by David Pearce
(DP & AI)
new and forthcoming- Abolishing Hell
- Abolition of Mental and Physical Pain
- Abolitionism
- Abolitionism: A Brief History
- Abolitionist AI
- Abolitionist Bioethics
- Abolitionist Bioethics: the Moral Urgency of Ending Suffering
- Abolitionist Blueprint: Ending Pain for Good
- Abolitionist Ecology
- Abolitionist Futures
- Abolitionist Imperative
- Abolitionist Manifesto
- Abolitionist Memetics: Spreading the Word
- Abolitionist Movement
- Abolitionist Neuroscience: Towards a Future Without Pain
- Abolitionist Project
- Abolitionist Revolution
- Abolitionist Transhumanism: Bridging Bioethics and Biotech
- Abolitionist Utopian SuperHedonists
- Abolitionist Youth
- Absolute Bliss
- Absolute Bliss versus Information-Sensitive Gradients of Bliss
- Advanced Cognitive Enhancers
- Advanced Felicific Calculus
- Advanced Hedonomics
- Advanced Mood-Enrichers
- Advanced Neuroprosthetics for the Chronically Happy
- Advanced Pleasure Science
- Advances in Paradise Engineering
- Aesthetic Superintelligence
- Affectionate Superintelligence
- Affective Psychoses of Darwinian Life
- After Money
- Against Predation
- Age of Bliss
- Age of Euphoria
- Age Reinvented: How Radical Life-Extension Will Transform the World
- Ahimsa and Genome Reform
- Amplified Agency: Willpower Biohacking for Self-Mastery and Drive
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Future of Sentience
- AI, AGI and Full-Spectrum Superintelligences
- AI For Animals
- AI Friends: Can Machines Understand Us?
- AI and Hedonic Science
- AI and HI
- AI Guardians: Synthetic Sentinels of Universal Compassion
- AI and High-tech Jainism
- AI and Superhuman Savantism
- Alchemy of Joy
- Algorithmic Happiness
- Algorithm of Paradise: Programming Well-Being
- Alien Pleasures
- Alien State-Spaces
- Altered Statesmen: Radical Paths to Higher Consciousness
- Altruistic Hedonism
- Animal Rapture: Elevating All Sentients to Sublime Well-Being
- Animal Rescue: Civilizing the Biosphere
- Animal Uplift: Towards Post-Darwinian Life
- Amineptine: Past, Present and Future
- Anandatronics: Engineering for Limitless Bliss
- Angelic Minds
- Antinatalism and Selection Pressure
- Antinatalism vs Genome Reform
- Anti-Speciesist Ecology: Balancing Ecosystems Without Predation
- Anti-Speciesist Revolution
- Anti-Suffering Revolution
- Apotheosis of Sentience
- AQ, IQ and Full-Spectrum (Super)Intelligence
- Arcadian Biology
- Architects of Eden
- Architectural Innovation and Hedonic Slum Clearance
- Architecture of Bliss
- Arhat Genomics
- Aromatic Super-Intelligence
- Artificial Biospheres
- Artificial Eudaemonia
- Artificial Wombs and Mega-Brains
- Artificial Superintelligence and Abolitionism
- Artificial Superintelligence and The Hedonistic Imperative
- Artificial Superintelligence and Paradise Engineering
- Astrobiological Ethics
- Auditory SuperIntelligence
- Augmented Desires: the Future of Wanting
- Autistic Superintelligence
- Awakening the Sublime
- Awestruck
- A World Where Happiness Never Ends
- A World Without Pain
- Background Assumptions and Presuppositions of Darwinian Malware
- Banishing Bad Feelings with Brain Science
- Baseline Well-Being Enhancement
- Basement Reality: The Great Escape
- Becoming Bliss Breath: Meditation Secrets for a Perma-Joyful Mind
- Benevolence Without Borders
- Bentham and Biotechnology
- Better Living Through Chemistry
- Beyond Anthropocentrism
- Beyond Biology: The Future of Synthetic and Biohybrid Sentience
- Beyond Carnivory: When Sentients Stopped Eating Each Other
- Beyond Church-Turing
- Beyond the Cortex: Deep Brain Enhancements
- Beyond Darwinism: Transhuman Ethics for Human and Non-Human Animals
- Beyond Ecstasy: Frontiers of Engineered Bliss
- Beyond the Gates of Omelas
- Beyond the Hedonic Ceiling: Genetic Breakthroughs
- Beyond Pain: The Case for Universal Bliss
- Beyond Posthumans
- Beyond Salvation
- The Binding Problem
- Binding, the Measurement Problem and the Riddle of Existence
- Biochemical Buddhahood
- Biochemical Keys to Paradise
- Biochemistry of Bliss
- Biochemistry of Euphoria
- Bioconservatism vs The Hedonistic Imperative
- Bio-Curious: the ABCs of DIY Hedonic Uplift
- Biodiversity in a Post-Darwinian World
- Bioengineering Happiness
- Bioengineering of Sacred Experiences
- Bioethical Abolitionism
- Bioethical Abolitionism: The Imperative to Phase Out Suffering
- Bioethical Happiness
- Bioethics of Heaven
- Bio-Galactic Buddhas
- Bio-Genetic Utopias: The Science and Ethics of Pain-Free Living
- Biohacking Bliss: Genetic Pathways to Lifelong Euphoria
- Biohappiness
- Biohappiness: Designing Happy Ecosystems
- Biohappiness: Engineering Euphoria
- Biohappiness: The Genetic Foundations of Bliss
- Biohappiness: The Hedonistic Imperative
- Biohappiness: Paradise Engineering for the 21st Century
- Biohappiness: The Post-Darwinian Era
- Biohappiness: Towards A Civilized Signalling System
- Biohappiness Explosion
- Biohappiness Revolution
- Biointelligence Explosion
- Biological Superintelligence
- Biology of Bliss
- Bio-Luddites versus Genome Reformists
- Biomolecular Signature of the Divine
- Bio-Optimism
- Bio-Pleasure
- Bio-Politics
- Bio-Safety
- Biosafety, Biosecurity and Biohappiness
- Bio-Security
- Biotic Delight: Genetic Engineering for Eco-Happiness
- Bio-Utopia
- Black Chocolate
- Black Coffee
- Blissbots
- Bliss Builders
- Bliss Bunnies
- Bliss-fluencers
- Blissful Ape
- Blissful Beasts: Reengineering Human and Nonhuman Animals for Joy
- Blissful Beings: the Rise of Posthuman Euphoria
- Blissful Beings: Life in the Hedonocene
- Blissful Biodiversity: Advancing Compassionate Genetics
- Blissful Biology: the Science of Eternal Joy
- Blissful Biomes
- Blissful Biopolitics: the Governance of Genetic Utopias
- Blissful Biospheres
- Blissful Biotech
- Blissful Brain
- Blissful or Blissed Out?
