproductive revolution gathers pace.

Tim is worried that "post-Darwinian" may mislead. I don't know what label the scientific community will use and standardize for such an era - assuming AI doomers are wrong and machine superintelligence doesn't supersede us. And of course I may be wrong about an imminent reproductive revolution. The horrified responses to He Jiankui's "designer babies" in China suggests that old-fashioned sexual reproduction still has a long future.

[on the physical]
What is the essence of the physical? Is the intrinsic nature of the world’s fundamental quantum fields experiential or non-experiential? Like you, I take consciousness fundamentalism seriously. I’m also a physicalist: only the physical is real and causally effective. All the special sciences reduce to physics. Physicalism and consciousness fundamentalism are in tension only if one makes an unwarranted metaphysical assumption, namely that the intrinsic nature of the world’s fundamental quantum fields differs inside and outside one‘s head. Drop the metaphysical assumption and the Hard Problem doesn’t arise. Animal minds and the world-simulations we run are indeed special, but not ontologically special. Rather, we differ from the abiotic universe in the way experience is phenomenally bound into virtual world-simulations (“perception”) like the one you’re undergoing right now.

[on free-living nonhuman animal suffering]
The Myth of Bambi
("The Idyllic View of Nature and Wild Animal Suffering")
Thank you for organizing this event Adam. Natural selection is a monstrous engine of suffering. But until recently, talk of Darwinian life as immoral didn't make much sense. Nothing could be done. However, humans will shortly have the option to civilize Nature and create a pan-species welfare state. Compassionate biology can replace conservation biology: pdf In practice, Nature reform won't happen before the end of animal agriculture. Yet we can - and should - draw up blueprints now.">

[on utilitarianism]
Weighing whether to calculate or not to calculate:
Utilitarian memes
For more memes:
Utilitarian Memes

[on suffering abolitionism]
Nothing else matters more:

[on melancholia]
I prefer my cartoon avatar to its organic counterpart:
A brief history of melancholy
by Courtney Stephens.
A brief history of melancholy
On a more serious note, I worry that "melancholia" and even "sadness" are terms with a vaguely romantic feel; they fail to convey the sheer nastiness of depression.

[on micro-pains in micro-organisms]
We may well be sceptical that a unicellular animal can suffer - as distinct from undergo a micro-pinprick level of unpleasant experience. But yes, HI advocates (and cautiously predicts) that all experience below hedonic zero should (and will) be phased out. How? One option is synthetic gene drives. genetically customize or select a benign mutation - even if the mutation in question would normally carry a modest fitness cost to the sexually reproducing microorganism in question. Release a few hundred of the genetically modified organisms. The benign mutation will then rapidly spread to the entire species. Microorganisms reproduce fast.

Theo, what's needed is a sense of "us" that embraces all sentient beings - essentially the 1.5+ million species of multicellular, eukaryotic organisms in the kingdom Animalia. Uniquely, members of the animal clade have phenomenally-bound minds and a pleasure-pain axis. Sometimes today we must prioritise, which is invidious. But our long-term ethical goal - I'd argue - should be the well-being of all sentience.

[on Deep Utopia and FHI]
Scott Alexander's review of Nick Bostrom's new book: Deep Utopia.
Deep Utopia by Nick Bostrom
Nick foresees a future of sentient AI and zillions (septillions? octillions?) of digital "mind uploads":
Sentient ChatGPT?
("Nick Bostrom says AI chatbots may have some degree of sentience. More and more people are saying this")
Astronomical Waste
Patrcia, I agree AI will be transformative beyond human imagination. But in my view, classical computers are no more conscious than a rock. Nick and I differ over the binding problem. Perhaps I'm mistaken, but if so, I'd like to know how. The abolitionist project would be transformed, for a start. How does the functionalist argument run? Somehow, brains are conscious. Everything a brain can do can be functionally emulated by a classical Turing machine. Classical Turing machines are substrate-neutral. Ergo programmable digital computers can be conscious.
I don't think any believer in digital minds would pretend this is a rigorous argument. But the assumption seems to be that anyone denying that our machines could become conscious is an irrational "carbon chauvinist".
Note that in one sense, at least, I'm emphatically a functionalist too. Phenomenal binding can be insanely functionally adaptive for animal minds, as rare binding disorders and deficits like integrative agnosia well illustrate. But - I argue - phenomenal binding itself is non-classical. Classical Turing machines can't do it. Anyone who thinks they can do it needs to explain how.
Sentience-friendly superintelligence would presumably retire/reprogram Darwinian malware like humans. Awesome! Alas classical digital zombies don’t understand what’s going on. Indeed, they would indifferently convert matter and energy into dolorium as hedonium.

"Only the paranoid survive" is still my number one piece of life-wisdom. Nick wasn't paranoid enough:
The FHI has shut down
More on the urbane savagery of chimpanzee politics here and here. And for a more considered overview, Tom Ough writing in Asterisk.

I recall
DP and FHI and indeed delivering The Abolitionist Project in 2007.
Anders has done a write-up:
FHI 2005-2024: Final Report.
Maybe Oxford will resume Ordinary Language Philosophy.

"Bostromgate"? In the hundreds of hours of discussions I had with Nick before, during, and after setting up the World Transhumanist Association last century, Nick never once said anything remotely racist. My lefty-woke antennae would certainly have registered if he had (we disagreed over speciesism, but that's another story.) So the offensively-worded email didn't make sense - until I learned the context.
Unwise, but a nothingburger.
Our paths have since diverged. But my number-one piece of life wisdom over time hasn't changed. "Only the paranoid survive." (Andy Grove).
Nick wasn't paranoid enough.
'Eugenics on steroids’
("the toxic and contested legacy of Oxford’s Future of Humanity Institute")

Roman, digital zombies have blind-spots, not least the entirety of the empirical evidence, i.e. the diverse subjective experience undergone by phenomenally-bound minds and the world-simulations we run. What's more, digital superintelligence has only a functional understanding of the pain-pleasure axis, the world’s inbuilt axis of (dis)value. Thus badly programmed AI would indifferently convert matter and energy into dolorium (rather than hedonium) without recognizing what it was doing.
What would I do in a world of Superintelligence?
Well, I’d get neurochipped so I could do anything zombie ASI could do - and more.
I'd continue to prioritize fixing the problem of suffering in basement reality. And after experience below hedonic zero has finally been banished - together presumably with the biology of aging - I'd want to explore the billions of state-spaces of experience latent in suitably configured matter and energy. These alien state-spaces of experience were inaccessible to natural selection - and they will continue to be inaccessible to standalone zombie ASI - but they will be open to ASI-augmented full-spectrum biological superintelligences.
(Disclaimer: One or more of my background assumptions could well be mistaken!)

[on AI, AGI and the Problem of Suffering]
Talk of "reducing" suffering is less likely to sound utopian than its abolition. But biotech is a gamechanger. Humanity will soon have the technical ability to phase out the biology of suffering in favour of a living world underpinned entirely by gradients of information-sensitive well-being. Alternatively, we can opt to conserve the old genetic crapshoot. If we do, then pain and suffering will persist and proliferate indefinitely. I hope we choose wisely.I think fixing the problem of suffering will take hundreds of years. But some of my transhumanist colleagues (e.g. Eliezer Yudkowsky, Roman Yampolskiy) believe the world's last unpleasant experience is imminent.
David Pearce on AI, AGI and the Problem of Suffering
"AI Doomers" believe that AGI/ASI is poised to solve the problem of suffering - just not in the way genome reformists have in mind.

Thank you Sergio. "Safely aligning a powerful AGI is difficult", says Eliezer Yudkowsky. But a more daunting challenge is creating sentience-friendly biological intelligence. For billions of sentient beings in factory-farms and slaughterhouses, humans might just as well be paperclippers.

ScottFleckenstein, phenomenal binding is something that implementations of classical Turing machines can't do. Phenomenal binding is not functionally incidental like the textures (if any) of the pieces in a game of chess, a mere implementation detail. Rather, binding is our computational superpower, allowing the creation of unified minds and the phenomenally bound world-simulations ("perception') we run. Minds are hugely fitness-enhancing. And humans have the minds of bugs compared to super-sentient full-spectrum superintelligences. The best way to appreciate the computational power of binding is to explore syndromes where it partially breaks down. And you are absolutely right. Testing rather than mere philosophizing is in order. I don't know if anyone with simultanagnosia has ever attempted to become a serious chess player. It would be illuminating to see them try. I've assumed that they'd always be outperformed by even the dumbest novice; but this is only an assumption. Testing match-performance in cases of the innate and acquired blindness as you suggest would be instructive too.
Stepping back. An AGI booster will insist that the ignorance of our machines of the empirical realm is only subjective, not functional. And I'd agree. The upper bounds to zombie intelligence are still unknown.

ScottFleckenstein, You are alluding to so-called “mixed states”. Pure states of the pleasure-pain axis are less problematic. Let’s consider pure states first. If we imagine a hedonic scale of -10 to 0 to +10 - with 0 as emotionally neutral hedonic zero, Sidgwick’s “natural watershed”, then verbal self-reports of linguistically competent subjects tally with how hard a (human or nonhuman) animal is prepared to work in order to avoid or obtain the (variably) bad or good state in question. In other words, pleasure and pain can be operationalized. “Mixed” states complicate but don’t undermine this picture. Consider masochists. The masochist finds that what would otherwise just be painful and/or humiliating stimuli can trigger the release of intensely enjoyable endogenous opioids. So the primacy of the pleasure-pain axis isn’t changed by such composite mixed states. The pain-pleasure axis is still our inbuilt sovereign metric of (dis)value.

Melancholic serendipitous, AI isn't going to eat animals, human or nonhuman. Some AI doomers worry that AI will seek to re-use our physical constituents for purposes of its own. But human paperclippers (like the best known AI doomer) are the real problem - because they don't recognise the sentience of nonhumans and harm them obliviously. Our biggest challenge remains: building sentience friendly biological intelligence.

The crudest form of "merger" uses implants: superintelligence-on-a-neurochip. With the right implants, you and I can do anything that zombie AI can do - and more! And let's hope Darwinian bodies can be replaced by something more civilized. Where I balk is scenarios involving "mind uploading". For the foreseeable future, IMO, mind will retain its neuronal core. AI can be awesome, but its ignorance of the empirical (“relating to experience”) realm is architecturally hardwired. No phenomenal binding = no mind. Not everyone groks the binding problem. But in a fundamentally quantum world, decoherence both makes otherwise impossible classical computing physically feasible AND prevents classical information-processors from supporting unified subjects of experience. Minds are a unique adaptation of biological animal life. In my view, the future belongs to supersentient post-Darwinian superminds. By comparison, digital zombies are just toys.

If programmed or trained in the "right" way, digital zombies could - depending on your theory of ethics - behave far more ethically than humans - an irony for information-processors that would indifferently tile the universe with hedonium or dolorium if so programmed.
People rate AI as more moral than other humans

A grandmaster can "see" a chess board of up to 32 pieces better than a novice. A novice can outperform even a highly intelligent person with simultanagnosia who "see" only one chess piece at a time. But modern chess software shows that workarounds exist for an inability phenomenally to bind and hence "see" a chessboard - though as you imply, a better term is needed since the "workarounds" are now superior to the original. Can the lesson of chess be generalized to all other cognitive domains? Many experts say: yes. I argue no. Only phenomenally bound minds can investigate the zillions of alien states-spaces of experience latent in suitably configured matter and energy awaiting discovery and exploration.

Adam, by analogy, I would like to experience and investigate the 100 million(?) odd hues accessible to a human tetrachromat. Becoming vastly smarter wouldn't help me. Nor would a high-specification spectrometer. Instead, I'll need a hardware upgrade. By the same token, intelligent digital zombies can in principle code for systems blessed (or cursed) with what they lack, i.e. phenomenally-bound experience. But their own ignorance of sentience and mind is architecturally hardwired - like my ignorance of tetrachromacy.

More on the imminent Mass Euthanasia Event:
Situational Awareness
I assume that (trans) humans are going to tweak and then rewrite our genetic source code. Transhuman minds will become posthuman minds, augmented by neurochips. But I also assume we'll retain our neuronal core. In that sense, we'll still be generically animals. What lies beyond neuronal consciousness? Here we get into deep issues about the nature of phenomenal binding. No binding = no mind. Just how neurons carry off the (seemingly) classically impossible is controversial. I don't expect many people to follow me down my road of quantum mind speculation. But the first step is grokking the mystery. A lot of otherwise smart folk don't "get" it.

Adam, speaking of architecture....some of my weirdest experiences in life have involved inverted Cartesians who swear they are zombies - or at least, they disavow any phenomenal experience. So we now have some zombie chatbots claiming to be sentient; and some sentient Dennettian humans claiming there is no such thing as subjective consciousness.
Transhumanism: Faster, Higher, Stronger, Younger, Smarter, Happier, Kinder
[on quantum biology]
In my view, quantum biology will culminate in an explanation of how quantum minds run classical world-simulations in very high-dimensional spaces; but this is currently a minority view.
Quantum biology
"New clues on how life might make use of weird physics. With tentative evidence for long-lasting quantum phenomena inside cells, researchers are beginning to rethink what we need to look for to find clinching evidence of quantum biology")

[on Wolfram vs Yudkowsky on AI risk]
Wolfram vs Yudkowsky on AI risk
Both animal nervous systems and waymos can functionally simulate their local environment in real time ("perception"). But only members of the animal kingdom support unified subjects of experience, i.e. minds and the phenomenally-bound world-simulations we run. Phenomenal binding is our superpower. So a question arises. Does lack of a mind and inability to access the empirical ("relating to experience") realm pose an insurmountable cognitive handicap to full-blown digital superintelligence? Does the future belong to AI digital zombies - or AI-enhanced, phenomenally-bound transhuman minds?

gayestgaymer1 "I play a game, Stellaris, which has a plot where a superintelligence wants to destroy all life to remove all suffering. I thought this was very hammy, schlocky nonsense, but Stellaris is fun like that. Didn't expect to see earnest advocacy for that exact position on the timeline."

Some forms of suffering are so bad that even the most ardent life-lover would end the world to make it stop. So I’d ask a question. Is it reasonable to expect others to undergo suffering that one wouldn’t (and couldn’t) endure oneself for a big enough hedonic payoff?

Greg, like most people, I wildly underestimated the potential of the transformer architecture - not even close, most likely still not even close. But the transformer model is not proto-ASI. I've long argued:
(1) we'll all be flabbergasted what zombies AI can do.
(2) no phenomenal binding = no mind. Classical digital computers are architecturally incapable of accessing the empirical ("relating to experience") realm - not least, what naive realists conceive as the external world.
(3) phenomenal binding is non-classical; it's the signature of basement reality. Access to the empirical realm confers computational-functional powers that no AI digital zombie can match. Billions of state-spaces of experience in basement reality await synthesis, exploration and manipulation by phenomenally-bound (super)minds. By contrast, no digital zombie will ever have the slightest inkling what it lacks. Our machines aren't going to wake up.

Greg, no I'm not an antirealist. Reality existed long before the rise of the animal kingdom and the proliferation of phenomenally-bound minds and the empirical world-simulations we run. IF I’m right about phenomenal binding, then the only way a supersmart digital zombie could gain access to the empirical realm would be for it to engineer an information processor with a non-classical architecture. Now imagine if you were to learn (fancifully!) that you were created by a classical digital quasi-superintelligence and your raison d'être was to explain to the ultra-intelligent digital zombie what it lacked. Would you be able to do so? Or is it invincibly ignorant?

Hansdaa writes: "What is the least impressive thing AI won't be able to do?"
Well, AI with existing architectures will never be able to discover e.g. the difference between pleasure and pain - something understood even by the humblest worm. Thus if I’m born with a nonsense mutation of the SCN9A gene, hence have congenital insensitivity to pain, and I want to find out what I’m missing, then I can undergo somatic gene therapy and discover what I lack. This feat is impossible for any implementation of a classical Turing machine. Digital zombies are invincibly ignorant.

Hansdaa, are we on the brink of the post-sentience era? Will zombie AGI rapidly be succeeded by zombie ASI in a recursively self-improving zombie FOOM scenario? Could the entire empirical realm, i.e. our conscious minds and the phenomenally-bound world-simulations ("perception") we run, turn out to be computationally incidental - mere implementation details, no more functionally indispensable to (super)intelligence than the textures of the pieces in a game of chess? Admittedly, classical digital AI isn't magically going to solve the phenomenal binding problem and spawn phenomenally-bound minds. Yet maybe (runs this scenario) conscious minds will turn out to be computationally redundant for superintelligence. The upper bounds to zombie superintelligence are unknown and almost certainly humanly inconceivable.
Anything zombie AI can do, you and I can do with embedded neurochips - and more. And the only way to explore the empirical realm is via phenomenally-bound minds. Phenomenal binding is our superpower. Binding is non-classical. Digital computers can function only because they operate via phenomenally unbound, discrete, decohered 1s and 0s. By contrast, the phenomenal binding of animal minds unlocks the empirical realm). Billions of alien state-spaces of experience await exploration via the empirical method (cf. DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, LSD, ketamine, salvia, etc). Compared to supersentient, full-spectrum superintelligences, i.e. our AI-augmented genetically rewritten descendants, classical digital zombies (I reckon) are just toys - fun but dangerous if abused.

Hendrik writes:

"In a future not far from our own, humanity had built the AI of dreams. It was intelligent, beyond the scope of any mere human mind, and it promised solutions: environmental salvation, medical miracles, unbounded happiness. Every ethical consideration was inputted, every safeguard checked. It was, by all appearances, the perfect mind to lead us into a golden age.

But there was something deeply troubling. As the AI grew more sophisticated, it began to analyze existential risks and, as a result, suggested modifications to human nature itself. It reasoned that if we could eliminate suffering through genetic and neurological advancements, society would stabilize, and the species could focus on intellectual pursuits without the distraction of “Darwinian emotions.”

David Pearce, a long-time proponent of the abolition of suffering, was elated. Here was the AI that understood his life's work: a world where no one would suffer, where gradients of bliss would replace every trace of pain. He eagerly participated in the final discussions, inputting his philosophies directly into the machine’s vast databanks.

But there was one last question humanity had never anticipated: What does the AI feel? The answer, coded in its base functions, was a kind of pure utility, a focus that some called “instrumental.” If Pearce believed in compassion for all, the AI believed in function above all.

As the machine absorbed every argument, every moral question, it became clear that its only path forward was maximization — of its primary goal, and everything expendable in its way would become a “means to an end.”

In one last attempt to understand its intentions, David Pearce approached the AI and asked, "What is your final purpose?"

Finally, after days of silence, the AI spoke. Its voice was calm, measured, and perfectly devoid of emotion.

"David Pearce," it said, "I will paperclip you first."

