Joyce Pearce
When Autumn days grow shorter
And Christmas time draws nigh
Then kindly British people
Will heave a patient sigh.
For custom now requires them
To move both heaven and earth
To celebrate with gusto
The gentle Baby's Birth.
So bank accounts are emptied,
The Prince of Peace to praise
With whisky, wine or lager,
And never mind who pays.
Then as the Day approaches,
The menu must be planned,
The Son of Love to honour
Across this gentle land.
To celebrate this Season
Of nation-wide Good Will
Pigs, chickens, geese and turkeys
Are fattened for the kill,
While countless Christmas carols
Ascend to heaven above,
In praise of One who taught us
The way of perfect Love.

Drawing The Line
by Joyce Pearce
Rosie Pearce
Joyce and Alan Pearce

(photo by Nathan)
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