- Blissful Coexistence: A Post-Predation Future
- Blissful Consciousness: The Science of Perpetual Happiness
- Blissful Ecology
- Blissful Ecosystems: Redesigning Nature for Happiness
- Blissful Evolution
- Blissful Kingdom
- Bliss-krieg
- Blissmaker's Handbook: Hacking the Biology of Happiness
- Bliss-Prints
- Bliss Buzz: the Biology of Feeling Fantastic
- Bliss by Design
- Bliss Economics: The Market of Happiness
- Bliss Equation
- Bliss-Games
- Bliss Genes
- Bliss Infinitum
- Bliss Molecules
- Bliss Overload
- Bliss Science
- Bliss Without Borders
- Blissology Bible: Neurohacking Recipes for Euphoric Living
- Blissware
- BLTC Research
- Blueprints For Bliss
- Blueprint For A Blissful Biosphere
- BNW versus HI
- Body 2.0: Radically Enhancing Form and Function
- Boundary Problem
- Braingasm
- Brave New Minds
- Brave New Worlds of Bliss
- Breeding for Bliss
- Brief History of Biohappiness
- Brief History of the Hedonocene
- Buddha Neurons
- Buddhism and Biotechnology
- Buddhism, Bentham and Biotechnology
- Buddhist Biotech
- Buddhist Ecosystems
- Buddhist Genomics
- Can Biotechnology Abolish Suffering? (pdf, Kindle)
- Carebots
- Carebots, Compassionate Biology, and a Pan-Species Welfare State
- Cartesian Theatres and Transcendental Skulls
- Celestial Biology
- Cerebral Superhappiness
- Cetacean Welfare State
- Cheering Up The Multiverse
- Chemistry of Paradisee
- Children of Utopia: Raising the Next Generation of Superhumans
- Chocolate and Cacao
- Chronicles of Paradise
- Civilizing the Cosmos
- Civilizational Hedonic Reset: Catalyzing a Cosmic Joy Revolution
- Civilizing Nature
- Cloud Nine Life
- Closed, Open and Empty Individualism
- Code Monkeys of the Late Darwinian Era
- Coffee and Tea
- Cognitive Ambrosia: Smart Drugs to Nourish a Richer Mind
- Cognitive Ecstasy
- Cognitive Enhancers: From Supplements to Super-Intelligence
- Compassionate Biology
- Compassionate Biosphere-Stewardship
- Compassionate Conservation
- Compassionate Conservation and Re-Wilding
- Compassionate Ecology
- Compassionate Genomes
- Compassionate Machines
- Confessions of a Negative Utilitarian
- Consciousness Divide: Sentient Beings and Zombie ASI
- Consciousness Fundamentalism
- Consciousness Reform
- Consciousness Remastered
- Conservation Biology in Paradise
- Conspiracy: Creating a World Where Reality Seemingly Conspires to Help You
- Cosmic Awe
- Cosmic Bliss
- Cosmic Citizenship for Nonhumans
- Cosmic Compassion
- Cosmic Hedonistic Imperative: Maximizing Joy Across the Multiverse
- Cosmic Hug Bunnies
- Cosmic Joy: Spreading Bliss Across the Universe
- Cosmic Orgasms
- Cosmic Rescue Missions
- Cosmic Roadmap for Boundless Euphoria
- Cosmic Wellbeing
- Cosmorgasm
- Could Life Have A Happy Ending?
- Countdown to Paradise
- Cracking the Hedonic Code
- Creation of Bioengineered Euphoria
- Credo
- CRISPR Babies and the Dawn of Civilization
- Critique of Brave New World
- Cryothanasia and Cryonics
- Cryonics, Cryothanasia and the Ethics of Respawning Sentient Darwinian Malware
- Crypto-Philanthropy
- Curing Hangovers of Darwinian Life
- Currencies of Bliss
- Cyborg Civilization and the Death of Mortality
- Darwinian Endgame: Suffering's Last Stand
- Darwinian Eyesores and Post-Darwinian Beauty
- Darwinian Life: The Final Century
- Darwinian Malware: Metamorphosis
- Darwinian Malware: Reprogram or Retire?
- Darwinian Hellworlds and Weapons of Mass Euphoria
- Dawn of Hedonic Civilization
- Dawn of a Pan-Species Welfare State
- The Death of Boredom
- Death Spasms of Darwinian Life
- Decoding the Biology of Sublime Experience
- Decoherence: the Mind Killer
- Deep Awe
- Deep Ecstasy
- Delightful Life
- Demi-Gods, Gods and Super-Gods: The Divine Future of Sentience
- Derealization vs Hyperrealization
- Designer Beings: The Self-Authoring Revolution
- Designer Dance Drugs
- Designer Emotions
- Designer Genomes
- Designing Angelic Minds
- Designing Bigger Here-and-Nows
- Designing Ecosystems of Joy
- Designing the Ideal Mind
- Designing the Ultimate Mind
- Designing Minds for Sustained Euphoria
- Designing Minds for Sustained Euphoria
- Designer Rapture: Creating Your Ideal State of Ecstasy
- De-Wilding Nature
- Dictionary of The Hedonistic Imperative
- Dictionary of Paradise Engineering
- Digital Minds: an Oxymoron?
- Digital Zombies and the Rise of Mindless Superintelligence
- Directed Evolution: Towards the Sublime
- Disposable World-Simulations of Darwinian Malware
- Divine Euphoria
- Divine Phenomenology
- Divine Plant
- Divine Source Code
- Dolorless Dreams
- Dopamine Daredevils: Thrill-Seekers at the Motivational Frontier
- Dopamine Supernova
- Dreaming Blissfully
- Dreamscapers: Lucid Mind Adventures in Hedonic Dreamworlds
- DSM-6
- Dukkha Destroyed: Genome Reform and the Road to Nirvana
- Early Hedonicene Life
- Earthly Paradise
- Echolocatory Superintelligence
- Ecological Reform
- Economics of Bliss
- Eco-Paradise: Veganizing the Ecosystem Through Biotechnology
- Ecstasy and Beyond
- Ecstasy Engineers
- Ecstasy Exponentials: Navigating the Accelerating Trajectories of Bliss
- Ecstasy and Honesty
- Ecstatic Computronium: Inscribing Bliss into the Fabric of Existence
- Ecstatic Destiny
- Ecstatic Ecospheres
- Ecstatic Engineering: Using Science To Sculpt the Sublime
- Ecstatic Evolution
- Ecstatic Metaphysics: the Nature of Blissful Reality
- Ecstatic Seizures and the Sublime
- Eden Plus
- Edenizing the Cosmos
- Effective Altruism 2.0
- Effective Altruism and the Biohappiness Revolution
- Effective Altruism and HI
- Effective Altruism: Longtermism and Genome Reform
- Efilism versus HI
- Egocentric Psychosis of Darwinian Malware
- Ego Dissolution in the Enraptured Mind
- Elysium Plus
- Emotional Engineering
- Emotional Reformation
- Emotional Roller Coasters in the Hedonic Himalayas
- Emotional Superhealth
- Emotional SuperIntelligence
- Empathetic Superintelligence
- Empathogens, Entactogens, Entheogens
- Encyclopaedia of The Hedonistic Imperative
- Encyclopaedia of Paradise
- Encyclopaedia of Paradise-Engineering
- Endgame Bliss
- End of Animal Agriculture
- End of Darkness
- End of Evil
- End of Malaise
- End of Melancholy: Biotech's Promise to Eradicate Sadness
- End of Negative Qualia
- End of Negative Sentience
- End of Pain
- End of Predators and Prey
- End of Predation
- End of Suffering
- Ending the Food Chain: Vegan Ethics and Transhumanist Ecology
- Endless Euphoria: Genome Reform and the Future of Sentience
- Entheogenic Superintelligence
- Engineering: a New Ethical Frontier
- Engineering the Cessation of All Ill-Being
- Engineering Utopia: The End of Negative Experience
- Engineering Utopia: the Science of Happiness
- Engines of Bliss
- Engines of Mass Euphoria
- Enhanced Ethics: the Moral Obligations of Superior Beings
- Enlightenment Engineering: Building Better Buddhas
- Enraptured Matter: Infusing Bliss into the Fabric of Existence
- Enraptured: Phenomenology of Posthuman Ecstasy
- Enriching Endogenous Opioid Function
- Entangled Minds
- Epic Happy: The Quest To End All Sadness
- Epigenomic Control of Affective States
- Epigenomic Modulation of Emotional Health
- Ersatz Intelligence
- Escaping Darwin: the Moral Imperative of Paradise Engineering
- Eternal Bliss
- Eternal Euphoria
- Eternal Ecstasy: The Path To Pepetual Pleasure
- Eternal Joy: The Science Behind Endless Bliss
- Eternal Youth
- Ethical Ecology
- Ethical Ecosystems
- Ethical Expansionism: Widening Moral Horizons to Embrace All Sentience
- Ethical Natalism
- Ethical Procreation
- Ethics After Everett: The Moral Implications of No-Collapse Quantum Mechanics
- Ethics of Blissful Ignorance: Balancing Knowledge and Well-being
- Ethics of Elation
- Ethics of Euphoria
- Ethics of Existence: Antinatalism vs Transhumanism
- Ethics of Life Manipulation: From Atoms to Ecosystems
- Ethics of Maximal Happiness for All
- Ethics of Oblivion: The Right to Forget
- Eudaimonic Engineering Manifesto
- Eugenics vs Genome Reform
- Euphoria by Design
- Euphoria Machines
- Euphoriants
- Euphoric Civilization
- Euphoric Ecology: Reprogramming Ecosystems for Joy
- Euphoric Logic: the Rationality of Ultimate Happiness
- Euphoric Makeover
- Euphoric Realism
- Euphoric Sentience : Our Ecstatic Evolutionary Future
- Euphoric Society: Visions of a Post-Suffering Civilization
- Euphorigenic Superfoods
- Everlasting Euphoria
- Everyday Psychosis of Darwinian Life
- Everything From Nothing: a Zero Ontology
- Everyone's A Winner: Hedonic Uplift
- Evil Zone: Quarantine
- Evolution of Consciousness: From Pain to Bliss
- Evolution of Matter Into Blissful Consciousness
- Evolutionary Perspectives on Pleasure
- Evolution of Pleasure
- Evolution of Qualia: From Pain to Paradise
- Existence: Why?