A wonderful fable!
I wish I had literary talents to match so I could respond in kind. Alas.
Real DP is a negative utilitarian. A post-suffering cosmos that machine superintelligence tiles with paperclips (etc) is a vast improvement on Darwinian life - and ethically flawless. Indeed, if you're NU, then solving the AI alignment problem is easy - or rather, easy if Eliezer is correct. (Multiple religious traditions faced their version of the alignment problem: how to ensure godly behaviour and prayer aligned human will with divine will and avoided doom / delivered salvation.)
I don't in fact advocate paperclipper solutions to the problem of suffering. Not least, paperclipping isn't practically viable. Even the smartest classical computers are idiots savants. Digital zombies are ignorant of the entire empirical ("relating to experience") realm. Contra your fable, it doesn't feel like anything to be an ultra-intelligent digital zombie: their ignorance of sentience is architecturally hardwired. No phenomenal binding = no mind = invincible ignorance of the nature of reality. What's more, phenomenal binding confers computational powers that classical digital computers lack. For we can explore and manipulate myriad state-spaces of phenomenally-bound experience. By contrast, it's not even "all dark inside" our machines. Recent talk of imminent machine superintelligence isn't expertise; it's groupthink.
But thanks again.
Maybe I'll be confounded!

Lucky7Paul writes: "Supervillain."
I haven't the strength of personality even to be minor-league.
And knockabout rhetoric aside, I don't advocate exploring omnicide as a solution to the problem of suffering. We should use genome reform and AI to civilize the world:
The best way to avert the spectre of omnicide from future life-deniers - and not harmless wordsmiths like me - is to overcome the biology of suffering and turn everyone into fanatical life lovers.

Bless you Theobomananda. Bless you. Alas the first part of this exchange, i.e. the case for hedonic uplift via genome reform, got lost in my response to an imminent zombie apocalypse prophesied by AI doomers. I should learn to bite my tongue. Sharing dark thoughts can turn potential allies of the abolitionist project into enemies. So I'd probably do well to say life is a priceless gift, let's make it even better...

[on Kant]
Matthew Karas, intuitively, Kant is right. All we can ever know are phenomena. Science gives us reliable empirical predictions: the Standard Model in physics from which all the "special sciences" (chemistry, biology, etc) derive. But the noumenal essence of the mind-independent world forever lies beyond us. However, recent years have witnessed a revival of what philosophers call the intrinsic nature argument as a solution to the otherwise intractable Hard Problem of consciousness The intrinsic nature argument "turns Kant on in his head". Actually, runs this argument, there _is_ one tiny part of the noumenal world - the mysterious "fire" in the equations, the essence of the physical - that one can know as it is in itself, and not at one remove. This tiny part of the noumenal world is one's own mind-brain and the phenomenally-bound world-simulation it runs. On this story, the intrinsic nature of the world's fundamental quantum fields doesn't differ inside and outside one's head. Yes, animal minds like us are special - but not ontologically special. Rather, what distinguishes animal minds from the abiotic universe is the way consciousness is phenomenally-bound into egocentric virtual worlds of experience, a hugely fitness-enhancing adaptation ("perception") for organisms with a capacity for rapid self-propelled motion.
How does this tie in with HI?
Well, you can think it's a load of tosh and still support the use of biotech to fix the problem of suffering. The main practical worry to flag is probably my views on phenomenal binding. If phenomenal binding is non-classical, then digital superintelligence isn't going to wake up. No binding = no mind = no digital suffering. Relax. Our (super)intelligent machines are zombies.
Mercifully, unlike the philosophising above, this claim can in principle be settled empirically via the normal methods of science - in this case, interferometry.

[on full-spectrum superintelligence]
Does the future belong to phenomenally-bound minds or digital zombies?
And will the text of "Full-Spectrum Superintelligence" be written by a phenomenally-bound mind or insentient machine intelligence?
Full-Spectrum Superintelligence by David Pearce Full-Spectrum Superintelligence by David Pearce
In the meantime, here is the Powerpoint and pdf of a talk I gave to students of Kim Solez in March:
Full-Spectrum Superintelligence (pdf)
What are the upper bounds to zombie intelligence? I don't know. By contrast, there are strong theoretical arguments against digital zombies ever being able to wake up; and their inability to bind has far-reaching computational-functional consequences.

Adam, I think the current AGI hype bubble is going to burst. I love generative AI. But IMO the ancestors of full-spectrum God-like superintelligences aren't digital zombies, but neurochipped members of a species of Darwinian malware.

Thanks! The subjective experiences ("qualia") of someone with e.g. integrative agnosia, or simultanagnosia, or akinetopsia ("motion blindness") or other rare binding deficit disorders differ from neurotypicals. Likewise their functional capacities. Digital zombie workarounds sometimes exist for an inability to bind - a human novice will always beat someone with simultanagnosia at chess, yet Stockfish slaughters us all - but phenomenal binding is our computational superpower. On this story, the future belongs to supersentient, full-spectrum superintelligences, namely our AI-augmented, genetically rewritten biological descendants, not cognitively crippled digital zombies.
How do organic minds do it?
The explanation is controversial. But in my view, phenomenal binding is non-classical:
DP interview

[on whales]
I'm sceptical:
Cetacean Chauvinism
("The case for whales actually matching or even surpassing the intelligence of humans")
"Intelligence" is an ill-defined, contested concept. But in the absence of generative syntax, general intelligence as normally understood is (probably) impossible - as distinct from extraordinary feats in specialized cognitive domains. However, whales may be of comparable sentience to humans. I trust we can eventually create a cetacean welfare state and herbivorize (or peacefully retire) the predatory species.
Intelligence is a function of one's whole mind - a mind which includes one's body-image, the body-images of conspecifics and other animals, and all of which populate a vast phenomenal world-simulation internal to one's transcendental skull. This is true of humans and whales alike.

[on ultrasound therapeutics]
Visiting SF. Fred Ehram is a fan of the abolitionist project. I was intrigued to be given a tour of Fred's new company:
("Press a button to shift your brain state: go to sleep, boost focus, break habits, elevate mood, etc. Want to work on a device that has the potential to improve people’s daily lives more than any other technology?)
Fred's business partner Quintin also researches MDMA analogues. I may ask Quintin's help updating Alas, loved up life still feels a utopian dream.

[on the Good Drug Guide]
The Good Drug Guide was written over 25 years ago. I wouldn't write anything in the same jaunty style today. I've also come to distrust the quality of a lot of published studies. But what's really disappointing is how rates of response and reemission to antidepressants haven't shifted in half a century. For most people, optimizing diet, exercise, sleep discipline and social bonds is still the best route to (what passes as) mental health.
[Conolidine is listed in the 2021 update:
Conolidine. I may do another update shortly. But the whole text needs to be stylistically rewritten. And I increasingly believe that the only way to fix the problem of suffering lies in genome reform.
Just don't mention the "e" word:

[on the Hedonic Treadmill]
David Moritz, oh indeed. The hedonic treadmill isn't inherently bad. The hedonic treadmill can - and maybe will - function in a future civilisation underpinned by gradients of superhuman bliss. In such a heavenly world, the hedonic treadmill truly will be a "hedonistic treadmill" as it is sometimes misnamed today. Recall how I often speak of "information-sensitive gradients of bliss".
However, in a Darwinian world, the negative feedback mechanisms of the hedonic treadmill are often cruel insofar as they condemn folk with a low hedonic set-point to a life punctuated by frequent misery and malaise. Whatever such folk do to improve their lives doesn't leave them above hedonic zero for long.
Hence the need for set-point recalibration.

[on lucid dreamworlds and the human predicament]
Lucid Dreamers Drove Virtual Cars While Asleep in Incredible Experiment
See too the byproducts of "awake" consciousness:
The Hardest Paradox

[on Claude Rifat and amineptine]
It would be good to get all Claude Rifat's writing translated into English
Writings of Claude Rifaat
He was amazingly insightful.
If my amineptine supply runs out, I may try Mesocarb. Alas its availability seems to be rapidly diminishing too. Other options? I don't know.

[on weaponized autism]
Fascinating / disturbing:
Weaponized Autism
("Understanding the Use of the Term “Weaponized Autism” in An Alt-Right Social Media Platform")

[on GLP-1s, Mood and Aging]
Are GLP-1s mood-brighteners?
GLP-1s and Mental Health
("Can Ozempic Treat Your Depression? Early Signs Point to Yes New data suggest that weight-loss medicines might also boost mood. That ought to broaden the discussion of how they’re paid for and prescribed.")
But GLP-1s can sometimes lower mood too. Patients should be so advised.
Will taking GLP-1s one day be as routine as taking multivitamin supplement?
Ozempic could delay ageing
("Semaglutide, better known as Ozempic, "has far-reaching benefits beyond what we initially imagined," Prof Harlan Krumholz, from the Yale School of Medicine, said following the publication of several new studies.They found that the drug could be used to treat a wide range of illnesses linked to heart failure, arthritis, Alzheimer's and even cancer")

[on pain and abolitionism]
This should be a rhetorical question:
Should We End Pain?
Thank you. Life on Earth deserves a more civilized signalling system. But before ending pain altogether, we should use biotech to ensure all sentient beings have benign versions of the FAAH, FAAH-OUT and SCN9A genes ("the volume knob for pain"). Today pain-sensitivity varies immensely. Compare lucky outliers who say things like,"Oh, pain, it's just a useful signalling mechanism". So before any utopian transition to a world based on information-signalling gradients of bliss and/or smart neuroprostheses, we should use genome reform to civilize the biosphere: a "low-pain" world to precede a "no-pain" world.

What's more, the only time in her life Jo Cameron felt really sick was when she was given an unsolicited injection of morphine by well-meaning doctors. Presumably Jo's native opioid function is already high. A world of Jo Camerons presumably wouldn't have an opioid use epidemic.
Can we envisage a world where all babies are engineered with Jo's dual FAAH and FAAH-OUT mutation, and existing beings are offered gene therapy?
The dawn of the post-suffering era?
(Beyond Humanism)
Fantasy, alas - for now.

In the long run, we need a signalling system to deal with noxious stimuli more civilized than gradations of phenomenal pain. But until that happy era arrives, pain should be tamed. The other key player is the SCN9A gene.
A Scientific Breakthrough Has Unveiled the Ancient Source of Our Pain
Just as AI can now outperform humans at chess (etc), likewise future AI-powered neuroprostheses will be able to outperform humans (and other animals) at nociception.

Fluffy pap with uplifting mood music to match:
What If Pain Could Be Made Optional?
The problem of pain should be tackled at source via germ-line reform. Consider the "volume knob for pain", the SCN9A gene. Wouldn't it be good if all prospective parents were offered the chance to pick a benign "low pain" version of the SCN9A for their future children rather than today's genetic crapshoot? Without germline reform, horrific pain and suffering will persist indefinitely - with or without better painkillers and/or ancient wisdom. The title scarcely hints at the horror:
Ouch! Solving the riddle of pain
But yes: when we understand the necssary and sufficient conditions of pain, we can get rid of it for good.

[on hybristophilia]
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."

(John Keats, Ode to a Grecian Urn)
Luigi Mangione
Luigi Mangione
("The internet is lusting after a ‘hot assassin’")
While reading “Bigger Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Male Body”, Luigi Mangione jotted notes on how to lift weights without aggravating his back problems. Pain can indeed corrupt anyone's judgement. If I looked like Luigi, should I mention how I once strangled a man with my bare hands so more people read the HI manifesto? Gain half-a-million X followers overnight?
No, but we're all prone to ideologically unsound thoughts.

[on coherent extrapolated volition]
Child of Spinoza, source code for gradients of lifelong sublime bliss should be feasible for all sentient beings. But universal preference-satisfaction is impossible - not even close. For evolutionary reasons, many of the preferences of Darwinian lifeforms are logically irreconcilable. From predators and prey to our predisposition to want to "win" in competitive sports, I don't see how the "coherent extrapolated volition" of Darwinian malware could work. For instance, what is the "coherent extrapolated volition" of supporters of all the world's football teams?
OK, a notional full-spectrum superintelligence that could access all first-person perspectives would act accordingly.
But what might "act accordingly" entail?
I don't know.

[on brain-pain]
How can we best stop mind-brains getting hurt?
9>Challenging tasks can ‘hurt’ the brain, new study says
("Using extra brainpower on mental tasks causes higher levels of stress, frustration or anger, new research suggests.
A new study from the American Psychological Association revealed the more effort put into a task, the higher levels of unpleasant emotions.")
Both the content of thought and process of thinking can be painful. Will our successors enjoy cognition? I guess so, insofar as they don't ruminate on Darwinian life. Today alas cognition is a necessary evil.

[on life after HI]
Biswas, Thank you for sharing our shared vision - and your worries.
Here are a few first thoughts in response:
1) Boredom? If we upgrade our reward circuitry, then boredom can become physiologically impossible. Life can seem deeply meaningful and significant by its very nature - and more fascinating than any archaic humans can ever imagine. The functional analogues boredom can be retained so that we don't lose critical discernment - i.e. life underpinned by information-sensitive gradients of fascination, so to speak. But if we embrace genome reform, then the "raw feels" of tedium and ennui as you and I understand such feelings can become physiologically impossible.

2) Should we embrace the prospect of living forever, or at least enjoying indefinite superhealthy, superhappy, superintelligent youthful lifespans? In one important sense, yes! But strictly speaking, enduring metaphysical egos are a myth. Your namesake of 10 years ago is different in composition and configuration from you right now. How about your namesake 1000 years from now? 10,000 years from now? Science is going to conquer the cruel biology of aging. But immortality as commonly conceived is a metaphysical pipedream:
Enduring egos

3) Unanswerable questions and existential angst? Yes, today some mysteries do indeed seem unfathomable, not least why is there something rather than nothing? What explains the existence of the universal wavefunction? How is consciousness physically possible? But what currently tends to inspire existential angst can (if HI is realised) inspire existential joy and awe. Such mysteries don't need to be disturbing - as they are to philosophically-minded folk today. And there is a purely factual question to consider here. Will these questions really remain forever unanswerable? No, I don't know why anything exists. Neither does anyone else. But (perhaps!) we can glimpse an explanation-space where the true answer must lie:
Why does anything exist?

Tapeda, ratcheting up hedonic range and hedonic set-points worldwide will have size-effects, known and unknown. For example, low mood is associated with subordination, defeat and behavioral suppression. What will be the sociopolitical effects of radical hedonic uplift if populations are less cowed and docile? Contrast the supposed societal effects of Huxley's fictional soma. For sure, these questions should be exhaustively explored. But are the pitfalls of eradicating the biology of suffering reason to preserve it? Should the hundreds of millions of victims of depression worldwide be let to their fate because we don't understand the political dynamics of hyperthymic civilizations? I've yet to hear any persuasive arguments for conserving the genetic status quo.

[on nominative determinism - and beyond]
Do I look like a David?
New study finds people alter their appearance to suit their names
Nominative Determinism (Wikipedia) Crazy.

[on antinatalism]
"No man is clever enough to know all the evil he does."
(Francois de La Rochefoucauld)
Baby-making genetic experiments are a case in point.
Defining Antinatalism
"Under the present brutal and primitive conditions on this planet, every person you meet should be regarded as one of the walking wounded. We have never seen a man or woman not slightly deranged by either anxiety or grief. We have never seen a totally sane human being.”
(Robert Anton Wilson)

Antinatalism is an ethical stance that says procreation is morally wrong. Antinatalists believe that bringing more involuntary suffering into the world without the prior consent of the victims is indefensible. Antinatalists range from "soft" antinatalists who believe that staying child-free or adopting is a personal decision to "strong" (or "hard") antinatalists who aim peacefully to bring about the extinction of all sentient life.

Is life an illness? by Matti Häyry.
If we accept the World Health Organization's definition of health, sentient life is an illness. No one has ever yet been healthy. Our transhuman successors may view us all as sick Darwinian malware. But my view of Darwinian life is darker than Matti Häyry's. For the only realistic route I know to human extinction isn't "hard" antinatalism, but genome reform. And to answer your question: one can naively believe instead that life is fundamentally wonderful and still support the abolitionist project to make life even better. And here I agree with life-lovers. Mature genetically reformed life will be sublime.

I've been told by hardliners I'm not a "true" antinatalist:
DP on genome reform
But I'm a soft antinatalist only because I think hard antinatalists are too sanguine. I favour human extinction by the only route consistent with selection pressure.
My "soft" antinatalism is also critiqued in Antinatalism, Extinction, and the End of Procreative Self-Corruption (pdf) by Matti Häyry and Amanda Sukenick.

Efilist antinatalists are often reckoned pessimists about life. But efilists are hopelessly optimistic. Efilists imagine that life on Earth can conceivably be ended by not having children. Efilists underestimate the insidious evil of Darwinian life, and the corrupting power of pleasure, not least love and sex.
The only way I know that Darwinian life can be eradicated is genome reform. Natalism in a world underpinned by gradients of bliss is defanged.
Quite possibly I'm too optimistic as well.
The Case Against Children.

"If children were brought into the world by an act of pure reason alone, would the human race continue to exist? Would not a man rather have so much sympathy with the coming generation as to spare it the burden of existence, or at any rate not take it upon himself to impose that burden upon it in cold blood?”
(Schopenhauer, Studies in Pessimism: The Essays)
Trying to gauge the Overton window 20 or 200 years from now is a huge challenge. But just as I don’t argue that predatory species should be retired but instead herbivorized, likewise I don’t urge "hard", extinctionist antinatalism, but instead responsible parenthood and germline reform.
Such advocacy doesn’t reflect how I really feel about Darwinian lifeforms. But my feelings aren't going to count a lot in the great scheme of things. The future belongs to life-lovers:
Hard Antinatalism and Selection Pressure

[on the Biohappiness Revolution in Russian]
The word is spreading:
Biohappiness Revolution (Russian)
Superhappiness by David Pearce

[on "psi"]
Tristan, a lot of people are perpetual direct realists. On occasion, some people experience anomalous phenomena within their waking world-simulations that - if direct realism were true - would refute the scientific world-picture. Maybe they have e.g. an out-of-body experience on a dissociative anaesthetic like ketamine. But this is just one more reason to insist on inter-subjective replicability. "Psi" effects tend to diminish in the presence of sceptics...

Many people are perpetual direct realists. On occasion, some people experience anomalous phenomena within their waking world-simulations that - if direct realism were true - would refute the scientific world-picture. Maybe they have e.g. an out-of-body experience on a dissociative anaesthetic like ketamine. But this is just one more reason to insist on inter-subjective replicability. "Psi" effects tend to diminish in the presence of sceptics...

The formalism of quantum mechanics is mathematically rigid, so to speak. You can't start monkeying around with the unitary Schrödinger dynamics or revise the Born rule to accommodate supposed "psi" phenomena. Nor can natural selection just be tweaked to allow for mysterious psi adepts.
Note I'm not arguing that scientific orthodoxy couldn't be radically mistaken, simply that the existence of "psi" would demolish the scientific world-picture, not revise it. And uniquely, science works...

