What's New On HedWeb 1997
Fighting link-decay...
- www.hedweb.com : HedWeb
- www.bltc.com : BLTC Research
...rampant domainism hits HedWeb and BLTC
- The Post-Darwinian Transition
another racy 20 000 words from the webmaster
- The Golden House Sparrow Site of the Day
..who needs peer review if one has a Golden House-Sparrow?
Revised and updated DP:
- Much Ado About Nothing
- The Good Drug Guide
- The Conscious Mind
and- Snapshots of Heaven
- The Slaughter of Animals for Food
by Dr Harold Hillman
- SPIKE : Timothy Leary's Design for Dying and Douglas Rushkoff talks to Chris Mitchell
Melissa's Guide to
- Hedonism in Java (2), Synaesthesia and Thought of the Week ...more food for the mind
- HerbWeb: more elephants, tortoises, sloths and other amiable herbivores
- Psychic Poems by HedWeb's hippy-in-residence Tom Glaister
- Nicholas Bostrom
- A use for philosophers?
- confronting the sceptic
- Quine's indeterminacy thesis
- cortical integration
- Scandinavian poetry in the original Swedish: a HedWeb exclusive
- The Deathoid Holocaust by Lee Corvin
- A navigable Animal Rights FAQ
1996 : 1997 : 1998 : 1999 : 2000
E-mail Dave