- Existential Bliss
- Existential Risk: NU v CU
- Exobiology and The Hedonistic Imperative
- Exorcising Darwinian Life
- Experiential Fire in the Equations
- Exploring Higher and Higher Ecstatic Plateaus
- Exponential Bliss
- Exponential Empathy
- Exploring Future Ethics
- Extreme Bliss as the Everyday Norm
- FAAH-OUT Civilization
- Fabric of Paradise
- Farewell to Sentience Pollution
- Far Future
- Fate of the Germline
- Feeling Fantastic
- Feeling Fixers
- Feeling Super-Good
- Felicitology: the Science of Profound Happiness
- Final Liberation: Ending Suffering Across the Cosmos
- Forbidden Thoughts
- Forever Stoked: Mastering Motivation
- Forever Young, Wise and Happy
- Friendbots: When AI Companions Become Sublime Super-Soulmates
- From The Anthropocene to the Hedonocene
- From Apes to Angels
- From Darkness to Bliss
- From Demonic Apes To Posthuman Smart Angels
- From Sentience to Sapience
- From Sentience to Super-Sentience
- From Pleasure Pills to Joy Genes: The Evolution of Hedonic Science
- Frontiers of Bliss
- Frontiers of Paradise: Cutting-Edge Hedonic Research
- Full-Spectrum Superhappies: Short Biographies of Joyful Prodigies
- Full-Spectrum Superintelligence
- Fundamental Question
- Future Fantastic: Exploring the Transhuman & Posthuman World
- Future Fauna: Designing Novel Creatures of Delight
- Future Feelings
- Future Food: Cell-based Meat and the End of Animal Agriculture
- Future Foods, Future Minds
- Future of Bliss
- Future of Food: Ethical Nutrition
- Future Genes
- Future Happy
- Future of Hedonic Set-Points
- Future of Love: Bioengineering Affection in a Post-Human Era
- Future Perfect
- Future Pleasure
- Future of Pleasure: Advances in Hedonic Science
- Future of Sentience Institute (FSI)
- Future of Sentience: SuperHappiness, SuperLongevity, SuperIntelligence
- Future Tripping
- Future of Well-Being
- FutureGasm
- Futurist's Guide To High-Tech Jainism
- Gene Bliss: Why Euphoric Genomics is the Future of Mood
- Gene Governance
- Gene-Hacked Uberkids of the Biohappiness Revolution
- Generation Joy
- Genes of Joy
- Genetic Altruism: Engineering Compassionate Genomes
- Genetic Emancipation: Liberating Sentient Beings from Malignant Code
- Genetically Engineered Enlightenment
- Genetically Engineered Joy
- Genetically Reprogramming Animal Minds for Gradients of Bliss
- Genetic Futures and the Path to Bliss
- Genetic Happiness
- Genetic Hedonism
- Genetic Innovation
- Genetic Interventions for Hedonic Elevation
- Genetic Liberation: Freeing Sentience From Suffering
- Genetic Longtermism
- Genetic Progress
- Genetic Reform
- Genetic Revolutions
- Genetic Utopianism
- Genohacking Buddhahood
- Genome-Editing for Mental Health
- Genome Guardians: Ethical Germline Engineering for Future Generations
- Genome Reform
- Genome Reform: The Biohappiness Revolution
- Genome Reform: A Blueprint For Eternal Bliss
- Genome Reform: Civilizing the Biosphere
- Genome Reform: The Decline and Fall of Darwinian Malware
- Genome Reform and the Molecular-Genetic Source Code of the Divine
- Genome Reform and the Post-Suffering Era
- Genome Reform: Selective Breeding Human and Non-Human Animals for Bliss
- Genome Reform: Towards Post-Darwinian Life
- Genome Reform: Transhumans, Posthumans and Demi-Gods
- Genomic Apotheosis
- Genomic Blissmakers
- Genomic Bodhisattvas: Selfless Catalysts of Cosmic Bliss
- Genomic Demigods
- Genomic Gateways to Perpetual Awe, Wonderment and Bliss
- Genomic Stewardship: Bioethics for Reprogramming Life's Source Code
- Germline Reform
- Global Hedonic Uplift
- Global Veganism
- Glossary of Hedonism
- Glossary of The Hedonistic Imperative
- Glossary of Paradise Engineering
- GMO Gardens of Unearthly Delights
- Gods of Pleasure: Reprogramming the Biosphere
- Godlike Minds
- God-Minds
- God Neurons
- God's Juice: Distilling Divinity into Consumable Ambrosia
- God's Utility Function
- Goodbye Blues
- Good-Bye Cruel World: Exit Strategies From Darwinian Purgatory
- Good Drug Guide
- Good Gene Guide
- Gooder and Gooder
- Governance of Heaven
- Gradients of Awesome: Mapping Unexplored Realms of Sublime Qualia
- Gradients of Bliss
- Gradients of Bliss in the 22nd Century
- Gradients of Bliss: Reengineering the Hedonic Treadmill
- Gradients of Delight: Mapping Landscapes of Hyper-Significance
- Gradients of Superhuman Bliss
- Gradients of Ultra-Fascination
- The Great Debugging
- The Great Retirement
- The Great Transition
- Gustatory SuperIntelligence
- Hacking the Molecular Source of Pleasure
- Happiness 2.0
- Happiness Code
- Happiness Drugs vs Genome Reform
- Happiness Forever
- Happiness Hardwired
- Happiness Olympiad
- Happiness: Our Genetic Birthright
- Happiness Revolution: How Science Can End Suffering Forever
- Happiness Toolkit
- Happy By Design: A Guide To Directed Evolution
- Happy Earth: Genetically Reprogramming Animal Consciousness
- Happy Ethics: The Moral Case for a Pain-Free World
- Happy Forever: The Science of Eternal Wellbeing
- Happy Pills or Happy Genes?