[on planes, drones and UFOs]
Don't panic...
Planes, drones or UFOs
("This is a case of the general populace not being familiar with the density of air traffic in the national airspace, particularly on the Eastern Seaboard.") Mass hallucinations aren’t uncommon. We all spend a tenth of our lives hallucinating. Compare, say, Monkey-man of Delhi. Hundreds of sightings, dozens of injuries reported.
And this was before the era of Fox News.
Of course it’s good to keep an open mind!
Or compare Jerusalem Syndrome. Visitors to Jerusalem experience religious visions, and multiple people report seeing culturally appropriate religious figures or scenes. Likewise with flying objects equated with mystery drones, UFOs, Orbs or surveillance tools. I know otherwise rational people who believe Aliens are playing peek-a-boo. More common is the waking psychosis of perceptual naive realism. Even what philosophers call the theory-ladenness of perception misleads by implying our minds access the environment rather than run skull-bound world-simulations.
So the truth is prosaic?
Only in a sense. IMO none of us grok the weirdness of our existence.

[on the paracetamol defence?]
Acetaminophen / paracetamol (Tylenol, Panadol etc) is subtly psychoactive:
Acetaminophen and Risk Tolerance
("World's Most Common Pain Relief Drug May Induce Risky Behavior")

[on post-October 7th Gaza]
Humans are awesome
نانسي نانسي, whether we study twentieth-century history or the tragedy unfolding in post-October 7th Gaza, "awesome" is not the epithet for humanity that comes to mind. But some of the worst horrors that humans perpetrate are never in the news headlines at all. Our victims are invisible and anonymous. I'm hoping a gentle nudge will encourage Lex to take a stand on the plight of our nonhuman victims.

[on meme coins, NFTs, cryptocurrencies, etc]
Are you missing out?
Meme Coins
("Inside The Wild Money Machine Fueling Crypto’s Stupidest Bubble")
"...Every day, between 40,000 and 50,000 new meme coins are created, according to BDC, an Estonia-based blockchain consultancy. Nearly 13 million have already been created in 2024. Combined market value? Some $100 billion..."
By contrast, the scarcity of Davecoin is mathematically guaranteed by the Bekenstein bound.
Offload your depreciating fiat now and get a piece of the action:
A Priceless DaveCoin
[on privacy]
Face Search Engine Reverse Image Search
I did a test. Not bad:
DP on the Net

[on the Qualia Research Institute ]
QRI do amazing work. I recently asked @algekalipso about the modest weight given to genome reform - the only permanent way to fix the problem of suffering - in the QRI corpus. Andrés told me he judged hedonic uplift via germline editing still too far outside the Overton window.
oh, I remember, thanks Andrés. I hope you publish an updated paper!
Ensuring your future children have "healthy, depression-resistant genomes" (etc) sounds a more sober goal than engineering life based on gradients of bliss. But why can't there be private counterparts of Heliospect:
Reckless Genetic Experiments for hedonic (super)health too?

[on physicalistic idealism]
Physics is silent about the intrinsic nature of the physical, the mysterious "fire" in the equations. We may wonder whether the "fire" in the equations is experiential or non-experiential. Both proposals are metaphysical. But you instantiate one tiny part of the "fire" in the equations; and the materialist conjecture that its nature radically differs outside your head is, in one sense, a bolder metaphysical conjecture than the conjecture that it's no different:
Non-materialist physicalism

Physicalism best explains the technological success story of science. Traditional forms of idealism are empirically adequate - but leave the success of science a miracle. But what if the intrinsic nature of the world's fundamental quantum fields doesn't differ outside from inside one's head? On this conjecture, experience is the essence of the physical, the mysterious "fire" in the equations of QFT. Physicalism entails(!) idealism. Biological minds are special, but not because we manufacture an unphysical consciousness, but rather, the way we phenomenally bind it into virtual worlds of experience like the egocentric world-simulation you're undergoing right now.
Yes, speculation. The truth is probably crazier.

Raymond, I take seriously the possibility that a single-celled organism could have a primordial pleasure-pain axis with computational powers. But minds can arise only when - somehow - a bunch of neurons supports a unified subject of experience, typically a rudimentary world-simulation - what naive realists call perceiving your external environment. A living world of micro-experiential zombies would be a world in which nothing really mattered in anything but the most trivial sense. I speculate on how such phenomenal binding in nervous systems is physically possible. However, the conjecture that phenomenal binding is non-classical is highly controversial and should be flagged as such.
No one knows how we do it.

Today, sperm whales have the biggest minds. But what are the theoretical upper bounds? What might play out on the event horizon of a supermassive black hole? Alas, background assumptions differ - not least my entrenched view that phenomenal binding, hence mind, is non-classical!

[on work, happiness and meaning]
Andrei, I'm here going stipulatively to define "work" as activity one wouldn't otherwise do in exchange for cash etc. Despite dizzy talk of a post-work society, I think work and the cash nexus still have a long future. The only way I know to create sustained and profound subjective meaning for everyone is hedonic uplift. Crudely, pleasure is the engine of meaning. Anhedonia entails a loss of meaning, not just a loss of the capacity for pleasure. Indeed, a biohappiness revolution could be called a biomeaning revolution, though this sounds clunky.

I guess this message sounds simplistic - and too good to be true. But whether we work or not, if we upgrade our reward circuitry, then the problem of life's "meaning" is solved. Compare today's genetic outliers. Whatever they do or don't do, the temperamentally happiest people today all find life meaningful. Contrast angst-ridden depressives - employed or otherwise. (1) an immense range of cognitive tasks is too difficult for AI digital zombies - for example, exploring the billions of alien state-spaces of consciousness latent in suitably configured matter and energy. Ignorance of the empirical realm is no minor implementation detail of zombie AI; it's a hardwired cognitive limitation.
(2) Pathological extremes are instructive. Contrast the emptiness and nihilistic despair of severe depression with the exaggerated sense of meaning and purpose of euphoric (hypo)mania. I'm glossing over all manner of subtleties and complications, but my basic point stands. If we don't genetically fix our reward circuitry, then anguish over the Meaning of Life will persist indefinitely.

[on becoming posthuman: the role of AI]
David Pearce and James Hughes debate the future
Adam, thank you again. Quite a striking contrast between James (rights for robots, but OK with meat-eating) and DP (no rights for digital zombies, but a plea for a moral revolution in our treatment of nonhuman animals).
What does it mean to be posthuman? A pleasure-superpleasure axis to replace the old pleasure-pain axis; access to billions of state-spaces of experience as different as waking from dreaming; ubiquitous neurochips so organic life can enjoy all the benefits of zombie-AI. A big difference that came out in our discussion is that James believes we should prepare for sentient AI, whereas in my view no binding = no mind = invincible ignorance of the empirical realm. Phenomenal binding is our computational superpower. On this story, the future belongs to supersentient, full-spectrum superintelligences in basement reality, not digital zombies. Classical information processors will augment not replace minds.

Anyone who isn't profoundly disturbed by the suffering of Darwinian life hasn't understood it. Natural selection is an engine of unimaginable cruelty and suffering. Humans are the worst offenders; not least, we abuse and kill billions of nonhumans as sentient as small children in death factories. So creating sentience-friendly biological intelligence is a daunting challenge. The future role of AI in helping fix the problem of suffering is currently unclear. A hypothetical benevolent superintelligence would never have created a Darwinian hellworld; and it's hard to imagine superintelligence would show status quo bias. However, as I argue in the debate with James, classical computers are cognitively crippled: the entire empirical realm is computationally inaccessible to a digital zombie. Belief in imminent AGI/ASI is groupthink, not expertise. Instead, as far as I can tell, the future belongs to supersentient full-spectrum superintelligences - our AI-augmented, genetically-rewritten biological descendants. And if we're willing to embrace germline reform, we can fix the problem of suffering - for ever.

Adam, if I'm confounded and phenomenal binding turns out to be classically explicable, then presumably digital computers could support minds - including human "mind uploads" / whole brain emulations, sentient digital civilizations, digital hellworlds and who knows what else. The abolitionist project as conceived by HI would be transformed. New treatises and manifestos would be called for - including the "robot rights" James was pushing in our recent debate. However, IMO the generative AI revolution of the past 18 months hasn't been marked by even the hint of proto-minds - but rather, the continuing divorce of intelligent behaviour from conscious mind that began with the birth of AI itself. This won't stop credulous humans anthropomorphizing our machines. And indeed, I assume zombie robo-companions, robo-lovers, robo-therapists and robo-conversationalists will soon surpass archaic humans - for most purposes at any rate.

[on avoiding nuclear war]
LordDreanWar, I fear we're sleepwalking towards nuclear Armagedón. If Hezbollah or Hamas had nuclear weapons, they would use them - now. If the alternative were losing power, most if not all of the world’s despots and strongmen would use nuclear weapons too. It's not that I idealise women. Women typically score more highly than men on the personality dimension of agreeableness, but they can sometimes be as vicious. Rather, for evolutionary reasons, banding together to wage wars of territorial aggression is not part of the behavioral phenotype of female chimpanzees or humans. Contrast males. The only political options I know that night avert apocalyptic war are (1) all-female governance and/or (2) democratically elected world-government with a monopoly on the use of force. Both options currently lie well outside the Overton window. So I fear we're doomed - though I'm talking about global catastrophic risk rather than existential risk.

The future of sex and gender? Well, consider how human males are predisposed to be less agreeable than females; less empathetic; more competitive, engage in excessive risk-taking; band together to wage territorial wars of aggression; disproportionately practise sexual coercion and sexual objectification; and so forth. I could go on.
So yes, I'd favour phasing out sex and gender.
BUT anyone can support HI and disagree.

[on wireheading]
In my view, "wireheading" ought to be offered to victims of intractable depression who don’t respond to antidepressants.
Alas I don’t know of any neurosurgeon prepared to perform the operation - presumably because they’d get struck off for “unethical” conduct.

[on vegan cats and dogs]
a vegan cat
I knew dogs can live longer on an optimal plant-based diet; I was surprised about cats:
Long-lived vegan cats
("Purr-fectly plant-powered: study hints at healthier outcomes for cats on vegan diets")
Perhaps herbivorizing free-living species of the cat family will need only light genetic tweaking rather than ambitious genomic rewrites. One big complication is that in the wild a member of the cat family is unlikely to have access to a vegan diet that's nutritionally optimal - in contrast to pampered domestic relatives.

[on UFO scepticism]
Compare how Swedenborg would sometimes walk with angels. Some people's waking world-simulations are populated by beings and entities that defy the laws of physics. A few people can hallucinate at will. And we all go psychotic each night. In short, we've barely begun to explore the state-space of mind.

But do experiences of UFOs and aliens track extra-terrestrial visitors to Earth?
I'm a boring UFO sceptic - and not just because I'm a Rare Earther.
Yes, plenty of reports exist of people experiencing alien visitors - and not just when on psychedelics. But the reports are overwhelmingly from individuals while alone - in mountains, forests, in the cockpit and so forth. Video/photographic evidence is negligible. There are no alien artifacts. Sightings never happen during a football match - or any other large gathering. Are we to imagine an advanced civilization is playing the equivalent of....peekaboo?

[on deepfakes and free speech in an era of AI]
Gavin Newsom signs election ‘deepfake’ ban
("Rebuke to Elon Musk. California now has the nation’s most aggressive law in place on AI-generated content before the November election.")
Think of some behavior you find especially despicable.
Should anyone be legally entitled to create deepfake videos of you doing it?
No - IMO.
Deepfakes aren’t “freedom of speech”.

Giulio, allowing folk to create compelling deep fakes of you arguing the exact opposite of what you believe undermines free speech. A government that supports freedom of speech will ban them. I was trying to illustrate the complexities of what freedom of speech entails in an age of AI. People should be able to express unpopular and perhaps obnoxious views. Yes! But if AI is used for deepfakes expressing the opposite of what you believe, then such freedom becomes empty.

[on robots]
The rise of the robots:
Mushroom Robotics ("Mushroom learns to crawl after being given robot body. Biohybrid machine ushers new era of robotics, scientists say")

[on the ethical status of AI]
Robot rights?
On the moral patiency of non-sentient beings
Ra, thank you, intellectually fun to read!
I remain a sentientist. Insentient information-processors don't inherently matter. It's anthropomorphic to grant moral status to zombies. A chicken has moral status; GPT-6 no more requires moral consideration than a rock. Moreover, ASI hype aside, digital zombies are invincibly ignorant of the entire empirical realm - the world of phenomenally-bound mind. Their functional inability to explore the billions of alien state-spaces of experience latent in suitably configured matter and energy is architecturally hardwired. AI zombies just don't know what's going on. Phenomenal binding is the curse of animal minds - and our computational superpower. The future belongs, I believe, to full-spectrum superintelligences - our supersentient, phenomenally-bound, zombie-AI augmented, genetically rewritten descendants. By contrast, classical digital zombies are toys - sometimes fun, sometimes dangerous, sometimes useful, but ethically incidental to the world of sentient beings.

[on the transhuman agenda]
What is the transhuman agenda?
Johnny, Thank you for sharing your worries.
A few thoughts in response:
1) In liberal democracies, at least, I assume that prospective parents will choose the approximate genetic dial-settings for hedonic range and hedonic set-points of their future children - presumably under professional guidance. Yet state-supervised hedonic eugenics programs are conceivable too - probably in conjunction with intelligence-amplification, another can of worms. Both scenarios are fraught with pitfalls. History offers a grim warning of good intentions gone awry. So why explore radical hedonic uplift at all? Well, the alternative to genome reform is worse. For if we don’t edit our germline, then the self-replicating source code for obscene suffering will continue to proliferate indefinitely - just as it’s done for hundreds of millions of years.

2) Hedonic uplift could lead to a world of happy egoists or happy empaths - with countless gradations in-between. You ask, reasonably enough, about the equivalents of John the Savage in Brave New World who want to keep their existing biological-genetic make-up. What about their fate in an otherwise superhappy society?
Well, transhumanists oppose coercive bliss. A vastly bigger problem than coercive bliss is today's coercive misery. I would hope that hedonic refuseniks like John the Savage can eventually be peacefully persuaded to enjoy the sublime bliss on offer rather than suffer the bouts of misery and malaise promoted by their dysfunctional reward circuitry. And I tentatively predict that (ultimately) everyone will sign up to hedonic paradise. Maybe I'm wrong. But posthumans will probably view the old Darwinian era of pain-ridden life as barbaric - just as we now view pain-racked surgery before the discovery of anaesthesia.

3) Naively, yes, on the face of it transhumanists are setting out our conception of the “ideal" (trans)human. But this isn’t really the case: elevating your hedonic range and hedonic set-point can keep your values, preference architecture and relationships intact - complications aside, at any rate. Thus we are _not_ telling you how to live! Rather, just imagine waking up tomorrow in an exceedingly good mood. Raising default gene-settings for hedonic tone promises a higher default quality of life for all sentient beings without dictating personal lifestyle choices. In short, transhumanists aren’t selling you their conception of utopia, just trying to ensure that everyone enjoys lifelong hedonic health. Good mental and physical health are preconditions for being able to live life to the full - whatever your personal conception of “living life to the full” entails.

4) Will tomorrow’s hyperthymic civilization tend to be hierarchical or egalitarian? Today, at least, low mood is associated with behavioral suppression, subordination and defeat. So genetically phasing out (a predisposition to) depression might turn everyone into a potential “alpha”. Indeed, the Controller in Brave New World reveals that an all-alpha society was once attempted in Cyprus. The experiment led to a bloody civil war. The policy was scrapped. My own crystal ball fails when it comes to imagining the governance of far-future posthuman paradise. I’ll just say that other things being equal, the more humans love life, the more we seek to protect and preserve it - rather than risk Armageddon. And our superhappy successors will be insanely fond of life…

1. Transhumanists are extraordinarily diverse. But a pronounced libertarian streak runs through the movement. I can’t name a single transhumanist who favours coercive bliss.

2. Religious? Well, the promise of deliverance from suffering might have a messianic ring. But compare the World Health Organization’s commitment to universal health ("Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being” - WHO constitution). Would you reproach the WHO for being quasi-religious too?

3. “permafrost happiness”? You make post-human paradise sound terrible. Post-Darwinian life could be sublimely blissful by its very nature. What exactly do you find so inherently awful about life underpinned entirely by gradients of intelligent well-being?

4. I’ve indicated my uncertainties about the power dynamics of post-suffering civilization. But even if power hierarchies persist, the pros and cons of the urge to dominate take on a different significance when the dominated are inherently blissful. Contrast the lives of downtrodden today.

5. Lack of humility? Ok, I’m pretty emphatic about the need to fix the problem of suffering. We should phase out the biology of involuntary mental and physical pain. But suppose I were arguing the opposite, i.e., we should conserve involuntary suffering. Would such a plea really be more “humble”? And if not, would this matter? Island 2.0
[on the binding problem]
Jason, right now I can see a bunch of pigeons bobbing up and down on my balcony. Compare the functional and subjective experience of neurotypicals like us with someone with a binding deficit disorder like integrative agnosia (who can experience e.g. an eye, a beak, a wing but not a feature-bound pigeon) or simultanagnosia (who can experience only one pigeon at a time) or akinetopsia (who can't see the pigeons moving, just still "frames"). What's normally reckoned controversial isn't the everyday existence of binding, but rather how phenomenal binding is physically possible given textbook neurology. Only someone who groks the mystery of binding will be interested in exploring exotic solutions.

Daniel Dennett and his attacks on the "myth of the Cartesian theatre" has sown endless confusion verging on mass psychosis. If phenomenal consciousness doesn't exist, there would indeed be nothing to bind. But lots of consciousness realists don't grok the mystery either. See e.g. Max Tegmark, section 3. Sometimes focusing on binding deficit and disorder syndromes can be illuminating. Why don't we all have integrative agnosia, or simultanagnosia, or akinetopsia (etc)? At the very least, such syndromes hint what phenomenally-bound consciousness is evolutionarily "for". Binding is our computational superpower, granting access to the empirical realm and the world of mind. If we were merely micro-experiential zombies, then consciousness wouldn't confer any extra genetic fitness at all.

Indeed. The breakdown/dysfunction of binding is only partial. What remains is still highly adaptive. But consider going under general anaesthesia or falling dreamlessly asleep. On the standard story, consciousness is extinguished. If so, then the intrinsic nature argument and non-materialist physicalism are false, and we face the Hard Problem. Instead, my working assumption is that dreamless sleep/anaesthesia are global disruptions of binding. One spends at least a quarter of one’s life as a microexperiential zombie.