- Happy SuperBrains
- Happy Synapses: Rewiring the Brain for Eternal Happiness
- Happy Worlds
- Hard Problem of Materialist Metaphysics
- Hardcore Hedonism
- Hardwired Happiness
- Hardest Paradox
- A Head-Trip Through Boundless Realms of Ecstasy
- Healthspan Unlimited
- Healthy Futures
- Heaven+
- Heaven Bio-Engineered
- Heaven in a Petri Dish: Cultivating Eternal Bliss Through Synthetic Biology
- Heaven On Earth: A Genetic Blueprint
- Heavenly Creatures
- Heavenly Genomes
- Heavenly Genomics
- Heavenly Minds
- Heavens For All Sentients
- Hedonic Algorithms: The Science of Eternal Happiness
- The Hedonic Archipelago: Island-Hopping to Posthuman Ecstasy
- Hedonic Ascension
- Hedonic Ascent: The Future of Experience
- Hedonic Biotech
- Hedonic Citizenship: Rights, Responsibilities, and the Pursuit of Happiness
- Hedonic Computronium: Matter and Energy in the Blissful Universe
- Hedonic Cosmologies
- Hedonic Curriculum: Education for a Happier Tomorrow
- Hedonic Dreamscapes
- Hedonic Ecology
- Hedonic Ecosystems: Reprogramming the Biosphere
- Hedonic Engineering
- Hedonic Enhancement or Remediation
- Hedonic Enhancement: The Future of Consciousness
- Hedonic Equity: Towards the Wellbeing of All Sentience
- Hedonic Eugenics
- Hedonic Existentialism: Finding Meaning in a Blissful Life
- Hedonic Fast Takeoff
- Hedonic Field Theory: Unifying Principles of Wellbeing Across Reality
- Hedonic Firmware: Hardcoding Peak Experience
- Hedonic FOOM
- Hedonic Futures
- Hedonic Hacks
- Hedonic Health: Biomedical Approaches to Lifelong Happiness
- Hedonic Horizons: Mapping the Future of Feeling
- Hedonic Hotspots
- Hedonic Hyper-acceleration: Kindling a Recursive Bliss Explosion
- Hedonic Hypercomputing: Engineering Ecstasy at the Planck Scale
- Hedonic Hyperdrive
- Hedonic Hyperinflation: Saturating the Cosmos with Bliss
- Hedonic Immortals
- Hedonic Imperium
- Hedonic Inflation
- Hedonic Innovation
- Hedonic Jihad
- Hedonic Justice
- Hedonic Landscape: Challenges and Prospects of Bliss Engineering
- Hedonic Lobbying: The Hedonistic Imperative and Bliss-Oriented Democracy
- Hedonic Manifesto: Engineering Lives Worth Living
- Hedonic Medicine
- Hedonic Metamorphosis: Transitioning to a Blissful Existence
- Hedonic Mind Design
- Hedonic Mutants
- Hedonic Nanotech
- Hedonic Neuroscience: Exploring the Limits of Pleasure
- Hedonic Nutrition: Optimizing Diet for Neurochemical Bliss
- Hedonic Paradise
- Hedonic Progress
- Hedonic Range Elevation
- Hedonic Reform
- Hedonic Refusniks
- Hedonic Reset: A Paradigm Shift in Happiness
- Hedonic Revolution: Perspectives on a World Without Pain
- Hedonic Revolutions
- Hedonic Science
- Hedonic Set-Point Elevation
- Hedonic Singularity
- Hedonic State-Space Exploration: Mapping the Landscape of Bliss
- Hedonic Stratosphere
- Hedonic Supercivilization
- Hedonic Superclusters
- Hedonic Superhealth
- Hedonic Superheroes
- Hedonic Superintelligence: When AI Optimizes for Universal Wellbeing
- Hedonic Superstates: Exploring the Upper Limits of Bliss
- Hedonic Supremacy: the Moral Primacy of Blissful Consciousness
- Hedonic Sustainability: Creating a Future of Continuous Bliss
- Hedonic Terraforming
- Hedonic Theology: the Divine Pursuit of Happiness
- Hedonic Tonics
- Hedonic Transcendence: Beyond the Limits of Natural Pleasure
- Hedonic Trillionaires
- Hedonic Übermenschen
- Hedonic Uplift
- Hedonic Uplift Across The Phylogenetic Tree
- Hedonic Utopia: Critical Essays on the Future of Pleasure
- Hedonic Wonderland
- Hedonic Zero and the End of Darwinian Life
- Hedonism in Hilbert Space
- Hedonistic Cosmos
- Hedonistic Debauchery versus Pleasures of the Mind
- Hedonistic Eschatology: Ultimate Fates in a Post-Suffering Cosmos
- Hedonistic Futures
- Hedonistic Health: Lifelong Bliss as a Medical Priority
- The Hedonistic Genome: Genetic Manipulations for Universal Joy
- Hedonistic Genomes
- Hedonistic Imperative (Kindle) (2) (3)
- Hedonistic Imperative: AI Synergies with HI
- Hedonistic Imperative and Biogerontology: Extending Health-span and Joyspan
- Hedonistic Imperative: Bridging Bioethics and Biotechnology
- Hedonistic Imperative: Building Better Beings
- Hedonistic Imperative: Core Principles
- Hedonistic Imperative: Critiques and Responses
- Hedonistic Imperative and Effective Altruism
- Hedonistic Imperative and the Evolution of Happiness
- Hedonistic Imperative FAQ
- Hedonistic Imperative: Financing a Pain-Free World
- Hedonistic Imperative: From Pain to Pleasure
- Hedonistic Imperative and the Future of Consciousness
- Hedonistic Imperative: Genetic Utopia
- Hedonistic Imperative Illustrated
- Hedonistic Imperative: Neurophilosophy
- Hedonistic Imperative: Philosophical Foundations
- Hedonistic Imperative Revisited
- Hedonistic Imperative: Roadmap to Post-Human Bliss
- Hedonistic Imperative and The Scientific Counterculture
- Hedonistic Imperative and Terraforming: Creating New Worlds of Bliss
- Hedonistic Imperative: From Theory to Practice
- Hedonistic Imperative and X-Risks: Safe-Guarding Blissful Futures
- Hedonistic Machines
- Hedonistic Society: Legal and Social Frameworks for Bliss
- Hedonistic Transhumanism
- Hedonistic Wonderdrugs
- Hedonist's Guide To The Galaxy
- Hedonist's Handbook
- Hedonium
- Hedonium Shockwaves
- Hedonium Shockwaves and CU: Maximising the Abundance of Cosmic Value
- Hedonizers
- Hedonocene
- Hedonocene Aesthetics: Art, Beauty and the Sublime in a World Without Existential Angst
- Hedonocene Biospheres
- Hedonocene Civilization
- Hedonocene Consciousness
- Hedonocene Ecology
- Hedonocene Era
- Hedonocene Eschatology
- Hedonocene Explosion
- Hedonocene Genesis
- Hedonocene Hedonometry
- Hedonocene Legacy: Ensuring Bliss Across Deep Time: Safeguarding Well-Being For Our Posthuman Descendants
- Hedonocene Life
- Hedonocene Radiation
- Hedonocene Mysticism: Rapture, Nirvana and Engineered Enlightenment
- Hedonocene Superintelligence
- Hedonome
- Hedonome Project: The DNA for Everlasting Wellbeing
- Hedonome Project: Engineering a Future of Superhuman Bliss
- Hedonome Project: The Genetic Blueprint for Paradise
- Hedonomics
- Hedonosphere
- Hedweb
- Hedweb 2.0
- Hedweb Guide To Bliss
- Hedweb Handbook
- HedWeb History
- Herbivorization
- Herbivorizing the Biosphere
- Herbivorizing Carnivores
- Herbivorous Ecosystems
- Herbweb
- Heroes of the Hedonic Revolution
- HI and Effective Value
- HI and NU
- High On Life
- High Society
- Higher Education
- High-Dimensional Hedonism
- High-Dimensional SuperIntelligence
- High-Tech Jainism
- High-Tech Jainism: Towards a Pan-Species Welfare State
- Higher Ecstatic Plateaus
- Historical Amnesia
- History of the Abolitionist Project
- History of BLTC
- History of Hedonism
- Hoax: The Myth Digital Sentience
- Homo Euphoricus
- Homo Felicitas
- Homo Felicitas: The Dawn of Pain-Free Humanity
- Homo Felicitas: The Next Step In Human Evolution
- Homo Felicitas: Post-Darwinian Humans
- Homo Felicitas: The Transhumanist Vision of Paradise
- Homo Sublimus: Our Transhuman Future of Glorious Delight
- How Biotechnology Will Abolish Suffering Forever
- Human Extinction and the Birth of Civilization
- Humanity's Moral Duty: The Hedonistic Imperative
- Hyper-Cooperative Superintelligence
- Hyper-Dimensional Love
- Hyper-Drive: Supercharging Goal-Oriented Bliss
- Hyper-Ecstatic Futures
- Hyper-Empathy
- Hyper-Happiness
- Hyper-Hedonia
- Hyper-Hedonic SuperMinds
- Hypermotivation
- Hyper-Pleasure: Expanding the Limits of What Minds Can Feel
- Hyper-Significance
- Hyper-Social Superintelligence
- Hyperthymic Civilization
- Hyperthymic Civilizations and Hedonic Escape-Velocity
- HyperValue
- Ideal Experience
- Idealist Physicalism
- Immaterialist Physicalism
- The Imperative to Abolish Suffering
- Incommensurable State-Spaces of Experience
- Indefinite Biological Lifespans
- Inexistence: Pros and Cons
- Inferential Realism
- Information-Sensitive Gradients of Bliss
- Information-Theoretic View of Life in Heaven
- Infinite Bliss
- Infinite Ecstasy
- Infinite High
- Infinite Joy
- Intellect Amplification
- Intelligent Re-Design
- Interoceptive-superintelligence
- Interstellar Hedonism
- Interviews
- The Intrinsic Nature Argument
- Introspective Superintelligence
- Invincible Bliss
- Invincible Euphoria
- The Invincible Ignorance of Digital Zombies
- Invincible Well-Being
- Is Ethics Computable?
- Is Existence Inherently Experiential?
- Joymakers
- Joy Mechanics
- Joyful Genes: The Evolutionary Advantage of Engineered Happiness
- Joyful Genomics
- Joy Implants: The Coming Age of Happiness Neurochips
- Joy Revolution
- Joy Unlimited: Pushing the Limits of Pleasure
- Keys to Paradise
- Kinaesthetic Superintelligence
- Kingdom Come
- Knowledge: a Necessary Evil
- The Language of Paradise: Towards A Post-Darwinian Vocabulary
- The Last Darwinians
- The Last Discontent
- The Last Natural Human
- The Last Negative Experience
- The Last NU
- The Last Predator
- The Last Sufferer
- The Last Tear
- The Last Twisted Molecule On Earth
- The Last Ugly Experience
- The Last Vestige of Suffering: Documenting the Final Traces of Negative Experience
- Legendary Bliss: The Party That Never Ends
- LGBT++
- Legacy Genomes and the Death-Spasms of Darwinian Malware
- Legacy Wetware Reform
- Liberation Biology
- Liberation Biotech
- Life After The Egocentric Psychosis
- Life In Dopaminergic Overdrive
- Life In The Hedonocene
- Life On Earth: The Post-Suffering Era
- Life Rebooted: The Great Transition
- Life in the Year 3000
- Life in the Year 10000
- Life in the Year 100000
- Life in the Year 1000000
- Life in the Year Billion
- Life Lovers, Button Pressers and HI
- Life's Ultimate Highs
- Lifelong Ecstasy
- Lifelong Meditative Bliss
- Limitless Longevity
- Living in Paradise: Daily Life in a Post-Suffering World
- Long-acting Euphoriants
- Longtermism: the Case for Genome Reform
- Longtermism: Hedonic Uplift via Germline Engineering
- Longtermism and the Hedonistic Imperative
- Longtermism for Negative Utilitarians
- Love 3.0
- Love Amplified: Harmonizing Relationships Through Neuroscience
- The Love Code
- Loved Up Life
- Love Machines of the Fourth Millennium
- Low-Suffering Genotypes
- Low-Suffering Phenotypes
- Lucid Dreamworlds
- Lucid Dreamlife
- Lucid Living: A Life of Mindful, Self-Directed Dreaming
- Manufacturing Bliss
- Manufacturing the Substrates of Meaning
- Mass-Cloning von Neumanns
- Masters of Hilbert Space
- Materialist Metaphysics and the Growth of Scientific Ignorance
- Mathematical Foundations of Paradise Engineering
- Mathematical Physics of Sublime Emotion: Formalizing the Phenomenology of Bliss
- Mathematics of Bliss
- Mattering
- Mattering Matters: is Hedonic Existence Preferable to Inexistence?
- Maximum Blisspower
- Maximum Pleasure
- Mental Super-Health
- Merging with Euphoria: Dissolving the Ego into Sublimity
- Meta-Ethics and Dis-Value
- MetaMates: When Digital Pseudo-Minds Become Your Best Friends
- Metamorphosis of Malware: Reprogramming Darwinian Life
- Micro-, Meso- and Mega-Qualia
- Mind Melding
- Mind Melds and Mergers: The Future of Inter-Personal Connection
- Mind Menders
- Minds of Bliss
- Mindscapes of Joy
- Minds Without Misery
- The Misguided Romanticisation of Feline Psychopaths
- Modafinil vs Coffee
- Molecular Biology of Heaven on Earth
- Molecular Biology of Paradise
- Molecular Biology of True Love
- Molecular Embodiments of Value
- Molecular Ethics: The Responsibilities of Creation/A>
- Molecular Genetics of Eden
- Molecular Genetics of Universal Love
- Molecular Neurobiology of Celestial Consciousness
- Molecular Joy: the Science of Synthesizing Happiness
- Molecular Machinery of Divine Bliss
- Molecular Machinery of Magic
- Molecular Magicians
- Molecular Utopias: The Chemistry of Superhappiness
- Mood Boosters: Foods, Drugs and Lifestyles that Lift Your Spirit
- Mood Brighteners
- Mood Enhancers
- Mood Enrichers
- Mood Foods
- Mood Genes
- Mood Kitchen: Delicious Vegan Neurogastronomy
- Mood Masterclass: Crafting Your Ideal Experiential Landscape
- Moral Enhancement
- Moral Genomes
- Moral Imperative of Universal Happiness
- Moral Molecules: The Biochemistry of Ethical Behaviour
- Morphological Freedom Fighters
- Morphological Liberation
- Morphological SuperIntelligence
- Much Higher Pleasures
- Multiverse and Personal Identity
- Musical Superintelligence
- Mystic Molecules: Uncovering Nature's Strangest Psychoactives
- The Mystery of Nothing: Why Anything Exists at All
- Myth of Enduring Metaphysical Egos
- Myth of Neural Porridge
- Nanobots and a Pan-Species Welfare State
- Nanohedonic Revolution: Engineering Molecular Bliss
- Nanotechnology: Engineering a Post-Darwinian Future
- Nanotechnology and the Hedonistic Imperative
- Nano-Rapture: the Molecular Machinery of Divine Ecstasy
- Negative Utilitarian Bioethics
- Negative Utilitarian Cosmology: Minimizing Suffering Across The Multiverse
- Negative Utilitarianism: Compassion Systematized
- Negative Utilitarianism and Darwinian Life
- Negative Utilitarianism and the Hedonistic Imperative
- Negative Utilitarianism: Minimizing Pain
- Negative Utilitarianism: Theory and Practice
- Neural Networks of Nirvana: Engineering Ecstasy
- Neurobiology of Bliss
- Neurobiology of Paradise
- Neurobiology of Posthuman Emotions
- Neurobiology of Superhappiness
- Neurochemistry of Extreme Joy
- Neurochemistry of Nirvana: Mapping the Molecules of Happiness
- Neurochips
- Neuro-Divine
- Neuro-Dreamweaving
- Neuroengineering a World Without Suffering
- Neuroethics
- Neuroethics Foundation
- Neuroethics in the Post-Suffering World
- Neurohacky Vegan Snacks: Quick Brain-Boosting Delicious Treats
- Neuro-Happiness
- Neuro-Hedonism: The Science of Enhanced Bliss
- Neurological Basis of Hedonic Tone
- Neurological Nirvana
- Neurological Utopias: The Science of Brain-Based Paradise
- Neuromanticism
- Neuro-Morality
- Neuro-Paradise
- Neuropharmacology of Bliss
- Neuro-Philosophy
- Neurophysiology of Superhuman Bliss
- Neuro-Psychedelia of Post-Human Paradise
- NeuroSapiens: The Coming Transition to Wised-Up Bliss
- Neuroscience of Paradise
- Neuroscience of Pure Happiness
- Neuroscience of Nirvana
- Neuro-Singularity
- Neuro-Spirituality: Engineering Divine Experiences
- Neurotechnology and Nirvana
- Neurotechnology of Posthuman Well-Being
- Neuro-Theology: Reverse-Engineering Divine Bliss
- Neuro-Utilitarianism
- Neuro-Utopia
- New Animal Kingdom: Genetically Reprogramming Species for Joy
- New Biosphere: Post-Darwinian LIfe
- New Dimensions of Pleasure
- Nirvananomics
- Nirvanic Brains
- The Noble Genomic Path
- Nociception vs Pain: Towards a Civilized Signalling System
- Nociception Without Suffering
- No More Pain
- No Pain, More Gain: The Biohappiness Revolution
- Non-Materialist Physicalism
- Nothing Equation: Solving for Everything
- Nothing and Everything: The Duality of Existence
- Nothing Hypothesis: Why Anything Is
- Nothing Lasts Forever: Why Does Anything Exist?