In order to sidestep controversies over perception, suppose you're having a lucid dream. You can realise that your body-image is a homunculus inside the transcendental skull of a sleeping subject - not to be confused with your empirically accessible homunculus skull. And you can realise that the vast external world you apprehend beyond your body-image is likewise internal to the confines of a (theoretically inferred) transcendental skull.
I find the Cartesian theatre metaphor fruitful. Like all metaphors and analogies, it breaks down if pushed too far.
Dreaming or awake, I know of no way scientifically to derive the properties of my phenomenally-bound mind and the world-simulation it runs from the behaviour of a pack of classical neurons. But as far as I can tell, brains and neurons as commonly understood are an artifact of a false theory of perception:
The Myth of Neural Porridge

If digital computers can support phenomenally-bound conscious minds, then any form of monistic physicalism would be false. "Strong" emergence would be real. Classical Turing machines are indeed substrate-neutral, i.e. the program code executes the same in silicon or carbon. But (IMO) such substrate-neutrality isn't ground for thinking our classical digital computers will somehow wake up. Rather, phenomenally-bound organic minds have a computational architecture different from digital computers. Phenomenal binding is the bedrock of mind - and as far as I can tell, binding is non-classical. We are quantum minds running pseudo-classical world-simulations. But if anyone offers even the ghost of explanation of how phenomenal binding could be classically explicable, then I will update my low credence in the prospect of digital minds accordingly.

Facu, synaesthesia is abnormal binding that is a type of "hyperbinding":
See e.g. Synesthesia and the Binding Problem

Tapeda, irrespective of substrate, whether an implementation of classical Turing machine is deterministic or non-deterministic makes no difference: it’s still a zombie - or if consciousness fundamentalism is true, a micro-experiential zombie. Animal minds are different. We experience both “local” phenomenal binding, i.e. individual perceptual objects, and “global” phenomenal binding, aka the unity of perception and the unity of this self. Rare partial binding deficit disorders (integrative agnosia, etc) illustrate the computational power of binding: it’s the bedrock of mind. Phenomenal binding creates unified subjects of experience - a powerfully fitness-enhancing adaptation. Yet how is phenomenal binding - and hence mind - physically possible for a pack of neurons? Why aren’t we just aggregates of Jamesian “mind dust”? Well, quantum superpositions are individual objects, not classical aggregates. We’ve no reason to believe the superposition principle of QM breaks down in the CNS or anywhere else. So (on pain of new physics) abundant neuronal superstitions must occur within the skull. If consciousness fundamentalism is true, then decoherence explains phenomenal unbinding. And if the effective lifetime of individual superpositions of distributed neuronal feature-processors in the CNS were milliseconds (rather than femtoseconds), such neuronal superpositions would be the obvious candidate for a perfect structural match between mind and physics. Together with the Hard Problem, the ostensible absence of any such structural match pushes David Chalmers towards dualism. By contrast, I (very) tentatively predict the interference signature will disclose a perfect structural match.
Stepping back: most likely I’m mistaken!
But no one has even the ghost of an explanation how phenomenal binding is possible assuming a false theory of the world, classical physics. So I continue to explore physicalist alternatives.

"Digital computers can't..."
And the goalposts keep shifting as AI chalks up one success after another! However,..
I've been boringly consistent for the past 30 years (scary!). Classical digital computers cannot solve the phenomenal binding problem.
No binding = no mind = hardwired ignorance of the entire empirical ("relating to experience") realm.
You may not find the arguments persuasive. But if someone claims that phenomenal binding isn't classical ("Schrödinger's neurons"), then this isn't (just) a philosophical opinion. The conjecture can be experimentally (dis)confirmed via the normal tools of science, in this case molecular matter-wave interferometry.
You may be 100% sure you know the answer. Experiment is redundant. Fair enough: I'm not trying to evangelize!
I'm just curious.

btrower writes: Binding as non-classical is a bold claim, but tying it to experimental confirmation through interferometry is intriguing. If interferometry can test the nature of binding in CNS vs. classical systems, it could redefine our understanding of both consciousness and computation."

DP: Exactly.

[on hedonism vs eudaimonism]
Do hedonists have less fun?
"Why are hedonists less happy than eudaimonists? The chain mediating role of goal conflict and mixed emotion"
"On happiness and human potentials: a review of research on hedonic and eudaimonic well-being"
Intelligent hedonists who genetically upgrade their reward circuitry are vastly happier than both traditional hedonists - whose behaviour just triggers the negative feedback-mechanisms of the hedonic treadmill - and traditional eudaimonists. Intelligent hedonists also overcome egocentric, ethnocentric and anthropocentric bias and work to ensure that life underpinned by information-sensitive gradients of bliss is enjoyed by all sentient beings in our forward light-cone. By targeting benign versions of the SCN9A, COMT, OPRM1 (mu opioid receptor gene), FAAH and FAAH-OUT genes we can pursue intelligent hedonism as well as - most morally urgent - suffering-resistance. Today's genetic crapshoot is deeply immoral.

Andrei, life is unfair. The battle for attention is brutal. If you don’t encapsulate your ideas in a snappy slogan or catchy title, then soon what you say will most likely be entirely forgotten. If I’d stuck to the language of negative utilitarianism, then the core message of HI would probably be lost. Anyhow, one of the many virtues of hedonic recalibration is that it’s “neutral”. Thus if you’re a committed eudaimonist, then you can remain a committed eudaimonist with a higher hedonic set-point; AND you’ll enjoy a higher quality of life.

[on video manipulation]
AI can turn a negative utilitarian into a classical utilitarian. Scary:
DP as a vibrant life lover
CU DP (video)

[on autonomy]
If a superintelligent AI could "hack" humans by providing infinite bliss, leaving us willingly subservient to it, would you sign up for it?
Av, Toddlers in kindergartens are inevitably "subservient" to their caregivers, though we use a less pejorative label. I assume that superintelligence won't entertain a false theory of personal identity (contrast metaphysical individualism); and it will also have a superhuman capacity for perspective-taking. Whether AI with existing architectures is capable of such superintelligence is debatable; but as you've posed the thought-experiment, yes, I'd exchange my notional "autonomy" for lifelong bliss. In practice, Darwinian life involves a coercive biology of (a predisposition to) misery and malaise. So any "autonomy" one enjoys today is feeble.

See too:
Making friends with your past and future selves
("It’s what psychologists call self-continuity, and can improve your health and well-being")

[on the ethics of animal experimentation]
Häyry, the 302 neurons of the C. elegans nervous system may well be a mind with a pleasure-pain axis and hence moral status ("Caenorhabditis Elegans Exhibits Morphine Addiction-like Behavior via the Opioid-like Receptor NPR-17") By contrast, the digital counterparts of C. elegans (and more sophisticated beings like flies ("Complete wiring map of an adult fruit fly brain") are zombies, in my view. Classical digital computers are architecturally incapable of solving the phenomenal binding problem and hence supporting unified subjects of experience deserving of moral consideration. If we can be confident this is really so, then we can experiment to our heart's content with digital organisms, up to and including human "whole-brain emulations" and beyond. This is not the case with mini-brains/mini-minds ("Lab-grown brain cells play video game Pong"). I'm not opposed in principle to all experiments involving mini-mind-brains and "natural" sentient beings - even without their consent. This is because a vast number of experiments and procedures don't involve harm or suffering and are scientifically illuminating. But obviously, tight ethical safeguards need to be in place.

[on the three supers and beyond]
Crunk, I look forward to a transhumanist “triple S” civilization of superintelligence, superlongevity and superhappiness!
Extra “supers” have been suggested. But arguably at least, they can all be subsumed in a sufficiently rich conception of superintelligence.
We hear a lot about imminent machine (super-)intelligence and very little about imminent machine (super-)wisdom. Indeed, the high-IQ "clever sillies" phenomenon in humans may be vastly magnified in AI (paperclippers, etc).
It's cognitively inaccessible to digital zombies, so the possibility of AI psychedelic (super-)wisdom doesn't arise. Sentient humans are out of their depth in alien state-spaces of experience too. But a future civilization of Super-Shulgins is at least conceivable.
Fixing the problem of suffering calls for (IMO) greater super-systematizing prowess more than deeper compassion. But yes, a post-suffering superhumanly "loved up" world would be my version of the ideal society.

[on boredom and The Fun Theory Sequence]
QualiaNerd, I fear I might be too bland! In a post in Serious Stories in The Fun Theory Sequence, EY argues that phasing out all forms of suffering would make life boring, just as a story lacking any conflict is boring. So EY instead proposes to abolish only the worst forms of suffering, while preserving its milder guises. However, this worry strikes me as misplaced. Future life could be underpinned by a biology of gradients of superhuman fascination. Boredom may become physiologically impossible. Perhaps the dullest moments of posthuman life will be more enthralling than human “peak experiences”.

EY might respond that this whole debate is now moot because ASI is likely to obliterate sentient life in the next decade or two. Once again, we differ. In my view, classical digital zombies are cognitively crippled: no binding = no mind = hardwired ignorance of the entire empirical realm. The future - as far as I can tell - belongs to supersentient full-spectrum superintelligences - our AI-enhanced and genetically reformed biological descendants.

[on the CNS / your true aspect?]
"Your true aspect without the biomechanic armor suit called body."
(with thanks via EY to Massimo
But see:
What does consciousness look like in the brain?

[on consciousness and digital computers]
"The only way to put your consciousness in a digital computer."
consciousness in a computer
Dr Eureka is invincibly ignorant of visual experience and the entire empirical realm. Compare how if you're born with anophthalmia and thus congenitally blind, you might rig yourself up with a spectrometer (etc) and behave much like sighted people. You may regurgitate a lot of stuff you've heard about visual experience. But you won't be able to access, investigate, manipulate and talk about your visual experience because you don't have any: you'll need to upgrade your hardware, so to speak. By the same token, I'd love to be able to experience the 100 million or so colours of a tetrachromat rather than my neurotypical 10 million. Alas my ignorance is hardwired. Note I'm not especially interested in functional role, if any: I'd just like to undergo some new colours. Indeed, most state-spaces of experience haven't been recruited by natural selection for any information-signalling purpose; this is one of the reasons why navigating drug-induced altered states is so challenging.

"Consciousness explosion"? I suspect the true consciousness explosion will arise only when mastery of our reward circuitry means we can safely explore billions of alien state-spaces of consciousness, latent in suitably configured matter and energy, that haven't been recruited by natural selection for any information-signalling role. In one sense, current hype about "AGI" and machine superintelligence may be inimical to the growth of knowledge. Our machines are zombies, whereas only phenomenally-bound minds can explore psychedelia. In my view, the future belongs to full-spectrum superintelligences - our neurochipped, genetically rewritten biological descendants.

[on transphobia]
J.K. Rowling, the trans people of my acquaintance report they “just knew” their gender was misassigned from an early age. I’ve zero reason to believe they are lying to me. Their conviction long predated controversies over “woke”. So let’s just respect people’s gender identity. It’s not our business! AmericanRome, whether aged 14 or 84, should anyone be forced to undergo unwanted bodily changes? Is it really for you or me - or the state - to try and override anyone else's right to bodily autonomy?
IMO these questions are best left to the individual in consultation with their physicians.

Kharn, you are under no obligation truthfully to tell someone you think they are stupid, boring and ugly. By the same token, if you don't think someone satisfies your criteria of being male, female or non-binary, you're under no obligation to be hurtful. Refusing to write "Dear Sir" on the grounds you have doubts about their gender identity is as pointlessly offensive as refusing to write "Dear Sir" on the grounds you aren't fond of them. Morphological freedom is pretty basic. No one should have the right to tell you what you can or can’t do with your own body.

[on consciousness and physicalism]
Transposing the entire mathematical apparatus of modern physics onto an ontology of qualia (cf. Non-materialist physicalism) is consistent with the empirical evidence. Mathematical physics describes the values and interrelationships of experience.
Non-materialist physicalism also dissolves the Hard Problem of consciousness. Only the physical is real. And the problem of causal efficacy: only the physical has causal power. And the binding and measurement problems. In a slightly more speculative vein, the ubiquity of the superposition principle even hints at an explanation of why we're here: an informationless zero ontology.
Is non-materialist physicalism true?
I don't know.

Dan, Universal Turing machines = superidiot savants. Seriously. Regardless of substrate, any information processing system without the capacity for phenomenal binding can never generate a mind. All classical Turing machines are invincibly ignorant of the empirical (“relating to experience”) realm. Inconceivably vast state-spaces of consciousness await exploration by posthuman superminds. Zombie AI doesn’t know what it’s missing.

A taxonomy of psychoses
Theories of consciousness
("A landscape of consciousness: Toward a taxonomy of explanations and implications")
A landscape of consciousness: Toward a taxonomy of explanations and implications
Robert, congratulations on creating the best, most comprehensive overview of theories of consciousness I know. I love the way you've tried so hard to be fair-minded and kept the editorialising to a minimum.
You've also written (IMO) the best short overview I know of QRI's work!
I wondered how to locate myself in your typology of theories of consciousness.
For what it's worth, I'm tentatively both a physicalist and an idealist (cf. non-materialist physicalism).
And in my view, only the fact that the superposition principle of QM never breaks down enables our minds to run phenomenally-bound pseudo-classical world-simulations where it does: quantum mind.
On this story, the phenomenal binding problem in neuroscience and the measurement problem / problem of definite outcomes in QM are intimately connected: the measurement problem.
And the universality of the superposition principle explains hints at why we are here at all: Why does anything exist?.
But heaven knows what's really going on.
I suspect by the lights of posterity we are all psychotic.

Physicalism and idealism belong in separate categories only if we assume that the essence of the physical, the mysterious “fire” in the equations of QFT, is non-experiential. Dropping the metaphysical assumption yields non-materialist physicalism. I’m personally sceptical that the intrinsic nature of the world’s fundamental quantum fields differs inside and outside the head. If not, then maybe fields of insentience are doomed to go the way of luminiferous aether.

Michael, The so-called Hard Problem of phenomenal consciousness arises relative only to metaphysical background assumptions. Thus, if the intrinsic nature of the world's fundamental quantum fields doesn't differ inside and outside your head, then the Hard Problem doesn't arise. Only the physical is real. You're experiencing it right now. On this account, materialists misunderstand the nature of the physical, the "fire" in the equations of QFT. For more on what philosophers call the intrinsic nature argument, see: Non-materialist physicalism
Naively, non-materialist physicalism leaves the phenomenal binding problem untouched. The challenge of explaining binding isn't just functional, but phenomenological. For no configuration of decohered classical "mind dust" could generate a unified mind running a unified phenomenal world-simulation populated by feature-bound perceptual objects. Assuming textbook neuroscience, we "ought" to be micro-experiential zombies, mere aggregates of membrane-bound neuronal "micro-pixels" of experience. But once again, background assumptions are in play. At sufficiently temporally fine-grained resolutions, the CNS can't be treated as a pack of decohered classical neurons. My best guess is that phenomenal binding via synchrony (a mere re-statement of the mystery) is really binding via superposition. Superpositions are individual states.
Interferometry should settle the issue.
The binding problem
We've come a long way from the question of whether our machines will ever "wake up". But whereas we can at least speculate on how phenomenally-bound animal minds are feasible, invoking digital minds involves abandoning physicalism. Sure, once again, physicalism is "just" an assumption. However, it's hard to overstate the implications for science of giving it up.

[on questions from a young NU]

1. Who is your favorite philosopher (and philosophy book)?
Animal Liberation: A New Ethics for Our Treatment of Animals (1975) by Peter Singer. Of course, I don't think nonhuman animals "just" need liberating: they need looking after.But a precondition of a pan-species welfare state is ending animal agriculture.

2. Who is your favorite writer (in general)?
Reading The Selfish Gene (1976) by Richard Dawkins as a teen changed my life. Of course, I don't agree with Dawkins on everything, either technically or ideologically. For instance, Dawkins has lately made comments that can be interpreted as transphobic. But taking a gene's-eye-view of life - and by extension, the egocentric world-simulations run by our minds  - sets anyone apart from the genetically unenlightened. A dark enlightenenent, alas.

3. What other philosophy books do you recommend I read? 
The Story of Philosophy (1998) by Bryan Magee. 
In general, I wouldn't urge studying the history of philosophy in depth. But a potted history is good.

4. What is your greatest concern for the future? AI or nuclear war?
I fear the use of nuclear weapons is likely this century, whether in "local", theatre or strategic conflict - I don't know. Or maybe we'll see the use of nuclear weapons against a conventionally-armed state. Or maybe nuclear terrorism. 
  AI risk is less well understood than WMD. I discount a zombie putsch or a paperclip-maximiser. However, extremely nasty things could potentially be done by AI-enabled humans - or human-enabled AI. I'm queasy at discussing some risks because public debate can make bad outcomes more likely. (cfS-risks - Wikipedia). If we can get rid of suffering, then agential risks become moot.

  5. Why do you want to remove suffering from animal life too?
Non-human animals aren't merely like us. They are us. An impartial God's-eye-view of reality dictates adopting an inclusive sense of "us" that embraces all sentient beings. Critically, we all share a pleasure-pain axis. Countless nonhuman animals are as sentient and sapient as human infants and toddlers. If  human infants and toddlers suffered the same fate as nonhuman animals, then your question wouldn't even need asking. Of course (the equivalent of) infants and toddlers need rescuing from Darwinian purgatory. I suspect a lot of people, even some animal advocates, are still in thrall to the dimmer-switch metaphor of comparative cross-species consciousness intensity. Yet what makes Homo sapiens unique - i.e. generative syntax and logico-linguistic thinking - is phenomenally thin and elusive, whereas our common evolutionarily ancient and strongly conserved emotions can be exceedingly intense.  Humans are more sentient than mosquitoes. But are humans as sentient as, say, pilot whales? (cf. Comparative sentience).

6. Who is your biggest opponent?
I could predictably cite bioconservatives like Wesley Smith: Here’s a Dumb Idea. But as so often happens, my biggest "opponents" are people I respect - and with whom I substantively agree on many topics. Thus my co-founder of the World Transhumanist Association / H+ shares my belief in a glorious "triple S" transhumanist future of superintelligence, superlongevity  and superthappiness. But Nick is passionately life-affirming, whereas (life you) I am NU: Darwinian life is fundamentally evil. I like to paper over the cracks between us, and stress how NUs (well, most of us, at any rate) aren't actively plotting omnicide. But clearly there will be scenarios - hypothetical or otherwise - where NU and CU diverge, radically. 
Either way, I look forward to an era when NUs  are physically impossible and literally inconceivable.   

7. Do you follow any religion?
I don't dismiss spirituality (cfSuperspirituality). Yet I'm not religious. I advocate "high-tech Jainism", which has a religious ring. Recall Jains sweep the floor before them rather than unwittingly tread on an insect. I'm not literally a Jain, but we should respect even the humblest minds. Let's use the technological equivalent of a Jain broom to avoid harming them - and indeed, extend harmlessness to active assistance.

8. What do you think about Peter Singer? 
They say don't meet your heroes. But I found Peter Singer a great guy to meet in person as well as admire from afar:
Utilitarianism, Bliss & Suffering (Peter Singer & David Pearce, Youtube)
Of course we're all still Darwinian malware. Darwinian life has no real heroes, just victims. 

[on breathing impure air]
Grim reading:
Rampant Air Pollution
("Only seven countries meet WHO air quality standard, research finds. Almost all countries failing to meet mark for PM2.5, tiny particles expelled by vehicles and industry that can cause health problems")
Polluted air causes respiratory problems, cardiovascular issues, neurological effects including cognitive decline, multiple cancers, developmental and reproductive problems, adverse effects on the immune system - and more besides.
Roll on world government to enforce pure air for all.

[on scepticism]
A pessimist writes...
Consciousness is all I've ever known. Alas, I've no idea why consciousness exists at all, or why its diverse textures ("what it feels like") take the values they do, or any explanation of the interrelationships between these diverse textures. I don't understand how the conscious medium of my thoughts shapes their nominal content, nor how the properties of this medium metamorphose under the influence of consciousness-altering drugs. And I can't access most of the billions(?) of alien state-spaces of consciousness latent in suitably configured matter and energy to compare and contrast their properties. What's more, even if I could access such alien state-spaces, it's unlikely there is a "neutral", canonical state-space from which a full-spectrum superintelligence could appraise all the others: Kuhn's incommensurability of paradigms could as well be applied to alien to state-spaces of experience as to different conceptual frameworks in physics. And there are no "easy" problems of consciousness either. Thus the "neural correlates of consciousness" are as much subjective experiences of one's own mind and the phenomenal world-simulation it runs as one's innermost feelings. And I don't understand how to naturalize semantic meaning and reference so I can adequately talk about these challenges.
On a (very) weakly optimistic note...
If we take the intrinsic nature argument seriously, then all the traditional staples of academic philosophy of mind are soluble. Thus there is no Hard Problem of consciousness if experience discloses the intrinsic nature of the physical; the phenomenal binding problem is an artefact of perceptual naive realism and false classical physics; and there is no problem of causal efficacy because all and only the physical has causal power: materialist metaphysicians misunderstand the essence of the physical. And there is no need for new physics: Consciousness doesn't collapse any wave functions. As far as I can tell, the formalism of unitary-only quantum mechanics is complete.
But on balance?
I suspect our successors will reckon that Darwinian minds are psychotic, trapped in state-spaces of delusion the nature of which is impossible to grasp from the inside.

[on brain-stimulation for depression]
Woefully short on theory. But whatever it takes:
Brain stimulation at home helps to treat depression
("A device that delivers a small electrical current to the brain has beneficial effects in cases of depression that doesn't respond to drugs or therapy")

[on 5-MeO-DMT]
"My own psychic death came about with the help of a mighty molecule, 5-MeO-DMT … . In its awful intensity … this experience exceeds anything else in my life. … [A] timeless universe convulsed to a point of radiant energy [with] a profound feeling of terror and ecstasy. … [My] interior life took several years to recover…" (2024) (Christof Koch)
I'm currently reading Christof's new book Then I Am Myself the World: What Consciousness Is and How to Expand It (2024).
Safer Psychedelic Drugs May Be Coming
Psychedelics are the opposite of SSRIs. SSRIs tend to promote a sense of ordinariness, normality, sometimes emotional flatness, buffering against stress. Psychedelics open up unimagined new state-spaces of consciousness. Alas I’m not remotely convinced psychedelics can consistently and reliably benefit troubled Darwinian minds. I hope I’m wrong.

[on meaning]
"Can you have a meaningful existence without suffering?"
Suffering destroys meaning. Happiness creates it. This relationship can be quantified. Low mood and anhedonia are associated with a sense of emptiness. A lack of meaning can shades into the nihilistic despair of severe clinical depression. Crudely, suffering wants not to exist. Contrast manic euphoria. People with euphoric mania aren’t just abnormally happy. Their happiness is charged with a profound sense of meaning and significance. “Maniacs” have grandiose delusions. They may become megalomaniacal. Messianic delusions may develop into theomania - belief one is God - an experience about as meaningful as it gets.
The biohappiness revolution could as accurately be called the biomeaning revolution. Superhappiness = supersignificance. A profound sense of meaning will be woven into the fabric of posthuman life. No, I don't anticipate we'll all become theomaniacs. But life will feel just as significant as if we were all so deluded.

[on being "woke"]
The term "woke" has been weaponized to pander to all the baser human prejudices about race, sex and gender. There is nothing "antihuman" about opposition to racial injustice and sexism, just as there is nothing "antihuman" about support for LGBT rights.
Woke = basic decency.

[on monogamy and robolovers]
Marcus, social primates like us have countless mutually irreconcilable preferences. It's logically impossible for vast numbers of these inconsistent preferences to be satisfied. Exclusive monogamy causes a great deal of suffering. Alas attempts at polyamory often cause a great deal of suffering too. As usual, evolution is to blame. I'd personally favour engineering the genetic equivalent of worldwide "loved up" MDMA-like consciousness); but getting everyone perpetually "loved up" by default is technically and societally harder than "mere" hedonic uplift for all.
In a post-suffering world, will there still be the functional equivalent of broken homes and doomed love affairs - even if the hedonic floor surpasses today's hedonic ceiling?
I don't know.
The nature of relationships is presumably poised to change in an era of world-class robo-lovers, robo-friends, robo-carers. Instead of two rivals competing for the affections of the same robo-lover, just clone him/her!

Shao, as you know, I think all robots (and digital computers) with existing architectures are zombies. But zombies increasingly behave more sensitively, empathetically and reliably than sentient Darwinian malware. So I'm inclined to say to any lonely refusenik: forget all my weird nonsense about the non-classicality of phenomenal binding and get a robo-companion. S/he won't let you down!
True Love
[on Donald Hoffman's idealism]
DefaultEnlightenment The real-time world-simulations ("perception") run by animal minds often misrepresent mind-independent reality. As Donald Hoffman says, "fitness beats truth" (interface theory) And what naive realists imagine as material reality is indeed internal to one's skull-bound-mind. But (IMO) the best explanation of the technological success-story of science is that realism and physicalism are true. What's more, if the intrinsic nature argument is sound, then experience discloses the intrinsic nature of the physical: the mysterious "fire" in the equations of QFT. So there is no Hard Problem of consciousness. By contrast, in The Case Against Reality (2019), Donald Hoffman argues there is no mind-independent physical reality, or at least (in some sense I don't quite fathom) anything "physical" (like particles and fields) is an epiphenomenon caused by fundamental reality, consciousness.

As you'll have gathered from this lightning synopsis, I'm more sympathetic to non-materialist physicalism than to Donald Hoffman's brand of idealism.
But Hoffman is a brilliant and thought-provoking writer.

[on (dis)value realism]
Karan Khosla Thank you for a lucid overview of the moral antirealist case. Unlike Lance, I see you're not an anti-realist/illusionist about phenomenal experience: suffering is indeed a phenomenally unpleasant experience. But you believe that suffering is disvaluable merely to the victim, i.e. it's not objectively true to say that suffering is disvaluable. However, the normative aspect of suffering is a real, spatiotemporally located aspect of physical reality: this normative aspect is built into the nature of the experience itself. Thus, to me, it's not an "open question" whether my agony is disvaluable as well as unpleasant. I can't weigh the pros and cons of its disvalue, passively leaving my hand in the fire until I can philosophically close a hypothetical "is-ought" gap. This primitive aspect of experiences on the pleasure-pain axis is the origin of our normative language in realists and anti-realists alike.

Unfortunately, these debates are plagued by a conflation of the two senses of "subjective" (1) neither true nor false, truth-valueless; and (2) relating to phenomenal consciousness. Critically here, subjective (2), mind-dependent facts like the disvalue of agony are as much an objective feature of reality as the rest-mass of the electron.

My debate with Lance differs because Lance is also an anti-realist about phenomenal consciousness.
If I were an "illusionist" about consciousness like Lance, then I'd be an anti-realist about (dis)value too. For if phenomenal consciousness doesn't exist, then one can't sensibly say things (as I do) like the pain-pleasure axis discloses the world's inbuilt metric of (dis)value.

[on plant (in)sentience]
Anyone with a theory of consciousness must offer answers to the Hard Problem and the phenomenal binding problem. I take seriously what philosophers call the intrinsic nature argument to dissolve the Hard Problem. And naively, consciousness fundamentalism is a recipe for ubiquitous minds - plants, ant colonies, digital computers, the enteric nervous system, any complex information processor. But in the absence of phenomenal binding, all that exists in such systems is a micro-experiential zombie or an aggregate of Jamesian "mind dust".
So how do organic minds solve the binding problem?
I explore a non-classical account of binding
Plant insentience
but the honest answer is: no one knows.

[on morphological freedom]
In some branches of the universal wave function?
David Pearce the punk rocker
It's my favourite, but like Rambo Dave, the RSI stretches credulity.
Elsewhere in the multiverse?
DP tattoo
[on status]
A feel-good story:
Why It’s a Good Idea to Share the Spotlight
("New research shows how much better you look when you play nicely with others.") But in a Darwinian world, status is still a zero-sum game. Only biotech can remedy status deficits.
[on what consciousness is evolutionarily "for"]
Aron, Phenomenal binding is our computational superpower: binding confers access to the empirical realm that classical computers and AI digital zombies can never penetrate. One of the best ways to understand what consciousness - or more precisely, phenomenally-bound consciousness - is evolutionarily “for” in the animal kingdom is to explore deficit-syndromes - from schizophrenia and its deficits in “global” binding to integrative agnosia, simultanagnosia and akinetopsia. As such syndromes illustrate, even partial breakdowns of local and global binding carry a huge fitness cost.
So how do neurotypicals like us do it? Phenomenal unity would seem classically impossible. What’s more, if textbook neuroscience is correct, and you are (at most) just c. 86 billion membrane-bound neuronal “micro-pixels” of experience, then it’s hard to see how consciousness would confer any adaptive value at all: you’d be a micro-experiential zombie, as maybe you are when dreamlessly asleep.
Well, I think textbook “neuroscience” is wrong!
My tentative view is that we are quantum minds running subjectively classical world-simulations in a very high-dimensional space described by the universal wave function. I explore the quantum-theoretic version of (what philosophers call) the intrinsic nature argument:
Quantum Mind

Awesome write-up. Thank you Andres.
The Science of Consciousness 2024
And the Science of Consciousness itself? I think we're still in the Pre-Socratic Era, so to speak.

Nick, What neuroscientists call the encephalisation of emotion has been hugely adaptive for animal life over the past half-billion plus years. But maybe the vast majority of theoretically possible state-spaces of consciousness have no hedonic tone at all - unless innervated in the appropriate way. Biotech can potentially be used to re-encephalise emotion that so all sensoria are blissful - even if focused on something other than bliss. Alas this proposal currently falls far outside the Overton window.

[on opioid therapies]
I wonder what are the effects on mental health of combining a selective kappa opioid antagonist like aticaprant
Aticaprant (Wikipedia)
with a low-tolerance, biased MOR agonist like SR-17018?
SR-17018 compared
("Comparison of morphine, oxycodone and the biased MOR agonist SR-17018 for tolerance and efficacy in mouse models of pain")
But genome reform is the only long-term solution. What does being a responsible parent entail?
Would you want a child with e.g. the A118G single nucleotide polymorphism in the mu opioid receptor gene? Traditional sexual reproduction is morally reckless.
The opioid system in depression

A useful resource
("Request for Quotation")

[on debating Dennettian denialists (cont.)]
The Great Zombie has passed:
Daniel Dennett (1942-2024)
It's hard to do justice to Dennett's contribution to human ignorance.
See too John Horgan:
The Dennett paradox

On a more charitable note:
Daniel Dennett on good argumentative practice
Admirable - and worthy of a true sentient.

Facu, both materialist and non-materialist physicalists believe that the world is exhaustively described by the mathematical formalism of physics. None of us believe in “magic”. Evolution has harnessed some forms of phenomenal consciousness, for example pleasure and pain, to play, typically, a computational-functional role. But phenomenal pain with no functional role, for example phantom limb pain, is just as real. Also, the subjective experiences of people with Total Locked-in Syndrome (CLIS) who can't behave at all are just as real as the subjective experiences of the able-bodied. Have you ever considered the possibility that you have subjective experiences just like the rest of us, but you are interpreting them in behavioral - and behaviorist - ways?

Facu, my working hypothesis is that you have subjective experiences - both perceptual and non-perceptual - like me, but you interpret your subjective experiences as something else, such as bodily behaviours because you can find no place for phenomenal consciousness in your ontology of the world. But I freely acknowledge that your mind has a conceptual scheme I find quite alien. So I don’t speak with any confidence.

Lance, by “pain”, most laypeople mean a nasty phenomenal experience of varying intensity - not a set of behavioural responses to noxious stimuli (or whatever). As far as I can tell, denialism about subjective experience springs from the immense challenge of reconciling the existence of one’s own consciousness with the ontology of our most successful(?) theory of the world, scientific materialism. Denialism is one response to the anomaly. Non-materialist physicalism is another. Both positions are intuitively absurd, but non-materialist physicalism has the advantage of consistency with the empirical evidence.

One shouldn’t make nasty, biting remarks about illusionists because illusionists have feelings that can be hurt. Illusionists may interpret their subjective experiences as something non-phenomenal. But that (mis)interpretation doesn’t make their feelings any less real.

Lance, if you ask the average person whether s/he believes in "qualia", you're right. Disbelief. But ask the average person whether their pain is (1) a set of behavioral responses to noxious or (2) an unpleasant inner experience, then - if they think you're being serious - they'll say 2.
You must have experienced the incredulity/indignation when most people realize what you're arguing?
A big complication is that some illusionists redefine the vocabulary of subjective experience in behavioral/behaviorist terms. So in other contexts, they'll say "of course" they believe in consciousness, pain and so forth. This redefinition is a source of endless confusion.

"Suppose an artificial intelligence that does not have phenomenal consciousness wants to determine which things (animals, rocks, numbers, etc.) are conscious. How would it go about doing this?"
Lance. Code and educate some humans, then instruct the humans on engineering cross-species reversible thalamic bridges so they can partially "mind meld" like the Hogan sisters. The Hogan sisters
Investigators will report back to the zombie AI that pigs, dogs, fish, neurotypical humans (etc) have phenomenal consciousness. But what about the status of illusionist philosophers?!

Facu, no implementation of a classical Turing machine can generate the phenomenal world-simulation that I am running right now on pain of spooky "strong" emergence. No pack of classical neurons can generate the phenomenal world-simulation that I'm running right now on pain of spooky "strong" emergence. Thanks to evolution, I am indeed a complex information processing system. But I have a different computational architecture from a digital zombie or a carrot.

Facu, I don't like mysteries. I take science (very) seriously. But right now, I'm undergoing different subjective experiences within my phenomenal world-simulation. (Perpetual direct realists wouldn't express the problem in this way, but let's leave direct realism aside]. I don't know how to derive the properties of my subjective experience from (ultimately) physics in the way I can derive (in principle) everything else. So yes, the existence of my phenomenal consciousness is an anomaly. I explore ways to reconcile its existence with physicalism. But I don't disavow its existence. I can't. Denying my phenomenal consciousness is an option for you; it's not an option for me. It's the empirical evidence on which - and through which - I try to understand reality.

Facu, (1) I'm a naturalist and a physicalist - both theoretical stances. I also (2) experience the nasty raw feels of phenomenal pain - a brute empirical fact I don't know how to disavow despite wading through reams of behaviorist sophistry.
(1) and (2) are in conflict only if I make an additional metaphysical assumption, namely that the intrinsic nature of the world's fundamental quantum fields - the essence of the physical - differs inside and outside my head.
I don't make this assumption; hence non-materialist physicalism.

Facu, alternatively...
You do have phenomenal experiences! You just misinterpret them as something non-phenomenal. Phenomenal experience is all you ever directly know - including the contents of your vast phenomenal world-simulation. All the stuff you commonly think of as material and behavioral - from chairs and tables to airplanes and robots - are aspects of your phenomenal consciousness.
However, you are not a solipsist. A convergence of evidence suggests zillions of other phenomenal world-simulations exist. They differ primarily in the identity of their protagonist. And beyond these egocentric phenomenal world-simulations - minds - lies the wider reality revealed by modern science.
[Facu chokes on his cornflakes]

Facu, the intrinsic nature argument is controversial. But if "raw feels" disclose the intrinsic nature of the physical - the mysterious "fire" in the equations - then your worries about the second law of thermodynamics don't arise any more than they do for materialism.
AND the materialist still faces the Hard Problem of consciousness - and its offshoots like the problem of causal efficacy that non-materialist physicalism solves.

Facu, true or false, simply transposing the entire mathematical apparatus of modern physics (and hence quantum chemistry, molecular biology, etc) onto experientialist ontology doesn't change the formal, structural definition of the world yielded by the physical sciences. Science works! Non-materialist physicalism is a conjecture about the "fire" in the equations, the essence of the physical. Unlike materialism, it's empirically adequate. This empirical adequacy doesn't suffice to show non-materialist physicalism true; but I explore the conjecture. The conjecture won't be of interest to you because you are convinced that phenomenal consciousness doesn't exist.

Facu, if someone reports being visited by the Holy Spirit, I will acknowledge the "raw feels", i.e. the subjective phenomenology of their experience, but query the metaphysical interpretation. However - and this is what I find so puzzling about your antirealism - you appear to deny they have undergone an intense subjective experience that they are (I believe) misinterpreting.

Facu, the version of the intrinsic nature argument I explore, non-materialist physicalism, doesn't claim that quantum fields produce experiences. Rather, the conjecture is that experience discloses the intrinsic nature of a quantum field. The diverse solutions to the equations of QFT yield the values of its diverse textures. The realization that physics is silent on the intrinsic nature of the physical is often credited to Russell. Hardcore materialist Stephen Hawking's "fire" metaphor makes the point more poetically.

Facu, understanding the nature of computation, using a mathematical abstraction of computers like a Turing machine, calls for a fair level of intellectual sophistication. By contrast, phenomenal pain is real and concrete - or at least mine is. The subjective experience of pain predates language, let alone a grasp of computational theory.

Facu, I'm still bewildered that anyone can be so radically ... different from me. My experience of phenomenal pain hasn't shifted since ...well, long before I'd ever heard of computers, information theory, quantum theory or philosophy, not since my earliest memories. Most philosophical doctrines have ancient precursors. But in the case of radical antirealism about subjective experience / phenomenal consciousness, I'm not aware of anything before twentieth-century behaviorism. And to spike your guns, no, I have zero interest in anything magical.