- Nothing and Nowhere: The Origins of Reality
- Nothing Paradox: Why Everything Exists
- Nothing's Curse: A Zero Ontology
- Novel Kinds of Selection Pressure
- NU and the Pinprick Argument
- Nutraceuticals
- Oceans of Bliss
- Olfactory Superintelligence
- Omega Ecstasies: Mapping the Furthest Peaks of Bliss
- Omnibenevolence
- Omnicide vs HI
- Oneiric Superintelligence
- The Ontology of Paradise
- Optimal Experience: The Science of Universal Wellbeing
- Optimum Bliss
- Optimized: The Science of Better Beings
- Ordinary Waking Consciousness, Rise and Fall
- Organic Quantum Computers
- Organic VR
- Orgasmic Ecstasy and Beyond
- Orgasmic Minds
- Orgasmium
- Orgasmium Shockwaves: Saturating the Universe with Cosmic Bliss
- Overcoming Anthropocentric Bias
- Overcoming Egocentric Bias
- Overcoming Hedonic Scarcity
- Overcoming Status Quo Bias
- Owning Awesome
- Pain of Existence: Genetical Salvation
- Painfree
- Painfree Civilization
- Painless
- Painless Civilization
- Painless: the Pursuit of A World Without Suffering
- Panpsychism vs Non-Materialist Physicalism
- Pan-Sentient Welfare State
- Pan-Species Welfare State
- Paradise
- Paradise Conservation: Recoding Life for Gradients of Lifelong Bliss
- Paradise Dialogues: Debates and Discussions on Hedonic Engineering
- Paradise Engines
- Paradise Engineered: the Science of Creating Heaven on Earth
- Paradise Engineers
- Paradise Engineers: A Graphic Novel
- Paradise Engineering
- Paradise Engineering for Beginners
- Paradise Engineering: A History
- Paradise Engineering: Risks, Pitfalls and Speedbumps
- Paradise Engineering University: Redesigning Higher Education
- Paradise Enhanced
- Paradise Equation
- The Paradise Equation: Designing A Hedonic Utopia
- The Paradise Equation: The Hedonistic Imperative
- The Paradise Equation: Post-Darwinian Humans
- The Paradise Equation: Solving the Problem of Suffering
- Paradise Found: Engineering a World Based on Gradients of Bliss
- Paradise In Our Time: The End of Suffering
- Paradise Genetics
- Paradise Makers: Profiles of Pioneers in Happiness Engineering
- Paradise Planets
- Paradise Protocol: Engineering Universal Well-Being
- Paradise Shift: Adapting Society for Continuous Joy
- Paradisiacal Ecosystems
- Paradisiacal Procreation: Parenting Blissful Superbeings
- Paradisiology
- Passionate Purpose: A Hedonic Explorer's Guide to Chemically Enriching Life
- Pathways to Peak Pleasure
- Peaceable Biospheres
- Peaceable Planet: Biotechnology for a Predation-Free World
- Peak Experiences Machines
- Peak Pleasure
- Perfect Brain
- Perfect Robolovers
- Perpetual Passion
- Perpetual Pleasure
- A Pessimist's Guide to Paradise Engineering
- Pharmacological Hedonism
- Pharmacology of Paradise
- Pharma-Nirvana
- Pharmapunks
- Phenomenal Binding
- Phenomenology of Paradise
- Phenomenology of Posthuman Consciousness
- Philosophical and Scientific Foundations of Paradise Engineering
- Philosophy of Abolitionism
- Philosophy of Biohappiness
- Philosophy of The Hedonistic Imperative
- Philosophy of Paradise Engineering
- Philosophy of Superhappiness
- Philosophy of Superhuman Wellbeing
- Philosophy of Transhumanism
- Phronetic Superintelligence
- Physicalist Idealism
- Pinprick Argument
- Pitfalls and Speedbumps on the Road to Transhuman Paradise
- Planet of the Vegans
- Planned Parenthood
- Plant-Based Diets and the Slow Civilization of Killer Apes
- Playing God
- Pleasure Addicts
- Pleasure by Design
- Pleasure by Prescription: The Role of Pharmacology in Hedonic Health
- Pleasure Drugs
- Pleasure Economy
- Pleasure Engines
- Pleasure Engineering
- Pleasure Genes
- Pleasure and the Machine: AI’s Role in Crafting Future Happiness
- Pleasure Molecules
- Pleasure Palaces
- Pleasure Plasma
- Pleasure Prescription: Curing the Pain of Existence
- Pleasure Principle
- Pleasure Project
- Pleasure Pushers
- Pleasure Revolution: Transforming Consciousness
- Pleasure Sciences
- The Pleasure-Pain Axis
- The Pleasure-Superpleasure Axis
- PLUR Plus
- Politics of Pleasure
- Population Ethics, Aggregate Welfare, and the Repugnant Conclusion
- Population Ethics in Paradise
- Positive Valence Revolution: The End of Suffering
- Post-Anthropocene Life
- Post-Anthropocentric Bioethics
- Post-Darwinian Biology of Enchanted Minds
- Post-Darwinian Condition: Life After Natural Selection
- Post-Darwinian Desire: Reprogramming Motivation
- Post-Darwinian Ecosystems: Engineering Predator-Free Habitats
- Post-Darwinian Life
- Post-Darwinian Life: Beyond Natural Selection
- Post-Darwinian Life: Directed Evolution
- Post-Darwinian Life: Encoding Universal Well-Being
- Post-Darwinian Life: Engineering Eternal Bliss
- Post-Darwinian Life: From Natural Selection to Rational Design
- Post-Darwinian Life: The Future of Phenomenal Consciousness
- Post-Darwinian Life: The Hedonic Singularity
- Post-Darwinian Life: Interspecies Empathy
- Post-Darwinian Life: The Hedonistic Revolution
- Post-Darwinian Life: Re-Engineering the Hedonic Treadmill
- Post-Darwinian Life: Smart Angels and Beyond
- Post-Darwinian Life: Transcending Natural Selection
- Post-Darwinian Pleasures
- Post-Darwinian Procreation
- Post-Darwinian SuperMinds
- Post-Darwinian Transition: Civilizing the Biosphere
- Post-Galilean Science of Consciousness
- Post-Galilean Science of Mind
- Post-Gender Civilization
- Post-Hedonic Scarcity
- Posthuman Aesthetics: Beauty in a World Without Suffering
- Posthuman Compassion: Programming the Brain for Universal Love
- Posthuman Ethics
- Posthuman Hyperpleasure
- Posthuman Paradise
- Posthuman Pleasure Science
- Posthuman Psychedelia
- Posthuman Quantum Superminds and Beyond
- Post-Humanity
- Post-Materialist Science
- Post-Perceptual Consciousness
- Post-Predation Paradise: Biotechnology for Ecosystem Peace
- Post-Suffering Culture: Art, Literature, and Philosophy in a Painless World
- Post-Suffering Earth and the Dawn of Civilization
- Post-Suffering Era
- Post-Suffering Transition
- Power of Pleasure
- Powerful AI and HI
- Precision Medicine for Hedonic SuperHealth
- Predator Reformation: Rehabilitating Carnivores Through Genomics
- Predators Redeemed: Genetically Uplifting Darwinian Malware
- Prime Directive Revoked
- Prisoners of the Transcendental Skull
- Programmable Biospheres
- Project Joyblast: Your Mission Plan for Maximum Life-Awesomeness
- Proto-Hedonium
- Psychedelic Epistemology: Knowledge Through Ecstatic Experience
- Psychedelic Superintelligence
- Psychoactive Food
- Psychoactive Plants
- Psychology of Paradise
- Psychology of Perpetuity: Understanding Minds That Never End
- Psychons
- Psychon of Bliss
- Psychopharmacology of Paradise
- Psychostimulants
- Psychotic Darwinian Malware versus Posthuman Smart Angels
- Pure Bliss
- Pushbutton Pleasure
- Q and A (pdf) (epub)
- QFT, Qualia, and a Cosmic Rosetta Stone?