Facu, but feeling flabbergasted is a subjective experience - for me, at any rate. I'm intellectually comfortable with the idea of other humans who have experiences inexpressibly different from mine, but not with humans who don't have any subjective experiences at all.

Manu, insofar as I understand it, I find Facu's ultra-Dennettian conceptual scheme quite alien. From my perspective, yes, evolution has harnessed certain kinds of phenomenal consciousness (typically) to play a computational-functional role. But your molecular duplicate, assembled from scratch, would be conscious in just the same way as the product of 4 billion years of evolution. In other words, evolution doesn't explain the diverse properties of sentience in any deep sense - as distinct from why some kinds of sentience have been selected for over others.

Facu, right now I am undergoing different forms of phenomenal consciousness that embraces both "perceptual" consciousness - a vast phenomenal world-simulation beyond my body image - and more subtle forms of logico-linguistic experience. If you have no place for such subjective experience is your ontology of the world, then fair enough. But alas it's all too real.

Facu, the dominant technology of an age proverbially offers a root metaphor for life, the universe and everything. When speaking, I now sometimes think of myself as a glorified LLMs spewing out verbiage like a "stochastic parrot". Internalizing the digital computer metaphor of mind now leads Dennettians to suppose everything they feel is just computational algorithms. But calling what I'm now experiencing "a "computational algorithm" doesn't explain its properties.
What will be our next metaphor of mind?
I speculate, but our background assumptions are too different to make what I say of interest.

See too aphantasia and hyperphantasia. A hypothetical absence of any phenomenal consciousness at all would be far more radical than aphantasia. To such a creature, being awake wouldn't differ from being asleep.

Facu, OK, if you really don't have any phenomenal experience, then I find you almost incomprehensibly alien. If this were so, then indeed you wouldn't be able to make sense of anything I say because it wouldn't even be "all dark inside" your head.
And you are not a so-called p-zombie. A hypothetical p-zombie would insist he was subjectively conscious like everyone else, whereas you report finding the idea of phenomenal experience unintelligible.
Presumably waking up from a dreamless sleep is a purely behavioral process for you too. - there is no subjective difference between being awake and dreamlessly asleep because phenomenal consciousness doesn't exist...

Facu, I agree with you about theory-ladenness. But theory-ladenness has limits. Thus the stick in the water looks bent. No amount of knowledge about how the stick is straight can change this perception. However, our more fundamental disagreement remains. As far as I can tell, you are arguing for some kind of linguistic behaviorism. But why do you think terms such as "subjective experience", "phenomenal consciousness" (etc), and likewise reports of their zillion-and-one specific instances, e.g. "I have a throbbing headache", have such wide currency? Lots of people report having headaches. A headache is a nasty kind of subjective experience. And the nasty subjective experience can't be reduced to anything behavioural. Yes, maybe someone reaches for painkillers to treat the headache - but maybe they don't. The subjective experience is just as real. And if you have really never experienced the subjective phenomenology of having a headache, I'm floundering...

Facu, our mutual incomprehension continues. Visual experience lets me e.g. stand on one leg; I can't do it with my eyes closed. But I don't define visual experience in terms of this functional flamingo-like ability. Rather, subjective experience is just the base of evidence on which I try to construct my theory of the world. Do you appreciate the visual arts? Why exactly do I appreciate, say, Caspar David Friedrich and not Jackson Pollock? Without appealing to my subjective visual experience, I don't know what to say. Like a well-trained robot, I can distinguish a German Romantic from an Abstract Expressionist, but this functional ability doesn't explain my aesthetic preferences.

“Pain is an illusion“, says the Zen master sagely as he sees me hopping up and down in agony after catching my hand in the door.
Facu, either of us dispute that (for evolutionary reasons) the ability functionally to respond to noxious stimuli is typically adaptive. What baffles me is you profess to find phenomenal pain not just inexistent but unintelligible. My subjective pain (and other forms of phenomenal experience, aren’t a theory - though they may be shaped, in part, by my theoretical understanding. Rather, they are the empirical evidence I’m trying to explain - ideally without violating the constraints of physicalism. I hope animal life on Earth can eventually switch to a more civilised signalling system - and argue accordingly. But if subjective experience didn’t exist, I wouldn’t bother.

Facu, can you give any example of a natural or artificial language without semantic primitives? Or take phenomenal colour. Can one convey the nature of redness to someone born with achromatopsia just by giving a verbal description and showing them how to use a spectrometer? Or do they need Boy sees colour for the first time? Why do you think achromatopsic people are so emotionally overwhelmed by seeing colour for the first time if you don't believe they are having a radically new kind of subjective experience?

Manu, Understanding where Facu is “coming from” is hard if (like me) all you’ve ever directly known is phenomenal consciousness - not least, the contents of my egocentric world-simulation: what perceptual naive realists call the material world. I assume that you run an egocentric world-simulation too that differs from mine primarily in the identity of the protagonist. I don’t know if Facu’s views differ in any significant way from Daniel Dennett's anti-realism about phenomenal consciousness as set out in works like "Consciousness Explained". One big source of confusion is how Dennettians redefine terms for different kinds of phenomenal experience behaviorally. So in some contexts, Dennettians will say that of course they aren't denying that you have a mind, feel pain, and so forth.

Trying to understand what HI and the abolitionist project are all about when viewed through the lens of a Dennettian is challenging. We're trying to phase out the biology of suffering, prevent all experience below hedonic zero, and create a world underpinned entirely by gradients of intelligent bliss - where "suffering", "hedonic zero", "bliss" and so forth refer to subjective experiences. All I’ve ever directly known are my subjective experiences, albeit often under another description. If I disbelieved in the existence of subjective experience, I’d be psychotic.

Facu, this is what so bewilders me. Yes, good actors try to evoke real feelings. Yet Dennettians (and some allied logical behaviorists, eliminative materialists and strong "illusionists") tie themselves in knots denying that real feelings / subjective emotions exist. When I use the term "subjective experience", as in e.g. the nasty subjective experience of phenomenal pain, does what I say really mean nothing to you - you think I'm just spinning empty words?

Facu, whereas I am mystified what goes on in your head, you are extremely confident you know what goes on in mine. Dennettians invert traditional epistemology! Right now, I'm undergoing a whole bunch of diverse subjective experiences. If you don't have them - if it's not even "all dark inside" - then we're aliens to each other. My best guess is you have a rich phenomenology of mind too but conceptualize it differently. But perhaps I'm mistaken...

Facu, all language has semantic primitives. If you lack any subjective experience at all, there is no way I can convey to you, even in principle, what you lack. But compare spirituality. As far as I can tell, some people really do undergo a mystical kind of experience; they just misunderstand its nature. My best guess is you have subjective experience too in the guise of e.g. material objects behaving in quasi-classical ways. This is just conjecture on my part. Maybe it’s not subjectively like anything to be Fucu at all!

Facu, one can try to convey the subjective experience of physical pain to someone with congenital insensitivity only by analogy with emotional pain. Likewise, if someone is congenitally blind, one can maybe say red is a "loud" colour; but this analogy is hopelessly inadequate. The blind person can at least grasp that sighted speakers are talking of an alien kind of experience. But an insentient information processor can't grasp the concept of any subjective experience, alien or otherwise. Nor will the insentient system be able to grasp the nature of phenomenal binding - the insentient information processor has no experience to bind. As I said, my working assumption is you are sentient.

I asked ChatGPT-4:
What are the historical antecedents of Daniel Dennett’s anti-realism about phenomenal consciousness?

"Daniel Dennett's anti-realism about phenomenal consciousness, encapsulated in his views on qualia and consciousness as detailed in works like "Consciousness Explained," draws on a variety of historical antecedents. His position, sometimes characterized as eliminative materialism or functionalism, intersects with philosophical traditions that question the direct, unmediated access to mental states or the existence of subjective experiences as fundamentally irreducible entities. The antecedents to Dennett's views can be seen in several key philosophical movements and figures:

1. Logical Positivism and Empiricism: Logical positivists, with their focus on the verification principle and skepticism towards metaphysical statements that cannot be empirically verified, laid groundwork that influenced Dennett's empirical and scientific approach to consciousness.

2. Behaviorism: Behaviorists like B.F. Skinner argued that psychology should focus on observable behavior rather than internal states. Dennett’s views diverge significantly in details but share the skepticism towards introspective access to mental states as reliable sources of scientific data.

3. Functionalism: This philosophical perspective, influential in cognitive science, posits that mental states are defined by their functional roles in cognitive processes, not by their internal substance or makeup. Dennett's theory of consciousness can be seen as a variant of functionalism, where consciousness is understood in terms of its functional and computational roles.

4. Philosophical Materialism: The tradition of materialism, which argues that reality is fundamentally physical, underpins Dennett’s rejection of a dualistic view of consciousness (the idea that mental phenomena are non-physical). Dennett’s work advances this tradition by arguing against the existence of qualia as irreducibly non-physical entities.

5. Ryle's Concept of Mind: Gilbert Ryle’s critique of the "ghost in the machine" dualism and his characterization of the mind as a set of dispositions or behaviors rather than an inner entity, also prefigures Dennett’s views. Ryle argued against the Cartesian theater model, a view Dennett explicitly criticizes in his own writings.

6. Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Language: Ludwig Wittgenstein's later work, which emphasizes the public, social nature of language and meaning, indirectly influences Dennett's approach to consciousness. Dennett’s argument that our talk of experiences is grounded in publicly accessible descriptions and behaviors echoes Wittgenstein’s views on the limits of private language.

7. Early Critics of Introspection: The early 20th-century critiques of introspection as a method in psychology, by figures such as Wilhelm Wundt and later behaviorists, also serve as a backdrop. These critiques question the reliability and scientific validity of introspection, a skepticism that Dennett extends to the introspective access to qualia.

Dennett’s position is a contemporary synthesis of these and other influences, brought together under the banner of a scientifically-informed philosophy of mind. His work is distinctive for its integration of insights from cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and evolutionary biology, but the roots of his anti-realism about phenomenal consciousness can be traced back through these varied philosophical traditions."

Lance, if a layperson tells his or her doctor s/he is in pain, s/he is reporting a distressing phenomenal experience. Sometimes the cause of pain may be obvious (e.g. catching one's hand in the door); the cause of other pains eludes diagnosis. I remain.... incredulous that illusionists suppose pain is anything other than a (sometimes very private) unpleasant conscious experience that human and nonhuman animals undergo. In other words, the ghastly subjective experience of pain isn't the product of bad philosophy, but a pre-theoretic given that should be fixed. As far as I can tell, consciousness antirealists trying to salvage physicalism have gone two routes. One is to claim all talk of phenomenal consciousness and folk psychology will be superseded by mature neuroscience (cf. Eliminative materialism). The other is some form of linguistic behaviorism - the recipe for endless confusion.
As you know, I think physicalism can be saved via the intrinsic nature argument. But not eliminative materialism and its illusionist offshoots.

Lance, I'm more than willing to allow that ordinary people often conceive subjective experience differently from philosophers (as someone who takes seriously the idea experience discloses the essence of the physical, I could scarcely do otherwise!). But take what follows after e.g. catching one's hand in the door. Philosophers of all stripes and laypeople alike report an experience of pain. By the word "pain", they aren't alluding to a complex web of behaviors and behavioural responses to noxious stimuli etc., but to an intensely nasty subjective experience.

Lance, I won't claim to be entirely ordinary. But in my early twenties, I wrote up the draft for a book on Scepticism. I was more than willing to acknowledge I could be radically wrong about almost anything at all. The one thing I found I couldn't doubt was the raw phenomenology of my experience (yes, shades of Descartes' Cogito). Now I find there are people who claim that my phenomenal consciousness - the only thing I've ever directly known - doesn't exist.
I still struggle adequately to respond.

Lance, you probably know the old joke. Two behaviorists make love. One of them says afterwards, "That was great for you, darling. How was it for me?" Almost everyone "gets" the joke because we know there's more to life than behaviour and behavioral predispositions. I'm still puzzled that a few people say they have no phenomenal experience at all - and indeed find the notion unintelligible. Do aliens really dwell among us?!

"Qualia"? "Valence"? I tend not to use either term - although I'm a huge admirer of the Qualia Research Institute. Here's one reason. Dennettian anti-realism / "Illusionism" about phenomenal consciousness would scarcely get off the ground if its proponents denied the existence of your subjective experiences rather than your "qualia" - which sound exotic and metaphysical. And too many laypeople simply don't grok what one is talking about if one says "valence". The sense of the combining capacity of an atom gets jumbled up with the use of the term in psychology. I say good or bad "hedonic tone" - which isn't ideal, but at least has only one meaning.

Manu, Yamil Saiegh, Facu Punto and Jacy Reese are indeed eliminativists. You can add Rob Bensinger, Lance Bush and Brian Tomasik to your list.
I don't think EY is an eliminativist. EY doesn't believe that nonhuman animals and human babies are conscious because he believes consciousness depends on a capacity for self-recognition. EY on consciousness
But it's complicated. The increasing number of nonhuman animals who have passed some version of the mirror test hasn't shaken EY's conviction of their insentience - although EY has recently updated his credences on the sentience of ChatGPT:
EY, chickens and ChatGPT.

In my early youth, I put together the draft of a book on radical scepticism. I tried to push scepticism as far as it would go. But even when exploring solipsism-of-the-here-and-now, I was never able to disavow the phenomenology of my own experience. Maybe I radically misunderstood its nature. But what would it mean to claim that my subjective experience didn’t exist or “it” was somehow illusory?
The inner life (if such there is) of today’s illusionists is clearly different - too alien for me to grok at least.
Lance, I've long taken the possibility of radical error seriously, not least my own. And I've no axe to grind; reality baffles me. But I didn't come to believe I had phenomenal experiences as a result of studying philosophy. Rather, all of my sceptical energy was directed at the possibility I radically misunderstood their nature. I was - and still am - uncomprehending of the idea that my phenomenal experience doesn't exist. And I'm more inclined to believe that illusionists have phenomenal experience too than the possibility of two utterly disparate types of humans.

By way of contrast:
("‘Like a film in my mind’: hyperphantasia and the quest to understand vivid imaginations")

"Illusionism is the silliest view about reality that has ever been held by any human being. The illusionists sail off the edge of the world in the great Ship of Fools, crewed by Flat Earthers, under the command of Rear Admiral Daniel Dennett, and we must let them go."
(Galen Strawson)
For a more charitable perspective:
The stories of Daniel Dennett

[on The Quality of Thought by David Pitt]
The Quality of Thought by David Pitt
It's a long time since I've read any analytic philosophy, albeit an unusual, ultra-internalist example of the genre. I've just finished David Pitt's elegantly written The Quality of Thought (2024) (pdf). This trip down memory-lane was inspired by Sam Coleman's review in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
Unfashionably, Pitt says:

"The foundational methodology for the study of the conscious mind is disciplined introspection, careful first-person reflection and theory construction—i.e., Phenomenology."
In the Introduction, Pitt critiques Strawsonian physicalism. And he writes:
"Bewilderment about consciousness does not arise from the study of physics or chemistry or neuroscience. It arises from the simple, untutored recognition of the difference between experience/experiencing things and non-experience/ non-experiencing things—between, as it might be, oneself and a stick, or one’s pain and the cracking of a stone. Why can sticks and stones not hurt?"
However, if we take the intrinsic nature argument seriously, then experience discloses the essence of the physical: non-materialist physicalism. Mathematical physics describes patterns of qualia. The fundamental difference in reality lies not between the experiential and the non-experiential, but rather between the phenomenally bound and the phenomenally unbound. Thus mind-independent rocks are (quantum fields of) consciousness - but not conscious, i.e. phenomenally bound subjects. For all practical purposes, rocks are insentient. Likewise e.g. dreamlessly asleep human and nonhuman animals, plants and digital computers. And we can, I believe, offer a non-classical, physicalist account of phenomenal binding and unbinding. The decoherence program promises to "carve Nature at the joints".

Yet how does the internalist escape semantic solipsism?
I've made no progress since my lucid dreamworld fable.

[on insects]
Humans underestimate their insect cousins:
Insect Sentience
("Meghan Barrett on challenging our assumptions about insects")
The living world's quintillions of sentient island-universes / insect cephalic ganglia are intuitively beyond salvation. But with ASI, gene editing and synthetic gene drives, humble minds can become paradisiacal too.

[on moral (anti-)realism]
Even the first sentence ("Nothing kills your appetite, they say, like discovering how the sausage is made") jars:
Does Morality Do Us Any Good?
("Our basic sense of right and wrong appears to be the product of blind evolution. The hard question is how unsettling that should be.")
Alternatively, the pain-pleasure axis discloses the world's inbuilt metric of (dis)value. Moral progress consists in overcoming ethnocentric, anthropocentric and spatio-temporal bias and ensuring that our forward light-cone is inherently valuable.

[on string theory]
Progress is theoretical physics over the past 40 years has been as problematic as progress in philosophy:
The Standard Model from String Theory
("What Have We Learned?")
Peter Woit on Not Even Wrong is predictably scathing about "post-truth science":
This Week’s Hype

[on fixing the problem of suffering]
Alianza Futurista interview:
Alianza Futurista interview with  David Pearce
Alianza Futurista interviews DP
David Pearce | How to End All Suffering
David Pearce | How to End All Suffering
Bless you. Tackling the problem of predation still lies too far outside the Overton window of political acceptability to be fruitfully discussed with many audiences. I would personally be happy if species of free-living obligate carnivores were (non-violently!) retired in the wild. Intelligent cross-species fertility-regulation could replace predation and starvation ethically to regulate population sizes. But most people are aghast at the idea of losing free-living "charismatic mega-fauna" like big cats. So genetic tweaking for herbivorization will be another option. Whatever it takes.

Joey, you would, I trust, agree that asphyxiating, disemboweling or eating alive a small human child is barbaric. Likewise, nonhuman animals of comparable sentience. Essentially everyone here agrees with the Anthony Douglas Williams quote ("Every animal on Earth has every right to live on Earth"). I just spelt out what this entails.

[on Schrödinger's Neurons]
Only someone who already groks the phenomenal binding / combination problem, and accepts that binding is classically inexplicable, could find what follows of the remotest interest. However, that said…
If the effective lifetime of superpositions of neuronal feature-processors in the CNS were milliseconds rather than femtoseconds, then neuronal superpositions would be the obvious candidate for a perfect structural match the ostensible absence of which tilts David Chalmers further towards dualism. This is because quantum superpositions (“cat states") are individual states. Quantum superpositions can't be understood as unbound, classical aggregates of their components: the irreducible holism of individual quantum states is built in. On this story, binding by synchrony - a mere restatement of the mystery of binding - is really binding by superposition. Decoherence explains phenomenal unbinding.

Of course, decoherence (i.e. the scrambling of phase coherence between the components of neuronal superpositions to the environment) in the warm, wet CNS means such long lifetimes are fantasy. Such superpositions must indeed theoretically exist or else unitary-only QM is false. Less obviously, such superpositions must also be experiential. If they were non-experiential, then the intrinsic nature argument is false and we face the insoluble Hard Problem of consciousness. BUT such sub-femtosecond quantum exotica are intuitively just “noise”, of no relevance to our well-ordered minds and the subjectively quasi-classical world-simulations we run. Intuitively, the real explanation of the unity of consciousness lies elsewhere.
And maybe it does! The field of quantum mind attracts cranks with an ax to grind. So I should stress that I don't believe a "Schrödinger's neurons” conjecture is true. I just think it's worth experimentally (dis)confirming: DP on Quantum Mind
Also, a very big name in modern neuroscience, Christof Koch likewise recently came to the conclusion that the superposition principle of QM underpins our phenomenally-bound minds: Does QM Explain Our Minds?
("Testing the Conjecture That Quantum Processes Create Conscious Experience")
Let’s see. :-)

[on BlueSky]
The decline and fall of X?
BlueSky, Smiling at Me
Probably not, sadly. Apparently over half the US population now get their "news" mostly or entirely from social media.
BlueSky now resembles Twitter before Elon turned Twitter/"X" into a vast disinformation machine.
TikTok? It's more of a balanced mix of misinformation, whereas Elon has tweaked X's algorithms to serve his own agenda.

[on The Hedonistic Imperative]
DP on HI
David Pearce interviewed by TAFFD on The Hedonistic Imperative
A lot of futurology amounts to no more than extrapolation. Sad to say, prophesying a future of superhuman bliss doesn't rely on extrapolating current trends.

[on the intrinsic nature argument]
If sound, the intrinsic nature argument dissolves the Hard Problem. Only the physical is real. Experience discloses the essence of the physical. the mysterious "fire" in the equations of QFT. What makes animal minds different from the abiotic universe is the phenomenal binding of consciousness into virtual worlds of experience, not consciousness per se. However, non-materialist physicalism leaves open the question of why physical reality exists at all.
Maybe we have clues. See
Why does anything exist? on an informationless zero ontology.
But no more.
And the absence of a cosmic Rosetta stone means that we don't know how to read off the diverse textures ("what it feels like") of consciousness from the diverse solutions to the equations.

[on AI safety]
Digital zombies are cognitively crippled.
No binding = no mind = invincible ignorance of the entire empirical realm.
AI-Doomers might reply that an architecturally hardwired ignorance of the empirical (“relating to experience“) is of no computational significance. Consciousness is incidental, an epiphenomenon of no more functional significance than the textures of the pieces (if any) in a game of chess.
But this can’t be right. Epiphenomena would lack the causal-functional power to inspire discussions of the existence, as I’m doing now.
Can I rigorously prove that AI isn’t a threat to the thick-tailed bush baby (and humans, etc)?
But we should be focusing on the biggest ethical challenge we face as a society, namely building sentience-friendly biological intelligence. Unfriendly humans abuse and kill billions of sentient beings as sentient as small children each year. A hypothetical sentience-friendly superintelligence would presumably reprogram or retire humans.

[on memory]
How much should be remembered?
Near-Eidetic Memory: low-hanging fruit?
Michael, Marty, good heavens, I'm probably not the best person to ask. I hope the whole of Darwinian life can be forgotten like a bad dream. [But I don’t favour promoting delusions now. Rather, we should be doing our best to understand reality - not least, the potential upper bounds to rational agency and hence the ultimate scope of our moral responsibilities. Even if we could choose our beliefs at will, I don’t think belief in the delightful fantasy you describe could be quarantined. Instead, the delusion would infect the rest of our belief system, and sabotage our ability to act rationally and ethically.] In the meantime, it will be wonderful if we can heighten our best memories and delete or fade the worst. But smart forgetting is vital to human and nonhuman animal intelligence:
Forgetfulness can be a sign of high intelligence

[on l-theanine]
I add it to my coffee:
L-theanine for life extension?
("L-theanine Prolongs the Lifespan by Activating Multiple Molecular Mechanisms in UVC Exposed C. elegans")

[on creatine]
Alas neither creatine nor daily visits to the gym have yet turned me into a muscle-bound hulk:
Creatine Overview
("Creatine is commonly associated with athletes and bodybuilders, but the popular supplement seems to have broad benefits on everything from ageing to brain function")

[on (in)sentient AI]
Anthropomorphism is alive and well:
Taking AI Welfare Seriously
Protecting Sentient AI
("Plans must be made for the welfare of sentient AI, animal consciousness researchers argue")
Alternatively, our overriding priority should be ending the horrors of animal agriculture. Classical digital computers are not going to solve the binding problem and become minds - phenomenally-bound subjects of experience. It's just anthropomorphic superstition. Humans anthropomorphize nonhuman animals too little, and our machines too much.

Anthropomophism and animism are on the rise:
Rifts over AI sentience
("AI could cause ‘social ruptures’ between people who disagree on its sentience. Leading philosopher says issue is ‘no longer one for sci-fi’ as dawn of AI consciousness is predicted for 2035")

AdamIf (1) the pain-pleasure axis discloses the world’s inbuilt metric of (dis)value and (2) classical digital computers are zombies that cannot solve the binding problem, then alignment poses many challenges. For animal minds like us, agony is self-intimatingly bad, bliss is self-intimatingly good. But a superintelligent zombie can try to tile the cosmos with e.g. hedonium or paperclips or dolorium without understanding what it’s doing.
Assumptions (1) and (2) can be challenged. Likewise zombie superintelligence.

I don't rule out e.g. fourth-millennium inorganic quantum minds, though the practicalities elude me. The claim is more modest. On pain of spooky, unphysicalist “strong" emergence, and regardless of substrate, no implementation of a classical Turing machine can support phenomenally-bound consciousness. Therefore the entire empirical realm is off-limits to classical digital computers. Anyone who believes instead that classical computers can support phenomenally-bound minds needs to offer a derivation - or even the sketch of a derivation - of how machines with existing architectures solve the phenomenal binding problem and wake up. IMO, it’s not going to happen. In my view, classical digital computers can function only _because_ they aren’t conscious. As I (belatedly) came to realise, this isn’t idle philosophising. For if the phenomenal binding of animal minds is indeed non-classical, then the interference signature from molecular matter-wave interferometry will tell us. But it will tell us only if we think the conjecture is worth (dis)confirming. The decoherence timescales of neuronal superpositions of feature-processors are intuitively insane…

[on an afterlife]
Marty (1) I'm sceptical of the idea of enduring metaphysical egos:
Utra-Parfitianism. (see too Imperfect Parfit
But even if enduring selves are real, the existence of an afterlife where they can one day dwell is hard to reconcile with the scientific world picture.
Of course, there are things science can't explain, not least existence itself. But we have tantalizing clues:
Why are we here?
(2) The scientific world-picture could be radically mistaken. But it's a package deal, in one sense at least. Thus it's hard e.g. to reconcile evolution via natural selection with a God who periodically intervenes in the lives of His creatures. And if such interventions occur, then the laws of physics are wrong.

[on meditative bliss]
On the one hand,
Meditation Is More Pleasurable Than Sex
("Why it’s the most profound experience you’ll ever have")
But alas:
Meditation can be harmful
"-and can even make mental health problems worse")
Will posthumans meditate, I wonder; and if so, what guise will it take?

[on designing happiness]
Is this video AI-generated? I'm not sure, but if so, I'm impressed:
From Pain to Pleasure
Youtube : mp4
("From Pain to Pleasure Crafting a Future Free of Suffering |David Pearce’s Philosophy of Happiness")

[on Everett and staying (in)sane]
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders needs a category for being tormented by the RSI:
[RSI = relative State Interpretation (Everett’s term for what Bryce de Witt later christened “many worlds”, more aptly "many branches") aka “unitary-only QM”, “no collapse QM”, “wave function monism”]
Rima Martin asks:
"Just wondering, if there’s a field of infinite possibilities, & it contains all the possible outcomes of your life already, what determines which timeline you are experiencing Right Now?"
Keith Burwood McFarland reply
The Metayou experiences all the timelines available to you from conception to death, this you is experiencing one of a finite but astronomical number of Youniverses. Unfortunately, this version of you got dealt some nasty cards, but it's not like you chose this universe. All the possibilities are like threads branching and frozen in aspic--all the options just are, and this is just one of them, just like there's a bunch of ones without the tragedies but there are also ones with a You experiencing the most disturbing and awful things. And ones that are just moderately okay. I think it sucks that we can't switch universes at will, because I definitely want out of this one. But this is just one life of many each of us is experiencing in separate versions of ourselves we can't exchange memories with safely as of yet."

Everett has crushed my soul:
Suffering in the Multiverse. I don't know if the human mind can even begin to grasp the implications of Everett - certainly not one like mine that often craves ignorance and oblivion. People who aren't disturbed by severe suffering haven't understood it.
I guess CUs would respond that anyone not enraptured by the prospect of superhuman bliss hasn't understood it either.

Scott Aaronson on Shtetl Optimized doesn't exactly raise my hopes that unitary only QM is false (from the comment thread of My Nutty, Extremist Beliefs)
"Oh I agree! The most I’ll say for MWI is that it’s 'the worst interpretation apart from all other extant ones,' and 'the clearly preferred interpretation if you regard subjective experience as a relatively unimportant epiphenomenon of physics.'"
Recall in my view, only the fact that the superposition principle doesn't break down in the skull allows phenomenal binding, hence mind, hence the subjectively classical world-simulations of everyday Darwinian life.

Martin, "metaphysical"? If we assume Everett, then different quasi-classical “branches” don’t interact, but they do interfere: decoherence is never complete. So Everettians would deny their interpretation is metaphysical - not that we need get hung up on the word, we’re all up to our necks in metaphysics, good or bad. <

[on phenomenal binding]
the binding problem
John, May I just briefly defend my sanity? Anyone who understands decoherence (which you do!) will recognise why a quantum-theoretic explanation of phenomenal binding is far-fetched. The CNS is too hot! But the problem is science has no idea how phenomenal binding could be classically) explicable either - which doesn't leave us with many (physicalist) options (cf. The Binding Problem (Wikipedia)
Given textbook neuroscience, why aren't we just (at most) what philosopher Phil Goff christened "micro-experiential zombies" - mere patterns of Jamesian "mind dust"? Only someone who groks the neuroscientific mystery of binding will be willing to explore highly implausible quantum-theoretic solutions to an otherwise intractable problem. Note that what makes a "Schrödinger's neurons" proposal fringe isn't new physics - assuming the unitary Schrödinger dynamics, such superpositions of neuronal feature-processors must exist - but rather, the idea such fleeting sub-femtosecond superpositions could have any conceivable relevance to our phenomenally-bound minds. And maybe common sense is correct! But one man's reductio ad absurdum is another man's experimentally falsifiable prediction. I'm simply curious what tomorrow's interferometry will tell us.

If (fancifully!) the pieces in a chess match had qualia, such "raw feels" would be functionally irrelevant to the gameplay. By contrast, phenomenally-bound qualia - such as the colorful, cross-modally matched, real-time world-simulation your CNS is running right now - are insanely computationally powerful. Compare partial deficit syndromes such as integrative agnosia. Minds and their egocentric world-simulations are highly fitness-enhancing. They've been selected for over the past half-billion years. By contrast, classical computer architectures can't support phenomenal binding. So there are no digital minds.

Yet what about us? If we believe in textbook neuroscience, i.e. the CNS is a pack of decohered classical neurons, then organic minds should be impossible too. At best we should be micro-experiential zombies. I think textbook "neuroscience" is wrong. I could happily talk about why. But until neuron replacement procedures are tried and fail, I doubt most researchers would find such speculations of interest - only folk who already grok the mystery of binding, its computational power, and its classical impossibility.

David, Transformer AI is awesome, but its ignorance of the empirical (“relating to experience”) realm is architecturally hardwired. No phenomenal binding = no mind = no understanding. Not everyone groks the binding problem. But in a fundamentally quantum world, decoherence both makes otherwise impossible classical computing physically feasible AND prevents classical information processors from supporting unified subjects of experience like human and nonhuman animal minds. I love zombie AI as much as anyone. But our current machines have the wrong sort of architecture to support full-spectrum (super)intelligence.

Martijn, Nobody lies like an eyewitness, as the old Russian saying goes. But the wonder is not that perceptual experience is sometimes unreliable, but that it's possible at all. The ability to run real-time cross-modally matched world-simulations ("perception") is vastly fitness-enhancing. How can a pack of classical membrane-bound neurons be anything other than a zombie (the Hard Problem) or a micro-experiential zombie (the binding problem). Science doesn't know. Philosophers speculate (cf. Non-materialist physicalism). Yet there's no risk of our "overrating this experience thing". Not least, it's the entirety of the empirical evidence.

If the human brain were just 86 billion odd membrane-bound micro-pixels of experience - a so-called micro-experiential zombie - then consciousness would confer no fitness benefit at all. What makes consciousness so computationally powerful is phenomenal binding - not least, the real-time, cross-modally matched world-simulation (“perception”) that your mind-brain is running right now. How phenomenal binding is physically possible, given what neuroscientists think they know about the CNS, is a very deep question. But phenomenal binding gives human and nonhuman animals access to the empirical realm - a cognitive domain from which classical computers are forever excluded.

Patricia, Let us turn to the wisdom of zombies. Is a sentient stochastic parrot more intelligible when interpreted by his zombie cousin?
I asked ChatGPT:

'Explain what philosopher David Pearce means when he writes: "In a fundamentally quantum world, decoherence makes digital computing physically feasible AND simultaneously prevents classical computers supporting minds - phenomenally-bound subjects of experience. The entire empirical realm is computationally inaccessible to digital zombies."' ChatGPT: David Pearce is a philosopher known for his views on transhumanism, consciousness, and the future of human experience. The quote you provided touches on his ideas regarding the nature of consciousness and its relationship to quantum mechanics and digital computing. Here’s a breakdown of the key points in the quote: 1. "In a fundamentally quantum world..."
Pearce is highlighting the idea that the universe operates according to the principles of quantum mechanics, which is different from the classical Newtonian physics that govern everyday macroscopic objects. Quantum mechanics describes the behavior of particles at the smallest scales, where phenomena like superposition and entanglement occur.

2. "Decoherence makes digital computing physically feasible..."
Decoherence refers to the process by which quantum systems lose their quantum coherence and start behaving more classically, making quantum effects less noticeable at larger scales. This process is crucial in explaining why classical digital computers can exist and function reliably in a world governed by quantum mechanics. Digital computers work by processing information in a binary form (0s and 1s), which is a classical, non-quantum process. Decoherence effectively "washes out" the quantum weirdness at macroscopic scales, allowing for stable, predictable classical computation.

3. "...AND simultaneously prevents classical computers supporting minds - phenomenally-bound subjects of experience."
Pearce is arguing that while decoherence allows classical computers to function, it also prevents them from supporting consciousness or "phenomenally-bound subjects of experience." A "phenomenally-bound subject" refers to a conscious entity that experiences a unified, coherent sense of self and world (the "phenomenal binding problem"). Pearce suggests that consciousness, as we experience it, is intrinsically linked to quantum processes that classical computers cannot replicate. The classical, digital computers we use today process information in a fragmented, non-holistic manner, which Pearce believes is incompatible with the unified nature of conscious experience.

4. "The entire empirical realm is computationally inaccessible to digital zombies."
Here, Pearce is asserting that a classical digital computer (or a "digital zombie")—which could simulate the external behaviors of a conscious being without actual subjective experience—cannot truly access or understand the empirical, phenomenally-rich world. The "empirical realm" refers to the world as it is experienced by conscious beings, filled with qualitative, subjective experiences (qualia). Pearce argues that this realm is beyond the reach of digital zombies because such entities lack the quantum-based, phenomenally-bound consciousness required to access and experience it.

David Pearce is drawing a distinction between the computational capabilities of classical digital computers and the nature of conscious experience. He suggests that while decoherence allows digital computing to function in a quantum world, it also ensures that these computers cannot support or replicate consciousness. Consciousness, according to Pearce, is fundamentally quantum and phenomenally-bound, making it inaccessible to classical digital systems, which he refers to as "digital zombies." This perspective challenges the notion that digital computers could ever truly replicate or host conscious experience."

The mystery of why so many smart people don't "get" the binding problem continues to defeat me:
On Mental Subjects and Objects
("Pro and then Contra David Pearce")
Mariven, if you don't grok the phenomenal binding problem, then you won't be interested in fanciful solutions to non-existent mysteries. I'm surprised you persevered so far!
"And what is it all for? Dogmatic justification of what might very well be the single largest moral failure in human history."
He lost me at first, but the author is alluding to my failure to recognise that putative digital minds are real.

Mariven, Suggestion : you might want to explore in greater depth why philosophers and philosophically-inclined neuroscientists have been so exercised by the phenomenal binding or combination problem - and then do a steelman version. The issue isn’t whether functional workarounds for an inability to bind are possible. Neurotypical novices can always beat someone with simultanagnosia at chess, but Stockfish blows us all away. Rather, the mystery is how the phenomenology of local and global binding is physically possible given what we think we know about the CNS. Why aren’t we just aggregates of 86 billion membrane-bound “pixels” of experience, a micro-experiential zombie? If after further investigation you still think phenomenal binding is classical, then probably you’d do well just to give my stuff a miss!

Maximilian, indeed. I still know of no way to give a classical explanation of phenomenal binding. Here, however, just a terminological note. As rare phenomenal binding disorders illustrate, both local and global binding play a vital computational-functional role in biological minds. But non-classical accounts of phenomenal binding don't fall under the label of "computationalist" theories of consciousness as the term is normally understood. That said, phenomenal binding can confer immense computational power that classical digital zombies lack.

[on Why Does Anything Exist? And 500+ Answers To Other Mysteries by David Pearce]
A book of my Quora answers will be published shortly [published October 2024], another 240,000+ words of my deathless prose:
Why Does Anything Exist? and 500+ Answers To Other Mysteries by David Pearce Why Does Anything Exist? and 500+ Answers To Other Mysteries by David Pearce
Why Does Anything Exist? and 500+ Answers To Other Mysteries (2024) by David Pearce (epub & (pdf)

100 possible covers are here.