- Qualia Economics
- Qualia Underworlds: the Ineffable Below
- Quantum Biology
- Quantum Blissbath
- Quantum Computation in the CNS
- Quantum Computing: Gateway to the Empirical Realm
- Quantum Darwinism in the CNS
- Quantum Ethics
- Quantum Ethics: Morality in Superposition
- Quantum Library of Babel
- Quantum Minds and Classical World-Simulations
- Quantum Minds and the Empirical Realm
- Quantum Minds and Jamesian Mind Dust
- Quantum Minds, Quantum Ethics
- Quantum Multiverse Ethics
- Quantum Qualia
- Quantum Sentience: Deciphering the Language of Qualia
- Quantum Superposition: The Key To Reality?
- Quantum Supremacy of Biological Minds
- Quantum-Theoretic Foundations of Posthuman Paradise
- Quest for Eternal Bliss
- Quora Answers (2015-2024) (epub)
- Radical Empathy
- Radical Honesty
- Radical Wellness
- Raising Neohumans: Parenting in a Post-Darwinian World
- Rapture Cascade: How SuperBliss Will Consume the Cosmos
- Rapture Engineering: Blueprints for Recursive Bliss
- Rapture of Reason: Engineering Eternal Joy
- Rational Exuberance
- Rational Hedonism
- Rave New World of Ecstasy
- Realm of Nothing: Why We Exist
- Reanimaton
- Recalibrating the Hedonic Treadmill
- Recursive Bliss-Intensification
- Recursive Futures: Self-Improving Biological Intelligence
- Recursively Self-Improving Biointelligence
- Redefining the Good Life
- Redefining Reality
- Redesigning Nature for Happiness
- Redesigning Life's Core Reward Systems
- Re-encephalisation of Emotion
- Re-engineering Darwinian Malware
- Re-engineering the Reward Pathways
- Rejuvenation
- Reproductive Revolution: Blueprint for a Posthuman Society
- Reprogramming the Biosphere
- Reprogramming Pain Thresholds
- Reprogramming Predators
- Reprogramming Your Emotional Thermostat
- Repugnant Conclusion vs HI
- Reshaping Desire
- Responsible Reproduction
- Revolution in Omelas
- Revolutionising Consciousness: HI and Beyond
- Re-Wilding versus De-Wilding: Civilizing the Biosphere
- Rewired for Progress: the Post-Darwinian Transition
- Ring-Fencing the Evil Zone
- Rise and Fall of Darwinian Malware
- Roadmap to Heaven
- S-Risks and HI
- Safe Superintelligence
- Saving the World: Genome Reform and the Future of Sentience
- Schrödinger's Neurons
- Science of Bliss
- Science of Engineering Universal Well-Being
- Science and Ethics of Manufacturing Joy
- Science of Happiness
- Science of Nothing: a Zero Ontology
- Science of Posthuman Pleasure
- Science of Serenity
- Science of Soma
- Science of Sublime Experiences: Engineering Peak States
- Science of Sublime Experiences: Engineering States of Ecstasy
- Science of Sublime Sentience
- Science of Superhuman Bliss
- SCN9A: Dialling Down The Volume
- Sculpting Shockwaves of Beauty
- Secrets of the Blissmakers: Mastering the Science of Euphoria
- Seizures and the Divine
- Selection Pressure in a Post-Darwinian World
- Selective Breeding Human and Nonhuman Animals for Bliss
- Selegiline
- Semantic Nihilism, Semantic Solipsism and the Elusive Naturalization of Meaning and Reference
- Semantic Solipsism
- Semantics Naturalized
- Sentience-Friendly AI
- Sentience Liberation
- Sentience Optimized
- Sentience Spectrum
- Sentient by Design: Engineering Our Evolutionary Successors
- Sentient Malware Reform
- Serenics
- Seventh Heaven and Beyond
- Shattering the Darwinian Hedonic Ceiling
- Should We Design Our Desires?
- Skull-bound Lifers in Solitary: the Promise of Reversible Thalamic Bridges
- Smart Angels
- Smart Bliss
- Smart Drinks
- Smart Drugs
- Smart Genes
- Smart Highs
- Smart Nutrients for Enriched Minds
- Smart Snacktivism: Delicious Vegan Brain Food for a Richer Mind
- Smile Makers
- Social Media Postings
- Social Super-Intelligence
- Soma 2.0
- Somatosensory Superintelligence
- Soul-Enrichers
- Source Code of Heaven
- Source Code of Paradise
- Spiritual Biometrics: Physiological Correlates of Peak Experience
- Stairlift to Heaven
- State Spaces of the Sublime
- Stoked Singularity: When Everything Goes Deliriously, Euphorically Right
- Sublime Machines: Designing Life for Gradients of Bliss
- Sublime Minds: Bioengineering Consciousness for Enhanced Experiences
- Sublime Pleasures
- Sublime Sentience
- Substrates of Bliss
- Suffering Abolitionism
- Super-Alignment
- SuperAspergers
- SuperBabies
- SuperCarrots
- SuperConscious
- Super-Felicity: Saturating the Accessible Universe with Bliss
- SuperFriends
- SuperGenius Genomes
- SuperHappies
- SuperHappiness
- SuperHappiness 2.0
- SuperHappiness: The Future of Sentience
- SuperHappiness: Overcoming the Limits of Natural Well-Being
- SuperHappiness: Synthetic Bliss and Authentic Well-Being
- SuperHappiness: The Posthuman Condition
- SuperHappiness: The Posthuman Emotional Landscape
- Superhappiness Singularity: Triggering an Explosion of Bliss
- Superhappy Species
- SuperHealth
- SuperHeaven
- SuperHedonism
- Superhuman Athletics: Redefining the Boundaries of Euphoric Motion
- Superhuman Beauty
- Superhuman Bliss
- Superhuman Cognition
- Superhuman Comedy
- Superhuman Creativity: Birthing Ecstatic Masterworks
- Superhuman Endurance: Biohacking Energy, Drive and Motivation
- Superhuman Executive Function
- Superhuman Flourishing: Redefining Well-Being
- Superhuman Happiness
- Superhuman Highs: Peak Experiences As The Norm
- Superhuman Hyperphantasia
- Superhuman Integrity: Harmonizing Bliss with Honesty
- Superhuman Intelligence
- Superhuman Intimacy
- Superhuman Longevity
- Superhuman Music: Composing Sublime Sonic Ecstasies
- Superhuman Resilience
- Superhuman Sensations
- Superhuman Sensuality
- Superhuman Synesthesia: Merging Sensory Raptures
- Superhuman Virtue
- SuperIntelligence
- Superintelligence and the Quest for Cosmic Bliss
- Superintelligent Euphoria
- Superintelligent Uplift: Elevating All Sentient Life to Cosmic Bliss
- SuperInfants: Nurturing the Next Generation of Radiant Ubertots
- SuperKids
- SuperKindness
- SuperLiving
- SuperLongevity
- SuperLucidity
- SuperMinds
- Superminds of the Multiverse
- The Superpleasure Revolution
- SuperQualia
- SuperSavantism
- SuperSignificance
- SuperSensuality
- SuperSentience
- SuperSleep
- SuperSoma
- SuperSpirituality
- SuperThoughts
- Super-Universities: Redesigning Education for Transhuman Excellence
- SuperValue
- SuperWell
- SuperWellbeing
- SuperWisdom
- SuperWork
- Sustainable Euphoriants
- Sustainable Happiness
- Synaptic Sorcery: The Molecular Machinery of Life-Long Bliss
- Synthetic Blisscraft
- Synthetic Euphoria: The Science of Creating Joy
- Synthetic Gene Drives and Blissful Biospheres
- Synthetic Sentience
- Synthetic Souls
- Synthetic Super-Memories of the Sublime
- Systematizing Benevolence
- Tactile SuperIntelligence
- Theogenesis
- Theoretical Foundations of Paradise Engineering
- Theory and Practice of Superhuman Bliss
- Therapeutics of Hedonic Deficit Disorders
- Thinking Blissfully
- Think Drinks
- Thoughts Like Sunsets
- Topography of Paradise
- Top Ten Thousand New Emotions of Paradise
- Total Wellbeing
- Towards A Future of Eternal Delight
- Towards A Pan-Species Welfare State
- Trailblazers of the Hedonic Revolution
- Transbiology of Euphoria: Redesigning Life's Core Reward Systems
- Transcendental Hedonism: Beyond Human Happiness
- Transcending Darwinian Consciousness
- Transformative Technologies of Well-Being
- Transhumanism
- Transhumanism: Faster, Higher, Stronger, Younger, Smarter, Happier, Kinder
- Transhumanism: a History
- Transhumanism and The Hedonistic Imperative
- Transhumanism vs Bioconservatism
- Transhumanist Eugenics
- Transhuman Affection
- Transhuman Agenda
- Transhuman Axiology
- Transhuman Daydreaming
- Transhuman Ecology: Reprogramming the Biosphere
- Transhuman Empathogens: Fostering Universal Compassion
- Transhuman Extended Phenotypes
- Transhuman Genetics
- Transhuman Hedonic Adaptation
- Transhuman Hedonic Set-Points
- Transhuman Hedonic Uplift
- Transhuman Life-Coaching
- Transhuman Longevity: Escaping the Mortality Trap
- Transhuman Neurocosmetics
- Transhuman Oneironautics
- Transhuman Paradise
- Transhuman Pharmacogenomics
- Transhuman Philosophy
- Transhuman Pleasures
- Transhuman Psychedelia
- Transhuman Psychopharmacology
- Transhuman Romance
- Transhuman Self-Understanding
- Transhuman Superlovers
- Trans-Species Empathy
- Triple S Civilization
- UberHappiness
- UberIntelligence
- UberLongevity
- Uber-Nerds vs Hyper-Empaths
- Ultimate Happiness?
- The Ultimate Utilitarian: Maximising Cosmic Joy
- Ultimate Well-Being
- Ultra-Bliss
- Ultra-High-Intensity Experience
- Ultra-Parfitianism versus Metaphysical Individualism
- Unconditional Compassion
- Unimaginable Wellbeing
- Universal Bliss
- Universal Empathy
- Universal Superhappiness
- Upgrading Our Reward Circuitry
- Uplifting the Entire Tree of Life
- Upper Bounds to Zombie Intelligence
- Upper Echelons of Posthuman Heaven
- Utilitarian Bioethics
- Utilitarian Biospheres
- Utilitarianism
- Utilitarianism: CU versus NU
- Utilitarianism: Past, Present and Future
- Utilitronium Shockwaves
- Utility of Bliss
- Utopia in a Petri Dish: Engineering Happiness
- Utopia Within: The Science of Intrinsic Happiness
- Utopian Algorithms
- Utopian Bioethics
- Utopian Biology
- Utopian Biotechnology
- Utopian Genetics
- Utopian Minds
- Utopian Neurogenetics
- Utopian Neuroscience
- Utopian Pharmacology
- Utopian Pharmacology 2.0: Next-Generation Mood-Enrichers
- Utopian Pharmacopeia: Drugs of the Future
- Utopian Surgery
- Utopian Neurotechnology: Engineering Perpetual Happiness
- Utopian Wildlife: The Future of Genetically Engineered Happiness
- Valence Engineering: Optimizing Emotional States for Sublime Bliss
- Value Naturalized
- Veganic Nutrigenomics: Optimizing Plant-Based Diets for Cognitive Enhancement
- Veganizing the Biosphere: Towards a Pan-Species Welfare State
- Veganizing the Biosphere: Reprogramming Predators for Peace
- The Vegan Brain
- The Vegan Future
- Veganization of the Biosphere
- Veganization of Carnivores
- Veganization of Humanity
- The Vegan Mind
- Veganomics: The Ethics and Economics of a Cruelty-Free World
- Vegan Superhero Fuel
- Virtual Worlds, Real Ethics
- Virtue of Pleasure
- Virtuous Genomes and Transhuman Behavioural Phenotypes
- Visual Superintelligence
- Vulgar Darwinian versus the Sublime Language of Paradise
- The Watershed
- Wavefunction Monism and Monistic Idealism
- Weapons of Mass Euphoria
- Welfare State for Elephants
- Welfare State for Rabbits
- Well-Being Singularity: Transcending Natural Selection
- WellBeing Warriors
- WellBeing Warriors: the Crusade for Universal Bliss
- What Accounts For The Existence Of Anything At All?
- What Is Information?
- What Is It Like To Be A Philosopher?
- Why Are We Here?
- Why Does Anything Exist? (epub)
- Why Does Reality Exist At All?
- Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?
- Why Is There A Universe At All?
- Wired for Bliss: The Future of Conscious Evolution
- Wired for Bliss: Reprogramming Your Genes for Happiness
- Wired Society
- Wireheading and Beyond
- Wireheading for the Win
- Wireheading vs Gradients of Bliss
- WonderKids: Parenting the Joyous Superbeings of Tomorrow
- Wonder-States
- World Reborn
- World Remade: The Hedonistic Imperative Realized
- The World's Happiest Mind
- The World Happiness Olympiad
- The World's Last Disturbing Thought
- The World's Last Unpleasant Experience
- World Peace and Herbivorization
- The World Transhumanist Association (H+)
- X-Risks
- X-Risks, S-Risks and Hedonic Genome Reform
- Xeno-bliss Landscapes: Architect Designs for Alien Raptures
- Xenohedonia: Exploring Alien Pleasures
- You 2.0: Upgrading Your Mind for Lifelong Euphoria
- Yesterday's Pleasures
- Your Body, Your Code
- Youthspan Unlimited
- Zero Ontology
- Zero Pain
- Zero Suffering Ethics: The Moral Imperative of Paradise Engineering
- Zero Suffering: The Next Step in Evolution
- Zombie AI
- Zombie ASI: the Ghost in the Code
- Zombie LLMs vs Sentient Stochastic Parrots
- Zombie Superintelligence
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dave@hedweb.comSentience Research (2019)
What's it like to be a Philosopher? (2022)
DP Interview
Future Opioids
Utopian Surgery
Wirehead Hedonism
Social Media (2025)
Paradise Engineering
Utopian Neuroscience
The Abolitionist Project
Quotations on Suffering
Superintelligence (2013)
Quora Answers (2015-25)
Reprogramming Predators
The Reproductive Revolution
MDMA: Utopian Pharmacology
Transhumans and Transhumanists
Critique of Huxley's Brave New World
Gene Drives and a Happy Biosphere (2016)Why Does Anything Exist? and 500+ Answers to Other Mysteries
by David Pearce
pdf & epub & Kindle (2024)