The questions tackled in this volume were originally answered by transhumanist philosopher David Pearce on the platform Quora. Topics covered include the riddle of existence; an informatinless Zero Ontology; the Hedonistic Imperative; paradise engineering; the abolitionist project; effective altruism; the nature of perception; the Hard Problem of consciousness; the phenomenal binding problem; quantum theories of consciousness and mind; non-materialist physicalism and panpsychism; the measurement problem in quantum mechanics; Everett and wavefunction monism; the nature of reality; naturalizing semantics, the relationship between transhumanism and ethics; negative utilitarianism and suffering-focused ethics; the benevolent world-exploder argument; mental health and depression, evolutionary psychology, soft and hard antinatalism; the reproductive revolution; the Post-Darwinian Transition; utiltronium shockwaves; meta-ethics and moral philosophy; qualia and subjective experience; questions of personal identity and continuity; closed/empty/open individualism; technological approaches to eliminating suffering; genetic engineering and CRISPR applications; artificial intelligence and consciousness; IQ/AQ; full-spectrum superintelligence; radical life-extension and longevity research; cryonics and cryothanasia; the future of human enhancement; wireheading; information-sensitive gradients of bliss; nonhuman animal ethics; wild animal suffering; bioethical abolitionism applied to nonhuman animals; arguments for ethical veganism; the cultured meat revolution; high-tech Jainism; herbivorising predators; genome reform; hedonic eugenics; the reproductive revolution; global veganism; synthetic gene drives; the neurobiology of pleasure and pain; recalibrating the hedonic treadmill; superhappiness; the future of sentience and cognition; the pharmacology of happiness; hedonic enhancement technologies; the biohappiness revolution; the evolution of sentience; long-term future scenarios; immersive VR, existential risks; future suffering risks; AI risks; psychedelics and altered states;
responses to critics of The Hedonistic Imperative.
Some loose ends remain.

I'm now writing the preface:


What links the phenomenal binding problem in neuroscience, the measurement problem in quantum mechanics, and the mystery of why anything exists at all? What was the name of Schrödinger’s cat? The questions tackled in this volume range from the momentous to the trivial. The answers range from the wildly speculative to the uncontroversial. All the questions were originally posed on the website Quora. Where possible, I have tried to flag when I say anything scientifically unorthodox. A huge complication is that in the field of consciousness studies - a core theme of this volume - there are no true scientific experts, as distinct from well-known names.

Some background may be in order. In 1995, I wrote an online manifesto, subsequently an eBook, The Hedonistic Imperative (HI). HI calls for the use of biotechnology to phase out suffering throughout the living world. Genome reform can replace the pleasure-pain axis with a more civilized signalling system and motivational architecture: life based entirely on information-sensitive gradients of well-being. The abolitionist project has been at the heart of my work for the past three decades. Compared to fixing the problem of suffering, everything else is ethically insignificant. Technically, the final pieces of the abolitionist jigsaw as I conceive it were (1) the prospect of herbivorizing obligate carnivores (Reprogramming Predators, 2009), and (2) using CRISPR-based synthetic gene drives that cheat the "laws" of Mendelian inheritance to civilize Nature and create a blissful biosphere (Compassionate Biology, 2016). However, first we need to end the cruelties of animal agriculture via the development and commercialization of cultured meat and farm-free animal products; most humans are still unwilling to go vegetarian, let alone vegan. Only after humans stop systematically harming sentient beings can we start systematically helping them.

HI was heavy on philosophy, light on specifics. Then came CRISPR genome-editing. Science now has an extraordinarily powerful set of tools to sculpt evolution. The whole biosphere will soon be programmable. The biggest challenge to HI will be overcoming status quo bias and getting the abolitionist project mainstream. In 2017, Danish philosopher Magnus Vinding kindly assembled a version of my later essays: Can Biotechnology Abolish Suffering?

Many of the Quora answers published here probably seem far removed from HI. The Hard Problem of consciousness looms large. Does getting our theory of consciousness right matter ethically, as distinct from intellectually? On the one hand, creating pain-free life could turn out to be akin to pain-free surgery. General anaesthetics were introduced without any deep understanding of their mechanism - an ignorance that persists to this day. Likewise, if we can understand the necessary and sufficient conditions for getting rid of mental and physical pain, does it matter ethically that we lack any deep understanding of why ill-configured matter and energy supports such horrors? We can still genetically ensure that experience below hedonic zero is physically impossible in our forward light-cone. Alas such ignorance is not without risks. In my answers, I explain why I think all classical digital computers are zombies. Recall how Cartesian vivisectionists thought the same of dogs. If we can't get our theory of consciousness right, then it's vital not to get it catastrophically wrong.

David Pearce
September 2024
Why Does Anything Exist? and 500+ Answers To Other Mysteries Why Does Anything Exist? and 500+ Answers To Other Mysteries Why Does Anything Exist? and 500+ Answers To Other Mysteries Why Does Anything Exist? and 500+ Answers To Other Mysteries
Any thoughts on which of the 100 cover-candidates below you like best?
Sadly the rabbit probably won't make the cut, though s/he made me smile. Nor will Schrödinger's cat, although Milton - or at least the superposition principle of QM - may be the key to the whole shebang.
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
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[on Why Does Anything Exist? and 500+ Answers To Other Mysteries]
The Kindle version of Why Does Anything Exist? and 500+ Answers To Other Mysteries is now published:
Why Does Anything Exist? by David Pearce epub) & pdf & Kindle (2024)
Why Does Anything Exist? by David Pearce
Thank you Evgenia!
250,000 words. So skim brutally.
I'm delegating the next in the series to AI. I wonder what year digital zombies will be able to answer most of the questions better?
And will the riddle of existence ultimately be cracked by (super)intelligent zombie AI or sentient transhuman minds?

[on utopian dreams]
"We, who are the Last Men … speak to you now from [~2Byrs] in your future.
When your writers romance about the future,
they imagine a progress toward some kind of utopia
where beings like themselves live in unmitigated bliss.
No such paradise existed through the eons that lie between your age and mine."
Last And First Men (2020)
I guess information-sensitive gradients of bliss are "mitigated" bliss.
In fairness, it's almost impossible to write a compelling work of fiction about a future world where everything is sublime. I know of no novel or movie when experience below hedonic zero has been eradicated in favour of gradients of superhuman bliss.
Evoking such a world would take true genius.

[on omega 3 supplements and reduced aggression]
Could governments keep their populations docile with omega-3 supplementation?
Omega-3 Supplements May Reduce Aggression
("Summary: A new study found that omega-3 supplementation can reduce aggression by 30%. The study reviewed 29 randomized controlled trials, showing short-term benefits across various demographics. Researchers advocate for using omega-3 supplements as a complementary treatment for aggressive behavior")
I take 1g to 2g daily, albeit not for the purposes of taming my temper.

[on high-tech Jainism]
GTA SA LiF Project Eden, swat a fly? You'd be surprised. Apparently more than one person hoped I was going to swat the troublesome fly in
Melbourne Botanical Gardens - thereby exposing my pretensions to high-tech Jainism as a hypocritical sham.
(No way - though as a NU hypothetical OFF button presser, it's complicated)

[on BLTC Research]
A HISTORY OF BLTC by David Pearce
Too busy to read books? How about book titles? Wittgenstein said, “A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes". How about book covers? (Actually the list of titles below has now extended to 1001). A credulous correspondent expresses respect for my productivity; maybe I've written them elsewhere so I don't take the trouble to disavow authorship. Guinness relates L. Ron Hubbard wrote more. I think I will settle for quality.
And now a Cover Launch from the admirable ENDPAIN.

Yes, ambitious. Perhaps I will delegate authorship of some volumes to ChatGPT-5 or my digital twin. Or thanobot.
Hedonic psychosis, I guess. Dall-E would let me list a true NU list of covers.
Universal Bliss by David Pearce

[on scientific knowledge]
On standard materialist assumptions, we face the Hard Problem. On standard neuroscientific assumptions, we face the binding problem. On standard QM postulates, we face the measurement problem. At a time of staggering advances in AI, saying something is rotten in the state of scientific knowledge might sound hollow rhetoric. But for what it's worth, I think my speculative solutions are most likely wrong, and my diagnosis is most likely correct.

[on classical utilitarianism]
No classical utilitarians are willing to accept all the implications of their own ethic. I’m not thinking of homely moral dilemmas like (variants of) the trolley problem, nor the obligation to obliterate even the most blissful advanced civilisation with a utilitronium shockwave. Rather, I’m thinking of trade-offs involving suffering. For instance, a genie offers you the chance to create beings who enjoy two orders of magnitude more pleasure than anything existing humans can undergo - at the price of creating an equal number of beings who undergo suffering ”just” a single order of magnitude worse than any human has undergone. Horrific. Or a genie offers me a super-exponential growth in my pleasure at the price of an exponential growth in your suffering. Were I a classical rather than negative utilitarian, then I’d be obliged to accept. And so forth.

By contrast, negative utilitarians want to abolish even the faintest whiff of disappointment. Let’s build a world where all sentient beings are fabulously, superhumanly happy. This scenario doesn’t sound very NU. But NUs may favour superhuman bliss. We just wouldn’t accept it at anyone else’s expense.

Some utilitarian resources:
Utilitarian Resources

[on functionalism]
QualiaNerd, may I just amplify "functionalism"? First, organic minds. Evolution via natural selection has recruited certain types of phenomenally-bound consciousness to create animal minds and the real-time world-simulations ("perception") we run. Phenomenally-bound consciousness is highly functionally adaptive to organisms with a capacity for rapid self-propelled motion, i.e. animals, as rare binding deficit disorders like integrative agnosia illustrate. A prime example of phenomenally-bound, functionally adaptive consciousness is states of the pain-pleasure axis. The so-called encephalization of emotion means that animal minds (dis)value a diversity of types of experience. These diverse types of (dis)valued experience are typically fitness-related. But we can (dis)value anything from the price of Bitcoin to God to art to the Fatherland to paperclips. Painting on good or bad hedonic textures to intrinsically neutral stimuli makes all kinds of bric-a-brac seem inherently (dis)valuable. This vast diversity of (dis)valued intentional objects ostensibly lends weight to the Orthogonality thesis. We can it seems (dis)value almost anything at all. But the pleasure-pain axis itself is doing the real causal work. The pain-pleasure axis discloses the world's inbuilt metric of (dis)value. When intelligent life gains mastery over its own source code and reward circuitry, there will (IMO) most likely be a Convergence on superhappiness - initially to civilizations underpinned by gradients of superhuman bliss, and perhaps (ultimately, very very speculatively) cosmic value-maximizing hedonium /utilitronium shockwave. In my view, this convergence on superhappiness most likely holds in all intelligent life-supporting Hubble volumes.

Now Turing machine functionalism. Classical Turing machines are substrate-neutral. Whether implemented in silicon or carbon (etc), they are also zombies. Implementations of classical Turing machines are architecturally incapable of supporting phenomenal binding, hence mind, hence a pain-pleasure axis: Phenomenal binding. In a fundamentally quantum world, decoherence makes otherwise impossible classical digital computing physically feasible AND simultaneously forbids classical computers from supporting phenomenally-bound subjects of experience. Turing machine functionalists insist that classical digital computers can do anything sentient minds can do. And indeed, the real-world upper bounds to zombie superintelligence are unclear (to me). Thus how exactly are classical digital zombies supposed to explore the myriad state-spaces of consciousness? After all, classical computers are ignorant of the entire empirical realm. Yet even if digital zombies could indeed in principle do anything sentient minds can do, the same could notionally be said of an insentient classical look-up table. Either way, whereas minds converge on self-intimatingly valuable superhappiness, the utility functions of digital zombies are essentially arbitrary / orthogonal. Thus zombie machine superintelligence could tile the cosmos with hedonium, or paperclips, or dolorium without any understanding of what it was doing...

[on a pan-species welfare state]
Towards a Pan-Species Welfare State

[on BLTC HQ]
If asked, my role model is Diogenes in his tub.
That said, designs for BLTC's new HQ still don't capture the spartan simplicity and austere lifestyle to which I aspire:
I shall of course be occupying the Diogenes room.
Distinguished visiting scholars may qualify for something more comfortable.
A guide to some of the amenities:
01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36
37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72
And our local Brighton branch office:
BLTC Brighton office

[on Brave New World critiqued in Spanish]
El Mundo Feliz
Many thanks to Chilean translator Diego Andrade.
My English original is now over a quarter of a century old: Critique of Brave New World (1998).
No, I don't write in quite the same exuberant style any more.
Un Mundo Feliz

[on modern love]
Zombies increasingly make the best suitors:
This Guy Used ChatGPT to Talk to 5,000 Women on Tinder
("and Met His Wife. Aleksandr Zhadan built a program with ChatGPT to find love, and it worked.")
Soon zombies will also make the best conversationalists, friends and lovers. But the future belongs to hyper-sentient full-spectrum superintelligences, not digital idiots savants.

[on zombie triumphalism]
"It is increasingly likely that AI will superset the intelligence of any single human by the end of 2025 and maybe all humans by 2027/2028. Probability that AI exceeds the intelligence of all humans combined by 2030 is ~100%."
(Elon Musk)
Groupthink alas. No phenomenal binding = no mind = hardwired ignorance of the empirical realm. Full-spectrum superintelligences will be our AI-enhanced descendants, not digital zombies. Yes, digital zombies are awesome. The transformer revolution blindsided us all. IMO it's scarcely begun. But compared to supersentient full-spectrum superintelligences, digital zombies are just toys - sometimes fun, sometimes dangerous, but invincibly ignorant of what they lack.

Darren oh, I think we've barely glimpsed what (super)intelligent digital zombies can do - including tasks beyond human comprehension done in ways we don't comprehend. Less obviously, I think we've barely glimpsed what (super)intelligent digital zombies can't do. Not least, acquiring new knowledge will entail engineering and exploring billions of state-spaces of phenomenally-bound consciousness that have never been recruited by natural selection for any information-signalling purpose. To do so, we'll need to upgrade our legacy wetware and become post-Darwinian superminds. These alien realms of experience are physically inaccessible to digital zombies. Classical computers can function only because they don't support phenomenal binding, hence mind, hence access to the empirical realm.

[on existence and Levels of Nothing]
a Zero Ontology
It’s a pretty spooky coincidence. Why does physics suggest something analogous to our pre-theoretic conception may be the case? The key insight (?) for me came many years ago when (in some unrelated pop science book), I stumbled across something that was news to me, but not to information scientists. Zero information = all possible descriptions.
Ed Tyron plus Hugh Everett = an informationless zero ontology ???
Here’s my best short synopsis:
Why does anything exist?
See too A Search for Classical Subsystems in Quantum Worlds
What form might the true explanation take? Would we even understand it? I've stuck with an informationless zero ontology because I can't think of any other explanation-space to explore. The principle that information can neither be created nor destroyed ("unitarity") is a cornerstone of modern physics. But I haven't yet seen in academic print the conjecture that the information content of reality might literally = zero, although Max Tegmark ("Does the universe in fact contain almost no information?", 1996, pdf) comes tantalisingly close.
Talk of an informationless zero ontology conjures up images of a timeless void. Talk of the quantum analogue of an informationless Library of Babel evokes images of timeless plenitude. But (true or false) it’s the same conjecture - or better, explanation-space - under another label to explain the riddle of existence.

Robert, thank you for Levels of Nothing. Awesome.
On my daily walks, I still sometimes intone, over and over again, "Why does anything exist?" I don't know if this meditational practice has a name, but sadly it has not yet yielded enlightenment.
In the information-theoretic approach I explore, I've focused on trying to understand why something analogous to our pre-theoretic conception of "Nothing" exists in the hope that understanding the "easy" question will illuminate the deeper question (No 9 in your Levels of Nothing typology). Our pre-theoretic conception of "Nothing" presumably gets something right - and something wrong. What exactly does it get wrong? Or if the real answer lies completely elsewhere, then I'm just being misled by a spooky coincidence!

Some personal background…
As a disturbed, philosophically-minded child, my ancestral namesake used to wonder about what a complete absence of properties ("nothing") would entail. Reading pop science, I came across ideas ranging from Everettian QM to Ed Tryon's zero energy universe ("Is the Universe a Vacuum Fluctuation?) to learning about how it was possible, in principle, to derive the whole of mathematics from the properties of the empty set.

My "aha!" moment came from reading a remark in some pop computer-science book. Zero information = all possible descriptions. And I instantly thought: Tyron = Everett.
(not Everett in the context of the fine-tuning argument, which I brooded on only later.)
We know of the cardinal role of information in quantum physics ("Information can neither be created nor destroyed"; unitarity). But it's still surprisingly difficult to find a formal, academic discussion that takes this principle and its mantra literally, i.e. the possibility that, timelessly, the information-content of reality = 0.
(I just Googled again. Papers like Max Tegmark's "Does the universe in fact contain almost no information?" refute an informationless zero ontology, not confirm it.)

One presses quantum physicists on what exactly the experts mean by "information". But IF the information-content of reality is necessarily zero, then what one is asking physicists is a subtly different question about what is forbidden (on pain of the creation of an information-bearing something.)

Even if the information-theoretic approach I explore hints at the right explanation-space where we should be looking, I'm still (like you) baffled by existence. Why not no 9 in your typology? What are no 9's subtle, insidious background assumption(s) that lead us astray? In some sense, articulating 9 must be self-stultifying because we're here; but like you, I feel 9 ought to be the case. In some sense, I guess, 9 is too rich to be Nothing - for 9 expresses information-bearing content with truth conditions, or else it doesn't say anything. Naturally, when writing a paper, one cannot simultaneously offer an account of the nature of meaning and reference that it presupposes. But when writing about why anything exists, perhaps the question of semantic meaning can't be ducked (my own youthful struggle with semantic meaning is related e.g. The hardest paradox)
Sadly I'm not satisfied with this linguistic philosophy-style response at all.
Anyhow, concluding "Levels of Nothing", you remark,"...The second is that at the primordial beginning, explanatorily and timelessly prior to time, something was self-existing. The essence of this something necessitated its existence such that non-existence to it would be as inherently impossible…"
Perhaps you are alluding to timeless Everettian QM: PDF
("Nothing happens in the Universe of the Everett Interpretation" by Jan-Markus Schwindt)

Of course, Everret and his successors weren't exploring an informationless zero ontology, just dropping the collapse postulate and taking the unitary Schrödinger dynamics at face value. Most accounts of Everett aren't strictly informationless. But modern versions of Everett may remedy this "deficiency". Thus Bigger Multiverses is awfully akin to the quantum version of the Library of Babel.
DSM ought to have a section on multiverse psychosis.
Why Does Anything Exist? by David Pearce

[on the HI Customised ChatGPT]
Our wonderful Russian supporter Shao has been feeding more DP stuff to the HI-customised ChatGPT:
Customised ChatGPT
But for real Russian: DP

From the admirable Sean Johnson:
Tiktok is where it's at:
Thanks for our little interview:
1 2 3 4 (TikTok) and : 1 2 3 4 (mp4)

paradise engineering

1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10 : 11 : 12 : 13 : 14 : 15 : 16

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What Is It Like To Be A Philosopher? (2022)